Echoes & Ink: Raven by Emily Rose

Chapter Eighteen


“Alright, girls night is now in session,” Ash announces excitedly, silvery eyes bright as they land on me. “Guess who’s going to be in the hot seat tonight?”

Ember snickers, tucking a piece of fiery red hair behind her ear. “Yeah, girls night with the guys on the other side of the wall,” she remarks dryly.

“Details,” Ash dismisses, waving her hand.

We’re standing in Simon and Leonora’s kitchen, most of us drinking wine, while the guys hang out on the patio and around the pool. Rose and Leonora are arguing over whose turn it is to hold Knox, while Ash, Ember, Piper, and I are all watching in amusement. Poor kid is never going to get a chance to meet anyone else with these two around.

I look back and see all the girls looking at me expectantly. “What?” I ask in surprise.

“Spill it, woman,” Piper orders, her bright blue eyes sparkling with excitement. “What’s going on with you and Sloan? And leave nothing out.”

“You and Sloan?” Rose suddenly asks, cluing back into our conversation. I look at her and see her eyes are wide. “As in your son Sloan?” she asks Leonora.

Leonora grins wickedly. “Apparently so. I heard my boy kissed her and she kneed him in the balls for his effort.”

Rose barks out a laugh, slapping the island countertop with her hand in delight. “Damn, forget the baby, I want to hear all about you and that gorgeous man, my girl.”

“Hey!” Ash says, obviously insulted her baby would take a back seat to her brother.

“Honey, your baby is adorable, but right now all he does is eat, fill his diaper, and sleep,” Rose tells her with a roll of her eyes.

Ash sighs. “Yeah, I suppose. So, back to this kiss,” she says, looking back at me with expectant eyes.

“Where did you hear he kissed me?” I ask, stalling. Best to figure out what they know before I decide how much to divulge.

“He told us at the office,” Ash says. “Said he kissed you and you kneed him in the balls for it. Major props, by the way.”

“Agreed,” Rose says with a wicked grin. “Although, hopefully not hard enough to hurt the goods. Is that man as hung as I think he is?”

“Ewww,” Ash cries in disgust.

“Disgusting,” Ember gags. “I don’t want to know about Sloan’s dick. There are just some lines that sisters don’t cross. That includes pseudo-sisters.”

“Well I want to know one thing,” Piper says with a clap of her hands. “On a scale of baby carrot to my man, where does he fall?”

“Are we seriously using Talon as a measuring stick?” Ember groans.

“Hey, she was the one who announced to the whole world how big his dick is,” Piper sniffs, pointing at me.

“Still don’t know how he doesn’t rip you in two,” I snicker.

Piper flushes but grins wickedly. “Trust me, we make out just fine.”

“Okay, enough about that,” Ash says impatiently. “What’s the deal with you and Sloan? He’s been too busy all week for me to talk to him and get any details.”

Yeah, I know that too. It’s been a week since Sloan’s been to the apartment, but he hasn’t stopped texting. Sometimes to say hi, but also to just be a pain in my ass. The asshole sent me a bouquet of flowers at the shop to thank me for being such an awesome fake girlfriend. I’ll never admit when I saw those flowers my heart skipped a beat.

No one’s ever done anything like that for me before.

Of course, I retaliated by sending him a singing telegram. Apparently it arrived during a meeting with a client and the guy had gotten a huge kick out of it. Sloan hadn’t been all that pleased, but I don’t give a shit, it was funny as hell. Especially since Maverick took a video for me. I’ve played it over and over, laughing my ass off.

“Start talking, woman,” Rose grumbles at me. “I’m already old and grey. I don’t want to be half in the grave before you tell us.”

I roll my eyes. “Jeez, you’re far from old. There’s not much to tell. The social worker is being a pain in my ass, Sloan stuck his nose in and told her we are dating to get her off my back. Now, we have to play it up a bit for her so she’ll leave Falcon and I alone for good.”

“So how does that lead to him kissing you?” she asks.

I smirk. “He was being an asshole and trying to prove a point. He kissed me, I kneed him in the balls, told him to let himself out, and went to bed.”

Rose lifts her hand for a high-five, even as she laughs. “My girl,” she preens.

I look at Leonora, wondering how she’s feeling about me discussing her son, but she’s smirking. “My boys are just like their father, and I’ve handed my man’s balls to him more times than I count. Keeps him in line,” she adds with a wink.

“So are you two going to actually pretend to date, or is it only when the social worker is around?” Piper asks curiously.

“Only when the social worker is around,” I answer. “It’s a ruse. Nothing more.”

I see Leonora and Rose share a quick look but choose to ignore it. Sloan and I have set boundaries and I’m perfectly happy with that.

“So why did he send you flowers at the shop?” Ember asks innocently.

Fucking Wolf. The asshole never keeps anything to himself. I’ll have to have a chat with him. “Because he’s an asshole,” I reply with a roll of my eyes. “He sent me a card that thanked me for being such a great fake girlfriend. Though, in return for the flowers, he would accept a home cooked meal, a foot rub, and my undying love and adoration.” And a blowjob, but I’m not going to tell them that. Some things need to stay private.

All the women groan. “He really doesn’t have any game,” Ash whines. “How the hell does he have so many girls after him?”

Probably because they heard about his dick and he’s one of the rare ones that knows how to properly use it. Not that I’ll be sharing that information either. Instead I say, “Well, to get back at him, I sent a singing telegram to his office. He was meeting with a client and Maverick about something.”

“Please tell me Maverick took a video,” Ash whispers excitedly.

