Beautiful Outlaw by Emily Minton

Fuckin’ Perfect


I wake up to Bowie’s beard tickling my face, his lips running over my chin. The simple touch causes a fire to start in my stomach. I move against him, hoping that he will kiss me again.  Instead, I can feel his lips form a smile before he smiles. “Come on, baby.  It’s time to go.”

I slowly open my eyes and look up at him.  “Where are we going?”

“Home,” he says simply, straightening up and walking to the closet. 

I sit up, my heart beating a quick rhythm.  Home?  I thought he said I stayed with him, now he’s taking me home.  “I thought you said I wasn’t staying at Nina’s anymore.”

He throws the closet door open and grabs a bag from the floor before turning to stare at me.  “What the hell are you talking about?”

I scoot back against the headboard, wiping the sleep from my eyes. “I thought I was staying here, and now you’re taking me home.  I just don’t understand.”

He looks confused as he walks toward the bed, tossing the bag on top of the covers and crossing his arms.  “You thought I was gonna keep you at the clubhouse?”

“Yeah, that’s what you said.” My voice is weak, wondering what the heck I’m doing.  Before we had sex the last time, I was arguing for him to let me leave.  Now, I am on the verge of begging him to let me stay. 

His lips quirk up on one side.  “You were gonna stay with me at the clubhouse?”

For some reason, his smile makes me angry.  I jump from the bed and spot my clothes on the floor.  I reach down and grab them then start pulling on my jeans, not worrying about my panties.  “I don’t want to be here, so you can just take me home.”

A second later, he’s behind me.  His arms circle my waist and he lowers his chin to the top of my head.  “I’m not keeping you here, baby, but I’m not taking you back to Nina’s.  I’m taking you home, to my place.”

“Your house?” I don’t know why, but I assumed he lived here. 

“Yeah, it’s right down the road,” he explains as his arms loosen to place his hands on my hips.  He twists me around so he can look into my eyes.  “I would never make you live here.  I wouldn’t have even brought you here today, but I had to grab something from my room.  My plan was to get in and out, but after Cash’s shit outside, I knew I had to make a statement.  Then, you were so damn hot when you got pissed, I had to fuck you.”

Relief runs through me as I lean into him.  “So, I don’t have to come back here anymore?”

“Not a lot.  Usually, you’ll only come here when we’re on lockdown or having a family party.  Luckily, neither happens very often.”

“Lockdown?” I ask, wondering what he is talking about. 

He doesn’t answer immediately.  Instead, he walks backwards until his legs hit the bed.  He sits down and spreads his thighs, pulling me between them.  “Your brother was right.  You don’t know shit about my lifestyle.”

I don’t say anything, because I can’t deny his words.  I don’t know anything, not really.  I know that he is the kind of man who will fondle me in front of his friends and come home with knife wounds, and neither are things that make me feel comfortable.

“I should let you go, should let you find a good man.”

His words cause my skin to prickle.  Before I can ask him what he means, he starts to talk again. “But, I’m not a good man, and I’m not letting you go any fuckin’ where.”

He stares at me as if he is searching my face for an answer, but I don’t know what the question is, so I just go with my gut.  “I don’t want you to let me go.”

His hands tighten on my legs, pulling me even closer to him.  “Lockdown happens when there’s a threat against the club.  We bring everyone inside the compound to keep them safe.”

Just the thought has me wanting to run.  Instead, I ask another question.  “Even Nina?”

“Yep, and Priss too.  Nina fuckin’ hates it, but she comes.  Luckily, it has only happened twice since I patched in, so I haven’t had to listen to her bitch too much.”

Twice, that’s not so bad.  “Okay.”

“All you got to say is okay?” he asks with a smile.

I nod, willing to do about anything to stay in his arms.  “Yeah, just okay.”

He moves his hands up to cradle my face.  “You’re fuckin’ perfect.”

Before I have a chance to respond, he grabs a hold of the back of my head and pulls me forward. I tilt my head up to look at him.  There’s a look on his face that I can’t quite name.  He slowly leans down to meet my lips with his, and brushes a kiss across them.  His lips do not leave mine as he starts a gentle assault on my senses. This kiss is unlike any other he’s given me before; it’s tender and slow, but no less consuming. 

He gently caresses my lips, taking his time.  When he finally licks across my bottom lip, I’m left breathless with desire. His tongue glides into my mouth and slides across my own. My arms wrap around the back of his neck, holding him to me. He releases the back of my head, and both his strong arms encircle my body, while his sinful mouth claims me as his own. Much too soon, he pulls away. His eyes meet mine, and I can see the burning need within them that I’m sure matches my own.

“Come on, baby. Let’s go home, so I can take you in our bed.”