Rebellion of a Kingdom by G.N. Wright

Chapter 29


Once again I don’t recognize the girl, no the woman, staring back at me from the mirror. The black satin gown hangs by two silver straps and flows completely to the floor, hugging in at my breasts and waist. My hair is styled in a messy bun with a few tendrils escaping on either side of my face and a simple wing liner and red lip combo completes my look. The silver stilettos finish off my ensemble perfectly, all ready for a family celebration. It’s New Year’s Eve and in spite of everything going on, Helen insisted on a family dinner and instructed us all to dress for the occasion. So here I am, dressed and ready to go, so why can’t I force my feet to move, to turn around and leave this room and join my family to celebrate even if just for one night.

It just feels stupid to celebrate something so mundane and regular, but that’s what I’m fighting for right? The chance to live, the chance to survive, the chance to just be a normal eighteen-year-old girl with no enemies. Yet all I think about is the last time I got dressed up like this. All I can see is my brother's bloodied body and my daughter being carried away by the enemy. But this isn't like last time. Zack is here and alive, Cassie is here and I'm here, nobody can find us, we are safe. For now. We won't truly be safe until I finish this and wipe everyone else off the board. But what's one night off war?

My thoughts are interrupted when my door swings open and I lock eyes with Zack in the mirror. He’s here, he’s safe, he’s alive. He’s dressed in a fitted grey suit, paired with a dark pair of loafers and a silver tie. God, it warms my heart to see him like this. He almost looks like himself now; the handsome, young CEO that could conquer the world. Yet, the reminder that he almost died is still there, in the way he holds his shoulders and the slow limp he does as he moves towards me. That makes the warmth in my heart fade, as anger and desperation burn through me instead.

“You look beautiful sweetheart.” He grips both my shoulders and drops a kiss to the side of my head.

“You look pretty handsome yourself, Z.” I feign a smile, but he sees right through it.

“You okay?” He asks and it’s a loaded question, I haven’t been okay for a long time.

I exhale a slow breath before I whisper, “I’m nervous.” Admitting that out loud to him makes me feel weak, but I am so sick of being strong all the time. Too much has happened. I lower my eyes to the floor so he can’t see the shame I feel in admitting that.

“I know. I feel it too.” He replies and my eyes snap back to his in the mirror. “It never stops,” he goes on, “it plays on repeat in my head, I just watch her get taken over and over again while I lay there helpless.”

My frown is instant, “you were bleeding,” He has got to believe that none of that was his fault.

“Exactly!” He snaps causing me to startle. Zack can be harsh when he needs to be, I’ve seen it, but never with me. “I vowed to protect you, both of you and when it mattered most, I failed. I’m sorry.”

I turn to face him, “don’t you ever apologize to me again, if anyone should be sorry, it’s me. You were never supposed to be a part of all this.”

He shakes his head in disagreement, “all of this is because of me.” He disagrees. “I won’t fail you again.”

“You could never fail me Zack, you're my brother, you’ll always be my hero.”

“You’re your own hero Elle King, you always have been.” He smiles softly and I can’t bear it. I throw my hands around him and take comfort in his embrace.

I should wish that I never laid eyes on Greg Donovan, that he never did those awful things to me. But without them I wouldn’t have Zack, I would still be living blissfully ignorant in a jail I called home with parents I thought loved me. Now I am surrounded by a family that I would die for, but more importantly, I would live for.

“We are going to end this, and all make it out alive and in one piece, right?” I ask, but it comes out muffled against his chest.

He pulls back and looks down at me, “Right,” he agrees, and he almost sounds like he believes it. Almost. “Now come on, I was sent in here to get you, everyone is waiting. Let’s go.”

I nod, turning to take one last look in the mirror before smoothing down my dress and then following him out of the room.

As soon as I make it to the living area my eyes immediately zone in on Cassie. She’s here, she’s safe. She’s also surrounded by five beautiful protectors: Marcus, Lincoln, Jace, Logan and Asher are all with her, dressed in beautiful black suits and listening intently to her like she is the center of their whole world. I know she’s mine.

She’s wearing a beautiful black dress with a silver bow attached to the back, the skirt puffs out a little and stops at her knee. Someone has braided her hair and fixed a little crown to her head. She looks perfect and it looks like our dresses were made to match. I had one of Max’s guys pick both of them up from Robert in Havensgrove yesterday just for the occasion. Jace is saying something back to her when he glances up and spots me, stopping mid-sentence. They all look to see what got his attention.

“Damn, sis! Looking hot!” Logan calls out from across the room.

Asher groans, “I really wish you wouldn’t make it sound so creepy when you say shit like that.”

“Would you prefer I compliment you, baby?” He winks at him and Ash as usual rolls his eyes before stepping towards me and kissing my cheek, always the gentleman.

“You look beautiful, Hells Bells.” He smiles softly, but I can see the darkness flaring behind his stormy blue eyes. He is just waiting for his next chance at revenge.