I grin. “Why, yes, yes he did,” I say happily, grabbing my phone and pulling up the video. We watch as the guy, who is dressed up as a Chippendales dancer, sings a decent rendition of It’s Raining Men, and even does some dance moves. The best part, though, is when he finishes and walks over to Sloan’s desk, setting down the gift bag I had them pick up. Sloan opens the bag carefully, and then stares, slack-jawed, at the huge dildo and large bottle of lube I picked out.

You can hear Maverick roaring with laughter in the background, and Sloan’s client isn’t much better. Sloan is the only one who doesn’t look pleased, and when he reads my note aloud, all of us are laughing ourselves silly. I think my clever way of telling him to go fuck himself is just what the doctor ordered.

“Oh my God,” Ash laughs, holding her belly as she tries to control herself. She fails and starts laughing again.

“You’re my hero,” Ember gasps out. “Holy hell, I’m going to do that to Wolf the next time he pisses me off.”

“I think the dildo and the lube is the best part,” Rose is laughing. “Did you see his face?”

That sets everyone off again, just in time for the guys to make their way inside to see why we’re laughing so hard. Sloan’s eyes zero in on the phone in my hand, and then narrow on me. “Hey there, fake boyfriend,” I announce loudly. “I heard you got my present.” He glares at me, making my smile widen.

“Present?” Simon echoes, curious.

Maverick bursts out laughing. “You have to see this, Dad,” he says giddily.

“Do it and I’m kicking your ass,” Sloan warns him.

Maverick, of course, ignores the threat and plays the video. Sloan pins me with a glare. I just flutter my lashes at him innocently before taking a sip of my wine. “Damn, son,” Simon chortles. “That meeting is one for the record books.”

Sloan doesn’t answer him. Instead, he strides towards me, eyes holding mine. I feel the heat pool low in my belly at the promise in those bright blue orbs. When he reaches me, he leans down and whispers softly in my ear, “The only one who will be fucking themselves with that dildo will be you, Wildcat. While I watch, and smack that pretty ass until it’s red.”

Oh. My. God.I think I’ve just had a mini-orgasm. Every muscle in my core clenches at his words and I’m instantly wet.

“In your dreams, asshole,” I whisper back, but even I can tell my voice is a little breathless. I’m careful to put a pissed off expression on my face.

“Always, Wildcat,” he purrs in my ear.

“What the hell are you saying to her?” Ash demands. “She looks like she’s ready to murder you. I’d back away if I were you, Sloan, or you won’t be ever having kids.”

Sloan backs away and smirks down at me. “That’s between me and Raven. We’ll leave you girls to your hen party and go back out to do manly things.”

“Where’s Falcon?” I ask, looking around for him. He insisted on coming tonight, and I figured it would be good exposure for him. Leonora welcomed him like a long-lost relative, and then got right to work on making sure he had anything he could ever want. I’m pretty sure the kid has a huge crush on her now. Not that I blame him. She is pretty awesome.

“He’s fine,” Sloan assures me. “He’s talking to Asa about something to do with games. Wants to know the best ones to play.”

I nod, relieved.

I still haven’t talked to Falcon about what he told Sloan, but I know I have to stop putting it off. My own fears and pain can’t take priority here.

“Good, now shoo,” Leonora orders. “We’re talking about you boys and don’t need you around to hear it.”

Simon smiles indulgently at his wife and moves to give her a quick kiss. “Give me Knox. We don’t need you girls corrupting him this young.”

Leonora rolls her eyes but hands him over. “I never get to see my own son when I’m here,” Nix says loudly.

“Grandparents privilege,” Simon retorts, turning and heading back out the door. Nix chuckles, winking at Ash, before following him out. Sloan shoots me a smug look over his shoulder before following them.

Once they’re gone, every eye is on me. I hold up my hand, knowing exactly what they want to know. “He was being an asshole,” I lie smoothly.

They all look at me like they don’t believe me, but thankfully, let it drop. Instead they get talking about how they’re going to get back at their men for being dicks. Of course, I can’t be left out and offer my suggestions.

By the time we’ve finished a full bottle of wine, we’re all feeling pretty good. So good in fact, when I go to find the bathroom, I don’t see Sloan until he’s grabbing me by the arm, tossing me over his shoulder, and carrying me up a flight of stairs near the back of the long hallway.

“What the hell are you doing?” I cry as I bounce. Good thing I can hold my liquor, or he would be getting a back full of wine right now. Though, if he doesn’t put me down soon, I might prove myself a liar.

Sloan slaps me on the ass, the heat of the sting making me moan. “I wouldn’t speak too much, Wildcat, or your ass is going to be sore before you leave,” he warns mildly.

Is it possible for panties to disintegrate? I swear mine just did. And of course, I ignore his warning.

“Fuck you, Sloan. Put me down. Now!”

I get another slap on my ass, harder this time, and have to bite my tongue to keep from moaning. “No can do,” he says so pleasantly I can feel my stomach churning with dread. Oh shit, this can’t be good.

When we reach the end of a long hallway, not that I’m paying too much attention to it with Sloan’s delicious ass right there, I hear him open a door, and then it shutting as he walks into the dimly lit room. Anticipation hums through me.

I swear to God, I’m going to lose it if he brought me to his sex room to Fifty Shades me. Okay, maybe not, but still.

Suddenly I’m airborne, and then landing flat on my back on a big comfy bed, with Sloan standing over me, blue eyes heated and promising all kinds of dirty, naughty things. Secretly, I’m all but jonesing with excitement, but I can’t let the bastard know it.

“What the fuck, Sloan? Are you trying to piss me off? Did you not learn how painful it is to have your balls rammed into your throat?”