Cruel Kings by Skye Knight



Wisps of sound coming in through the door woke me up but I felt extremely lazy to open my eyes. Two very warm bodies sandwiched me between them, making it so comfortable, I didn’t feel like opening my eyes just yet.

“Milla? Are you around?” I heard Kendra’s familiar voice float into the room.

Corey and Caleb shifted, their bodies rustling against mine.

I stretched my legs out luxuriously, enjoying the warmth under the thick blanket wrapped over us. Please don’t come in here, I prayed in my head.

Next moment, the door to the room was banged open. Groans sounded from beside me as quick footsteps approached me.

Reluctantly, I sat up and met my roommate’s wide, saucer-like eyes.

“What...what...” Her mouth comically fell open as she looked at the two men who sat up as well.

“Hey,” said Corey, suppressing a yawn.

Kendra’s gaze took in the ridiculously tight t-shirt stretched over his muscular chest. She looked back at me. “What’s going on here?” she gasped.

“It’s all right,” I said quickly as Kendra was quickly pulling herself together.

“Did they force you to sleep with them?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at Corey who was grinning like a beautiful idiot.

“It’s not like that,” I said, wishing I could’ve slept a bit more. It felt too early to be explaining what happened last night. “Look, we just slept.” I pointed at the clothes we wore. “Nothing happened. We only slept together.”

Kendra seemed to notice our clothes and looked visibly relaxed.

“Are you okay?” she asked me in a low, anxious voice.

I was glad Kendra wasn’t like most girls on campus who fawned over Corey and Caleb. She knew who they were and what they did to me.

“I’m okay. Really,” I said earnestly, hoping she’d relax. “They stayed for me.”

She let out a long breath. “Good, then. I’m going for a shower. If you guys want to use the bathroom, go for it now or wait for the next fifteen minutes.”

“We’ll wait,” said Caleb. He looked irresistibly handsome with his dark locks tumbling over his hooded eyes. I wanted to move them away but decided to keep my hands to myself for now.

Kendra padded out of the room, leaving me to deal with the Amhurst twins.

“Get dressed,” said Corey. “We’re having breakfast and leaving.”

“We? You mean you guys?”

“You’re coming with us.”

I became alert at once. “Where do you want to take me?”

“We’ll take you to a place where you can study for your exams in peace,” said Caleb. “It’s not safe to be walking around on your own. Last night was proof enough.”

“I can’t just leave. I’ve got attendance to maintain until the professors voluntarily end lectures. There’s my job too. And, there’s—”

I stopped short when both Caleb and Corey put up their hands.

“We’ll take care of your attendance,” said Caleb. “As for your job, take a leave. Your safety’s more important than the chump change you make there.”

My face flushed with anger at once.

Corey chuckled. “We’re doing this for you,” he said, kissing my cheek. “You’ll have the place all to yourself with amazing Wi-Fi.”

“I don’t want to go. It’s better to stay here and study than staying in a place with Noah.” I gazed at them, wondering why they even cared. “Thanks for rescuing me last night. I’d be lying if I said I could take care of myself.”

A cold shudder ran through me at the memory of being cornered at a deserted spot in the campus. I didn’t want to go through that again but it’d be impossible to live in the same house as Noah.

“Noah won’t be there,” said Corey, flashing me a bright grin. “We’ll be there to protect you but Noah won’t know a thing.”

I blinked. “Really? Noah won’t be there?”

“Nope,” said Caleb, buttoning up his shirt. “We’re taking you to a house by the lake. It’ll be just us there.”

“How do I know you’re not lying? How do I know you won’t lock me up and leave me there to rot?”

Corey and Caleb glanced at each other.

I watched them warily.

They both sighed, their faces turning identically grim.

“What’s the point in letting you rot?” Caleb asked, shifting closer to me. He played with a loose strand and slowly wrapped it around his finger. “We’d rather do this.” Leaning in, he captured my lips in a soft kiss.

I gazed up at him, acutely feeling Corey’s fingers tracing a pattern on the skin of my thigh.

“How do I believe you?” I asked in a small voice.

