Fake Fiancée for Dad’s Best Friend by Gena Snow

Chapter 26






I can’t stop trembling when my dad walks me down the aisle inside Cotillion Room at The Pierre. Alex invited less than a hundred people to the private wedding, so the seats are only half-filled. Nonetheless, it feels crowded.

It took my dad a month to forgive Alex and me. His acceptance of the invitation delights me but at the same time increases my guilt. Although I love Alex, and he probably has some feelings for me, and we can’t have enough of each other in bed, it’s still not a real marriage.

My scattering thoughts come to a halt when my eyes find Alex standing at the altar next to the officiant and the best man. He’s so handsome in his beige wedding suit!

My heart skips a beat, and I nearly stumble. Just then, Elvis Presley’s deep baritone voice filled the quiet ballroom.

Wise men say / Only fools rush in / But I can't help falling in love with you

Oh my God. Tears well in my eyes. I’m not an Elvis fan, but at that moment, I become one. Silly, I blink back my tears and chide silently. It’s just a song. He doesn’t mean it. He isn’t in love with me. It’s just an act. It’s all fake.

I’m suddenly angry when I realize all that. This wonderful, fake wedding is going to remain in my mind for the rest of my life and ruin my future! Why do I agree to this? How am I going to enjoy my next, real, wedding, regardless of when and where it’ll be, and whom I’ll marry? This is crazy. I halt my steps just before I approach the altar.

My dad turns to look at me, sensing my hesitation. I must be panic-stricken because he looks concerned.

But I’m not allowed to hesitate for long because my handsome fake groom steps forward and grabs my hand firmly while his intense blue eyes roam over me greedily.  I chose the bridal gown for its simple and elegant style and later regretted it because I thought it looked plain. Now all my doubts vanish because of the sparkle in his eyes. “My God! You look like a dream,” he whispers.

I laugh with tears in my eyes. “Thank you, you too!”

And then he holds me by my waist and pulls me to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, and we hug tightly. And just like that, I don’t give a damn whether this wedding is real or fake. I am the happiest woman on earth. I don’t let go, desperate to hold on to the fairytale moment. 

We hear a clear of a throat—it must be my dad reminding us of the presence of all others.

After that, everything happens in a blur, including the wedding vows and the exchange of rings. And then Alex kisses me amid the oohs and aahs. Real or not, I’m now officially Alex Anderson, a fashion billionaire and my dad’s best friend’s wife.

At the reception, Karen and Mike are very emotional. Every time my eyes find them, I see them wiping tears. Even my dad’s eyes seem to be wet from time to time. This doesn’t seem real. Am I really getting married? I mean, am I really pretending to marry? Shit. It doesn’t feel right. I’ve carried it too far.

I have the urge to run because I shouldn’t be playing a joke on myself, Alex, and everyone else who’s attending our wedding. I don’t do it only because Alex is always on my side and assures me by squeezing my shoulder or smiling.

When we dance our first dance, his eyes never leave me. When he dips to kiss me, I nearly melt into a puddle on the floor. We practiced the move so many times in the past few days, but I still can’t do it professionally. I’m positive I moan, although no one can hear me because of the music.


When Alex is speaking to my dad and Lisa during dinner, Trisha, who’s been sitting next to Samantha, comes to me.

“Congratulations,” she says with a tight smile.

Alex invited her to the wedding despite her attempted blackmail. Obviously, she didn’t succeed because of the unexpected wedding. The woman doesn’t even look remorseful. I still don’t like her, and I certainly don’t think she’s sincere, but I smile politely. “Thanks.”

“It’s a nice wedding,” she says, glancing around. “Although small. It’s so unlike Alex to do things in a hurry. Lately, Alex keeps surprising me. First, an unannounced engagement party, and then a wedding on short notice. But I understand he’s just doing it to make his parents happy.”

Ah. There. The venom that I expected. She has just reduced the value of our wedding not so subtly.

I’m angry, but I refuse to let her ruin my mood, so I say, “I’m happy to be his wife. It doesn’t matter the size of the wedding.”

She glares at me, losing her composure. “If you think a marriage can tie Alex to you, you’re mistaken. I am his true love. We don’t need any contract between us. We have each other’s silent commitment. He takes a break from me from time to time, but eventually, he comes back.”

I know the woman is lying because Alex told me he hadn’t been with her for more than two years. But at the moment, I can’t help doubting his words. Maybe they still see each other. If not, they’ll surely get back when I’m out of his life.

Despite my doubts, I refuse to satisfy her. “Well, I’m old-fashioned. So I still prefer everything written on paper. In my opinion, a certificate is better than silent vows.”

She stomps away, but I don’t feel the satisfaction of victory at all. Once again, the arrogant woman woke me from my delusion. Alex isn’t mine. It isn’t real between us. Even if he feels something for me, it won’t last, especially I’m not even going to stick around in New York. Besides Trisha, there are so many other gorgeous women around him.

