Cruel Kings by Skye Knight



The smell of coffee hung in the air as I stepped out of the shower. My gaze fell on the figure with bright purple hair hunched over the kitchen counter.

“Kendra!” I nearly cried out. “You’re back.”

Kendra raised heavily made-up eyes at me and yawned broadly. “Been a while, Milla,” she said, yawning again.

“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”

She chuckled and took a deep swig of her coffee. “I know. Is that the reason you’ve been getting into all kinds of trouble lately? Did your mom seriously marry some rich hunk and left you to deal with his sons?”

“So, you saw the video,” I said, feeling my enthusiasm at seeing my roommate wither and die.

“Who hasn’t?” she said through a mouthful of bagel. Swallowing thickly, she fixed me with a worried look. “I knew your mom was seeing someone but you didn’t tell me she got married. When did it all happen?”

Toweling my hair, I sat down before her. “Everything happened too fast.”

“No shit,” said Kendra gravely. “Your mom got married and got you chained to three stepbrothers who hate your guts. Anyway, are you going to school today?”

“Honestly? I don’t want to,” I said. “But how long can I stay away when every lecturer is discussing topics that are important for the finals. I need to work too. There are only so many days someone can cover my shift.”

“Getting a loaded stepdaddy didn’t do you any favors, huh?”

“No,” I said with a sigh. I wanted to say Brian would make a great dad but stayed quiet. It would take too much time and energy to explain my complicated situation to her.

“Girls like us can’t hide, can we?” Kendra said with a wry smile. The poor thing looked exhausted despite her brightly dyed hair and thick makeup. She was gulping down coffee so she could attend classes after a night of DJ’ing at a local bar. She’d get to sleep only in the afternoon.

“We keep fighting,” I said, raising my fist, feigning braveness.

“Here,” she said, pulling up a brown bag. “There are some amazing meatball subs inside. Someone left them at the bar last night.” She giggled. “Now, it’s ours.”

I laughed. This wasn’t the first time she’d brought back food that was left behind by some drunk dude.

“Thanks,” I said, eagerly taking a peek inside the bag. There were four thick rolls wrapped in aluminum foil. The smell of sauce and spices wafted into my nostrils despite the food being completely cold.

“Smells promising,” I said.

“Have two if you want,” she said, getting to her feet. “I’m going to go take a shower now.”

“Thank you,” I said in a sing-song voice.

I couldn’t believe I was smiling at Kendra’s spoils from the bar. It was amazing how kids like us could instantly cheer up at the sight of free food.

Money can’t buy happiness but free food sure could.

Grinning to myself, I unwrapped the foils from two sandwich rolls and placed them on a plate. My lips curved at the sight of the fat, loaded subs.

Opening the microwave, I pushed the plate in and left it to heat up.

Luckily, I didn’t have a morning class today. I could stay in and revise some topics until ten A.M.

The microwave beeped.

Opening it, I carefully grabbed the hot plate with a cloth napkin and carried it to my room. I studied while the sandwiches slowly cooled, filling my room with the heavenly scent of meat, sauce, and cheese.


I walked through the tree-lined avenue leading toward my first class of the day. A baseball cap and the hood of my jacket kept my face shielded from the people walking around me.

So far, no one jeered or shouted an insult at me.

Feeling more hopeful, I safely made it to my classroom.

I hung around in the corridor for a few minutes after the lecturer went in. This gave me another layer of protection from the nasty ones who were waiting for me to go in. None of them would risk calling me names with the professor in the room.

Several gazes fell on me as I walked into the classroom. The lecturer frowned, but I could deal with his annoyance.

Spotting Luke and Wyatt in one of the middle rows, I moved forward. They’d left a chair vacant between them. Feeling relieved, I took my seat.

Throughout the lesson, I was hit by crumpled balls of paper, but I didn’t let them get to me. After all, they were just pieces of paper that didn’t hurt me.

I focused on the class, making notes of all the topics the lecturer discussed.

“I’m proud of you,” said Wyatt as we walked out of the classroom an hour later. “Anyone else would have stayed home.”

“I’m not letting these assholes ruin my life,” I said through clenched teeth. I’ve already let Noah, Corey, and Caleb fuck me up enough, I thought silently.

People shouted and jeered as we passed through the hallways. The intensity of their mockery seemed to have reduced by a fraction but it may have been due to Luke’s presence at my side.

“Did you check your emails today?” said Luke as we walked into a classroom. His gaze was still fixed on the screen of his phone. “Professor Lawson and Colton won’t be conducting any more classes.”

“Really?” Wyatt asked, pulling out his phone.

