Unexpected Lovers Box Set by J.B. Heller

“Have you seen Em?”I ask my sister after I’ve thoroughly searched the crowd but keep coming up empty.

The look in Storm’s eyes is not reassuring. “What happened, Bash?”

“Nothing. She went to the bathroom, like, twenty minutes ago, and now I can’t find her,” I say, not wanting to bring up Jayla acting like a conniving bitch.

“Yeah, I spoke to her in the ladies’; she sounded upset, but she clearly didn’t want to talk to me about it. Does this have anything to do with Jayla? I saw her approach you two earlier. It didn’t look like a pleasant conversation,” she says, her gaze assessing me.

I swallow and run a hand through my hair. “It might. I don’t know. Em kinda shut down on me after that.”

The look in my twin’s eyes is reminiscent of her namesake. Anger and concern swirl in her amber orbs, and I wrap my arms around her, hugging her close. “Don’t worry about it. I got this. You just enjoy your night. Everyone’s here for you, Stormy,” I say, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

Jake steps up beside us, worry written all over his face. “What’s going on? I just saw Spence chasing Emory out the door.”


I hand my sister off to him and run my hand through my hair again. “Shit, fuck,” I mumble. “I’ll sort it. You two don’t need to worry about it, okay? Go mingle with your guests.”

“Bash,” Jake says, stopping my retreat. His arm is secured protectively around Storm’s shoulders, and I’m so fucking grateful she has him. “We can tell her to leave, you know,” he says.

My brows furrow. “What? Why? She hasn’t done anything wrong. I’m sorry we’re causing drama and this is supposed to be abo—”

“Not Emory,” Storm says. “Jayla. She’s obviously the source of this. She’s supposed to be my friend, but she’s creating problems when she’s supposed to be here to support me. If this is how she’s going to behave, I’d rather she wasn’t here.”

I swallow hard. I never wanted to put my sister in this position, and now I’m screwing with what is meant to be the best weekend of her life. “I...” I lick my lips. “This weekend is meant to be about you guys, and I’m so fucking sorry I’ve put a dampener on it.”

Jake scoffs. “You haven’t done anything. I’ll deal with Jayla; you go get your girl.”

Storm smiles sadly at me then mouths, “Go.”

And I do. I spin on my heel, and I dash outside, my head turning this way and that as I search the night for my girl. “Em,” I call into the darkness, but when there’s no response, I pick a direction and take off running, calling out for her as I go.

After what feels like forever, I conclude that I’m not going to find her. Why did I leave my cell in the cabin? I could have called her or Spence. I growl in frustration, running my hands through my hair, then head back to our cabin in the hope that she goes there.

I’m sitting on the front steps, elbows on my knees, staring at my hands, when the gravel crunches from my left and I dart my gaze toward it. Emory approaches, her shoes dangling from her fingers and Spencer’s arm draped around her shoulders.

Wait, what? Why the fuck is Spence touching my girl?

My gaze locks on Spencer’s arm, and my fists flex with the need to punch him right in his pretty-boy head. I’m a lover, not a fighter, but right now, all I can think about is getting him off her.

“Hey,” Em says as they stop at the bottom of the stairs.

I arch an incredulous brow. Anger—as irrational as it may be—floods me. “Hey? Seriously, that’s all you have to say to me after you disappear without a word then rock back up to our cabin with another guy?”

Hurt fills Emory’s eyes, and she blinks at me like she has no idea who I am in this moment. And honestly, I don’t blame her. I’m being a dick. I know it, but I can’t stop it.

The hurt in her gaze is replaced with an anger of her own as she takes a small step closer, causing Spence’s arms to fall from her shoulders—thank God. She glares up at me, and I get the distinct impression that I’m about to have my ass handed to me by a fiery little redhead.

“Is there something you want to say to me, Sebastian?” she says coldly.

I, wisely, shake my head. “I think I’ve already said enough,” I mutter, all my fight and anger draining from me. It’s not really her I’m angry with—or Spencer, for that matter. It’s Jayla.

“Are you sure? Because you look like you’ve got something on your mind. May as well get it over with right here, right now,” she says. “I’m done with this farce of a relationship. Spencer’s going to drive me home in the morning.”

My eyes widen. “What? Why?”

Emory sighs. Her hands drop to her sides, and her shoulders slump. “Because this isn’t what I signed on for. I thought this would be fun, and it was... until it wasn’t.”

Swallowing thickly, I get to my feet and meet her at the bottom of the stairs. I curl my hands over her shoulders then tug her into me, hugging her tightly. “I’m sorry,” I whisper into her hair.

Spencer clears his throat. “Uh, if everything’s okay here, I’m going to go. You’ve got my number. If you need me, Emory, just call.”

