Rebellion of a Kingdom by G.N. Wright

Chapter 33


After how we have spent the last three weeks, going back to school just seems so ridiculously normal. Lincoln is driving, Jace is up front, and Elle and I are sitting in the back. She had worried about leaving Cassie every day, but she knows that Asher has her, no matter what. They’re staying home with Zack, Arthur, Helen, and the twins. A couple of Max’s guys will stay with them too, while the rest of them are already waiting for us at school. They’ve gone back and forth with Lock and managed to get security cameras fitted fucking everywhere. Excessive, but necessary. Elliot Donovan isn’t playing, and neither are we. Mix that, with his fucking psychopathic son thinking Elle is his, it’s safe to say we are all on edge. We know a pushback is coming, we just don’t know when. When they inevitably get the news of Rolland Atkins’ disappearance, I know they won’t sit and wait any longer.

We’ve been off radar for weeks and this is the first time we will be doing what is expected of us. The hour drive to school has been spent mostly silent, but the nerves are practically screaming from our bodies. Elle got Lock to change our schedules, so all our classes match up, which eases some of my fear. I should be scared, I am scared, but not for me, for Elle, my brothers. I can’t lose them. We have come too far. I just want all of this to be over so we can actually live our lives.

“Starbies?” Jace breaks the silence.

“What the fuck does Starbies mean?” Lincoln asks, his tone even more blunt than usual. He has left no stone unturned as we prepared to come back, and I can tell it’s taking a toll on him. He still hasn’t forgiven himself for allowing Cassie to be taken, he thinks it’s his fault. I get it, I do, I feel so much guilt about what happened to her and Zack, we should have done better. I should have done better.

“I think he means Starbucks,” Elle answers from beside me, “and the answer is no, pretty boy.” Her tone is slightly teasing, but I can tell it’s forced, we are all still reeling from the events of last night.

He huffs in annoyance, throwing his feet up on the dash and sulking the rest of the way to school. Out of all of us, he is the least excited about the plan to continue as normal. He thinks we should have stayed in hiding, but that isn’t what Elle wanted. As we pull into the parking lot, he rolls his window down and lights up a joint. Is it too much to ask for him to tackle today with a clear head?

“Seriously?” His eyes snap to mine in the mirror as soon as I speak.

“Just cause you’re too pussy whipped to get stoned, doesn’t mean I have to be.” He replies, slowly puffing out a wave of smoke.

He looks at Elle as soon as he says it and I see his regret. “Real nice, Jace,” She sighs, shaking her head before getting out of the car and slamming the door.

“Fuck,” He mutters, swiping a hand down his face.

“Look brother, I know you are going through some stuff, but she doesn’t deserve your shit.” I don’t need to tell him. I can tell by the look on his face he already knows.

“I know,” He huffs, throwing the joint out of the window and leaving to run after her.

Lincoln watches them before turning to me. “Are you ready for this?” I nod and he continues. “Nowhere alone and anything out of the ordinary is checked out.”

“Agreed.” We exit the car in unison, both of us swinging our gaze around the lot. The fence is now brand new and there are cameras attached all along it. I can hear people commenting on the changes as they make their way across to the steps.

All hands-on deck really means, all hands. So, as we catch up with Elle and Jace we are also joined by a few of our main South Siders, Jack, Kai, Malcolm, and a few others. They haven't been told everything, just briefed enough to know that we are on high alert. I see all of them eyeing Elle, they’re still not used to being around her. I can’t help myself. I pull her in by her waist and see them immediately avert their eyes.

“You ready, baby?” I drop a kiss on the space where her neck meets her shoulder, and she leans into it.

“I’m ready,” she sighs, “I just want to get all of this over with and…” she cuts off mid-sentence as she tenses up. “This fucking cunt,” She mutters, before pulling away from me. She storms off and all our eyes follow to see what has snagged her attention. When I find what she has spotted, I curse inwardly. Fucking Cherry.

