Sexy SEALs by Sarwah Creed


“What do you feel like doing tonight?” I asked Lucy. She was lying in her bed, across the dorm from me. She wasn’t going out, even though it was a Saturday, she said in her words, not mine, I’m giving my pussy a rest.

She said that as much as she tried not to sleep with them, all the time, but sometimes it was too hard not to resist.

I couldn’t imagine what that even felt like, I could only dream about it, and have my dirty fantasies about Adonis and Chaz.

“I say that we get dressed and go out and get drunk.”

She laughed, “Who’s speaking to me? Kiara? You want to go out and get drunk?”

I nodded my head, thinking that I couldn’t believe as well that the words had left my mouth, but it was what I felt like doing, and nothing else would do.

“No emails tonight?”

I smirked, “No. Remember? They have my number. We’re in the twenty-first century, you know. No one emails these days, your words not mine.”

“I hate it when you do that, smarty pants.”

I laughed, “If you’ve seen my grades lately then you would know that I’m far from being a smarty pants. More like a failing pants.”

“Yeah, you need a drink!” She said as she smacked me on the back.

We didn’t need anymore encouragement as she told Alexis to put on some party songs and then Peaches by Justin Bieber played and we automatically danced and shift through our closets trying to find something to wear. We both held up our dresses Lucy went for a bright red dress which left nothing to the imagination, because it was see-through whereas I went for my sexy dark red number, which tugged at my curves in all the right places. Or so Lucy had told me.

She motioned for me to have a shower first, and I didn’t refuse as I headed to the shower. Going out with Lucy was a ritual for her.

“Get out of the shower. I thought you would be in there for a few minutes, not a damn hour!” Lucy was pounding on the door, as I let the water flow on me and became lost in my thoughts.

I turned off the shower, gave myself a quick dry pat and then I headed out of the door, once I wrapped a towel against me.

As I opened it, she blurted out.

“At last!”

Then she pushed past me and headed into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I worked my magic, as I got dressed and with Lucy separating our make-up on the table and accessories, like she did whenever we went out, which wasn’t often. By the time, I finished applying the make-up, and put the last touches of my lipstick on, Lucy was out of the shower and we finished at the same time.

She was good, and you would think that she went in before me.

“Ready bitch?” She asked, and I nodded my head. I didn’t feel like Plain Jane when I was with Lucy, if anything I felt like the Kinky Kiara as I told the boys that I was when I first wrote to them. It felt like years ago, even if it’d only been a couple of months.

As we headedout of the door, I remembered to text Adonis and wish him luck on his psych exam. He would pass with flying colors, but I knew he wouldn’t pass, and because of it, he would be out of the Seals. Sometimes, I didn’t know what was worth, being part of them and wanting to get out or staying for the sake of it. Dad used to tell me. He used to say there would be a point that all SEALs reached when they knew it was their time to leave, but they would rather be kicked out than admit it. After all, they took an oath and they would never back down on it, no matter how hard things went.

“Please liven up. We’re supposed to be out, but your face looks as if we’re going to a funeral,” Lucy pouted.

I smiled at her. “Sorry, was lost in my thoughts. Yeah, happy times.”

Lucy and I rode in the Uber, and it was only a few minutes until we got to the club. We did what every student did before they got to a club. We stopped over at a liquor store, had a few shots and then headed to the club. We would never just buy drinks there, if we were lucky then we would get some guy to buy us drinks, but we didn’t enjoy doing that all the time, because it would cause them not only buying the drinks, but expecting something more, besides most of the time the only reason they bought them in the first place was because of Lucy, and not I.

After the Uber dropped us off, and we headed to the liquor store, with our plastic cups in the bag that I had in my hand. We showed our ID’s, the same thing we did every time. And then went to a corner of the street, down some alley and had our drinks. My mix was always JD and Coke. With the small bottles, they did the job, enough for us to get a little tipsy and once inside we wouldn’t have shots, but only a couple of glasses of wine.

We walked to the club, and with the night air, we felt like a brief walk. Once we got to the club, we were disappointed to see a line. I sighed at the idea that this could be my fault, for taking so long. Sure, there was always a line when we got here, but it was never this long.

“Hey, beautiful don’t go to the back, come in with us.”

A dark-haired, green-eyed, tanned and clearly athletic guy yelled out. I kept on walking, but then Lucy yanked me back and said, “Hey, where you going?”

I shrugged, “To the back.”

She shook her head.

“The guy’s calling and asking for you to join him, and hopefully me too.”

I pointed to myself. Thinking that I was dreaming.

“Yeah, you sexy legs,” he winked at me.

And before I could ask for another confirmation, Lucy was dragging me to by his side. I’d worn the same dress maybe three to five times. No one had ever called me sexy or even acknowledged my presence. They did it with Lucy all the time. Something had changed in me, something that I didn’t even realize could ever happen.

Men noticed me.

As we approached them and they talked to us, I didn’t feel like Plain Jane, let alone the Ugly duckling. I felt something that I didn’t think was possible, I felt sexy and beautiful. I smiled as they conversed to us, and then he led us into the club. I knew that once inside even if we never saw these guys again. The night for me, was on my top ten, just because of him calling me sexy outside of the club.

* * *

We were backin our dorm and I was tipsy. Not exactly tipsy, but well on my way to being drunk. I didn’t even remember how we made it back to our dorm, but as I made a quick dash to the bathroom, I realized that I didn’t want to know.

I vomited not just once.

But twice.

And then I managed to get up from the floor, have a cold shower to make sense of everything that must have happened in a short space of time, to brushing my teeth. Everything made me feel that little bit better, including vomiting my guts out. I took a deep breath as I wrapped my towel tightly around my body and then headed out of the shower.

I put on the light for a split second, and that was when I noticed something was wrong.

I was alone.

When did I lose Lucy?

My eyes scanned the room, as I frantically tired to find my phone, and call Lucy. If she wasn’t here, then how the hell did I get here? My heart panicked as I found my phone at the bottom of my bed, and my fingers were shaking from what would be the outcome. That was when I saw the message, the last one that was sent to me.

If you wake-upand find me gone. Don’t worry. Spending the night with Tom. L

OK,so she had somehow, during the night connected with Tom one of her three boyfriends and she was spending the night with him.  Between being sick, panicking about Lucy, I decided that I didn’t care what time it was, I needed some zees. Everyone had this idea about students being able to stay up late every single night, but we weren’t vampires. We needed sleep once in a while. I knew that once I hit the sack that the next time I would see daylight that it would be Monday morning. My phone alarm was set up for that. I had to sleep and I had to find out what happened tonight, but that would have to wait until Monday morning.