Unexpected Lovers Box Set by J.B. Heller

I endup ordering a peppermint tea to go and head home to review the questions I wanted to ask Sebastian but didn’t get a chance to this morning.

Once I’m inside my apartment, I kick off my shoes, grab the throw rug off the back of the couch, and hunker down with my notebook and my phone. Skimming through what I wrote during our conversation brings up a question I hadn’t previously thought of. So, I shoot Sebastian a text, just like he told me to.

ME: Hey, it’s Emory. I have some new questions for you.

Was writing something you always wanted to do? And as an extension of that question, did you pursue literary courses at college?

I’m surprised when the little bubbles pop up immediately, letting me know he’s already replying.

SEBASTIAN: No. I’d honestly never thought about writing before, let alone becoming a published author. And I didn’t go to college.

He didn’t go to college? For some reason, I get caught up on that the most. Why didn’t he go to college?

ME: Sorry. I’d just assumed you had.

SEBASTIAN: It’s okay. Most people in America go. I’m just not one of them.

ME: Do you mind if I ask why? If that’s too personal, forget I asked. I’m simply curious.

This time, he doesn’t reply straight away. Shit. It was too personal. Or maybe he’s just busy, like he said he’d be? I chew on my thumbnail and watch my cell screen, hoping to see those little speech dots appear.

But five minutes later, there’s still nothing.

I’m staring at my phone when Lennon busts through the front door. “Oh, hey,” I call as she rushes past me and heads down the hallway. Her cheeks are rosy, her eyes are wide, and her hair looks like she’s been running her hands through it repeatedly. All of which is very out of character for her, so I get up and follow her.

“Hey, you okay?” I ask, poking my head into her room.

Len spins around with a hand over her heart, her eyes wide. “Holy shit! Where did you come from?”

Frowning, I hook a thumb over my shoulder. “I was in the lounge. I said, ‘Hi,’ but you didn’t hear me. Everything alright?”

Her shoulders drop, and her breathing evens out. “Yep. Just fucking peachy.”

“Mm-kay,” I murmur because, clearly, everything is not peachy. “You want to talk about it?”

She runs both her hands through her long, dark-purple hair and grips her skull. “No, I’ve talked enough, and I can’t talk about it anymore or I’ll lose my goddamned mind. I am so done with this day.”

Right. This situation calls for drastic measures. I take a deep breath then run at Lennon, crash-tackle-hugging her. We fall onto her bed, and I wrap my arms and legs around her stiff body so she can’t get away from me.

“Jesus, Emory, let me go!” she yells and squirms around.

“Nope, you need a hug,” I say, tightening my hold.

“I don’t need a fucking hug. I need a drink!” she argues.

But she relaxes slightly, enough that I loosen my grip a little. “You don’t have to talk about it, but I’d like you to answer one question.”

“What?” she grinds out.

“Is this work-related or man-related?” I ask.

She heaves a sigh and says, “Both.”

“Damn, okay, drinks it is! I’ll call Kins and get her to pick up supplies on her way home.”

Lennon grunts. “Good, now get off of me. I’ve got shit to do. I’m going to work from home for the rest of the day.”

I smile, smack a big kiss to her cheek, then release her. She shoves me away with a roll of her eyes, and I leave her to her business.

When I return to the couch and pick up my cell, there’s a new text.

SEBASTIAN: It’s complicated. Next question...

Well, that’s a disappointing answer. But it’s not like I need it to write my article about him; I was just being nosy. So, I accept his brush-off on the topic and move on to the next one.

ME: Your characters Lacey and Hudson come from different backgrounds. Lacey is from a life of privilege while Hudson has had to fight for everything he has. They are essentially complete opposites. Do you believe in the age-old adage that opposites attract? Explain.

After sending the text, I pull up Kinsley’s contact and call her.

She answers on the third ring. “Hey, Em, what’s up?”

I sigh. “Lenny had a bad day. We need wine and chocolate. Lots of it.”

“I’m on it. I’ll stop and get stuff on my way home. I’ll pick up takeout too,” she says.

“You’re the best!” I tell her.

She chuckles. “You’re only saying that because I’m bringing home wine.”

I laugh with her. “And food.”

“I’ll pack up and head home around five. Text me if you think of anything else we need,” she says, then we end the call.

