Unexpected Lovers Box Set by J.B. Heller

I forgo goinginto the office in favor of slathering my upper body with aloe vera gel, popping a couple of painkillers, and sprawling on the couch in yoga pants and a thin, super-loose-fitting tank.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Em asks, sitting on the edge of the coffee table in front of me.

“I’m fine,” I assure her, but the skeptical look on her face gives away her uncertainty. “Really, it’s not that bad. Just tender and a bit stingy.”

She eyes me warily. “I’d feel better if you’d let me take you to the doctor.”

“I don’t need a doctor. It hasn’t even blistered,” I tell her.

Lennon strolls in and positions herself on the armchair across from me. “Give it a rest, Em; she’s okay. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Brooding made sure she was in the shower asap. That was the best thing for it. Probably prevented the blisters.”

At the mention of Atticus, my cheeks flush, and I cover my face with my hands. Mortification may as well be my new middle name. “He saw me naked,” I whine pathetically.

“Not naked. You had your underwear on,” Lennon interjects helpfully.

I cringe. “But they were white and lacy, and he put me in the shower, making them completely see-through. I may as well have been buck-ass naked.”

“He didn’t just put you in the shower; he got in with you.” Em grins. “How chivalrous.”

A loud snort rips from my nose. “Yeah, chivalrous.”

She nudges my shoulder, still grinning. “I think it was kind of romantic, him coming to your rescue like that.”

“I think it was hot as fuck,” Len says, a salacious smile curving her lips. “You guys picked up on the B.D.E. he was throwing off, right?”

My brows scrunch in confusion. “What the hell is B.D.E.?”

“Big Dick Energy,” Em explains. “And yes, I mean, I’ve always gotten that vibe from him. But today, with water running down his sculpted abs to that happy trail … he was absolutely radiating B.D.E.”

“Oh my God, are you serious? Where do you guys come up with this stuff?” I ask. They look at me as though I’m so sweet, innocent, and naive. I roll my eyes then flip them off.

“You’re the one who had him pressed up against your ass in the shower,” Len points out. “Did you feel it?” She waggles her brows.

“No! That was the last thing I was thinking about.” It actually wasn’t, but it definitely wasn’t the first thing that popped into my head. “I was in pain—and shock. I didn’t think about his dick until you walked in, and I turned to face him and felt it against my hip. Actually, why did you come in?”

Her eyes grow with interest. “I don’t even remember; now get back to the good stuff!”

“What good stuff?” I ask, being purposefully obtuse.

She reaches out and whacks my leg. “Give us the deets. He’s packin’, isn’t he? B.D.E. never lies.”

I shrug. “I don’t have anything to compare him to, so I can’t accurately answer that.”

Emory chuckles while Lennon glares.

“Don’t act like you don’t watch porn. You know enough,” Lennon accuses.

My cheeks fire up again, and I avert my gaze. “Porn doesn’t give realistic expectations.”

Len sighs in frustration, and I chuckle. “Okay, okay. I’d say he’s above average. I can’t give specifics because I don’t have them.”

She grins in victory. “I’ll take it,” she declares, pushing to her feet. “Now, I better get going, or I’ll be late. You rest up and text me if you need anything,” she says, blowing air kisses over her shoulder.

“Will do,” I call after her and return her air kisses before she slams the front door behind her.

“I was going to work in the coffee shop downstairs, but I can hang around here in case you need something?” Emory offers with a sweet smile.

Resting my head back on a pillow, I shake my head. “Nah, it’s okay. If you could just grab my cell from my room for me before you go, that’d be awesome.”

A few minutes later, she gives me my phone on her way out the door, and I’m left alone.

Swiping my finger over the screen, I’m pleasantly surprised to find a text from Callum.

CALLUM: Hey, I had a great time the other night. I was hoping you might like to do it again. Maybe this weekend?

I did have a good time with him, and he’s really sweet, but I can’t get the image of Atticus staring into my eyes in the bathroom this morning out of my head. The way he took charge and took care of me. The way he held me under the cool water of my shower. Then his words from the emails he’s sent …

As much as I like Callum, I don’t think it would be fair of me to go out with him again when Atticus is the one consuming every one of my thoughts.

My chest aches knowing I need to reject him. It’s a really shitty feeling, but I’d feel worse if I led him on.

ME: Hey, Callum, I had such a good time hanging out with you too. I’d love to do it again, but just as friends. I’m really sorry. You’re a great guy, but I don’t think we should see each other as more than that.

A lead weight settles in my stomach the second I hit send. But I had to do it. Especially after this morning.

Closing my eyes, I rest my cell on my lap and enjoy the silence that fills the apartment. I’m glad Emory listened to me and went downstairs to work so I can lie here and think about everything that’s happened between Atticus and me in the last month.

My mind quiets, and all I see is his heated gaze tracing over every inch of my body as he removed my clothing this morning. The way he looked at me when his eyes finally returned to mine. I felt beautiful and desired for the first time I can remember.

A longing to feel that again and again settles deep in my soul.

I’ve been distractedall day, my mind only half on the task at hand, and it’s pissing me off.

