Cruel Kings by Skye Knight



My steps took me down the familiar path leading to the departmental building where we were scheduled to have our first class of the day. I kept my head bowed against the chilly breeze, not paying attention to the people around me.

A hand fell on my shoulder, making me whirl around wildly.

“Hey, it’s just me,” said Wyatt, holding up his arms. Curls of brown locks escaped from the blue beany hat he was wearing. A broad grin curved his lips while his pale blue eyes twinkled mischievously.

I punched him in the chest. “Don’t jump on me like that. I could’ve hurt you!”

He laughed and fell in step with me. “I don’t mind a punch or two. They’re worth that look on your face.”

I scowled at him, stomping the rest of the way to class.

“Hey, come on,” he called out, jogging behind me. “Here. You can have the rest of my caramel latte.”

I halted, considering my best friend's offer.

He extended his arm toward me, offering me the Starbucks cup.

Taking it, I sloshed the contents a little, making sure he wasn’t messing around with me. When I realized more than half the tumbler was full, I took a grateful sip and smiled.

“What were you up to this weekend?” Wyatt asked when we took our usual seats in the front row. “You barely replied to any of the texts I sent you. There was a free pizza promotion going on at the place I work. You missed such a good deal.”

I chuckled and took off my jacket. “Not really. I spent the weekend with mom and her fiancé. The food I enjoyed this weekend was...was...” I gave a chef’s kiss, all out of words for the incredible meals my mom and Brian made.

“Wait, what?” Wyatt stared at me with widened eyes. “Brian proposed to your mom.”

It was my turn to grin. “Yup!”

“Oh, wow!” he gushed, throwing his arms around me.

Just as I was about to be engulfed in his arms, someone forced us both to be pushed apart. Looking to the side, I stared up at Noah. His whole attention was focused on Wyatt.

Wyatt glanced at me worriedly before looking up at the glare Noah was sending his way.

“Don’t touch her,” Noah bit out.

“Huh?” My best friend stared up at him confusedly.

“Move,” Noah commanded, sliding into the row.

Wyatt stood up uncertainly, shifting to the next seat so that Noah could take his place beside me.

“He’s my friend,” I said as Noah settled down beside me.

An intense look came over his silvery-gray eyes. “Don’t let another guy touch you like that.”

I glanced at Wyatt who silently mouthed “What the hell?” at me. He still had no idea about the incident that got me closer to the Amhurst brothers.

Thankfully, the lecturer arrived and Noah was forced to turn his attention away from Wyatt.

All through the lesson, I mulled over Noah’s words.

Don’t let another guy touch you like that.

There was a touch of raw possessiveness in his voice. It was both a warning and a command.

We’d only just met once and exchanged a few texts with me asking about Corey’s health after he was released from the hospital. There was no way he could start liking me over that.

I stayed distracted all through the lesson. My mind jumped from one issue to the other. Mostly, I was still wondering about a life with three stepbrothers.

Over the weekend, Mom said she was moving into Brian’s house. They were so happy planning about their future, I didn’t have the heart to say anything to dampen their excitement.

Mom raised me on her own from a very young age. She went through hell to keep me with her and give me a good life. There was no way I’d stand in the way of her happiness now.

I felt a warm touch on my hand. Looking up, I realized Noah was looking straight at me.

“Class is over,” he said in a deep gentle voice. “Why are you still spaced out?”

“It’s nothing,” I lied easily. Behind Noah, Wyatt was desperately trying to tell us we had to get out of there. I was about to stand up when Noah’s fingers gripped my wrist.

“There’s something I wanted to tell you,” he said with a smile. My heart beat hard as he turned on his irresistible charm on me. “There’s a party tonight at the Elite House,” he said, tracing a pattern on my skin. “I want you to come.”

Wyatt stopped making faces and gesticulating. The conversation was finally juicy enough for him to settle down.

“You don’t have to do that,” I said. “You guys have thanked me enough for helping Corey that night. You don’t have to invite me to parties and stuff. I don’t think I’ll fit in with the crowd there.”

Anger suffused his features, causing my heart to pound with a different emotion.

“We want you to come,” he said in a tight voice. “Don’t you care about seeing Corey again?”

“Of course, I care but—”

“You’re coming,” he said in a commanding tone. “Bring him with you if it makes you feel better.” He gestured backward toward Wyatt. “But make sure he isn’t touching you inappropriately. Corey and Caleb won’t hold back from hitting him.”

He turned around to glare at Wyatt who looked at him with wide eyes full of confusion.

Noah leaned in and kissed my cheek.

My heart stopped beating and then, kickstarted at a faster pace. Before I could react, Noah was walking out of the classroom with long, languid strides.

“What the hell’s happening?” Wyatt whispered while I stood frozen with my hand on my cheek.

“I have no idea.”

“How did you get Noah Amhurst from ignoring your existence to kissing you?”

I shook my head. “No idea.”

He wound his arms around mine. “Is this inappropriate touching?” he asked with a chuckle.

I slapped the back of his head. “Stop that.”

He laughed, grabbing his backpack. “Let’s skip Financial Management. I’m guessing there’s a good story behind everything that’s happening.”

“I’ll tell you at lunchtime.”

“No way!”

“Fine, I’ll tell you on the way to the library.”

“Good girl.”

I sighed internally, hoping retelling the story of that night would give me a clue to what was happening between Noah and me.