My phone dings, announcing a string of messages from Cody. When I open one of them, I see him grinning in front of the Eiffel Tower.

I smile as I go on to read his message.

“Wish you were here. I’m having lots of fun.”

Cody wasn’t happy because I couldn’t go to Paris sooner. I didn’t tell him about my wedding because it was a long story. I only said I had to remain through my internship at Trend.

But from the smile on his face, I believe my worries aren’t necessary after all. He seems to enjoy himself, and he isn’t alone. He’s made many new friends already—just look at the group photos. A girl is even stamping a kiss on his cheek. I laugh. I’m happy for him, but a bit angry at myself. Why can’t I fall for Cody? He’s a perfect boyfriend. A year younger than me, but sweet and kind, not to mention handsome. He might be a flirt from time to time, but that’s hardly a flaw.

He’s a bit spoiled, but you can’t blame him for that because it isn’t his fault to be born into a rich family and then brought up by a single mom who couldn’t do anything less than giving him what he wanted.

The text and the pictures cheer me. I’m leaving for Paris in two days and begin a new chapter in my life. There’ll be new friends and new challenges.

The last group of pictures shows the three-room apartment Cody found near both of our campuses. He asks me to pick one of the three rooms.

I text Cody back, telling him I’ll take the smallest one and tell him I want to pay him the market price for the rent.

“Who are you texting?” Alex’s low rumbling voice coming from behind pulls me out of my daydream.

“Oh,” I look up smiling. “Cody. He found us an apartment.”

His smile fades somewhat. “You’re not going to share it with him, are you?”

“Well,” I hesitate because he doesn’t look happy. “I… am.”

“Is he really just a friend?” Alex’s eyes are dark.

No way. Is he still jealous? “Yeah,” I say timidly, feeling guilty although I’ve done nothing wrong. Alex isn’t really my husband, is he?

Alex keeps piercing me with his intense eyes. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to live in the same apartment with him.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t trust him,” he says. “I’ll find you a different apartment. I’ll pay for the rent.”

My mouth falls. “That’s crazy! You don’t have to…”

“I have to. You are my wife,” he says.

I blink. “But our marriage…” I look around and lower my voice. “Isn’t real.”

“I know that,” he says with a solemn face. “But the public doesn’t know. Everyone, including your dad, thinks it’s real. I’m a high-profile person. So is Cody’s mom. Gossip about the two of you would be juicy, and it’ll make me look bad.”

“I doubt it’ll ever happen,” I say, although he has a point.

He doesn’t give up. “My parents might decide to visit you in France one day, and what if they found out about the truth?”

Oops. I haven’t thought about any of these. “In that case, I’ll tell Cody to find another roommate.”

“Good,” he says. “I’ll take care of the apartment for you.”

“Okay,” I say. “Thanks. But I’ll pay the rent myself.”

“It’ll be deducted from your future salary,” he says with a smirk.

I blush. I don’t believe a word he says about public opinions because he doesn’t give a shit to them. But something about him being so possessive pleases me.

“Come on,” he grabs my wrist and pulls me onto the dance floor. “Time for the last dance.”

He holds me so close to him I can feel his forceful heartbeat, and he kisses me with so much passion I moan. I’m sure we’re giving the guests a preview of our wedding night, but I don’t care so much.

After saying goodbye to the guests, Alex practically carries me into the elevator and not letting go of me until we reach the bridal suite that the hotel offers free of charge with the wedding package.


I haven’t had the time to admire the luxurious interior of the suite, including the beautiful bouquet on the oval coffee table and the dozens of intriguing lights hanging on the ceiling, when Alex walks us into the bedroom.

His eyes are burning me once again with those scorching rays. He rubs the heels of his palms on my bare shoulders and then bends down to kiss them, prickling my skin with his scruff. “God, Vivian. This dress drives me crazy. You picked this gown because you knew your shoulders turned me on, right?” he whispers into my ear.

I tremble at his gruff voice. “Jeez, Alex. Is that a fetish?” I tease him.

“Maybe,” he says, playing with the straps of the gown. “All I wanted to do all night is to push those straps off you.”

Oh, God. The straps aren’t thin, but the cowl neck drops pretty low, baring a fair amount of cleavage.

“Then do it already,” I say in a croaky voice. My panties feel damp, and I ache for him.

He groans and then surprises me with his answer. “No hurry, sweetheart,” he rasps. “We’ve got a whole night to play.”

To play? Oh no. I don’t want any foreplay. I want him. In the last month, he’s never made me wait long. What’s gotten into him?

I must be pouting because he kisses my lips. “It’s our wedding night, real or not. I want to make it memorable for you.”

