Beautiful Outlaw by Emily Minton

Six Months Later



Resting my chin on Shay’s shoulder, I brush my lips over her neck as my hands rub over her rounding stomach.  “Are you ready to go, babe?”

Shaking her head, she turns to cup my bearded face and places a quick kiss on my mouth.  “No, I don’t want to leave yet.”

I laugh, thinking about how much she bitched about coming to see Tag get his patch.  “I thought you didn’t want to be here for this.”

“I’m having too much fun to be mad at you anymore.” 

She’s been pissed ever since I told her Tag was going to be a prospect.  She says he’s too young, but I think taking a bullet for my woman makes him prime Outlaw material.  “There was nothing to be mad about in the first place.”

“He is just a kid.”

“He’s not a kid anymore, babe.” My eyes search the party, finally finding him talking to Rachel.  By the way he’s looking at her, he doesn’t think she’s a kid either.  That’s something I’m gonna have to be talking to him about real soon. 

Shay’s body goes stiff in my arms for just a second before she finally relaxes against me.  “I’m not gonna fight with you anymore.  I’m gonna sit here and pretend to be the perfect Old Lady.”

Smiling down at her, I say, “You are the perfect Old Lady, even if you do bitch all the time.”

By the look in her eyes, I can tell she’s about to prove my point when Lock takes a seat beside me.  As soon as his ass hits the seat, he reaches over to steal the cookie in Shay’s hand and sticks it in his mouth.  “I love your lemon bars.”

“So do I.  That’s why I was eating one,” she says with a glare, before picking up her plate and covering it with her hand.  “If you want some, go get your own plate.”

Lock let out a chuckle then raises his eyes to mine.  “She’s getting testy, brother.”

“Sure in the hell is.  You should’ve been at the house earlier. She wouldn’t quit bitchin’ until I drove all the way to town and got her a fuckin’ Big Mac.”

“Whatever,” she huffs out before laying back against my chest again.

They continue to talk as my eyes drift across the room, landing on Lila.  Her girls are running around with the other kids, both with smiles on their faces, but she looks as if she’s lost.  It’s a look she’s been wearing ever since Red pulled his shit.  He put her through a lot, and I’m not sure if she’ll ever get past it.  Shay’s doing her best to bring her back into the fold, but I’m not sure if we’ll ever see the old Lila again.

Red kept her and their girls locked in their bedroom for nearly a week, beating her to get her to give him information about Shay. She kept quiet, claiming to not know anything, until she started cramping.  Knowing that her child was in danger, she finally told him what Shay had said about her past.  He took that information to Cash, and the fucker used it to track Marcus down.  Apparently, Red had been skimming money off the books for a while. When Cash found out, Red had two choices- work with the bastard or die.

Even after she had given Red what he wanted, the fucker refused to let her go.  He knew that if she got word to me, his ass would be dead.  Lila ended up delivering the baby at home the same day Red and Domino took Shay.  Her son was still-born, and she nearly bled to death herself.  Luckily, Rollo thought to check Red’s house before coming back to the hospital to sit with Tag.  If not, Lila would have died with her child, leaving her two daughters alone. My eyes drift away, just as Rollo steps in front of her. 

I continue to look around the clubhouse.  Nina and a few of the Old Ladies are manning the food table, and the rest are by their men’s sides.  Everyone is laughing, drinking, and having a good time; it’s nothing like the parties that were thrown under my dad’s rule.  Granted, we still party, but now we bring our families from time to time too.

“This is how it used to be when my Grandpa was alive.”  This is what he wanted Savage Outlaws to become, and I’m more than fuckin’ proud that I was the one to make it happen.

Leaning into me, Shay runs her lips over mine.  “He was a smart man. That’s why we’re naming our son after him.”

“He sure in the hell was.” The words barely leave my mouth before my phone starts to ring. 

Reaching into my pocket, I pull it out.  Seeing Shooter’s name flash across the screen, I gently push Shay from my lap.  “Give me a second.”

Clicking talk, I place it to my ear as I walk to my office.  “Did you find him?”

After putting Marcus in the ground, my next priority was finding Red.  It didn’t take long to figure out that he went underground.  After months of looking, I was beginning to wonder if we would ever find the bastard.  Then Rollo got a lead in North Carolina.  He was right in the heart of Hellion territory, so I called Shooter to join the search.  

“No, but Rex did.”

Fuck!  I’m glad Red’s ass has been found, but I don’t like the idea of owing that motherfucker a thing.  “Is it done?”

“Yeah, it’s over, but now you owe his ass,” Shooter replies, reading my mind. 

Having Red in the ground is a relief, but I wonder how fuckin’ much the deed will cost me.  With the shit going down in Rex’s life, I’m sure I’ll be finding out soon.  “Tell him just to call when he needs me.  I’ll have his back.”

“He knows, and don’t worry, he’ll be calling the marker in soon.” 

We continue to shoot the shit for a minute, when I notice the clubhouse go quiet.  “Brother, I gotta go.”

Sticking the phone in my pocket, I walk toward the door.  It swings open before I can even reach it.  A second later, Tin walks in with a baby in his arms.  “What the fuck? Whose kid is that”

His eyes move to mine, and he says, “Mine.”