I peered over his shoulder and glanced at the email.

“That’s such a relief,” I said with a hopeful grin. “This means we won’t have any afternoon classes today and the next two days.”

“Yeah,” Luke agreed. “I need to sit down and go through some study materials. I feel like I know nothing.”

“Ugh! I hate talking about exams,” Wyatt moaned as he sat down at a desk in the front row. “It completely freaks me out.”

“You always do well,” I said with a smile.

“This is different,” he groaned, pulling at his beanie hat. “These are the finals. My whole future depends on this.”

I sighed internally. Wyatt always did this. He stressed himself out before every quiz and exam. I let him be, knowing nothing I said would calm him.

“You don’t look worried at all,” Luke said with a smirk. “Wish I was as confident as you.”

“I thought you’d be working for your family. Grades shouldn’t matter to you.”

“My father expects perfection,” Luke replied with a dark look in his eyes. “He doesn’t like anyone beating him or his son. I have to do my best even though I’ll be inheriting everything he has.”

“You’re smart,” I said sincerely. “You’ll do great.”

“You think so?”

“We’ve been working for the past few months now,” I said. “You’re good with math and programming. As long as you read up on the theories, you’ll do great in the written exams.”

A shadow suddenly loomed over me.

Looking up, I stared up into Noah's cold gray eyes.

“Want something, Amhurst?” Luke asked in a cool tone.

Noah’s gaze slid toward him. “I’d watch my back if I were you.”

Anger flashed through me at once. How dare he threaten my friend? Did he think he could bully them just because he could do that to me?

“You should watch yours,” I hissed. “I might just make all your predictions about me come true.”

Noah turned his attention on me. For a moment, his gaze strayed over to my right hand.

I pulled at the sleeve of my jacket, determined not to let him see the untidily wrapped bandage on my hand and wrist. Seeing it would only make him happier.

“You should think about the company you keep,” Noah said in a grim tone.

I scoffed, flipping him a bird. That was the only reply I had for his stupid comment.

He glowered at me.

“Settle down,” a different voice called out. The lecturer was already standing behind his desk.

Noah threw me one last glare before moving away.

I took in a deep breath and focused on the slide the lecturer projected onto the board. There was just one more class to attend and I’d be done for the day.

I was glad I didn’t stay holed up in my room. Now that I was here, I could spend the rest of the day at the library and revise. That was one place no one would dare cause trouble.

Feeling better than before, I started taking notes.


I rubbed my tired, itchy eyes and glanced at the clock in the corner of my laptop. “Whoa,” I gasped softly, realizing it was close to ten P.M.

Leaning against the chair, I looked over the stack of notebooks before me and smiled. Staying in the library since noon had been both peaceful and productive.

I ate lunch in the downstairs café and carried cups of coffee to my table upstairs any time I needed an extra boost of caffeine. Even though I was tired and my back ached, I felt happy.

The vast study hall only had a few students left now.

Donning my jacket, I pulled the hood low and started gathering my books. There were no early morning classes tomorrow, so I was hoping to eat a late dinner and catch a movie before going to bed.

It had been an amazing day compared to yesterday. If more professors gave up taking classes during the last week of the semester, I’d have more time to spend on revisions.

I walked out of the library and looked out at the well-lit campus. The place looked deserted at this time of night.

A chilly breeze blew by, playing with the loose strands on my forehead, as I walked down the path to reach the main street on the other side of the building.

A slight sound of someone sniggering came from behind me.

I turned around, but the path behind me was deserted.

Wondering if I imagined it, I started walking again.

The sound of scuffling shoes made me halt. Turning around, my gaze searched the shadows under the trees lining the road. There was no way I imagined someone creeping up behind me this time.

An uncomfortable feeling took hold of me. Was someone following me? I’d walked these deserted paths late at night plenty of times before. Since it was part of the university campus, it’d always felt safe.

Now, I wasn’t so sure.

“Hello?” I called out uncertainly.

There was no reply. A part of me felt foolish for talking to thin air but I was definitely not alone.

I need to get out of here quickly, I decided. Pulling the strap of my backpack higher on my shoulder, I started walking at a brisk pace. It wouldn’t be so bad once I got onto the main street. I just had to get out of this deserted patch.

Loud laughter followed me as I jogged forward. I didn’t need to turn back to see I was being followed by more than one guy. Their deep, amused chuckles grated on my every nerve as I hurried to get away from them.

“Enough, sweet pea,” a voice roared from behind me. “Stop running. We’re not going to hurt you.”

His statement was followed by loud, jeering laughter.

