Rebellion of a Kingdom by G.N. Wright

Chapter 30


Ifucking hate New Year’s Eve. All that new year, new me bullshit, when in reality everyone continues to be the same shitty cunt they always are. People talk about resolutions and new beginnings, no one ever thinks about the people who won’t get to start a new year. About the people who are no longer here to celebrate such trivial things. My hands are itching to feel the weight of a bottle or the tip of a cigarette, my nostrils burning for the taste of coke. All of which, I’m ignoring because I don’t want to be like this. A reckless fuck up that people need to look after. I want to be better, stronger, just more than this fucking waste of space I am now.

I’m in a room full of people and I have never felt more alone. I don’t fit in here, everyone has a purpose, everyone but me. Even my silent and brooding brother seems to have found a spot for himself. Our King won his Queen, and me? I’ve fallen back into the depths of despair, constantly worrying about Donovan and his sick fucking ways, and trying anything possible to forget all about my past. I reach for the joint in my pocket, just as my phone vibrates next to it. I pull that out instead and find one new message from the last person I thought I would hear from, especially after my last drug-fueled run in with her.

TAYLOR: Hey Conrad, you at Riverside tonight?

I had heard through socials that there was a big party happening there tonight. I mean there always is, but this would have been bigger than most. Everyone puts their differences aside to ring in the new year. I couldn’t think of anything worse, yet anywhere is better than sitting here alone. I let playboy Jace take the reins.

JACE: I could be persuaded *wink emoji*

I don’t know why I even try to flirt with her, she is miles out of my league, and we have nothing in common, but she makes me want better for myself. Mix that with what a fucking knock out she is and well, I can’t help myself.

TAYLOR: Fancy a jailbreak? Stuck at the parentals party listening to their work buddies talk shop. Send help *praying hands emoji*

I contemplate my options: Staying here and sulking alone or going to get a pretty girl from a party. Looking at the time, it’s not even ten yet, but it would take me at least an hour to get to her and that’s if I managed to sneak out. In fact, there is no way I could sneak out, the house is too secure, everyone too on edge. That means I’d actually have to ask to leave, like I’m a fucking child. I’ve never had to ask permission for anything. I scoff just thinking about it, but then the thought of staying in this house one minute longer makes me want to fucking die, so fuck it.

I get up and move towards Max, him and Zack are chatting in the corner, while the rest of his guys that are inside are playing on the Xbox. He looks up at me as soon as I approach, and Zack follows his gaze.

“I need to go out.” Simple and to the point, I don’t see any reason not to be blunt. He eyes me slowly, not saying a word, but managing to completely unnerve me with his unwavering glare.

Eventually, he sighs. “Take Tyler with you.” Is all he responds before he turns back to Zack to continue their conversation. That could have been worse, and out of all his guys, Tyler is the one I get on with the most.

Max spoke loudly enough to get Tyler’s attention and he moves towards me, grabbing his jacket off the chair, “where are we going?” He asks with a smile and I relax slightly when I realize none of them are going to bust my balls about it.

“Party.” Is all I say, before we turn and leave. When we reach the garage, he tosses me a set of keys to signal that I’m driving and I climb into the car. It feels good to be behind the wheel again, to be leaving the inside of these gates. I never thought I would ever look forward to going back to school, but at this point it can’t come quick enough.

I shoot a quick response to Taylor to tell her I’ll be there in an hour, and then we set off. We drive in silence until we reach the outskirts of Black Hallows.

“Are you armed?” Tyler asks suddenly, and I frown.

“Should I be?” I retort and then it’s his turn to frown.

“Thought you grew up here? You should always be fucking armed.” He snaps, pulling his jacket aside and showing the two guns on his waist.

I roll my eyes, “I’ve got a knuckle duster in my pocket.” Is all I respond, because it’s the only weapon I have on me and it’s the only one I’ve always used. I try not to think about the fact I killed someone, that I took a life without regret. I shouldn’t feel bad, they deserved it, but I am still responsible for the death of someone, and I haven’t fully decided how I feel about that yet.

When we finally make it to Taylor’s estate, the gates are open, and her long driveway is lined with cars. When she said her parents were throwing a party, she really meant a party. There has to be at least a hundred cars here. I drive past them all until I am swinging in front of the fountain in the middle of her drive. I roll my eyes at the ridiculous amount of wealth here, I will never get used to it, no matter how much time I spend with Elle and her family. I fire off another text to let her know I’m here, and then I wait.