I move towards the guys, Logan first who pulls me in for a hug, Lincoln next who smiles, “you scrub up well, King.” I kiss his cheek and then turn to Jace. He is still staring at me intently and I know why. Just like me, he’s thinking of the last time we were all dressed up like this.

He clears his throat and shakes his head like he wants to rid the thoughts in there, “beautiful as always, Queenie.” His smile is forced and lacking his usual care and I can’t help myself. I hug him, hard, like I can heal him with just my arms around him. He doesn’t say anything, neither do I. He just hugs me back, letting this friendship we have built, this family, flow through each other, giving us both the strength, we need to get through this. When I pull back his smile is a little more genuine and he offers me a wink. Better than before so I take it.

By the time I turn to Marcus, he has scooped Cassie up into his arms, a sight that makes my breath falter. Never in my life did I imagine I would feel this type of love this young. The unconditional kind, the die before losing it kind. It’s almost too much. Almost. The smile he gives me makes my knees go weak. The strong and powerful Marcus Riviera, leader of the Rebels and King of the South Side. Still, when he’s here with me, all I see is my best friend, my first love. My only love. Holding my daughter, accepting her. Loving her as much as he would if she were his own and making it all the easier to love him.

She jumps down from his arms and almost leaps at me as I pick her up and cuddle her close. “You look beautiful,” I say into her hair and she pulls back with a huge smile as she struggles to get down from my arms. Once she does, she gives me a twirl showing off her dress. “Wow so pretty.”

“Daddy says I’m the prettiest princess.” She replies just as Asher comes back over and we both smile.

“Daddy is right.”

“I usually am,” Ash teases as he picks Cass up, “now come on dinner is almost ready.” He takes her and they all move to head towards the dining area as I focus on Marcus.

“You look fucking stunning, Ells. The dress is beautiful.'' He drops a kiss to my lips, which is far too quick and light for my liking, but I suppose considering we aren’t really alone, this isn’t the time or place for anything more. He leans in until his breath tickles my ear, “I can’t fucking wait to see what’s underneath it later.” My blush is instant, and I don’t miss the smug look on his face as he pulls away. Not wanting to let him have the upper hand I smile as I think of my comeback.

I place my hand on his chest and give him another quick kiss on the lips, before leaning up to whisper, “the only thing I’m wearing under this dress is my knife.” He groans, as I pull away, and immediately tries to grab me back, but I skip out of his hold and make my way into the dining room.

“Fucking little tease.” He mutters following me, but apparently, he wasn’t quiet enough.

“Swear jar!” Cassie yells and I can’t help the laugh that bursts out of me as we make our way to our seats at the table.

Dinner is perfect, the food is amazing as always when Helen has been in the kitchen and it’s nice to have everyone together to celebrate. The drinks flow and the conversations are light and easy for a change. Marcus’s arm never leaves my thigh, and mine and Asher's gaze never strays too far from Cassie. Both of us offer each other the occasional smile. I haven’t felt this content in a long time. This is what we are fighting for.

After dinner we all head to the living area to relax. Arthur and Helen are dancing to some jazz music he put on, Z is in the corner with Max and the guys sharing stories. Logan and Lincoln are trying to best each other at a game of chess and Lily has wrangled Ash into playing cards. Cassie is in his lap, excitedly yelling out the numbers on his cards, making him lose and Lily for once has a huge smile on her face.

Jace is sitting alone by the Christmas tree, looking out the window where strangely enough, a dusting of snow has started to fall. I’m worried about him, but I know he wants to be alone, he isn’t smoking or even drinking, just lost in his thoughts. Just when I think I might go over to him and make sure he is okay I am grabbed from behind and pulled into a hard body.

“Time to show me those knife skills, little King.” Marcus purrs into my ear, nipping it slightly and I feel his touch searing through my dress where he holds my waist.

I look around the room, seeing if we could really get away with sneaking off. Everyone is occupied enough and when I let my gaze travel across them all, the only person to catch my eye is Ash. He zones in on Marcus’s grip and smiles, shaking his head and then offers me a nod towards Cassie. I know he is signaling for me to go, have fun and not worry and for once I can let myself. Because we are all here, together, and safe and I know nothing bad is going to happen, at least not tonight.

I turn and Marcus loosens his hold, allowing me to spin until I face him, His dark stare is lustful as he gazes down at me, “come on, little King. I’ve been imagining ripping this fucking scrap of dress off you all night.” He leans in licking a path up my neck to my hair, “let me show you how fucking hard I am for you.”

His words burn through me and I don’t even think twice about grabbing his hand and leading him from the room, I don’t stop until we make it inside his room and lock the door. The soft rumbles of the music filter through the walls and I know nobody will hear us in here, no matter what we do.

