Unexpected Lovers Box Set by J.B. Heller

Nervous energy hasmy hands buried deep inside my pockets as I rock back and forth on my heels while I wait for the elevator to arrive.

It took me forever to settle on an outfit for today. Knowing I’ll not just be passing Atticus in the lift but that we’ll actually be spending time together, my nerves are fried. I ended up going with white skinny jeans and an extra-long, navy, cable-knit sweater over a fitted tank.

My breath catches when the metal door glides open before me, revealing the mouthwatering sight of Atticus in a bespoke three-piece, charcoal suit. His lips rise as his eyes sweep over my body from head to toe then back again.

I’m frozen, unable to make myself take the few steps that will put me inside the awaiting cart and directly in front of him. Then, he moves toward me with fluid grace, stopping not an inch from my body.

His knuckles sweep over the apple of my cheek as he stares down at me with his slate-gray eyes. “Good morning, beautiful,” he murmurs, dropping his head to brush his lips over mine in a featherlight kiss.

The touch of lips breathes life into my frozen form, and I clutch his firm biceps. “Hi,” I whisper. The moment feels intimate and intense.

“Hi,” he says back, nuzzling my neck with the tip of his nose. “You smell so good.”

“Th-thanks,” I stammer. He makes me feel so many things. All the things. All at once.

Large hands circle my waist as he tugs my body into his much larger one. I can feel the evidence of the effect I have on him pressing against my stomach. Longing blooms inside of me, making it difficult to think. I’m drawn to him like a moth to a flame; I couldn’t stay away even if I wanted to.

My fingers curl tighter around his arms as he groans against my throat. “I’ve been resisting temptation for so long, and now that I’ve given myself permission to feel—to explore—it’s all I want to do.”

A stilted, “O-oh,” is all I can manage in response to his declaration. My heart pounds like a jackhammer behind my ribs, my pulse skyrockets, and my lady bits clench with desire. What is he doing to me?

With what seems like herculean effort, judging by the expression on his face, he releases me and steps back, putting a little distance between us. He exhales, runs a hand through his hair, then smiles. “Sorry. It’s too early in the day to be this intense. You just bring something out in me that’s been dormant for a long time.”

I swallow, thinking about what he told me about his son’s mother. What she did to him. To his son. My heart aches for them. Then and there, I decide I will not hurt this man. I may have no idea what he sees in me, but if he’s willing to try after what he’s been through, so am I.

Biting down on the inside of my cheek, I steel my spine and force myself to reach out and take his hand in mine. “I think we need to call the lift back. It left without us,” I say.

His eyes shine with lust and just a little bit of humor as he extends his free hand to press the call button.

Once inside the lift, Atticus backs me against the wall, dropping his forehead against mine. “How are those burns feeling today?”

“A little tender, but okay.”

“Good,” he says, his gaze dropping to my lips. “Can I kiss you again?” he asks, his voice so husky and filled with need there’s no way I could deny him.

Instead of giving him my words, I give him my mouth. I push up onto my tippy-toes to brush my lips against his then graze my teeth over his full bottom one. He hisses into my mouth but lets me continue as I please. My tongue strokes his in soft, tentative touches.

When the bell dings and the door slides open, Atticus groans and pulls his mouth from mine, then he grins down at me, gives my fingers a squeeze, then leads the way to the café.

Kinsleyand I place our orders then sit at a two-seater table in the back corner of the café. Her nervous gaze skitters around our surroundings while mine stays locked on her flushed face. Reaching across, I tangle my fingers with hers and tug until our joined hands rest on the table between us.

Her throat convulses in a harsh swallow before she brings her eyes to mine, and I give her a reassuring smile. “Do you have a busy day ahead?” I ask conversationally.

She licks her lips then nods. “Yeah, it’s always busy.”

“What do you do? I assume you work, as I’ve noticed you coming and going around the same times as I generally do.”

Her slender shoulder, shrouded by her large sweater, lifts in a shrug. “I help run the online portion of Fiora.”

Getting information out of her is obviously going to be like getting water from a stone. But I’m not going to let it deter me. I push for more. “What exactly does that mean?”

“I, umm, I was always good at techy stuff, so when I left college, I offered to make our online process more efficient. I systematically went through the way the online store for wholesalers operates and streamlined the process. I also helped set up a consumer site to sell directly to the public. That’s mainly what I manage,” she explains, twisting a lock of her deep-purple hair around a finger, over and over.

I’m actually shocked she gave me as much as she did. I’m impressed as hell. “That’s incredible,” I tell her, and a deep-pink blush spreads over her cheeks. The urge to reach out and stroke those rosy cheeks is strong—so damn strong—but I hold myself back, forcing my brain to be content with the connection of our hands.

Our drinks arrive, and while I take mine with my free hand, Kinsley uses the excuse to extricate her fingers from my grasp. She wraps both hands around the steaming mug on the table in front of her.

I clear my throat and wait for those mesmerizing green orbs of hers to look up. “It sounds like you’ve done a lot of good for your family’s company. Not many in your financial position would bother putting in that kind of effort. It couldn’t have been easy.”

