Cruel Kings by Skye Knight



I kept checking my phone to make sure I didn’t miss a text or call. Mom and Brian’s flight was supposed to have landed an hour ago.

Where are they? I wondered, not paying attention to the movie playing on my laptop.

Kendra was still sleeping in her room. She came home late last night and made a ruckus at two A.M.

I wanted to curl up in bed to catch on some sleep but the thought of missing out on Mom’s text kept me awake. Any minute now, I told myself and forced myself to focus on the movie.

Two more hours crawled by.

I switched my phone off and on, hoping doing that would help. A few service texts came in, but there was nothing from Mom or Brian.

All kinds of bad thoughts raced through my mind.

Did something happen to them that prevented them from boarding their plane in time? Did Mom fall sick? Did the plane crash?

Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to think of some positive reasons for their delay in contacting me. Maybe their phones’ batteries died? That always happened when people were traveling.

“Hey, you okay?” Kendra’s tired, sleepy voice roused me from my thoughts.

Looking up, I found her at the kitchen counter, pouring a cup of cooled coffee from the pot I brewed that morning.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled. “My mom’s plane was supposed to have landed four hours ago. She hasn’t called or texted yet.”

“Maybe her phone died?”

I gave a nod, chewing on my bottom lip. “That’s what I’m thinking too.”

“Did you try calling your stepfather?” Kendra asked, coming over to join me on the couch.

“I tried, but his phone is switched off.”

“There might have been a delay in their flight,” said Kendra. “Or maybe their plane took a detour for some reason and they’re stuck in some random airport on a tiny island in the Atlantic.”

“Sounds possible,” I said, feeling better that her mind hadn’t imagined the worst outcome like me.

“Relax, dude,” she said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “Eva’s with Brian. If what you told me about him is true, he’ll take care of her.”

“Brian is very responsible,” I said, knowing I could trust him with my mom. “As long as he’s okay, I don’t have to worry. I’m hoping nothing bad happened to him.”

“How about calling those hunky twins?” Kendra said with a wink. “Maybe they know something.”

“That’s a good idea.” Taking my phone, I dialed Corey’s number. It rang incessantly but he didn’t pick up.

“What’s wrong?” Kendra asked, noticing my disappointed expression.

“He’s not picking up.”

I called Caleb next. It was the same with him. His phone rang for a long minute before the call switched off automatically.

“Did they get done with their exams too?”


“Maybe they’re trashed,” said Kendra. “Everyone’s sleeping it off after partying last night. Why did you get home so early? I saw the guy with the beanie hat doing beer pongs at Jill Hilton’s party after midnight.”

“I got tired early,” I lied.

“You could always head over to your stepdad’s house, you know,” said Kendra.

I let out a quiet sigh. That was the very thing I wanted to avoid.

“I’ll wait for a few more hours,” I said. “If they don’t contact me, that’s what I’ll have to do.”

Kendra yawned and got to her feet. “This coffee isn’t helping at all.”

“Maybe you just need more sleep.”

Kendra chuckled and winked. “I guess. See you in another couple of hours.” With that, she padded back to her room.

Anxiety swirled inside me. Please, let them be okay, I prayed silently.

To stop me from thinking too much, I turned on another movie. Hopefully, by the end of it, Mom or Brian would send me a text.

The whole movie played out. Late afternoon sunshine came in through the curtains at the window, illuminating the tiny kitchenette.

Kendra didn’t wake up yet.

I dialed both Corey and Caleb. Just like earlier, their phones kept ringing without any response from them.

I wasn’t left with a choice.

Grabbing my jacket, I put on my boots and headed out of the apartment. At this point, I hoped I could find Noah at home. Something told me he wasn’t the type to party with people.

No, he’s the type to blackmail a girl into following him into a dark backroom and then forcing himself on her, I thought, clenching my hands into tight fists.

More than him, I felt angry at myself. Why did his touch ignite my body on fire? I should’ve hated having a guy like him inside me, but I craved him like a lethal drug.

“Ugh!” I groaned and hailed a cab.

I didn’t give up on constantly checking my phone. My desperate prayers remained unanswered all the way to Brian’s home. There was no response from Mom, Brian, Corey, or Caleb.

The cab left me on the front lawn of the extravagant mansion. Taking a deep breath, I stalked forward. The door leading into the entrance hall was left wide open.

Entering the room, I looked around. Everything around me was still and quiet.

I debated whether to call Noah or just check if he was in his room.

After a few minutes of hesitation, I decided to check his room. What was the point of calling if I was already here?

I slowly made my way toward his room.

Standing outside the door, I hesitated again. Suddenly, I heard his voice through the door. Heart pounding heavily, I leaned in to listen.

“...I’m glad the plane landed safely.” A moment’s silence. “There’s no need. I don’t care what happens to him and his stupid wife.”

I waited with bated breath, hoping I’d hear something useful. Since he was talking about a plane, it had to be about the flight Mom and Brian were on. At least, I found out there was no crash and that they were safe.

Suddenly, the door opened.

Noah stood at the threshold, staring down at me with narrowed eyes.

I froze. There was no way I could deny eavesdropping on him.

“What are you doing?” he asked in a cool tone.

“I—” Before I could say anything, he pulled me inside the room.

Involuntarily, my gaze moved around the room. The space was neat and functional. There were no posters on the walls or any photos on the nightstands. The place could’ve belonged to anyone.

“You.” Noah’s growl sent a shiver through me. With the way he was looking at me, I knew I was in trouble.