My body solidifies, and I glare at him. “She won’t be calling,” I practically growl.

And Spencer—the bastard—chuckles then winks at me and says, “She might.” He turns around and disappears back into the night.

I bury my face in Emory’s neck, brushing my lips over her rapidly pounding pulse point. “I’m so sorry, baby,” I murmur then step back, lace our fingers together, and lead her up the stairs.

The staff kept the fire going while we were out, and I’m thankful for it because it’s fucking freezing tonight. Emory shivers as she steps inside, and I close the door behind us. This moment is reminiscent of this afternoon—me standing behind her, wanting her more than my next breath—but something’s changed between us.

I’d give anything to take us back to just a few short hours ago.

The heatof his body seeps into me, and I want so badly to lean back against him, but what good would that do? I’ve fallen for him—head over freaking heels—and he’s going to end up back with her.

Even if they don’t end up back together, that doesn’t make this thing between us real. He asked me for a favor, and I went and fell for him. My heart clenches, and I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block out the onslaught of emotions crashing over me.

“Em, baby, look at me,” Sebastian implores, cupping my cheeks.

He must have rounded me after I closed my eyes. I shake my head, unwilling to see the expression on his handsome face.

“Fine,” he whispers. “I’ll talk, and you can listen. But I need you to hear me, Em. Can you do that for me?”

My teeth sink into my bottom lip, and I nod.

His lips brush over mine ever so softly, and a tear slips from the corner of my eye. He kisses it away, then his fingertips trail down my throat, over my shoulders, and down my arms until he takes my hands and guides me closer to the warmth of the fire.

Why is he being so sweet when I know he’s about to rip my heart out?

The backs of my knees hit what must be the couch, and he gently urges me down. I know I’m being a coward, refusing to look at him, but I just… I can’t see the look in his eyes when he confirms this is over.

He releases my hands, and I’m struck with a sense of loss as I hear his footsteps retreat from me.

“I wish I knew what was going on inside that pretty head of yours,” he murmurs then sighs. “I don’t love her. I don’t want her. I don’t need her,” he says, his tone belying the honesty of his words, and I can’t help myself. I peek one eye open. “You’re all I’ve been able to see since the day we met.”

That was not what I was expecting him to say. Pulling up my big-girl panties, I open my eyes all the way so I can take in the man before me. The gleam in his amber gaze as he stares at me makes my stomach flip, and hope surges through my veins.

A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, but before it can fully take hold, darkness clouds his face. He strides toward me and drops to his knees. “I should never have asked you to be my fake girlfriend. But I’m glad I did, because it gave me the opportunity to fall for the amazing woman you are outside of Emory Moss, the book blogger who was going to do great things for my novel.”

The lump that forms in my throat makes it hard to swallow and impossible to talk, so I don’t even try. I launch myself at him, knocking him onto his back, and I kiss the ever-loving shit out of him.

He chuckles against my lips, his hands diving into my hair and holding me in place. “Are we good?” he asks when I take a beat from mauling him.

I nod. “Yeah, we’re good.”

“As much as I want to keep kissing you, we need to talk,” he says. “About Jayla.”

Apprehension floods my system, and I sit up, straddling Sebastian’s hips only for his hard-on to poke me in the butt. Reflexively, I rock against it, and a tortured groan rips from his chest. “Soon, baby,” he murmurs, his hands locking on my thighs to keep me still.

I grin but nod. “Okay, let’s talk.”

“Like this?” he asks, his brows raising in surprise.

Again, I nod. “Just like this,” I confirm.

“Alright,” he says then takes a deep breath. “I had no idea she was going to behave this way. I thought she’d be surprised that someone was actually willing to date my unambitious ass. That’s it—I thought that would be the extent of it. Then, last night, Jake gave me the heads up that she wanted me back, and I should have said something to you, but...” He swallows. “...I honestly didn’t think she’d be like this. And I’m truly sorry for putting you in this position.”

I tilt my head, looking down at him splayed out beneath me, his glasses sitting slightly crooked, his hair a disheveled mess, and I’m filled with an overwhelming sense of rightness. Like this right here is all that matters. Him and me.

“Okay,” I say simply.

He quirks a brow. “Okay?” he repeats.

I nod. “Okay.”

“Okay, what?” he asks.

“I’m done talking about this. She’s a manipulative bitch, and you don’t want her because you want me,” I revise.

His brilliant smile reaches all the way into my heart and wraps around it, obliterating the walls I’d constructed earlier tonight. “That about sums it up.”

“Excellent,” I chirp. “Now, take off your pants and make love to me,” I demand, a smirk on my lips and giddiness in my soul at the prospect of our future together.