“We protected you yesterday, didn’t we?” said Caleb in a grim tone. The intensity in his green eyes made my heart race. “If we didn’t care about you, we’d have let those guys continue.”

He was right. They didn’t have to interfere last night.

“What if you bring Noah?” I asked.

“We won’t. It’s okay if you don’t trust us yet,” said Corey. “Let us prove ourselves to you.” His lips touched the back of my neck, causing a shiver to run through me. “We want you all to ourselves.”

“What about my mom?”

“That’s something to worry about in the future,” said Caleb. “Both our dad and your mom are out of our way for the moment. As long as things stay that way, we swear to keep you safe.”

Their offer sounded amazingly tempting. I’d love to have a place like a cabin to study during the week before the exams. Also, I didn’t want to endure another day at school. I was tired of being strong and brave.

“All right, then,” I said after a while. “I’ll trust you this one time.”

“You won’t regret it,” said Corey, sliding his hand over my stomach.

“Pack up your stuff,” said Caleb, climbing off the bed. “I’ll bring the car around, so you’ve got about an hour to get ready.”

“Bring my stuff too,” said Corey, staying stuck to me. “Loads of clean underwear for me, brother.”

Caleb chuckled and donned his jacket. “Sure. Since you’re wearing that on the trip, I’ll just pack you some underwear.”

“I think this top’s rather flattering on me,” said Corey, thrusting his chest out. “Don’t you think so, Milla?”

A giggle escaped me.

I didn’t understand what it was but a sudden calm washed over me. Corey and Caleb made me feel the same way as the time when we first go to know each other.

I desperately hoped they wouldn’t break my trust. It was the last chance they had.


I breathed in the fresh air and looked out at the vast expanse of Silver Lake, the lake that gave our town its name. The serene waters sparkled under the sun and a clear blue sky.

“This place is beautiful,” I said, smiling freely after what seemed like a very long time.

“Wait till you see the cabin,” said Corey. “Girls have been begging us to bring them over but you’re the only one who’s ever gotten an invitation.”

My cheeks warmed.

Caleb wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me against him. “You can walk around here any time of the day,” he said. “This area is busy during summers but the rest of the year, it’s pretty chill.”

“I already love it here,” I said, liking the way Caleb held me close to him.

“I’m in the mood for barbeque,” said Corey.

“Not a bad idea,” said Caleb. He glanced down at his phone. “It’s too late for lunch but we can get the grill out for dinner.”

“Do we have enough meat?” Corey asked.

“We do, but we’ll have to go shopping tomorrow.”

I watched as Corey and Caleb planned a barbeque between them. They sounded genuine. As long as they weren’t hatching a plan to chain me up in the basement, I was happy to go along with anything.

“How about we let her get settled in while we check out the garage for supplies?” Corey suggested.

Caleb glanced down at me. “Do you want to stay out here longer or go in?”

Surprise flickered through me. He was giving me a choice. That alone relieved my suspicion.

“I’ll go in,” I said.

They accompanied me to the two-storied cottage-style house overlooking the lake. Bare birch trees dotted the property. The place would be lush and green during the summer and I immediately decided to come back if things didn’t get messed up.

Caleb carried my duffle bag and Corey shouldered my laptop bag. Feeling hopeful, I followed them inside the house.

The interior of the house was extremely cozy. I could see why they kept this place to themselves. This was a place they could hang in when they needed to relax and chill out.

I looked around enthusiastically, finding loads of spots in the living room where I could study. Lightly colored curtains brought in plenty of sunshine.

“Over here,” Corey called as he disappeared down a hallway.

I hurried after him, finding myself in a darkened hall with a staircase leading upstairs. Following them, I reached the upper floor landing.

“You can use this room,” said Caleb as he opened a door. “Corey and I can share this one.”

“We don’t mind sharing your bed either,” said Corey, grinning cheekily.

My cheeks warmed at once. “We’ll see,” I said, intent on not sounding too eager.

Corey dug his elbow into Caleb’s side. “She says she’ll see. I think we’re getting lucky tonight.”