I’m not this man. I don’t obsess about women. I don’t shirk my responsibilities at the firm. But that’s exactly what I’m doing.

It’s only three, and I’m packing up for the day.

“Tyson,” I call through the intercom.

A moment later, he appears in my doorway, arching a brow when he notices me placing files in my briefcase. “Going somewhere?” he asks.

I nod once in affirmation. “Yeah, can you rearrange my meetings for the rest of the day? I can’t concentrate for shit. I’m going home, and I’ll work on these cases there.” I don’t miss the look of shock that passes over his face at my words, but I ignore it and press forward. “Oh, and didn’t you say your new boyfriend is a florist? I need some flowers.”

“Flowers?” he questions.

I meet his astonished stare. “That’s what I said.”

“Umm, yeah, Myles is a florist. I could give him a call, have him put something together for you?” he asks, looking at me like I’ve grown a second head.

Sighing, I close my briefcase and give him my full attention. “I know you’re dying to ask, so just do it.”

Relief washes over his features as he strides into my office, stopping a few feet from my desk. “Are the flowers for your secret seductress?”

“They are,” I confirm.

His eyes light up, and a huge smile spreads across his face. “So, the e-mailing worked, then?”

I nod. “It did. I know her name and where she lives.”

Tyson is radiating happiness. “Oh my God, this is amazing. What kind of flowers do you need?”

“Something with lavender,” I tell him, my mind going to the tattoo that brought us together.

* * *

Nerves I haven’t feltin the longest time ricochet through my entire body as I rap my knuckles against the door to apartment B.

One minute passes, then two, before I hear the lock disengage, and the door opens, revealing a slightly disheveled Kinsley.

My lips rise in a smile as she blinks at me sleepily.

“Hi,” I say. “How are you feeling?”

Her eyes focus on me then drop to the bunch of flowers clutched in my left hand. “Uh, hey,” she mumbles, bringing her gaze back to mine. “I’m okay,” she says then covers her mouth as a huge yawn stretches her lips.

“Did I wake you?” I ask.

She nods. “Umm, yeah. I must have fallen asleep on the couch. What time is it?”

Making a show of checking my watch, I say, “Not quite four. Mind if I come in?”

“Oh, yeah, okay, sure,” she says, moving back and opening the door wider for me to step through.

“Thanks,” I murmur as I pass her. Standing in the middle of the open living space, I glance around the area since I didn’t have time to do so this morning, taking it all in until she clears her throat. Turning back to face her, I smile and offer her the flowers I picked up on my way home.

Kinsley stares at them like they’re liable to bite her hand off if she accepts. “You got me flowers?” she asks softly, not moving to take them.

My lips kick up in a small grin at her question. “I did. Is that okay?”

She frowns so hard a deep crease appears between her brows. “I suppose so. But why?”

Needing to be closer, I take two steps to eliminate the distance separating us. Her breath hitches, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel it too—the electric current flowing between us. “Why not?” I counter. “Isn’t that what a man does when he’s interested in a woman? Buy her flowers? Or when he’s screwed up their blossoming relationship before it’s even had a chance to become one?”

Her green eyes widen as she peers up at me. “Blossoming re-relationship?”

“Yes,” I confirm. I know what I want with her. Surely, she understands I wouldn’t have disclosed my longstanding fascination with her if I didn’t want to pursue her.

Kinsley swallows hard. My eyes fixate on her slender throat. I ache to touch her. With a featherlight touch, I run the back of my knuckles from the edge of her jaw, down her neck, retracting my hand when it reaches her collarbone.

She shivers and blinks up at me. Wonder and something else shines in her eyes. Lust, maybe? God, please let it be lust.

Before I can decipher it, she snatches the flowers from me and strides into the kitchen. I smirk. She’s as affected by me as I am by her. Satisfaction pulses through me at the confirmation, and I follow after her, coming to stand on the opposite side of the breakfast bar to watch her.

Without making eye contact, she says, “The flowers are lovely. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” I murmur, my gaze tracing her every move as she finds a vase to put them in.

A beautiful pink blush spreads over her cheeks as she turns to face me. “How have you screwed up?”

“I shouldn’t have asked about Miss Sadie yet. It was too much too soon. I realize we’re still getting to know each other, and I would very much like to continue doing so. But at a pace you’re comfortable with,” I tell her, keeping my focus on her to gauge her reaction.

“Oh,” she mumbles then licks her perfect, plump lips. “I may have overreacted a little in my response to that e-mail,” she says, taking her eyes away from me to stare at the flowers on the breakfast bar between us. “I should have told you that I’m not ready to discuss it.”

One side of my mouth lifts in a smirk. “It’s okay. I should have known it was too big of a leap to make after it took me so long just to get your name.” Dropping my voice to a softer cadence, I ask, “Forgive me?”

Her green eyes shoot to mine, and a breathtaking smile parts her lips. “Already done,” she says. “Can I get you a drink or something?” she asks, turning to the fridge behind her.

“I’ll take a beer if you’ve got it.”

Peeking at me over her shoulder, she grins. “Coming right up.”