“Stop, Camilla,” another voice called out. “We’ll make it worth your time.”

Cold dread filled my insides, choking me with fear.

I wound the straps of my backpack onto my shoulders, preparing to make a run. However, before I could take another step, I felt someone grab the back of my jacket.

I cried out as I was forced to stumble backward.

“Easy now,” said another voice.

Turning around, I finally saw my stalkers. There were three guys, all wearing lettermen jackets with the university’s varsity logos.

Among them, I recognized the guy who stood closest to me. He was the same person who spilled hot coffee on my hand yesterday. His eyes glittered in the dark as he smirked at me.

“Recognize me, babe?” he said with a lewd grin.

“Let go of me,” I hissed, pushing him off me but two other guys formed a wall behind me.

“Why’re you resisting us?” the first guy asked. “I told you I’m an Elite. We’re rich. We’ll pay you well to suck on our cocks too.” He smiled, his eyes shining darkly. “Just play nice with us.”

My heart pounded in my chest. I knew what they wanted from me. Sweet talking me with the promise of money was just a ploy to get me to let my guard down.

“I’m not interested,” I said, taking a step away from him. My back collided with two hard chests at the same time.

Two pairs of arms forcibly pulled my backpack off my shoulders.

“I like how young she looks despite being a senior,” one of the guys said from behind me. “Fucking her will be as good as fucking a high school kid.”

“Let me go or you guys will regret it,” I said through clenched teeth. Showing fear was never the way to deal with bullies.

To my dismay, I was met with amused chuckles. They caged me between their bodies, leaving me no escape.

“Hold her, Jason,” said one of the guys from behind me.

Jason captured my wrists firmly, making the burn wound on my right hand flare up.

“Stop this!” I cried out while two pairs of hands groped my breasts.

“Mike, get her clothes off,” Jason instructed, gripping my wrists so hard I felt my bones grinding against each other.

“No!” I gasped as they forced my jacket off. “Stop this. Please!”

“Make her kneel,” Jason commanded, his voice heavy with need. “I want her lips wrapped around my dick.

Jason’s friends pushed down my shoulders, forcing me to kneel before him.

“Let’s get her top off,” I heard another guy say.

“No!” I shouted at once.

Jason grabbed my hair and pulled hard, forcing my head backward.

“Please, no,” I sobbed. “Please don’t.”

Tears ran down my cheeks but the strong hands holding me down didn’t loosen their steely grips on my shoulders. Jason stared down at me with a hungry look in his eyes.

“Do what we tell you to and we’ll go easy on you,” Jason said in a thick voice. “If you bite or fight back, we will hurt you. Either way, you’re going to be our bitch tonight.”

Tears ran down my cheeks. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.

The sound of tearing fabrics was loud in my ears. Cold hands ripped off my bra straps. My tears made everything before my eyes go hazy. I wished my mind would switch off too so I wouldn’t have to feel the punishing pain and humiliation waiting for me.

“Stop crying, bitch,” someone shouted. “You’re ruining the mood.”

“Please, let me go,” I begged. Forced to kneel between three tall, hulking guys made me feel small and vulnerable.

I’d somehow been able to live through what Noah, Caleb, and Corey did to me, but I’d never survive if these guys assaulted and raped me.

“Oi! What’s happening over there?” A strangely familiar voice called out in the distance.

A hand clamped over my mouth before I could make a single noise.

“Mind your own business,” Jason said in a low voice. “It’s got nothing to do with you guys.”

“What do you think they’re doing, Cal?” I heard another familiar voice. “Should we ask the girl if she’s cool with this?”

My heart stuttered to a stop and then, started hammering hard again. I recognized Corey’s voice.

Getting to my feet, I fought hard against my captors. Corey and Caleb had to know it was me. They were my only hope of escaping these vile young men.

“Settle down!” Jason hissed.

“Be quiet!” Mike warned.

Jason and his friends hissed and threatened to keep me quiet but I was making as much sound as possible through the hand pressed to my mouth.

“Do you have to do this sort of shit to get laid?” I heard Corey’s mocking voice coming closer. “I thought you jocks always had enough pussy to go around.”

“Maybe that’s the problem,” Caleb’s voice sounded next. “They don’t like it when they come by too easy. Oi, Jackson! Is that why you’re raping some poor kid in the dark?”

Suddenly, two dark shadows fell over me. I blinked through my tears and saw their faces.

Shock and recognition settled into their identical emerald-green eyes as they looked at me. My tattered shirt was barely hanging onto my shoulders now. Jason and his friends already pulled my bra away.

“Milla...” My name was a shocked whisper on Corey’s lips.

