Fake Fiancée for Dad’s Best Friend by Gena Snow

Chapter 24






It’s Friday evening and I wait nervously for Alex to arrive at my dad’s house. After getting a second opinion from the doctor at Columbia University, Karen and Mike have left New York the previous day and returned to Santa Barbara. Alex has decided the date of our wedding, which will be a month from now, a day before I leave for France.

I’m watching TV, but my eyes aren’t on the screen most of the time. I keep glancing at the window that overlooks the driveway. Whenever I see headlights passing by, I crane my neck to check. Finally, a car parks in front of our house and a man steps out.

Lisa is upstairs and my dad is changing the baby’s diaper when I hear the doorbell. I rush toward the door and open it.

“Hi Alex!” I say with an extra loud pitch to cover my nervousness.

“Hi Vivi!” he answers with his usual low voice that messes up my heartbeat. Noticing how good he looks in his dress shirt and trousers doesn’t help me to calm down. Am I really going to fake marry this guy?

“Are you going to invite me in?” Alex asks with a chuckle, waking me from my silly daze.

“Yes, please,” I murmur with a blush. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

Alex looks amused when he sees my dad cleaning the baby up. “Man, you’re a pro!”

My dad chuckles. “Of course I am. Want to trade places with me and give up your bachelor’s freedom?”

“Absolutely,” Alex says.

He looks serious and even a bit envious. I recall the reason he canceled the engagement with Trisha. It was because she didn’t want babies. Does he want them?

I find the answer soon as my dad lets Alex hold Noah. He makes funny faces and noises to make the baby giggle. And when he tickles the little guy with his five o’clock shadow, I’m so jealous.  Alex grins like he’s gotten the best Christmas gift ever.

I have an intense desire to give him a present like that, a baby made of his own seed.

My dad chuckles. “It’s time you start a family, buddy.”

“Great idea,” Alex responds, his attention still on the baby. 

“How did the fake engagement go? You haven’t told me about it, and neither has Vivian. Trisha told me there was an engagement party? And that the woman was young enough to be your daughter.”

That bitch. I tense at the information. As I glance at Alex, I see he isn’t smiling anymore. He passes the baby back to my dad and says, “Well, yeah. It’s what I’m here for.”

My dad raises his eyebrows while patting Noah on the back, waiting to hear more.

Alex clears his throat. “You see, John, the truth is, Vivian went with me.”

My dad blinks. “I know that. She said she had a good time and learned how to ride. I need to thank you for that.”

Seeing the awkwardness on Alex’s face, I blurt, “I’m sorry, Dad. I lied to you. I…err…was Alex’s fake fiancée.”

My dad is smiling at the baby when I speak, and he takes a moment to register my words. “What? I didn’t hear you right. What did you say?”

I repeat my words, though in a lesser volume.

My dad’s mouth falls open as he looks back and forth between Alex and me. “What the hell? I thought I made it clear—“

“I know, I know,” Alex says. “I’m sorry, John. It’s why I’m here to apologize.”

My dad is fuming. His nostrils flare the way they do when he gets agitated. “I won’t accept any apology. Asshole!”

“Dad!” I say. “Please. It isn’t Alex’s fault. I begged him.”

“Why? Vivian? What on earth did you do that for? Do you know what it’ll do to your future? People will think you’re a gold-digger!” he shouts. His upsetting voice must frighten the baby because Noah starts to whine.

“Lisa!” my dad shouts toward the stairwell a few times. Hearing no answer, he stands up with the baby. “I’ll be back.”

After he’s gone, I look at Alex nervously. “He’s mad.”

“Of course he is,” Alex holds my hand. “But don’t worry, he’ll come around.”

I let him convince me, although I can’t imagine how we’ll ever bring up the wedding subject.

When my dad returns a moment later, his face is still dark. “This is unacceptable. I can’t forgive you just like that, Alex,” he says. “Please leave now.”

Alex hesitates for a moment and says, “Please, hear me out. I’m sorry, John, but there’s something else I need to discuss with you.”

“Well, let me guess,” my dad says. “You’ll have to marry her now because your parents want it to happen?”

My mouth falls. Shit. Now what do we do?

Alex looks embarrassed. Obviously, he can’t bring himself to say yes.

I rack my brain for an answer and quickly make up my mind. “No, Dad! You guess it wrong. We’re going to marry, but it’s not because his parents want us to, but because… we…we love each other.”

My dad’s mouth falls to the floor. He glances at us again. “That’s absurd, Vivian. You’re lying.”

I shake my head vigorously. “I’m not. I’ve loved Alex since high school. That’s why I volunteered to be his fake date.”

I’m not lying, but I still feel embarrassed. I can’t look at Alex even though he probably thinks I’m acting.

“That’s silly,” my dad chides. “That’s not love. It’s just a crush. Alex isn’t the right guy for you.”

I’m going to argue, but Alex helps me out. “What do you mean? Why am I not the right guy for her?”

“Come on, man. Vivian isn’t your type! You like mature women. Glamorous and vain women like Trisha who look good in public.” My dad sounds sarcastic.

I cringe when I hear the name, and Alex sighs. “Thanks for pointing out my ignorance. John. But Trisha is precisely the reason I realized my mistakes, and she’s no longer my type,” he says calmly. “Besides, Vivian isn’t immature at all. And she is smart and beautiful.”

Although I know he’s trying to convince my dad, I can’t help but let his words deceive me. Does he really think so?

When my dad pauses, Alex says, “I love your daughter, John. And want your blessing.”

Tears are starting to well up in my eyes. Oh my God. He’s such a good actor.

“You must be kidding me,” my dad grunts. “I’m not going to let a womanizer ruin my daughter’s life!”

I gasp at my dad’s remark. He’s never said something so mean to his best friend.

Alex’s face also pales. “So that’s what you think of me? A womanizer?”

“A rich, good-looking, pompous womanizer,” my dad responds derisively. 

“Please, Dad,” I speak. “I’m an adult, and we don’t need your permission, but Alex is asking for it because he respects you. The least you can do is to respect him back.”

My dad’s jaw falls, and his nostrils flare again. “Ungrateful little brat. Get lost! Both of you!”

I can’t believe what I hear and I stare at my dad without blinking. He’s never shouted at me like that. When has he become so unreasonable?

Alex pulls me into his arms. “Please, John. It isn’t Vivian’s fault.”

When my dad doesn’t look at us or speak, I struggle out of Alex’s embrace and say, “Fine. I’ll go pack.”

I go down to the basement, with Alex following me.