Cruel Kings by Skye Knight



My boneless body was sprawled on the couch, my nakedness covered with my gown thrown over me. Corey and Caleb stuffed themselves with appetizers they’d smuggled from the banquet room and drank more champagne.

The darkened interiors behind the tapestry felt like a different world. It was warm and cozy, making me snuggle up against the couch. The party happening outside was nice but I preferred staying here.

Corey and Caleb muttered in low voices but I was so relaxed, I didn’t even care to listen to them. Just as my eyes were beginning to close, the stiff sound of rustling fabric jerked me out of my doze.

I bolted, sitting straight, clutching my dress to my chest. My heart pounded heavily and it took me a few seconds to see who’d infiltrated our little bubble.

“Relax, babe,” said Caleb. “It’s Noah.”

Noah towered over us, his sharp gaze taking in the scene.

“I was gone for half an hour and this is what you guys get up to,” he said, his face a mask of annoyance.

“I don’t want to be a part of what you’re doing,” Corey said in a grave tone. “Caleb doesn’t think it’s right either.”

“It’s already done,” said Noah. “I never stopped you two from doing what you wanted, so stop poking your nose in my business.”

“What are you guys talking about?” I asked, realizing how the atmosphere changed. They were clearly arguing over something. For the first time, I wasn’t the focus of their anger and resentment.

“Get her dressed and come out,” Noah said in an authoritative.

“Stop bossing us around,” Corey muttered.

“They’re about to make an announcement,” Noah said in a grim tone. “You idiots know nothing. Dad’s already looking for you two and her mother’s probably searching for her. Get out there before they come looking in here.”

“Fuck,” Caleb mumbled. “I was just settling in.”

Noah’s eyebrows rose high on his forehead. “Get moving.”

With that, he stalked out of the enclosed space.

“He needs to get that stick out of his butt,” Corey mumbled. Getting to his feet, he stretched his arms out. “Come on, princess. It’s time to go back.”

I didn’t want to get up but the threat of being found here with them was too much for me to ignore. Slowly getting to my feet, I stepped into the dress and let Caleb zip me up.

“Here, you go,” said Corey, handing me my panties.

I grabbed some tissues from a box sitting on the window sill and turned around to clean up my pussy and thighs. The big, puffy skirt of my dress allowed me a little privacy but I hurried just the same.

Pulling up my panties, I turned around to face Corey and Caleb.

“Come here,” said Corey. “We need to fix your hair.”

“I’ll keep my hair open,” I said, raking fingers through the thick, long strands of my hair. “There’s no way any of us can make up a bun.”

“Don’t underestimate us, lost girl,” Caleb said in a husky voice that made my pussy throb again. “Just get over here.” Grabbing my shoulders, he turned me around.

To my surprise, I felt the teeth of a comb dipping into my hair. Caleb was astonishingly gentle, taking his time to remove the tangles.

“Part this section,” I heard Corey say. “Yeah, right there.”

I had no idea what they were doing. They mumbled to each other while handling my hair. At times, I felt the push of a clip slide against my scalp.

After about ten minutes, I felt them moving away.

“Are you guys done?” I asked.

“Yeah,” said Corey. “Take a look. Tell me you don’t like this style better.” Coming before me, he snapped a photo with his cell phone and showed me the screen.

“Wow,” I said, staring at my neatly done hair.

“Let’s show you how it looks from the back,” said Corey, grabbing the phone back. I heard the click of his camera go off. “Look.”

I took his phone and stared down at the screen. The style of the bun was different from before but was it was beautifully done.

“Where did you guys learn this?” I asked, staring at them.

“We liked brushing our mom’s hair,” said Caleb. “She liked getting her hair set in different styles, so we learned some techniques from the salon lady to surprise her.”

My expression turned somber. I could tell they had a very close relationship with their mother. How did their love turn into so much rage and hatred for their dad?

I kept getting peeks of their true personalities but it was hard to remember their sweet side when they ganged up on me. A small sigh escaped me.

“I’ll walk out first,” I said, holding the skirt of my dress and slipping my feet into those torturous stilettos. “Maybe we can dance later?”

Caleb and Corey’s expressions turned regretful.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to,” I said quickly, feeling a twinge in my heart. “I guess it’s better no one sees what we have between us.”

“Milla...” Corey almost sighed.

“I’ll see you guys out there,” I said, forcing a smile. Picking up my skirts, I turned around and walked out from behind the tapestry.