A couple of minutes later, she stumbles out of the door. Seems she already started her party. As I climb from the car, an older man follows her out of the house. He’s staying in the shadows, but clearly he’s following her. When he steps into the light, he spots me and freezes. His face is vaguely familiar, but I can’t place him. He looks rattled to see me there and begins backing up immediately. I have the strange urge to follow him, but then Taylor trips and almost falls, and I rush towards her.

“Woah, princess, careful.” I take her arm and steady her as she swings her gaze towards me. Her pupils are wide, and her eyes look glossy, her cheeks filled with a blush despite the cold air.

“Jaceeeeee,” she says excitedly, dragging my name out as she tries, and fails to throw her arms around me.

“Started the party early, I see.” I say teasing her and she frowns.

“What? No. I had one glass of champagne off Dr. Asshole a few minutes ago, that’s it.” Her words slur slightly, and I frown. There is no way she only had one glass, she’s almost completely out of it.

“Who’s Dr. Asshole?” I ask with a slight grin, and she huffs.

“He’s here,” she turns to where I just saw the familiar looking man, but the space is empty. She shakes her head. “He was right there. He was the one who told me I should come out and get some fresh air. Said he would help me.”

Her words make the grin fall from my face, why would she need to be outside, in the dark, for him to help her if he’s a doctor. “What’s his real name?”

“Rolland.” She slurs, “Rolland Atkins.” Then she collapses into my arms.

Tyler jumps out of the car and rushes towards me, “What the fuck happened to her?”

I can’t answer him, all I can hear is Rolland Atkins’ name on repeat in my mind. A name I have seen countless times, for years. He’s the owner of the biggest pharmaceutical company in the state, one of Elliot Donovan's closest friends, and a target on Elle’s murder board. He also happens to be the name on Rachel’s death certificate. Taylor isn’t drunk. I believe her, she only had one glass, given to her by the trusted and respected Dr. Atkins, and I know exactly what was fucking in that champagne.

“She’s been drugged.” I bite out bitterly, “we need to get her out of here, now!” I move Taylor so I can pick her up in a fireman's hold, and head back towards the car. Tyler opens the door and helps me lift her in safely before he jumps into the driver’s seat.

“Where are we going?” He asks, and I know he won’t like my answer, but right now I don’t care about anything but her.

“Home, she needs to see Arthur.” His gaze collides with mine in the mirror before he turns and looks at Taylor, sighing, he nods, then floors it out of there. I can see him keep checking the mirrors as he makes sure no one is following us. Smart man.

He saw me. Looked me right in the eye with enough recognition that he backed off. Does he know who I am? Who I’m with? Have I just put a target on her back without meaning to? I push those thoughts aside and concentrate on the only thing I can control right now, and that’s helping Taylor. I look down at her passed out on my lap, and wonder if this is what it was like for Rachel. Tricked by someone she thought she could trust. It makes my skin crawl. I reach out and brush a black strand of hair away from her face, and for a moment, I pretend. Pretend that we are the same, that we have lived the same kind of life, and that we are just a regular couple who could have ‘it’. That thing that people dream of, that Marcus and Elle have already found. That I say I don’t want, but secretly crave. I pretend, and it feels good.

I watch her breathe in and out and wonder if it’s possible. Wonder if, given the chance, could the right girl break through all my shit and make it all better. Make me better? I don’t know if it’s possible or if Taylor could even be the right girl, but just for a moment, here in this car, she is, we are, and life doesn’t feel so bad.

By the time we make it back to the house, the new year has come and gone. Tyler took a long route home to ensure we weren’t followed and as we move through the gates, the house is a lot darker than when we left it. He pulls into the garage and turns off the engine.

He turns, “I’ll go alert Max and get Arthur ready for her.” He doesn’t wait for me to respond, just gets out, opens my door for me and leaves. It’s like he knew I needed a minute longer to just pretend. But I can’t anymore, not in the light of the garage. This isn’t pretend, this is real life, my life and I just dragged her into it when I should have pushed her away. Elle is probably going to freak out that I brought her here and I’m sure Donovan and Marcus will have something to say about it too. But I can’t worry about that right now.

I slip out of the car and slowly maneuver her back into my arms and carry her inside until we reach my room. I get there at the same time Arthur does, and I don’t miss the flash of disgust passing over his face, or the way he locks his jaw when he sees the innocent girl, passed out in my arms. I place her on the bed, and he starts checking her vitals.

I don’t know if she is going to be okay, If I’m going to be okay, but I do know who needs to die next and I know I have to be the one to do it.