Cruel Kings by Skye Knight



I stood between Wyatt and Julie, staring at the wild party happening in the backyard of the Elite House. The music was loud, the bass so strong I felt my whole body thudding with the beats.

“How do they get away with this?” Julie shouted in my ear. It was the only way for her to be heard over the music.

I shook my head dumbly, wondering where to look. People were making out in every corner. Small campfires burned around the vast yard, keeping the party going even though it was freezing.

“Thanks for bringing me too,” said Julie, grinning excitedly. “So glad I decided to keep this dress. It’s perfect for a party like this!”

She was Wyatt’s high school sweetheart. I met her through him when we became friends during freshman year. Over the past four years, the three of us had grown closer.

I glanced down at the cherry-red short bodycon dress she wore. The dress molded to her every curve, stopping only a few inches below her ass. Thin straps went around her shapely shoulders, giving a good view of her ample cleavage.

“You look hot,” I shouted in her ears. “You’ll blend with this crowd completely.”

Julie grinned while Wyatt stomped over to her and forced her coat around her.

“Don’t be crazy!” he shouted. “It’s freezing.”

“I’m fine,” Julie shouted back. “This is the only chance I’ll get to show off this dress. Don’t ruin the moment.”

“You know how easily you catch a cold,” said Wyatt. “You hate being sick. Showing off that scrap of a dress isn’t worth it.”

The two were soon engaged in a couple’s fight.

I could tell Wyatt was worried about more things than his girlfriend getting cold. A couple of guys were already eyeing her hungrily.

Taking my phone out, I sent a quick text to both Julie and Wyatt.

I’m going to find Noah and his brothers. Will leave right after that. Enjoy yourselves – Milla

Taking a deep breath, I walked ahead, taking in the groups of people dancing wildly to the music. Everyone looked like they were having the time of their lives, whether they were dancing, making out, smoking, or simply drinking.

I’d been to freshman parties but never on a scale like this. The drugs, alcohol, and loud music were enough to get any frat house on campus in trouble.

This blatant display of power over the university administration was both awesome and a little terrifying. These Elites would graduate and enter the world, same as me and my friends, but they’d be the ones who’ll control everything around us.

The Elites only allowed males in their circle. They were sons of politicians, businessmen, and gigantic tycoons, all being groomed to take over the world from their parents.

In the distance, I caught sight of Corey and Caleb. They stood taller than the group of young women surrounding them. Identical grins lit up both their faces as they expertly kept their admiring crowd hooked to their charisma.

I hesitated, wondering if I should go near them.

I looked painfully plain compared to the rest of the girls here. Even my hair was the shade of dark auburn I was born with.

Juggling a job and keeping up with assignments and projects took all my time and effort. There was neither time nor money to spend on things like stylish clothes and makeup.

I hated asking Mom for anything because she was struggling to make ends meet. Sometimes, I wished she’d let her pride go and let Brian help her.

I was suddenly glad she’d accepted his proposal. Mom needed someone to look after her while I battled to finish college and get a proper job.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t realize the two men approaching me. Corey and Caleb suddenly stood before me, looking down at me with identical grins, their emerald eyes shining with excitement.

“You’re finally here,” said Caleb, pulling me into a hug.

Surprised, I let him bring me against his chest. His scent enveloped me at once and I nearly moaned at the feel of his hard muscles pressing against my soft curves.

Focus, I told myself, trying to get a grip on myself. Yes, Caleb and Corey were among the hottest guys on Silverlake U’s campus but that was no reason to lose my mind!

“Come here,” said Corey.

He easily extracted me from his brother’s hold and brought me against him. Even though the two looked identical, they smelled different. I inhaled deeply, memorizing his scent.

“Who’s this?” asked a sweet, girlish voice.

I couldn’t even turn around to see who spoke. Corey held me tightly against me, refusing to let me go just yet.

“Go away, Heather,” I heard Caleb’s bored voice. “We’re not interested tonight.”

