Beautiful Outlaw by Emily Minton

Dinner with the Family


The smell of Nina’s homemade enchiladas hits my nose as soon as I walk into the house.  Looking over my shoulder, I smile at my brothers.  “She went all out tonight.”

Mamá wanted all her boys to be here, so she pulled out the big guns,” Tin-Man says as he follows behind me.

That’s true.  She doesn’t get us both here at the same time often.  She doesn’t get the other boys over very often at all, so she makes sure to put on her best show when we come.  When it comes to Nina, that means enough food to feed an army, every bit of it fuckin’ delicious. 

“I shouldn’t have to bribe my kids to come home for dinner every once in a while,” Nina states as she walks into the room. Her eyes narrow in on Red and Rollo.  “You two are even worse.  You only come to visit when you’re hungry.”

I smile again when I notice her blue-checkered apron with splattered red sauce across the fabric.  Her dark hair is pulled back by a green bandana, and there is a large smear of flour on her cheek. Her face is covered in a huge smile as she reaches up to place a kiss on my cheek.

I watch as both of them start to squirm. Everyone respects the hell out of her.  Finally, Rollo speaks up,  “Sorry, Nina.”

She helped raise us all, and we love her for it.  Rollo, like me, grew up around the clubhouse.  He had a mother, but she wasn’t the motherly type.  She preferred being on her Old Man’s arm instead of taking care of a kid.  So, when I moved into Nina’s, he ended up spending more time here than at home.  Red only started coming around when he met Tin in high school.  He and Tin are close, and because of that, he has become one of the few people I trust.  He comes from a good family, and even though they don’t like the path he’s chosen for himself, they are still tight. 

Before she moves on to Tin, she whispers in my ear,  “Shay is in the kitchen. Go help her set the table.”

I hear her telling Tin that she made sour cream cake, his favorite from our childhood, as I step away from them. After that, I hear Rollo say Fuckin’ A and the sound of Nina’s hand slapping him on what I’m sure is the side of his head.  “Watch your mouth.”

I chuckle at them as I walk into the kitchen. As soon as I step inside, I see Shay and Priss standing by the counter.  Shay is frosting the cake, while Priss dips her fingers into the bowl to steal a taste.  Both girls are laughing and jabbering a mile a minute.

“If you keep eating that, I won’t have enough to frost the cake.”

“Who cares? If the boys want cake, they should come over more often,” Priss replies, dipping her finger in for a bit more. 

“I care,” I say as I walk up to them, reaching into the bowl to get my own taste.  “It’s been for-fuckin’-ever since I had this shit.”

Priss giggles, looking up to me with bright eyes.  “Watch your mouth, or Mamá will get you.”

I hear a muffled laugh come from Shay and look toward her.  She is chewing on her bottom lip, but her smile is apparent.  I reach into the bowl and get just a bit of frosting on my finger.  Bringing it to her mouth, I smear some across her lips.  Her teeth immediately release her bottom lip, and I lean down to run my tongue over the frosting. 

When I pull back, I see that her eyes are huge.  “Sweet as hell.”

“Yuck,” Priss says from beside us, pulling on my shirt.  “Leave Shay alone.  She doesn’t want your nasty beard anywhere near her mouth.”

I look over to my sister and narrow my eyes playfully.  “There is nothing nasty about my beard.  The ladies love it.”

“Whatever,” she says with a shake of her head as she reaches above us to pull plates from the cabinet.  “The girls just tell you that.  No woman wants a man with a beard slobbering all over her.”

“I like his beard,” Shay says, her voice low. 

I turn my eyes to her and shoot her a smile. Leaning down to whisper in her ear, I say, “You’ll like it even more when I’m between your legs.”

Her jaw drops, and she steps away from me.  She stares at me just a second before resuming her task.  “I have to get this cake finished.”

I watch as a blush crosses her cheeks, and her lip goes between her teeth once again.  I swear, the sight has my dick pushing against my zipper in a way that makes me wonder if the metal will hold.  There is just something about Shay, something different.  I want to reach out, pull her to me, toss her over my shoulder, and go to the bedroom.  Instead, I turn to Priss and take a handful of plates.  A second later, Nina and Tin are in the room.  A few minutes after that, we are all at the table eating Mamá’s homemade enchiladas. 

After dinner is done, we all head to the living room to watch TV.  Shay goes straight to the chair, her eyes on me the entire way.  I can tell she’s running, but I ain’t letting that shit happen.  I walk right to her and pull her out of the seat.  Sitting down in her spot, I pull her into my lap.

Her ass wiggles against my cock, causing it to weep for joy.  “What are you doing?”

“I’m holding you,” I state the obvious as my eyes go to the TV screen.

She continues to fight my hold, while I ignore her and focus on the movie Priss put in.  I watch as a golf ball crashes into glass and the name Happy Madison Productions flash across the screen. Just as the title fades and the movie starts, her elbow goes into my chest. “Can you please let me up?”

Tin-Man snickers, taking his place on the couch beside Nina.  “He has you where he wants you.  If I was you, I’d just give up.”

“If she was on my lap, I wouldn’t be letting her ass up either,” Red adds, even though he has his own woman at home.

I’m about to say something when Rollo puts in his own thoughts.  “If I could get her on my lap, I guarantee we wouldn’t be sitting in the living room with everyone watching.”

Nina reprimands him before I can even open my mouth.  “Do not talk about my hija that way.”

He lets out a snicker before saying, “Sorry, ma’am.”

I stay quiet as Shay mumbles something I can’t hear under her breath.  I can tell she’s still pissed, but at least she has quit fighting.  For the next fifteen minutes, she sits ram-rod straight before slumping just a bit, letting her back brush against me.  Finally, twenty minutes after that, she relaxes into me.   An hour later, she is cuddled in my lap fast asleep. 

I wait until the credits start to roll before standing up and carrying her to her room.  I use my foot to push her door open and take her to the bed.  Laying her down, I walk to the foot of the bed and pull the shoes from her feet.  Then, I wiggle her around until I can pull the blankets over her.

Straightening up, I look down at her.  It’s at that instant, I realize what I just did.  Never, not one fuckin’ time, have I ever taken care of a woman like that.  I would get them off then get them out of my bed.  I know she’s different; she isn’t at all like the rest.  I just don’t know what that means.

Deciding I ‘m not gonna figure it out watching her sleep, I walk out of her room and back into the hall.  Nina is standing just outside of the door, her hand reaching out to grab me before I can make it past her.  She goes to her toes and starts to talk in a low voice.  “She’s had enough pain in her life. If you hurt my girl, I’ll be disappointed in you.  You’ve made me angry a million times, but I’ve never been disappointed in you, hijo.