I follow after her quickly, but not quick enough, and before I can even take a couple of steps, Elle's fist is already cracking Cherry’s nose. Her dramatic scream of pain draws so much attention, that a lot more people see the second punch to her jaw. Someone shouts, ‘girl fight’, and all hell breaks loose. We push through the crowd and they part to let us through. I see a few people already recording.

“Phones away now!” I boom to the crowd and Lincoln moves to confiscate the ones who had already started filming, and the rest of my guys push the crowd back. Elle continues to beat on Cherry until she falls to the floor.

I grab her waist and pull her away. “Elle, what the fuck?” I know she hates her, but a public display like this is bad.

“It was her,” she replies without looking at me, she just stares down at Cherry on the floor.

“What was her?”

“She led them to Cassie. I saw Cherry that day we went shopping in Havensgrove, I thought I was seeing things at the time as she disappeared quickly.” She's panting heavily, the anger burning out of her body. “I could never figure out how Greg found out about Cass or how he found the house and got to Peter. Then I remembered Cherry. With everything going on, I forgot about it again. But it was her, Marcus. She’s the reason.”

My hold on her releases immediately, no hesitation. Not after what she did. I wouldn’t care if Elle killed her right here and now. This is all her fault. We had the upper hand, had everything under control, until that night. Cherry almost ruined everything, almost cost us everything. The guys have pushed the crowd back far enough that they can’t hear what we are saying, but I know they still watch our every move. Elle steps back towards her, bending down next to Cherry until she is crouched by her head.

“I told you not to make me come for you, but you didn’t listen, did you?” Elle lifts Cherry’s head by her hair. “Did you think he cared about you? That he would protect you? You’re as insignificant to them as you are to me.” She lowers her voice so that I barely catch the next bit. “Tell Greg to watch his back, I’m coming.” With that, she stands and releases her head, and it smashes back into the ground.

Elle turns to me, flexing her fist out, examining the blood coated there, before eyeing everyone in the crowd. For a moment, I think she might slink back into the silent and stealthy Elle, but she proves me wrong. “Nobody touches her. Trash belongs on the ground. Help her out and you’ll join her there.” Her voice is loud and clear, and I see everyone looking at her in a new light, including me. She’s never looked hotter.

I smile at her as I allow my voice to echo around the lot. “Everyone, fuck off to class.” They scatter immediately as Jace and Lincoln join us again.

“Fucking hell, Queenie.” Jace starts lifting her bloodied fist for inspection and she snaps it away from him, eyeing him with a cocky smirk.

“It was her or you, pretty boy.”

He bursts out laughing, “Nah you love me too much for that, even when I’m acting like a dick.” He slings an arm around her shoulder, as she shakes her head at him.

“Someone’s got to, Conrad.” Her tone makes me smile, in a few short, albeit drama filled months, they have grown so close. I’ve never seen him let his guard down the way he does with her. I imagine this is what he was like before Rachel. Before her murder tainted his soul. It’s the same with Lincoln, he has his own demons that he never talks about, his darkness always on show, but with her, he is somehow lighter.

“You alright?” Lincoln asks her and she nods.

“All good, Superman. Sorry I know you said to keep a low profile.” Her tone is genuine, and I can tell how much she means that.

The corner of Lincs mouth tips up. “If you didn’t do it, I would have.” Even with the ghost of a smile tugging at his features, I can still hear the seriousness of that threat.

She smiles big at him. “That's why you're my favorite.” She pushes away from Jace and links her arm with Lincoln instead.

“Ouch, Queenie,” Jace says at the same time as I say, “What about me?”

She just laughs and they both turn and walk away. I look to Jace and he shrugs and moves to follow them. I turn and look at Cherry. She is crying in a ball on the floor, and I feel zero sympathy for her.

I use my foot to roll her on her back, and then bend down as she looks up at me. “Come for my family again and I’ll finish what she started. Are we clear?”

She nods, and, feeling semi-satisfied, I get up. Cherry may have been just another fucking pawn in the Donovan’s weaponry, but she took it too far. Her mistakes need to be paid for. Elle may have started it, but I’m not afraid to finish it if I have to.

I turn and head off into school, leaving her in the dirt where she belongs.