“Since, when were you guys into stockings and granny panties?” the girl retorted in a scathing tone.

Embarrassment washed over me. How could she be so right about what panties I was wearing?

“Don’t listen to her,” Corey whispered in my ear while his hand caressed my hair. “We judge by what’s inside the panties.”

I buried my head in his chest.

Soft chuckles rumbled out of him, making me feel slightly better. They weren’t too bad, after all.

“Come on,” said Caleb, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of Corey’s hold.

“Hey! I wasn’t done!” Corey protested as Caleb dragged me to his side.

“You can cop a feel later,” said Caleb. “Let’s get out of here first.”

I was torn between laughter and nervousness. Were they joking or serious?

They led me away from the crowded area and took me to a different section of the grounds. There was no one here, allowing me to take in the landscaped pond that was lit up with soft, soothing lights.

I couldn’t believe how huge the Elite House was. The rest of the frat and sorority residential buildings couldn’t even compare to the luxury and extravagance of this place.

“Is that a koi pond?” I asked, looking toward the softly lit pool.

“Yeah,” said Corey. “Want a look?”

I gave a nod.

We walked toward the arc bridge built over the pond. Reaching the top, I looked down and spotted several golden and red-striped koi, swimming in the water, their scales flashing in the soft lights installed under the pond.

“They’re so beautiful,” I whispered, completely enchanted by the fishes.

“So are you,” said Caleb, gently holding my shoulder and straightening me up. There was an intensity in his eyes that made my heart beat faster. Tightening his hold on me, he brought me closer.


His lips pressed against mine, moving in a slow, coaxing way, urging me to open up to him. All my thoughts seemed to switch off, my mind acutely aware of the soft warmth of his lips and his hand resting on my hip.

I gasped as another pair of hands slid along my stomach. Corey was pressed up against my back, his lips gently trailing kisses along the side of my neck.

A soft moan escaped me and Caleb pushed his tongue in. My lips parted wider for him, eager to feel his velvety tongue languidly swirling around mine. He tasted of mint and candy, making me eagerly kiss him back.

My body was slowly turned around. Before I could recover from the kiss, Corey captured my lips.

Fire sang in my veins. Heat pooled in my belly. A deep thrumming erupted further down, right between my legs.

A distant voice in my mind reminded me of my position between the two brothers but I couldn’t do a thing to stop Corey from kissing me and Caleb pushing his hands underneath my shirt so he could caress the soft skin of my belly.

My mind was a haze of heat and desire.

I’d stolen plenty of kisses with my ex-boyfriend in high school but none of them made me lose myself like this.

Corey’s teeth suddenly sank into my bottom lip. The sharp sting jerked me from the haze blinding me to everything else.

Corey’s eyes glittered in the dark. He swiped a thumb over his luscious lips and grinned. “Sweet.”

I placed my hands over Caleb’s, stopping him just as he was about to cup my breasts.

“Why’d you guys stop?” Caleb asked, removing his hands from under my shirt.

“I nipped her a little,” said Corey, watching me with a hungry expression.

I stepped away from him, colliding with Caleb who was still standing behind me.

“Hey, you okay?” Corey asked, reaching for me.

I sidestepped, looking up at both Corey and Caleb.

“I—I don’t know,” I managed to blurt out while my heart pounded against my chest. My body still craved their touch. It would be so easy to let myself go right now and think of consequences later.

Get a hold of yourself! This isn’t you! The logical part of my mind finally seemed to have awakened. 

I took another step away from them.

“Milla...” A twisted, angry look came over Caleb, making my heart beat with a different kind of thrill.

“I’m sorry,” I said at once. “I—I don’t know what came over me.”

This was the first time I kissed two guys at the same time. Not just kissed, I made out with two guys! What the hell was I thinking? How could I let this happen at all?

Even though I was single at the moment, I still felt guilty.

I was a romantic at heart and always considered myself to be a loyal lover.