Burrowing into the corner of the couch, I click on the Kindle app on my cell and open Sebastian’s book, Drown with Me. I keep my notebook handy so I can jot down any new questions that come to me as I lose myself in his words.

“Everly, come back here!”I call after my rambunctious, almost-five-year-old niece as she sprints away from the playground after some other kid’s ball. I’d chase after her if I didn’t have Hazel strapped into the baby swing. Instead, I keep my gaze fixed on Ever’s little form as she kicks the ball back to the random kid then returns to me.

“Don’t run off like that,” I chastise her as she approaches.

She rolls her eyes at me. “I was getting the ball.”

I give Hazel another push. She giggles and kicks her chubby legs as the swing flies through the air. “I know what you were doing, but you have to stay in the playground or we’re going home.”

Everly sighs and tips her head back, looking up at the sky. “Fiiine” she says then takes off for the big red slide where her friends are congregated.

God, she’s dramatic. I shake my head and go back to pushing Hazel who, at only a year old, is thankfully still too young to give me attitude.

We stay at the park for another thirty minutes before Hazel rubs her eyes, indicating she’s ready for her nap. “Time to go,” I call to Everly as I strap Hazel to the baby carrier attached to my chest.

Miraculously, Everly says goodbye to her little friends and comes to my side without argument. When her tiny hand slips into mine, I give it a gentle squeeze and smile down at her. She returns it with a toothy grin of her own.

“Is Azel sweepy?” she asks as we start walking toward home.

“She is. What about you? You’ve been doing some pretty hardcore playing this morning.”

Her shoulders lift in a shrug. “Nah, I’m otay.”

By the time we get back to Storm’s house, ten minutes later, Hazel has passed out. Her little fist clenches my shirt in a death grip, and I have to carefully unfurl her fingers before I can place her in her crib.

She stirs as I lay her down, and I gently caress her back, soothing her; then I wait a few moments to make sure she settles. I exit her room with the stealthy ninja skills I’ve developed over the years of mannying for my sister.

Everly is waiting in the hallway for me. “You want a snack before your chill time?” I ask her.

Her blonde head bobs in a nod. “Yes, pwease.”

We tiptoe to the kitchen where I cut up an apple, some carrot sticks, and a few cubes of cheese then set her up with a movie in the living room. “What are you in the mood for today?” I ask as she sits at her tiny table beside the couch.

She purses her lips and wrinkles her brow. “Bwave,” she eventually decides.

“Okey-dokey,” I say, clicking through the movie selection until I come to Brave. “You feelin’ like a badass princess today, huh?”

Ever nods, chewing on a carrot stick. “Yep. I’m dunna be wike Merweeda when I drow up.”

“Good girl,” I tell her, ruffling her silky-smooth hair. She swats at my hand and glares at me. I chuckle and flop down on the couch, pulling my phone from my pocket. I still haven’t replied to Emory’s last question.

My thumb taps away at the screen as I formulate my response.

ME: Do I believe opposites attract in real life? Yes, I do. Take my sister and her fiancé, for instance. My sister, Storm, is crazy smart—like, genius levels. She’s an aerospace engineer. Her fiancé, Jake, is an average Joe, so to speak. They are night and day, yin and yang. But they fit each other perfectly. He draws her out of her head, and she makes him want to act like a grown-ass man. It’s the perfect relationship, in my opinion.

I hit send just as Ever climbs onto the couch and snuggles into my side, resting her head on my bicep as she watches her movie. She’ll probably fall asleep, as she usually does after we’ve had a playdate at the park.

She snuggles back into my chest then reaches for my arm to wrap it around her. We snuggle together and watch the wild princess on the screen as she fights for her independence. And for some reason, I think of Emory. It’s probably just the red hair.

I smile and kiss the back of Ever’s head as she begins the slow blink that will inevitably lead to her snoring softly in the next few minutes.

Emory’s question from this morning comes back to me. Would I leave this all behind if my book became a huge success? Never. I would never give this up. Not for anything. Which is exactly why Jayla and I broke up.

She wanted me to pursue a career, to go out and make something of myself. But the thing is, I am exactly where I want to be. My role in Everly and Hazel’s life is more important to me than any career could be.

And screw Jayla for not seeing that.