Echoes & Ink: Raven by Emily Rose

Chapter Twenty


I’d like to say that I’m able to sneak back down without anyone catching me, but of course, nothing is that simple. Though I should be glad it’s Rose and not Leonora or Ash. She gives me a knowing smirk when she meets me in the hallway as soon as I reach the bottom of the steps. “And just where were you, missy?” she asks me, laughter clear in her voice.

I smirk back at her, not bothering to hide anything. “Sloan had to show me something upstairs,” I answer easily.

“I bet he did,” she snorts. “So tell me, is he as good with that dick as I think he is?”

“Better,” I snicker. “If only he would keep his mouth shut, then he might just be the perfect guy.”

“Lucky bitch,” Rose laughs, wrapping her arm around my waist. “And I think the mouth thing goes for every man.”

“But you love the things I do with my mouth, Wildcat,” Sloan suddenly whispers in my ear, making me jump in surprise. Holy shit, is the man a cat? I didn’t even hear him come up behind us. “Or do you need a reminder?”

“She might not, but I wouldn’t turn you down, handsome,” Rose flirts shamelessly, telling me that she is happily eavesdropping.

Sloan chuckles and gives her his most charming smile. “For you, Rose, I would brave Bullet’s wrath,” he announces gallantly.

I roll my eyes. I’m saved from replying though because Bullet suddenly says from the end of the hall, “I’d hate to get blood all over your mother’s floor, boy. Woman, what have I told you about flirting with all these men when I’m not looking?”

“That you’ll spank me when we get home?” Rose replies cheekily.

“Damn right.” He shoots Sloan a hard, warning look before he turns and walks off, obviously confident he has nothing to worry about.

Rose chuckles. “That man,” she sighs happily. Then she winks at Sloan and purrs, “Sorry, handsome, but I personally like those spankings so I’ll have to pass.”

Sloan’s face is a mixture of unease and amusement. I snicker again, earning a glare from him. “Go away,” I order. “I need to talk to Rose and I don’t need you listening in.”

Sloan’s gaze turns smug but he says, “See you later, Wildcat. Rose, you know where to find me if you change your mind, gorgeous.” Then he strides off and I’m left watching that sexy as hell ass flex with each step. Maybe I should have bitten his ass, I think regretfully.

“Damn, that man is fine,” Rose says softly, winking at me. “Good going, girl. I take it this isn’t common knowledge though?”

I shake my head. “It only just started,” I tell her honestly. “Neither of us are looking for a relationship, but we’re up for some fun. And I’d be stupid to turn that down.”

Rose nods. “I’d call you a damn fool if you did,” she agrees. Then she looks at me, her smile leaving her face and gaze serious. “Are you alright?” she asks me softly.

I know she’s not asking about the sex, and I know she’s not asking about this moment. With Rose, she’s the kind of person who gets right to the heart of things. I swallow hard, trying not to crumble under that stare. “I’m…working on it,” I finally answer cautiously. “With Falcon, it makes it a bit harder.”

“You know you can tell me and it won’t change anything in the way I view you, right, darlin’?” she asks me, cupping my face in her warm palm. “Out of everyone, you and I are so alike I swear it’s like looking in a mirror to my younger self.”

I swallow hard, resisting the urge to blurt it all out and spill it at her feet. Instead, I just whisper, “I might take you up on that one day, but I can’t right now.”

She nods, gaze understanding. “My door is always open, baby,” she promises as she drops a gentle kiss to my forehead and then pulls away. “Now, I think Bullet wants to talk to you about Falcon coming to the shop at some point.”

“To the shop?” I say in surprise, walking with her back down the hall.

Rose nods. “Falcon mentioned he wants to earn a bit of spending money, so Bullet mentioned him coming into the shop and helping with some easy, small tasks.”

“Isn’t he a little young for something like that?” I ask, unsure.

Rose shakes her head. “My boys were doing chores, helping at a few of our businesses and around the clubhouse when they were his age. Made them into hard workers that appreciate the value of a dollar.” I’m still hesitant. “Talk to Bullet,” she urges. “He can explain his plan and then you and Falcon can talk about it.”

I nod and make my way over to where Bullet, Falcon, Sloan, Simon, and Maverick are standing chatting. They smile at us when we join them, and I see that Falcon looks relaxed and excited. “I hear you have an offer for Falcon,” I say to Bullet, arching my brow at him expectantly.

Bullet looks down at me with his piercing blue eyes and nods. “Seems your brother wants to earn some cash to buy himself a few things, and I got some work he can do with the club. You okay with that?”

“Depends on what kind of work you’re talking about,” I say honestly. I glance at Falcon and I see the pleading in his gaze.