Corey and Caleb shattered the image I had of myself. The act of kissing them both and being touched by them at the same time made me feel so good.

“Why do you look like you’ve done something wrong?” Corey asked with a chuckle.

“I don’t know,” I said in a low voice unable to face either of them. “I’m not like this.”

“Like what?” Caleb asked in a grim tone.

“You know...being with two guys at the same time. Cheating...”

“Hahahahaha...” Corey and Caleb laughed. What I said seemed so funny to them, they were hanging onto each other for support.

“This isn’t cheating,” said Corey, grinning broadly.

“It’s not cheating when we’re both involved,” said Caleb, still chuckling. “It’s called sharing. We do it all the time. Girls love it.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Admit it. You liked it. We know you did.”

Even though what he said was true, I couldn’t bring myself to admit it.

“You guys said this was a party,” I said, desperately hoping to distract them. “At least, get me a drink.”

Caleb and Corey grinned. They each grabbed a wrist and pulled me down the arc bridge and toward the house.

We entered through a backdoor leading into a vast, well-equipped modern kitchen. The place was so huge it looked empty even though a group of a dozen kids was sitting in a corner, drinking beer and watching their friend playing guitar.

Caleb grabbed a beer from a cooler and handed it to me.

“Thanks,” I said, breaking into the can.

Taking a sip, I glanced at the crowd enjoying the music.

Among them, I spotted Noah. Dressed in casual jeans and sweatshirt, he almost mingled with the others, but as soon as he turned his silvery eyes on me, I became his captive.

Keeping his gaze on me, Noah walked toward me.

“I’m glad you came alone,” he said as soon as he reached me.

I chuckled. “Wyatt’s here with his girlfriend,” I said and took a large swig of the cold brew. “I hope you don’t mind an extra guest.”

Noah’s expression cleared as soon as I made it clear Wyatt and I were just friends. Warmth shot through me at the same time. Could Noah like me enough to be bothered with another guy hanging out with me?

Buried in my thoughts, I let him lead me toward the gigantic, closet-sized fridge.

“Anyone give you a hard time?” he asked, looking at me closely.

I shook my head. “I was with Corey and Caleb until now.” Glancing around, I realized the twins had disappeared.

When I looked back at Noah, I found him standing close to me, so close I could see the dark rings in his glass-colored eyes. Our breaths mingled together and suddenly, my heart was racing once again.

I took a step back before I could make another mistake.

My back hit the fridge.

Noah’s arms came up beside me, caging me against his chest and the fridge.


He leaned in, capturing my lips in a searing kiss.

Fire sang in my veins and a familiar throbbing erupted deep in my belly. Noah’s masculine scent enveloped me, making me forget about everything.

My fingers crushed the half-full beer can. It was the only thing I could do to keep control over myself and not take things further.

Noah leaned away, looking at me closely. “What’s wrong?” he asked in a deep voice. “Am I that disgusting?”

“What?” I blurted, shocked. “Of course, not! You’re delicious.”

I groaned.

Noah chuckled as my cheeks flamed.

His finger hooked under my chin and forced me to look up at him.

“Then, why are you holding back on me?” he asked.

“Because I already kissed Corey and Caleb tonight,” I whispered as if I were confessing my sins to him.

“Did you like kissing them?”

It was difficult to tell the truth but the intensity in his steel-gray eyes held me captive.

Slowly, I nodded.

He chuckled softly and kissed me on the forehead.

It was an innocent kiss but still so intimate.

“We share our women if we like them enough,” he said in a deep voice that reverberated through me. “And we like you, Milla.”

Leaning in, he pressed his lips to mine.

I opened up to him, letting him kiss me thoroughly. His answer shocked me. I battled against the urges rising inside me but then gave up. If something felt so good, how could it be wrong?

It’s not cheating when we’re all involved, Caleb’s voice rang in my head as I kissed Noah with equal fervor.