I blushed harder. “Depends on what you feed me tonight,” I said, walking past them into a well-furnished bedroom.

Corey and Caleb chuckled and set my things on the bed.

“Well, rest up,” Caleb said in a suddenly husky voice that sent tremors through my pussy. “We’ll take care of dinner but you’re going to have to take care of dessert.”

His voice and darkened gaze told me he wasn’t expecting pudding or ice cream. He was expecting me.

Corey pinched my cheek. “You’re red like a plum,” he said and laughed.

I tried to bat his hand away but he was too quick and suddenly, I was wrapped in his arms with his lips clamped around my mouth.

Caleb pressed his body from behind, effectively caging me in.

Pleasure flowed through me as I languidly swirled my tongue over Corey’s.

When Corey broke the kiss, Caleb turned me around and captured my lips, his hands gently cupping my butt. Pleasure throbbed through me, making me wish our bodies weren’t separated by clothes.

A part of me realized how natural it’d become to kiss both Corey and Caleb. They’d done something to me. I could’ve never imagined it would be possible to have two guys showering me with attention at the same time.

Corey and Caleb left me in the room and went out to prepare for the barbeque. Deciding to unpack as quickly as possibly, I opened my duffel bag.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Wondering if it was Kendra, I took it out and read the message.

My eyes widened as I realized the text was sent from a bank, stating a deposit of twenty dollars had been credited to my account. I stared at the message, wondering if it was a mistake.

I almost called the helpline number attached at the end of the text when I remembered signing up bank papers earlier that week. Did Mr. Jenkins do this?

Instead of calling the bank, I gave the elderly lawyer a call.

“Hello, Miss Brown,” Jenkins answered politely. “How may I help you today?”

“I just received a text saying someone deposited twenty thousand dollars into my account. Until this week, I didn’t even have an account with this bank.”

“Ah. I’m glad to know that the transfer went through. You’ll receive your credit card and other necessary items in the mail soon.”

“You sent it?”

“It is Mr. Amhurst’s money,” he explained. “I only did as he ordered me, Miss Brown.”

“But why...”

“This is the same allowance Mr. Amhurst’s sons receive every month,” said Jenkins. “Now that he’s your guardian, it only makes sense you’d have the same privileges as his sons.”

“But, I don’t want the money.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Brown. This is an issue you must take up with your stepfather. I am in no position to retrieve the sum from your account.” He cleared his throat pointedly. “Can I help you with anything else?”

“No,” I mumbled.

“Then, I wish you a good day, Miss Brown.” The call switched off.

I collapsed onto the edge of the bed and stared at the text. It was surreal to think my account had twenty thousand dollars in it now.

Opening the chat app, I browsed through the photos Mom sent me of their trip to Switzerland. Her face had heavy makeup to cover up the paleness of her skin but there was no way she could’ve faked that bright smile. Her eyes sparkled in each photo.

I decided to wait until Brian came home. There was no point in bringing this up at the moment. It was better to let them enjoy their time before they arrived and dealt with the crap show Noah created.

At the same time, I decided to keep this to myself. There was no point in telling Corey and Caleb. I’d be returning the money anyway. Our relationship was just starting to heal. Talk of money would only sour everything.

It was time I got a break too. Living in this cabin was the perfect way to relax and prepare for the exams coming up next week. I wouldn’t have to fight for a place at the library or deal with any of the crap people were throwing my way.

Taking a deep breath, I started unpacking.


The smell of roasting meat made my mouth water. Corey and Caleb worked at the grill in the backyard of the cottage, expertly tossing and basting steaks and sausages.

I watched them from my seat on a garden chair. A chilly evening breeze swept by, but I felt comfortably warm in my woolen cardigan and thick boots.

We were completely removed from the vicinity of Silverlake University. There was no one spying on me or hurling insults. Corey and Caleb left me alone most of the day so I could get settled in the house.

For the first time in months, I felt safe.

They both kept their promise. There were several texts from Noah demanding to know where I was.

I took a deep breath and took a swig of beer. Over the next week, I didn’t want to care about anything other than the upcoming exams. They were last hurdles to overcome so I could live freely.

