Sexy SEALs by Sarwah Creed


There was a loud roar as we finished our final year exam, and the examiner had collected all our papers. It was tough, a lot tougher than I’d expected, but the feeling of relief had reared its head and all I could think about was doing all the things that I’d put off doing for the last few weeks, which had been sleeping and talking to the guys.

I’d gone on radio silence, because I needed to study and concentrate, besides after the argument with Lucy a few weeks back, it hit me hard, and I didn’t feel like socializing, even with them. She had been avoiding me like the plague. Going to the room when I was at classes, and vice versa. If she was my friend, she would be outside right now telling me about all the ways we would go out and celebrate, but we weren’t besties let alone friends anymore and I felt exactly the same way that I did at high school.


I picked up my bag, but then my cell chimed and I thought that by some chance, it was Lucy calling, and I had a spring in my step.

“Hey,” I said as soon as I got to the door.

“Congratulations!” Nan screamed out. I spoke to her last week and told her that today was the last day of my exam. She must have remembered and decided to give me a call, at least someone was thinking of me.

“Yes, I’m just getting out of the exam room and…”

I wanted to lie and tell her I was about to celebrate, but I couldn’t as much as I wanted to.

“Going to celebrate?”

“No,” I choked.

“Why not? What ever happened to Lucy?”

I sighed, “Well, we haven’t been on good terms for weeks and well…I’m talking to two SEALs.”

“Nice try for changing the subject. I love you dear, but as much I would love you talking to one SEAL. I just couldn’t imagine you talking to two. Now, tell me what’s up with Lucy?”

I didn’t know where to begin?

To tell her that Lucy had three boyfriends, or that one of them broke up with her? Or that once college was done, then she would be done with them anyway, because her parents had her life mapped out for her.

“I need to apologize to her.”

“Yes Kiara. Whatever it is, life is too short for grudges. I learned that the hard way.”

I didn’t understand what she meant, I knew she had some problems on the setback when she was in her famous soap. I never knew who my Granddad was, and neither does mom. She said that back then it was all about getting high and drunk, Nan said that it could be one of three contenders, but mom told me one day that Nan was trying to save her honor, apparently it was all about loving and getting high in the sixties, so it could realistically be one of a dozen. Mom said that it never bothered her, she never felt the need to find out who her dad was, but it did bug me. Especially the idea that it could be one of a dozen famous actors.

“I wish I could sit and speak to you all afternoon, but I just called to say, have some fun for a change. My fans await me.”

Then she hung up, she may be retired, but one thing for sure, she would never tire of being famous. I spun around thinking that I knew where Lucy would be, I would find her and put the last few weeks behind us. We were graduates, no longer students and I couldn’t think of anyone that I would rather celebrate with, especially because if I didn’t find her, then my options would be JD or vodka.

No matter what she was still my friend, and if she would have me back, I wouldn’t take no for an answer, I would still be hers. As I rushed to the dorm she wasn’t inside, so I dropped my  bag and headed to Tom’s. I was near his building when I saw her. Lucy.

She was tearful, and the moment she saw me no more did she ignore me, like she’d been doing, if anything she ran into my arms. I opened them, because I could tell that she needed it.

“Sorry,” I whispered as she wrapped her arms around me.

She was sobbing, and I didn’t care who stared at us as they walked on by, all I cared about was being a friend, something that I should have been weeks ago.

She pulled away. “I’m sorry too. It was all my fault. I took it out on you, it was easier to blame someone. He was the real reason that I was upset, he hid me like some dirty secret and then with Amanda and everything, I just took it out on you. Look, I should have done this a long time ago. Please forgive me.”

Then she started to laugh, uncontrollably, but I didn’t get the joke.

“You’ve finished your exams?”

I nodded my head.

“Me too. We talked about what would happen after we took our last exam. We said that we would celebrate and share the special moment. So, Kiara if you forgive me? I’ll like to celebrate with you.”

She held my hand, as if she was proposing to me, then she went down on one knee.

I laughed. “Yes, Lucy Tanaka. I would love to celebrate with the champagne, cake and heels that we promised to wear on this fine day.”

“Only on one condition. We don’t fight ever again.”

I smiled as I helped her up from the ground.

“You had me at sorry. I’m too stubborn for my own good.”

She winked. “You’re not the only one. I’ve been miserable without you, girl.”

“I’ve been even more miserable,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her, and then we headed off to the dorm, not just mine, but ours.