I replied with a loud sob.

“What the fuck?” Caleb growled, striding toward me and roughly catching my chin between his thumb and fingers. “Was it them? Did they hurt you?”

Another sob escaped me as I nodded.

“Fuck!” Corey muttered. He shirked off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders.

“Hey, guys, look,” Jason said in a bracing tone. “Come on. Don’t ruin the party for us. You guys can join in if you want.”

“Or maybe they’re already bored of her,” Jason’s friend said with a snigger. “They probably feast on those boobs every night.”

“Are you?” Jason asked, looking over at Corey and Caleb. “She looks so naïve and innocent. Did you guys already break her between you three? Tell me. Was she tight? I bet she was tight as f—”

His words were cut off by the punch Caleb threw at his face.

Jason stumbled back but his friends stepped forward.

I watched them fearfully as they prepared to start fighting. Jason and his friends were tall, bulky jocks. Caleb was a match for them but only if they fought one-on-one.

“You should help him,” I said in a small voice.

“He’ll be fine,” Corey said nonchalantly. “Here, take my t-shirt.” He pulled his shirt over his head and handed it to me.

I got rid of my torn top and wore Corey’s shirt. The warmth clinging to the material felt exceptionally good against my skin.

“You’re shaking,” Corey said in an upset tone. He took his jacket, draped it around me, and hugged me tightly.

Tears slid down my cheeks and suddenly I couldn’t stop the sobs wracking through me.

“You’re safe, Milla,” Corey said in a gentle voice. “You’re okay now.”

My fingers clutched onto his vest, wishing he’d keep holding me.

“Look at those morons,” Corey said with a scoff. “You don’t have to be scared of them.” He turned us around so we could watch the fight happening only a few feet away.

Jason was already on the ground, clutching his knee. The other two were throwing kicks and punches wherever they could but kept getting hit instead because Caleb was faster and more focused. He moved like a pro, easily ducking their moves even though he was fighting against two.

“See?” Corey said with a chuckle. “They’re lame.”

I held him tightly. Fear still flowed like icy water through my veins, chilling me from deep within. I came way too close to being gang-raped by these guys tonight.

Jason’s friends joined him on the ground. They groaned, clutching their stomachs and ribs.

Caleb walked toward a bush and came back with a thick twig that could’ve come from a fallen branch.

“What’s he doing?” I asked as Caleb moved toward Jason.

“He’s not done,” said Corey. Even at this moment, I couldn’t help but be surprised by how much he knew what was going inside his twin’s mind.

Caleb thrashed the three guys with the thick wooden twig. They screamed and begged for him to stop but he kept going.

“Don’t. Ever. Mess. With. Her.” Caleb spoke each word loudly and clearly. He was panting heavily but kept thrashing the squirming men on the ground.

“We’ll cut off your dicks if you do this to any other girl,” Corey shouted from beside me.

Caleb halted, his blazing eyes finally falling on me.

I looked away, burying my head in Corey’s chest.

“Is she hurt?” Caleb asked. His voice sounded closer.

“They roughed her up pretty badly,” Corey answered in a worried tone. “She won’t let go of me. Have you ever seen Milla cling to me like this? She’s shaking and sobbing.”

“I’m going to kill them.” There was pure conviction in his voice.

“Forget about them,” said Corey. “We should take her home.”

“I’m not going there,” I mumbled at once.

Corey sighed. “We’ll take you to your shitty apartment. Happy now?”

I gave a nod, still keeping my face buried in his chest.

“How are you going to walk like this?” Corey asked me in an exasperated tone. “Just let go for now. Okay? We can hold hands while walking.”

Corey spoke to me in a gentle tone. Still, I couldn’t stop my body from shivering uncontrollably. Only holding onto him gave me some reprieve from the cold and the fear still choking me.

I felt a different touch on my wrist.

“Come to me, Milla,” said Caleb.

His body was already pressing against me from behind. I turned a little and looked up into his handsome face.

“You’re safe with us,” said Caleb. His gaze was grim and something in the intensity of his voice made my heart pound with a different emotion.

With a sudden move, he bent slightly and swiped me off my feet.

I blinked, wondering how he swept me up into his arms so easily.

“You don’t have to let go now,” Caleb said in a gentle voice.

“Great idea, Cal,” said Corey. He glanced at the three guys still squirming on the ground and shook his head. “Come on, then. We’ll catch a cab from the main street.”

I wound my arms around Caleb’s neck. His closeness was warming me up again. I didn’t understand why I was trusting him and his brother, but they were my only lifeline to safety.

I just want them to take me home, I thought to myself.