Unexpected Lovers Box Set by J.B. Heller

A week has passedsince Atticus rescued me from that disastrous brunch with my mother and sister. We’ve continued to have coffee at the café in the lobby every morning where we talk about our lives.

This morning, he told me his cousins, Tom and Sam, actually own Zenith, the building my mother and sister live in. And that they’re aware of who my family is, and they’re not fans. I think I like those guys already; they’re clearly good judges of character.

We’ve talked about so much, but I’m still holding back a huge part of myself that I’m well aware he’s desperate to know. Although he won’t push me to discuss it, he deserves to know. After everything he’s given me, I owe it to him and myself to open up.

Tonight is the night I’ll tell him about Sadie.

We’re lying on my bed, panting, after he showed me the beauty of the sixty-nine. And I know he deserves this; he’s gone above and beyond to make sure I know how he feels about me and how he sees me. He’s even confronted my demons head on, on my behalf, so it’s now or never.

Clearing my throat as my fingers trace the outline of his abs, I say, “So, about Sadie …”

When I don’t continue, he places his hand over mine, stilling its exploration. “Yes …”

My brows knit, and I stare at our joined hands on his taut stomach. I can do this. For Atticus, I can do this. I take a deep breath then expel the words from my system. “Miss Sadie came about after a drunken night with the girls. They thought it would be a good way to boost my confidence and that it might help me recognize that I am, in fact, attractive, despite my mother and sister constantly informing me I’m anything but.”

Atticus’s fingertips glide up and down my arm as I speak, soothing my nerves. I relax in his embrace and continue my story. “Growing up in Sophia’s shadow wasn’t easy, and having a mother who expected physical perfection was no picnic either,” I tell him, even though I’m pretty sure he already figured that part out.

Licking my lips, I tip my head back to look at him. He brushes a soft kiss across my forehead and surmises, “So, Miss Sadie was your conduit to confidence?”

I nod. “Exactly. My mother and sister, whether it was their intention or not, stripped me of any positive feelings about my appearance. I initially thought it was insane when Emory and Lennon came up with the idea that I create an erotic cleaning live-stream website. But one evening, after many, many wines, I sat down and created the site and did my first live-stream that night.”

“And the cleaning comes into it because you’re a little O.C.D. and it soothes you?” he asks.

“Yep. It also took my mind away from the camera recording me and my lack of coverage in the clothing department. I was in my own little cleaning-induced bliss bubble.”

He squeezes me gently, his arm curling tighter around me, and he presses a light kiss to my temple. “Do you still need Miss Sadie to feel good about yourself?”

I sit up, crawl over him until I’m straddling his hips, and shake my head. “Nope. I haven’t made one recording since you and I started talking,” I tell him then moan when he grips my hips and thrusts his up into me.

We’re both gloriously naked, and I’m well aware that a month ago, there was no way in hell this would have been a possibility for me. To feel so at ease and comfortable with a man that I’d not only be buck-ass naked, but sitting astride him, was a distant dream. And I’m beyond thrilled that Atticus has made it my reality.

Looking down at him, my stomach flutters with butterflies, my pulse thrums in my ears, and euphoria swells inside my soul, because I love him. It came out of nowhere, but it’s there now, and it’s settled so deep inside my heart it’s like it’s always been there.

“I love you.” I give voice to my feelings despite wanting to flee. I have no idea how he’s going to respond to such a declaration after only a few weeks, but I couldn’t hold back.

“Thank fucking Christ,” he utters, sitting up then taking my face in his big hands and planting one hell of a kiss on me.

His cock hardens between my legs, which makes me moan, and I rock against it.

Atticus’s hands drop from my face to my hips in a punishingly tight grip. “I want to be inside that hot little pussy of yours so bad, my sweet girl, but not before I tell you …” He pauses and presses his forehead to mine and smiles. “I love you too. So fucking much it steals my breath every time I look at you.”

My heart explodes with unbridled happiness, and I plant a million kisses all over his face until he rolls us and hovers above me. His shaft nudges my center, and I squirm, needing to feel more of him, all of him.

He lifts his hips, moving away from my drenched entrance. “We don’t have to do this right now. I’m okay with waiting,” he tells me, his gaze serious and intense.

“I know,” I say, stroking his lightly stubbled cheek. “I want to. I need to feel you inside me.”

He closes his eyes, and he groans. “I didn’t bring any condoms.”