His consideration touches me so I don’t insist. “Okay.”

And then I watch him sliding his hand up to the swell of my breast and feel me over the fabrics of the bridal gown, slowly and deliberately. With each stroke, my feminine parts scream with pleasure and desire. I breathe hard, and my legs wobble.

Alex supports me with one hand on my back. But soon, his hand slips down to knead my buttock. The smooth, silky fabric feels good on my skin. He plays with my mounds for a moment longer and then without warning, pushes the straps off my shoulders.

The gown with a built-in bra slides off to my waist just like that, baring my upper body to him. His blue eyes turn dreamy and dark. “Fuck me,” he mutters and, without hesitation, closes his warm lips on my nipple.

I cry out in an instant. Even though all he’s done is sucking lightly, the pleasure is immense. My entire body tingles, and my center is flooded with desire. He moves on to my other breast while playing with the one he’s tasted with his fingers, gently massaging my swollen wet point with his fingertips.

“Oh my God,” I whimper as I look down and watch him pampering me with such diligence. My pussy clenches. “I’m gonna come, Alex.”

“Already?” he looks amused.

“Yes,” I say. “You feel too good.”

He stops what he’s doing as if to tease me. “Not yet, baby. I want you to come hard for me tonight.”

I don’t have the time to protest because he completely rips the bridal gown off my body and tosses it onto the ground.

His eyes are stormy as they travel over me from head to toe. “You’re so beautiful, Vivian!” he says as he kneels in front of me. “I think I have a fetish for your entire body, baby.”

He caresses me, starting from my feet to my ankles, my legs, and my thighs. And then, his eyes locked on mine, he buries his face in my juncture and sniffs deeply. “You smell like heaven!” he says before peeling off my panties and licks the juice that’s coating my center.

I grasp his hair. “Please, Alex. Come inside me!”

I want to lie down and spread my legs for him, but he doesn’t let me. He continues to tease me by touching my hips and my butt cheeks and licking the adjacent of my pussy. I’m burning with desire. I want to scream, but at the same time, I love being tortured by the pleasure.

“Now, get in bed, on all fours,” he demands suddenly.

I don’t need to be asked twice. I climb onto the bed right away, in the said position.

“Christ, you’re perfect from head to toe and front to back,” he says as he swats my ass first and then kisses it. “I’ll never tire of you, baby.”

My God. I can’t take it anymore. This is not the first time we’re together, but he acts as if it is. That alone turns me on. “I have to come, Alex,” I say as I reach to touch my clit.

He grabs my hand right away. “No, sweetheart. You don’t get to do it when you’re with me.”

And then he put his thumb on my nub and rubs it gently.

“Harder, please,” I beg.

“I’ll get to that,” he says. “Just enjoy the ride.”

I whine with frustration, but there isn’t much I can do. He’s right. I have plenty of lonely nights ahead of me where I’ll have to rely on my own fingers. Tonight is our last night together, and I should just enjoy his touch, even though it can be torture. He brings me to the edge effortlessly, and then he aborts it and starts all over.

I don’t know how long it’s taking. I only know I’ll pass out if I don’t have his hard cock inside me soon.

“Please, Alex,” I nearly cry. “Are you punishing me? What for?”

“No, baby,” he says in a hoarse voice that betrays his desire for me. “I just love seeing you so wound up for me. I want to remember it. I’ll think of it whenever I’m alone in bed.”

I gasp. The thought that Alex will be thinking about me when he takes care of himself never crosses my mind. I’ve assumed he’ll find a different woman, a friend with benefit, one-night-stands, or…Trisha.

This possibility pains me as if I’m abandoning him.

“You could err, call me if you need me,” I say, not sure whether it’s a good idea.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. We can talk like what we did last time.”

Fuck. He groans again, and then I hear the rustling of clothes. I look over my shoulder and see him taking off his shirt.

When he gets rid of his pants, too, I almost faint at the sight of his very rigid manhood.

“See what you did to me?” he says as he strokes his cock. “You’re not the only one being tortured, baby.”

I’m so turned on I can’t breathe. I only stare at him and wait like a starved person at a delicious piece of candy.

But when he reaches for a condom in his wallet, I grab his wrist. “No. Not tonight, please. I want to feel you bareback.”

He sucks in a breath. “Are you sure?”

“I’m in the safe phase,” I say.  I’m close to my next period.

“Okay,” he says. “But I’ll pull out.”

He kneels behind me on the bed, holds me by my hip, and then nudging his slick meat bat along my wet gash. I moan like a depraved woman.

“Ready? Here we go,” he says.

And then I cry as his slick, thick, and hard member fills me and soothes the overwhelming ache that’s built up in the evening.

Alex grunts with each thrust as if he, too, can’t control his desire any longer. Even so, he makes sure he hits me at the right places. “Are you okay, Vivi?”