After spending so much time in the dim space, my eyes were nearly blinded by the bright lights shining from the overhead chandeliers. In the far distance, I found Mom searching for someone while Brian stood on the stage with Noah.

The band was no longer playing and the vast room echoed with the buzz of the crowd’s chatter.

I looked toward my mom and suddenly, our gazes met. Relief spread through her face at once.

Wading through the crowd, she reached me.

“Where have you been?” she asked, looking worried. “I’ve been looking everywhere. Even your friends didn’t know where you went.”

“I was in the bathroom,” I lied. “I think I ate a bad shrimp or something.”

“Oh no. Are you okay, honey?”

“Yeah. Don’t worry about it,” I said bracingly. “Why were you looking for me? Is everything okay with you? Are you feeling ill?”

She shook her head and smiled. “I’ve never felt better. Brian wants to make an announcement and he wants the whole family present.” Her gaze moved away from my face for a moment. “Corey and Caleb are moving toward the stage. Come on, now. Let’s go.”

I let her grab my hand and lead me toward the stage.

Brian looked relieved when he saw me with Mom. He gave a nod toward Noah.

Taking the cue, Noah walked down the stage and came to stand with his brothers.

Brian stepped up to the standing mic on the stage. “My dear guests,” he announced, his voice booming around the hall. “Thank you for joining me in celebrating my family.”

Claps erupted all around us.

“Eva, love, come up,” he said, extending his hand toward her. His handsome face was lit up with such an intense emotion, the women in the crowd sighed audibly.

I clapped with everyone as Mom stepped up on the stage to join her husband. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I’d never cried from happiness before. If there was no one around, I’d have probably brawled like a baby.

“I’m blessed to have Eva in my life,” Brian announced proudly. “She’s the love of my life and I finally get to call her my wife.” Pulling her close, he captured her lips.

Mom’s face was bright pink despite the makeup on her face. I giggled, enjoying the happiness and shyness on her pretty face.

“I’m stealing her away tonight,” said Brian, gazing down at me directly. “I’m kidnapping your Mom and taking her away to Switzerland for our honeymoon.”

My lips fell apart. Mom always wanted to go to Switzerland for a visit but of course, could never afford the trip.

I felt my eyes pricking with tears again. Brian was the most thoughtful man on the planet! No one could love anyone the way he loved my mom.

The crowd cheered and clapped again.

Brian stole a kiss from her and wrapped his arm around her waist, leading her down from the stage. “Enjoy everyone,” he shouted and waved.

Brian and Mom hurried out of the hall as people shouted their congratulations. I tried to go after them but the crowd proved to be an obstacle.

By the time, I was able to get out of the hall, Mom and Brian had disappeared. Seeing a familiar maid walking by, I stopped her.

“Where’s Brian?” I asked.

“He and your mother left a few minutes ago,” said the middle-aged woman in the neat black uniform. “You just missed them.”


“The master planned this ahead,” she said with a soft smile. “Mrs. Amhurst received a shock and a surprise tonight.”

“I know,” I breathed.

She gave a nod and hurried away.

Taking a deep breath, I walked back inside the reception hall. The crowd was spread around the stage, looking up at the new speakers.

Noah stood in the center, gazing at the people before him with an imposing air. Caleb and Corey flanked his sides, staying a few feet behind him.

For a moment, Noah’s gaze met mine. Even through the distance between us, I noticed a familiar cruel smirk lifting the corner of his luscious lips.

“There’s my sister,” he announced to the crowd. “Dad forgot to mention he inherited a whore of a daughter when he married his bride. Please, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome our dear sister, Camilla Brown Amhurst!”

I froze.

“There she is,” Noah said loudly, his cruel voice echoing around the room.

“The girl in the black dress looking like a wannabe Goth girl.”

My heart pounded in my chest as I felt everyone’s gaze on me. What was Noah doing? Why was he putting me on the spot like this? What would he gain from this?

My fingers clutched my skirt. I wanted to run away and hide in my room.

The idea took root in my mind immediately.

I turned around but suddenly, a wall of young men appeared in my way.

“You can’t run, Camilla,” Noah’s voice called from behind me. “Come up here, sister! Let everyone take a good look at you.”

“Get up there, bitch,” one of the young men said in a threatening tone. “You’re not getting out without Noah’s permission.”

“Please...” I looked at the guys blocking my way pleadingly but they stared back with cold, unfeeling eyes.