Her nails drum the side of her cup as she gives me a shy smile. “It’s nothing, really. I can’t exactly sit around all day twiddling my thumbs. I’d lose my mind to boredom.”

“Ah, yes you could. Many others in your financial position do. I admire you for carving out a place for yourself. I understand fashion is a competitive industry. What you’ve done would have no doubt been instrumental in keeping Fiora a major player.”

She licks her lips again, and I wish I could lean over this table to kiss her. Then, it occurs to me I can. So why the hell aren’t I?

Bracing my hands on either side of the tabletop, I push up in my seat and tower over her until she tips her head back to look at me. I grin at the perplexed expression on her face then brush my lips over hers in a soft, slow kiss.

It takes her a moment to relax into it, but when she does, her whole body loosens, and she kisses me back. Sparks of electricity shoot down my spine and settle in my balls. I pull away, dropping down into the chair, a satiated smirk spreading across my face.

We continue to chat casually about her family company, and her role within it, until she suddenly slams her mouth shut, a look of complete surprise coming over her features.

“What is it?” I ask.

“I don’t think I’ve ever talked about myself so much in one sitting before. I-I’m so sorry. I haven’t even asked what you do. I recall you telling my …”—she pauses to give the word emphasis before continuing—“Uber driver to take you to Blaine, English, and Cline law offices when you hijacked my ride. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out you must be the Blaine part of that equation. What do you specialize in?” she asks, leaning forward in her seat.

My lips rise at the slight amount of sass she just let slip through. “I’m quite content talking about you. But if you must know, I’m a divorce lawyer. One of the best in the state. Given my history, it seemed only right that I defend those mistreated by their spouses. I enjoy it immensely and garner a whole lot of gratification from making sure assholes pay their dues.”

The smile on her face grows as I speak. I’ve always loved my job, and I’m proud of my work. But the look in her eyes makes my chest puff up with satisfaction. I like that she approves of what I do.

Time moves too quickly, and before I’m ready, we have to part ways to make it to our respective workplaces. I rest a possessive palm on Kinsley’s lower back as we exit the café and step onto the busy sidewalk.

“Thank you for the coffee,” she murmurs quietly, staring up into my eyes.

I love the way she looks at me. Like I’m a puzzle she can’t solve, but she wants to. I bend my neck to brush my lips over her temple. “Same time tomorrow?” I ask.

“O-okay,” she breathes against my cheek.

Straightening with a pleased smirk on my face, I wink at her, then I head to my waiting town car, saying, “See you soon.”

* * *

The next few mornings,I learn a little more about Kinsley each day. We’ve made our morning coffee stop a regular thing.

She is so smart, stunningly gorgeous, endearingly shy, and absolutely genuine. I don’t know how she’s still single, but I’m beyond glad for the fact.

On Thursday night, she re-joins her roommates in the gym after having avoided it because of me. Watching her on the cross-trainer made me imagine doing very explicit things to the body her workout clothes revealed. So much so, I had to cut my own workout with Arlo short lest I embarrass myself.

Lying in bed Friday night, after discussing with Arlo what his weekend plans entail, I send Kinsley a text.

ME: Do you have plans tomorrow night?

KINSLEY: Nothing beyond watching Lucifer for the third time with my roommates. Why?

ME: Tough competition. I was going to ask if I could cook dinner for you at my place?

Her response this time takes a little longer, and I figure it’s because she’s giving my proposition serious thought. But after fifteen minutes of silence, I send a follow-up.

ME: My son, Arlo, will be out with friends. Sixteen-year-olds have very busy social lives.

I don’t even have to wait a full five minutes for her response.

KINSLEY: I’d love to. What time should I come up?

ME: Come around six. You can have a glass of wine or two while I cook.

KINSLEY: He’s going to cook and give me wine? Have I died and gone to Heaven?

ME: Not yet, but give me time. I’ll get you there.

I have every intention of making Kinsley feel that way. But it won’t be because of food or wine. My body has been strung tight since the day I confronted her in the elevator. Time has given me the distance to see that part of the reason I was so outraged at the prospect of her being with my son was because I wanted her for myself.

The more I get to know Kinsley, the more I’m annoyed with myself for letting Mariah rule the way I chose to live my life for so long. I’ve wasted months I could have spent unravelling the mystery behind Kinsley and Miss Sadie.

The woman I spend time with is almost timid when it comes to my touch, but the woman on the camera? I’m pretty sure she would welcome it with abandon. And I’m honestly not sure which I prefer, and I suppose, as long as it’s Kinsley I’m touching, I don’t really mind.

She sets my body on fire. Every time I’m near her, need coils in my veins, and I have to hold myself in check so I don’t push her too far.

Thinking about her coming here, being in my space, just the two of us tomorrow night, is enough to have my dick aching with need. I run a hand over my length, envisioning Kinsley’s hand in place of mine. Closing my eyes, I repeat the movement over and over, then I curl my fingers around my girth and squeeze.

Pressure builds in my balls as I stroke my cock in long, smooth movements. It feels so good my hips arch off the bed as I fuck my own fist until I come.