“We’re almost done,” Corey called out.

“Cheers to that!” I shouted, raising my beer bottle. Getting to my feet, I went over to them. “How about I set up the table?” I suggested.

“Sure,” said Caleb. “Take that platter,” he said, pointing toward a plate of well-charred steaks. “Those are done.”

“Got it.” I carried the platter inside the kitchen and set it on the table which was already covered in dishes of salad I’d made earlier.

The sight of the food made my stomach grumble. It’d been too long since I enjoyed a meal.

Corey and Caleb entered the kitchen after a while with more plates of meat and roasted corn cobbs.

“What are we waiting for?” Caleb asked, looking between me and his brother. “Let’s eat while everything’s still hot.”

He didn’t have to ask me twice. I sat down at the table and filled my plate with a slice of thick steak, some drumsticks and a large mound of coleslaw.

“This is so good,” I crooned, chewing through a perfectly cooked piece of steak.

Corey and Caleb grinned at each other.

“I had no idea you guys could cook this well,” I said.

“You haven’t given us a chance, princess,” said Corey. “There’s so much you don’t know about us.”

I raised a somber gaze at him. “And whose fault is that?”

Caleb dug his elbow in Corey’s side. “Stop talking nonsense and let her enjoy the meal.”

Corey picked up a corn cob and stuffed it in Caleb’s mouth. “You shut up and eat.” 

I giggled.

They both stared at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing,” said Caleb, smiling at me. “It’s good to see you’re enjoying the food.”

“I am,” I said with a nod. “Thanks for doing this for me. I don’t think I could’ve handled much on my own anymore. This is the perfect place to hide until things cool down at campus.”

“We’re just glad you agreed to come,” said Corey.

“You guys haven’t made it easy to trust you,” I said in a somber voice.

We fell quiet, but kept eating through the feast we’d cooked up. There was very little talk until we finished everything.

“I’m so full I can barely move,” I complained, leaning against my chair.

“We’ll take care of everything, princess,” said Corey with a wink.

To my surprise, Corey and Caleb pushed their chairs back and started clearing the table.

For a while, I simply watched them, putting things back in the cupboards and doing dishes in the sink. Lethargy caught hold of me, keeping me glued to my chair. It’d been way too long since I got a proper rest.

Corey and Caleb were treating me extreme care. I wanted to trust them, trust that they truly meant to help me.

Leaving them in the kitchen, I moved into the living room area. The comfortable couches beckoned me like a siren call, so I decided to spend the rest of the evening there.

Corey and Caleb came back after a while and settled on the couch with me.

“You want to watch a movie?” Caleb asked me.

“Sure,” I said.

“Do you like crime thrillers?” Corey asked.

“I don’t mind them,” I said with a smile.

“Awesome!” Corey gushed, moving toward one of the cabinets in the corner.

“He’s got a really good collection,” said Caleb. He gently wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

I leaned into him, enjoying the warmth he offered.

Corey turned on the TV and came to the couch. He picked up my feet and placed them on his lap.

The movie didn’t interest me much. While they were soon focused on the story, I let myself enjoy their warm companionship.

There was no fighting and resisting needed. They gave me complete freedom to be myself.

“You should go to bed,” said Caleb. “You’ve yawned five times in the last minute already.”

My head was fully resting on his chest while my legs were splayed over Corey’s thighs.

“Yeah, go sleep,” said Corey, surprising me.

I gazed at them, wondering why they weren’t hauling me upstairs and doing what they always did. Would they really let me go without fucking me between them?

“Since you’re sleeping early, you’re making breakfast in the morning,” said Corey. His gaze was back on the movie.

“That’s all?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he muttered, not even looking at me.

I glanced over at Caleb. His attention was on the movie too.

Intense relief spread through me. They truly meant to let me rest tonight.

Leaning in, I kissed Caleb’s cheek, and proceeded to do the same with Corey. This time, it felt natural.

They both grinned at me, taking my breath away with their smiles.

This is a good start, I thought to myself as I headed upstairs. There was still hope we could make something work between us.