Whenever he looks at me like this, all I can think about is how he makes me feel, how he makes me forget everything. The high I feel when he worships my body is one that will never fade. Now I am craving that high. The need for him is ever present and lurking. Like a buzz beneath my skin. I am obsessed. No, I am fucking addicted, and I need my next fix.

I push him until his legs hit the bed and he drops down onto it, looking up at me. I take a step back and slide the straps of my dress off my shoulder, letting it slide from my arms, revealing my bare chest. His gaze devours my tits as he licks his lips, like he is thinking of all the wicked things he wants to do to me. I grip the dress and slowly drag it past my waist until it gives and completely drops to the floor. Leaving me in nothing but my stilettos and the black strap attached to my thigh. I wasn’t lying when I said my knife was the only thing I was wearing. Any underwear I tried on earlier left lines on the dress, so I had to skip it, but I never skip my knife, even when I know we are safe here. My fingers dust down my body until I find the strap and go to remove it.

Marcus reaches out, halting my movements, “leave it on.” He stares up at me with a depraved fucking smile on his face and I smile back.

I let my hands fall from the strap, but his remains. He drags it around my leg, brushing against it all the way, until he reaches my ass. Grabbing it, he pulls me closer to him, before he continues to drag his hand back down to my thigh. Still gripping the strap, he uses it to pull my leg up onto the bed, so my pussy is completely open to him.

“Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are,” he purrs bringing up his other hand and letting it trace along my seam. I can’t hold back my shudder. He’s so close. “How many times I fucked my hand thinking about you?” He pushes his fingers a bit further, “how many times I came just thinking about this fucking pussy.” he grazes my clit. “Fuck, how just one look at you had me coming even after the worst fucking blow job ever.” He presses my clit hard, and I gasp. His words should make me jealous; I shouldn’t want to hear about other girls, remembering how I found him that first day of school, but all they do is spur me on.

Because he’s here, he’s mine. His finger starts to make miniscule circular movements and every slight friction pushes me further into my desire. “How I wanted to fucking kill every guy that lusted after you on that first day of school, including my own fucking brother.” He slides a finger inside of me, “how I wanted to fuck the defiance out of you when you didn’t react to what I got them to do to your car.” He fucks me with his fingers, his thumb finding my clit as I climb further towards release.

“Fuck, Ells, that first time I kissed you, I knew. Knew one taste would never be enough.” He works his fingers faster inside me as he fucks me roughly with them. I start riding them, chasing the high only he can give me. “Let go baby, give it to me.” His words send me over the edge and I’m coming with a scream as he continues to fuck me, wringing out every last bit of my orgasm. He pulls his fingers from me and they glisten with my cream.  He stares at me intently as he brings them to his mouth and sucks them clean. “Fucking perfect,” he groans.

I reach out and unfasten his shirt, ripping open each button as fast as I can, sliding it off his broad shoulders. He unfastens his belt, pulling it off, before letting his pants and boxers follow, until we are both naked. His hand flattens against my stomach and pushes up between my breasts until it closes on my throat. He uses his grip to pull me down towards him and I follow his lead, spreading my legs wide, as I straddle him.

“Ride me, baby.” He says leaning up to kiss me. He pushes his tongue to dance with mine as he lines up his cock. I push him back bracing both my hands on his chest before I sink down on it making us both groan. “Fuck, Ells.”

Slowly, I rise again, before pushing back down with a little more force. He leans back up, gripping my neck again and forcing my mouth to his. We kiss like it might be the last time and fuck like we are gonna live forever. The perfect fucking mix of passion and pure lust. I take him deep inside and ride against him and he meets me thrust for thrust. My clit brushes against his groin with every swipe of my hips and I throb. Pushing me closer and closer to another release. I need it, crave it and he knows exactly how to give it to me.

“Oh fuck, Ells, yes just like that.” He moans, gripping the back of my neck as his other hand finds my ass. He squeezes it tight in his hand as he keeps up the momentum of my movements. When he keeps hitting the perfect spot inside me, I rush towards my orgasm. “Oh, fuck baby, come on, come for me. You feel so fucking good clenching around my cock, Elle.” I fuck him harder as sweat drips down both our bodies, but nothing matters right now apart from the way he feels inside me. I slam down onto his cock one more time before I am coming so hard, I almost black out, but he doesn’t stop. He grabs my hips in both hands and continues to pound into me, the sounds of our bodies hitting against each other, filling the room.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and hold on tight so he can keep fucking me, I know he’s close, I can feel him swelling inside me and I want him to find the same pleasure I feel so I lean in and whisper, “come inside me, River, I want you dripping out of me.” He groans, picking up his pace even more until he is leading me into another release, “fuck, Marcus. I’m gonna come again.” I barely get the words out before he rips another orgasm from me as he finds his own with a loud groan.

His hand grips my cheek and drags me to his lips, “fucking perfect.” He’s right it really is perfect. I just wish everything else was.