“Thought we would have him rubbing oil on the strippers over at Lollipops,” Bullet says seriously. “Then when he's done with that, I have some crack to divvy up and distribute.”

I narrow my eyes at him as the men around me snicker. “I don’t give a shit if you are the President of your MC, I’ll still knee you in the balls, take your gun, and pop you in the ass with it,” I warn coldly.

The corner of his mouth kicks up in a grin. “Sure your man there would hold you down for me,” he replies back.

“I don’t have a man,” I remind him with a roll of my eyes. “How many times do I have to tell people it’s a fake relationship? Or are you going around telling everyone something different?” I ask Sloan suspiciously.

“Wouldn’t dream of it, babycakes,” he replies, eyes wide, even as he tries to suppress his laughter.

Fucking pet names. I’m going to kick his ass later when he least expects it. “Fuck off,” I growl at him. I look back at Bullet. “Now in all seriousness, what do you want to have him do?”

“I was thinking he could clean up around the mechanic shop,” Bullet answers, looking at Falcon, who’s looking at Bullet’s mouth, trying to catch what he’s saying. “Then, if we don’t need him there, I can get him to the clubhouse to do odd jobs that need done.”

I frown at that. “The clubhouse?” With all the club girls and the open sex that goes on around that place? Yeah, I don’t think so.

“We’ll make sure the place is kid friendly when he’s there,” Bullet assures me.

I nod, relieved. I can just hear the social worker now if she found out about that. “Alright. How many hours are we talking? He can’t risk falling behind in his school work for something like this.”

“Was thinking mostly the weekends. Friday evenings, Saturday afternoons, and maybe the odd Sunday, but it won’t be more than a few hours at a time. Kid shouldn’t be working all that much at his age anyway. Not old enough to be put on the books, so we’ll pay him in cash and he can buy himself whatever he likes with it.”

I nod, looking back at Falcon. “Is this something you want to do?” I ask him, saying the words slowly and carefully so he can read my lips. He nods excitedly. I look back at Bullet and give him a hard look, careful to make sure Falcon can’t make out what I’m saying. “If I say yes to this, you better make sure he’s looked after, Bullet. Just because he can’t hear doesn’t make him stupid, and he can read lips. Anyone is being an asshole to him, I’ll pull the plug so fast your head will spin. Then, while you’re spinning, I’ll kick your ass. Do we understand each other?”

“You got a mouth on you, girl,” he growls at me. “Anyone else talks to me that way, I’d be giving them a beat down.”

I snort. “In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m not scared of you. Now, do we understand each other?”

Bullet looks like he wants to argue with me, but then thinks better of it when Rose gives him a narrowed-eyed warning glare. “Yeah, we’re good,” he sighs. “No one will mess with him, and we’ll make sure he’s in places that we can keep an eye on him and won’t get hurt because he doesn’t realize what’s going on around him.”

I nod, and look at Falcon who’s frowning worriedly. I indicate for the pen and pad of paper in his hands. He gives it to me eagerly. God, I can’t wait until I can just sign this all to him, I think as I write down everything he needs to know.

Me: You can go and work with Bullet, but you have to promise to show up, work hard, and follow his directions at all times. You don’t leave the area without me or one of the guys you’re assigned to work around. Got it?

Falcon nods furiously, taking the paper and pen back to write his own answer.

Falcon: I promise. When can I start?

I look over at Bullet expectantly. He reads the note and takes the paper and pen himself.

Bullet: We’ll start next Friday. Your sister will drop you by the garage at five and we’ll put you to work. Good?

Falcon nods again and smiles up at him. I smile myself, glad to see him happy, and I agree this will be a good character building experience for him. As much as I give Bullet a hard time, I know he won’t allow anything to happen to Falcon under his watch.

“Great,” Rose says brightly, reaching out to hug Falcon. Falcon stares at me over her shoulder, confused and unsure. I just shrug, and watch as he awkwardly hugs her back. Rose pulls away and steps back, winking at him. Falcon blushes and I hear Bullet huff out a breath.

“Can’t take the woman anywhere,” he mutters. “She charms too many men for her own good.”

“Good thing the only one who gets to take me home is you, honey,” Rose coos, going to wrap her arm around his waist and kiss his jaw.

I glance at Sloan out of the corner of my eye and see him smiling at them. His gaze moves to me and I see the heat simmering in his gaze before he winks and heads off towards Wolf, Talon, and Nix, who are huddled around the pool talking.

I make my way back to where the women are all sitting around the cabana area, forcing myself not to look back at Sloan. I’ll see him later, I remind myself, as I join in on the conversation the girls are having.