“It’ll be worse if I have to repeat myself,” Noah’s soft voice echoed all around me. “Don’t test me, Camilla.”

My whole body trembled at the way he said my name. Waves of cold shuddered through me. He was going to hurt me and this time, it was going to be a public humiliation.

A crack appeared in my heart.

I knew why Noah was doing this.

His father declared Mom as the love of his life, and he was going to make me pay for their happiness.

My throat felt choked and I nearly fell apart.

Mom didn’t sacrifice her life to raise a coward, my mind suddenly whispered. I grabbed onto that thought with everything I had.

Fisting my hands tightly, I swallowed my fear and turned around to face Noah. I looked straight at him, meeting his gaze without flinching.

Straightening my back, I held my head high. He was going to hurt me and humiliate me, but I wouldn’t walk to the gallows looking like a cowardly, weak woman.

I strode forward.

The crowd parted to let me walk without stopping. Everyone stared at me but I kept my gaze fixed on Noah.

I moved up the stage and came to stand beside him.

It was odd how we both commanded the attention of the people in the room. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the drama to begin.

“Let it go, Noah,” I heard Corey’s low voice.

“You don’t have to do this,” said Caleb in a grim tone.

I looked over at them, realizing that they already knew what Noah was planning to do tonight. This explained why they kept me distracted the whole evening.

“Here’s Camilla Brown,” Noah announced, ignoring his brothers completely. “My non-biological but very legal sister.” Glancing at me, he added, “Why don’t you come up here and tell everyone how you and your mom ensnared our father? Tell all the young ladies how they can land themselves a billionaire man too.”

Shifting away, he gestured to the standing mic.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward.

“This is all a misunderstanding,” I said. My voice echoed around the room. I swallowed the choke in my throat, determined not to let anyone detect a hint of fear or shame in it.

“Noah is usually so smart but he’s wrong about this one thing,” I said. “If you guys want to know how my mom won over Brian, I’ll tell you. They’ve been in a loving relationship for eight years. Neither of them is an impulsive kid. They worked and sacrificed for their relationship. You don’t form a bond like that in a couple of days.”

“You’re a lying whore!” someone shouted from the crowd.

“You’re sleeping with their dad,” a second person jeered. “Admit it! Brian Amhurst is fucking both you and your mom.”

“That’s not true!” I screamed. “Say whatever you want to say about me, but keep Brian and my mom out of –”

My words were cut off by the splash of something cold and slimy pouring on me from the ceiling.

A reeking stench wafted in my nostrils, making me gag. I raised my hand, staring at the way it was painted in a dark red gooey liquid.

Jeers, boos, and wild, raucous laughter rang out in the room.

I blinked, feeling the repulsive blood-like liquid pouring down my head and onto my lashes, cheeks, and lips. Blood-like? From the way I was reeking, it had to be blood of some kind.

Within seconds, my dress was soaked.

Blood pounded in my ears so hard, I could barely hear what the crowd was mouthing at me. Most of the people gathered here tonight were past their fifties, and yet, they were enjoying my humiliation.

No one came forward to help me or put a stop to this.

Noah pulled a “Carrie” on me. I wished I had the mental powers to actually do something about what he was putting me through.

Cold dampness spread along my skin. The impulse to retch and heave was overwhelming. Yet, I stood frozen on the stage, unable to move a muscle.

“Milla...Milla...” a familiar voice chanted my name.

I slowly turned around, coming face to face with Luke.

“Snap out of it,” he commanded in a loud voice.

I blinked, still dazed.

“We’ve got to get her out of here,” said a female voice this time.

I turned toward the direction of the voice.

Julie looked utterly horrified. Wyatt stood next to her, his face pale and anxious.

I felt someone throw a warm coat around my shoulders.

“Come on,” said Luke, wrapping an arm around my waist. “We’re going.”

Wyatt and Julie surrounded me, using their bodies to shield me from the crowd that was still laughing, jeering, and calling me whore.

“Faster,” I heard Luke’s grim voice. “She’s not breathing.”

I wasn’t?

Was that the reason I was wheezing and feeling like my chest was about to burst open from an internal pressure?

I tried to breathe but the stench wafting from my clothes and skin made me stop attempting it.

“She’s about to pass out,” Julie’s concerned voice sounded next to me. “Shit.”

Black shadows crept along the edges of my vision. I closed my eyes, willing the darkness to drown me.