“Yes, I’m good, don’t stop,” I say. Oops. That’s a mistake.

He slows down a bit. “I don’t want it to end so soon,” he says. “It feels too good.”

But his willpower doesn’t sustain. Soon he’s plunging like a fierce animal again, giving me long, quick, forceful thrusts and expels the air out of my lungs.

I grasp the bedsheet as a wave courses through my belly. I don’t announce it because I’m afraid he’ll hold back again. But Alex must feel it because he stills for a second. And then he growls. “Come with me, baby!”

Just like that, I let the tidal wave wash through my feminine channel. Alex joins me in a second. His hot splash of fluid shoots all the way into my womb.

We both collapse a moment later after he empties another stream into me. He falls on top of me, his chin on the back of my neck, his hot breath tickling my ear, and his half-wilted manhood still buried inside me.

“You’re so fucking amazing,” he murmurs. “I wish I could live inside you, Vivian.”

I chuckle. “Why don’t you? I wouldn’t mind taking you with me to Paris.”

He laughs. “Would they let us board the plane like this?” he asks while sliding inside me.

“I don’t know.” I giggle, and then I hear him curse.

“Fuck,” he mutters. And then he rolls off my back and turns me to face him.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, concerned by the serious look on his face.

“I forgot to pull out, completely,” he says.

Right. I forgot about it too. “It’s fine,” I say. “I’m in the safe phase.”

He pauses for a moment as if battling with worries, and then he nods. “Let me know if anything goes wrong.”

“What do you mean?” I say. “What if I became pregnant?”

“Then I’ll take care of you and the baby,” he says without hesitation.

I grin, imagining having a family with Alex for a moment. I would like that, although the chance is slim. It’s been two weeks since the end of my last period. “Does it mean we’ll remain married?” I ask.

He pauses. “Not if you don’t want to. I can still take care of you.”

I’m grateful for his answer but not satisfied because it sounds like he’s doing it out of duty. “Thanks,” I say. “But I think I can take care of myself.”


Alex must be tired because soon he falls soundly asleep. I, on the other hand, am still excited by the day’s events and the physical pleasure. I watch him sleep for a while, trying to remember how he looks because I’m going to miss him.

Alex told everyone he would join me later in Paris, but I don’t expect him to do that. To say I don’t wish our relationship to last is a lie, but I’m realistic enough to hope for the impossible. Alex is a much-coveted, successful man. The reason he initiated the fake relationship was that he didn’t have the intention of having a serious relationship with anyone, except perhaps Trisha. I’m still jealous of that bitch, even though Alex shows disinterest toward her when they’re together. I don’t know what would happen once I’m not around him.

Stop it. I chastise myself. I’m lucky enough to have the chance to be so close to my teenage crush, to know him physically and beyond, through this arrangement, not to mention earning my tuition to the fashion school.

I give myself a pet-talk and then close my eyes. Tomorrow, Mark will pick up my suitcases from Alex’s condo before taking me to the airport. Alex has a meeting early in the morning, so he won’t be going to the airport with me. That’s fine because I don’t want to cry outside the terminal.




I open my eyes to a sight that’s become familiar to me: Alex’s sexy, dreamy eyes gazing at me. He’s already dressed and ready for work.

I smile. “Hey, husband!”

He chuckles and stamps a kiss on my forehead. “Good morning, wife.”

“What time is it?”

“It’s seven,” he says. “Breakfast is here. Have some before you go, okay?”

“Okay.” My flight is at noon, so I’d better get up and get ready. Mark will be here in an hour.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?” he asks as he helps me to sit up.

“I’m okay,” I say as I hold him and enjoy his warmth for the last time. “There’s no point for you to go through all the traffic just to hug me goodbye once more.”

“I wouldn’t mind,” he murmurs.

I want to agree and tell him to cancel his meetings, but I don’t want to cause trouble. Instead, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him deeply. “I’ll call you once I get to Paris,” I say when I let him go.

“Okay, safe trip,” he says and pats me on my arm before going out of the hotel room.

After he’s gone, I sit on the bed fighting the tears that threaten to pour out of my eyes. I miss him already, and I’m still in New York! Suddenly I don’t want to go to Paris anymore. Neither do I want any grad school. All I want is stay here and be Alex’s wife… But wait, I’m not really his wife. It’s all fake between us, even though we’ve had amazing sex and we also care about each other. This marriage will not and should not last because it doesn’t mean to. It started as a business transaction, and because of that, there won’t be any happy ending to it.

Imagine what Alex’s reaction would be if I called him now and told him I would like to change my plan? He would probably think I’m nuts. And what about AFAP? I’ve paid the tuition and registered for classes. Cancelation will be costly. Above all, I’m simply not a person who aborts her plans.

I take a deep breath and get out of bed.