“I’m on the pill to regulate my periods,” I blurt then flush crimson, because why did I have to elaborate? Period talk is so not sexy.

Atticus’s smile makes my heart stutter in my chest, then he presses a quick kiss to my forehead. “A bit eager, are we?” He chuckles.

“I’m keen as beans!” I beam, but my smile falters as Atticus’s brows snap together, frowning. “What?” I ask.

“Keen as beans?” He laughs. “What does that even mean?”

My shoulders shrug. “I don’t know, but it sounded right,” I say, wriggling my hips beneath him.

Shaking his head, he grins down at me and finally drops his lower half, letting his shaft settle at my core again. “I’m clean,” he murmurs. “I’d never put you at risk.”

“I know, you’d never do anything to hurt me,” I assure him.

“No truer words have been spoken, but this will hurt, Kins,” he says, his voice husky and raw. “I’ll be as gentle as possible, and when the hard part’s over, I’ll make you feel good,” he promises then moves a hand between us to stroke between my legs.

He works me with his fingers until I’m close to coming apart, then he replaces his hand with his cock and surges forward. My breath catches in my throat at the flame that consumes me as he breaks the seal that marks my virginity. Tears burn my eyes, and I close them tight as my sex pulses with pain instead of pleasure.

Atticus kisses my tears away and remains perfectly still inside me.

Moments pass, and slowly, the pain ebbs to a dull throb, and I open my eyes. Licking my salt-slicked lips, I lift them in a small smile. “I’m okay now,” I whisper, noticing for the first time that his jaw is clenched. I cup it in my palm, concern washing over me. “What’s wrong?”

He shakes his head and kisses me. “You’re so fucking tight, sweet girl. It’s taking everything inside of me not to blow my load like an inexperienced teenager.”

I burst out laughing as a pained expression passes over his face.

“Stop that! It makes it worse!” He chuckles, pressing his forehead to mine.

Looking into each other’s eyes, our humor subsides, and Atticus starts to move. He thrusts in and out of me excruciatingly slowly. Heat consumes me as his cock drives me to a peak I didn’t think was possible for my first time. My fingers dig into his sweat-soaked back as he plunges inside me over and over.

“Atticus,” I cry out. “Oh, God, oh fuck, you feel so good.”

My legs quiver at his sides as I draw closer and closer to the alluring ecstasy waiting to take me under, and I detonate around him.

His thrusts become uneven and erratic as his beautiful face contorts with pleasure. Atticus comes inside me with an almighty roar then drops to my side.

“Do you offer a frequent flyers loyalty program?” I ask on a contented sigh. “’Cause I’d totally sign up.”

He bursts out laughing and nuzzles into my neck. “God, I love you.”

Since Kinsleyand I traded I love yous, we’ve barely spent a night apart. And those nights have all been in her apartment. Tonight, I’m going to change that, but first, we need to get through dinner.

Instead of cooking, I decide to order in, and we’re all eating together—me, Kinsley, and Arlo.

“If you two start mauling each other again, I’m outta here,” my son says as he spins his baseball cap backwards.

Kinsley snorts. “No danger of that happening. I’m on my period.” Then she flushes crimson. “Oh my Lord,” she mumbles. “I just said that out loud, didn’t I?” Then she takes a large gulp of her wine.

Arlo cracks up laughing. “It’s all good. I’m down with honesty, and just because I don’t have a momma doesn’t mean I’m ignorant of female menstrual cycles.”

Wine sprays from my girlfriend’s mouth all over me.

“Well, this is going well,” I mutter, wiping my hand over my face.

“I’m so sorry!” Kinsley says, rushing to hand me a napkin to dry myself off.

Arlo continues laughing like he’s having a grand old time. At least one of us is.

The buzzer for the door sounds, and Arlo goes to answer it, still chuckling to himself.

I take Kinsley’s face in my hands and nuzzle my nose against hers. “I promise it won’t always be like this.”

She shrugs. “It could be worse, remember?”

Smiling down at her, I can’t resist pressing my lips to hers.

“Oh, come on. I wasn’t even out of the room for two minutes!” Arlo complains, the bag of takeout hanging from his hand. “You two are like a pair of handsy teenagers.”

I grin against Kinsley’s parted lips, and we chuckle as we turn our heads to face a thoroughly grossed-out Arlo. He mock cringes then sets out the food on the table.

My smile is huge. I am so completely happy in this moment; nothing could make it better. Well, except when I get to hold Kinsley in my arms in bed later, but right now, this is perfect.