Echoes & Ink: Raven by Emily Rose

Chapter Twenty-Four


Ilet myself back into the apartment and smile when I see Falcon sitting at the island looking bleary eyed and half asleep. Raven is nowhere in sight and I figure she’s probably still sleeping. She didn’t even twitch when I climbed out of bed an hour ago. Not that I’m surprised. After last night, I have no doubt that she needs all the sleep she can get.

I’d be lying if I said I slept fine, but that’s my problem. Everything Raven told me kept floating around in my head, and it made for a sleepless night. Instead, I focused on holding Raven tight and soothing her when she whimpered in her sleep. It took every ounce of control I possessed not to shout my fury when she begged her father to leave her alone. That she was sorry.

God, even now, it has me shaking.

Not wanting to scare Falcon, I put the takeout bags in front of him and motion with my hand for him to dig in.

Falcon smiles and does just that, pulling out the containers. Grabbing a plate from the cabinet, he piles his plate high, and I briefly think it’s a good thing I remember being a teenage boy and bought extra. The kid is going to eat his weight in food.

He signs thank you to me and then starts to stuff his face. I chuckle at the sight, but seeing as I’m starving, I can’t blame him. I got an array of breakfast foods, not sure what he and Raven like. Apparently I chose okay because Falcon takes one of everything.

At least there are some fruit options so he’s not just eating protein and carbs.

We eat in silence, and when he finishes, Falcon grins at me and pats his stomach happily. I grin back and nod at him. Grabbing the paper on the island, he flips to a new page and starts writing.

Falcon: Thanks for breakfast. Is Raven having any?

Me: She’s still sleeping. We’ll save her some. How about you pick out what you know she’ll like and we’ll put it in the microwave for her? Then help yourself to the rest.

He smiles and nods excitedly. I make note of what he puts on her plate for next time. When he sits back down, he starts writing again, this time with a frown on his face.

Falcon: Is she okay? I didn’t mean to upset her last night.

I should have figured he’s worried, and give him a reassuring smile before I answer.

Me: She’ll be alright. Sometimes people handle things differently. Your sister has had a lot happen to her, just like you, but she didn’t have someone to talk to like you do. She might be sad for a few days, but I’m going to try and help with that. I was thinking maybe we could spend the day together? Go to the zoo or whatever. Something happy to cheer her up. What do you say?

Falcon: I think that’s a good idea. She never does anything fun. I haven’t really gotten to see the city much. Are you sure she’s not mad at me?

I look at this boy who is slowly turning into a man. At this moment, he’s looking more like a worried little boy than man, and it pulls at my heart. The kid has had so many bad cards dealt to him, and it’s just not fair.

I start writing.

Me: Your sister would never be mad at you, Falcon. She loves you. Sometimes, when things happen and people don’t know how to handle them, so they do things to make themselves feel better. Some people lash out, yell, scream, you name it. Others retreat and refuse to talk. Then, some cry until they feel better and move past it. Your sister hates that you were hurt and she can’t fix it, so that makes her feel bad. You’re a smart kid, and you know none of that was your fault. Just like it wasn’t your sister’s. That doesn’t mean the two of you won’t butt heads over things , and she might get mad at you at the time. But that’s not at you personally. Got it?

Falcon: Did you and your sister get mad at each other?

I snort at his question. Oh, so much to teach him and so little time.

Me: All the time. We still do. That’s what brothers and sisters do. We annoy the hell out of each other. My sister likes to pull pranks on me. She was really bad at it when we were kids.

Falcon: Like the prank Raven pulled on you the other day?

Me: What do you know about that?

Falcon grins cheekily at me.

Falcon: I know she sent you a singing telegram and a present with it. She wouldn’t tell me the present was, but I saw the video last night when we were at your place. Maverick didn’t realize I was watching.

Shit. Raven’ll be pissed about that.

Me: Don’t tell your sister, okay? You shouldn’t have seen that. You’re too young.

He rolls his eyes in that way teenagers have perfected since the dawn of time.

Falcon: I’m thirteen, not three. I know what sex is, and I also know what a dildo and lube is too. Though, I have to tell you, that thing wouldn’t go anywhere near my ass.

Me: Trust me, kid, it won’t be going near mine either. Do we need to have the safe sex talk?

Falcon rolls his eyes at me again.

Falcon: I know what a condom is, and I’ve seen them put on before. I’m good.

I don’t want to think of how he knows that, so I just nod. I don’t know how Raven will feel about the turn of this conversation.

Me: Good. Don’t be looking to do it yourself any time soon, either. Girls are fun, but at your age, they’re nothing but trouble. But if you don’t want to talk to your sister about this stuff, you can talk to me, alright?

Falcon nods, cheeks flushing. Thankfully he completely abandons the subject and instead focuses on our upcoming outing.

Falcon: Where can we go? I’m good with the zoo. I’ve never been to one.

Me: Then we’ll start there and see where the day takes us. Go get ready and I’ll go wake up your sister.

Falcon: Good luck with that. Just remember I can’t hear, so don’t expect me to come running if she decides to kill you.

I laugh, grinning as he winks and then runs down the hall to his room. Damn, the kid is cheeky. I like it.

I take a minute to heat up Raven’s food before I head down the hall to her room. Opening the door, I’m not surprised to find her just starting to wake. When her head turns to look at me, I see relief in her eyes quickly before it’s gone. “Morning,” I say with a warm smile. “I went out and got some breakfast. Falcon and I already ate, but I rescued this before he could scarf it all down.”

Raven gives a husky laugh and forces herself to a sitting position, wrapping the sheet around herself so nothing shows. “Thanks,” she says, taking the plate of food. I move to shut the bedroom door so Falcon won’t accidentally see anything he shouldn’t. “I figured you went home.”

“Told you I wouldn’t leave,” I remind her patiently, even though it infuriates me all over again to know where this uncertainty and distrust stems from. “I’m spending the day with you two.”

She looks at me in surprise. “What?”

“Yeah, Falcon and I talked about it,” I say easily, sitting down on the edge of the bed and watching her eat. “He hasn’t seen much of the city, so we figured we’d start with the zoo and then go from there.”

“You two decided huh?” she asks mildly as she picks up a bite of her pancake. “And if I have plans?”

“Then Falcon and I will have an awesome day without you,” I say with a careless shrug. “But we both know you’ll be horribly jealous if you don’t get to see those cute animals with us,” I add with a teasing smile.

She gives a wry chuckle. “I’m surprised you don’t have other things to do.”

“Well I had planned on sneaking into Asa’s room and switching out his shampoo with green hair dye, but I can pencil that in for another time.”

She shakes her head. “Juvenile,” she sneers.

“That’s why it’s so much fun.”

“If you teach Falcon that, I’ll do worse than that singing telegram,” she warns me, narrowing her eyes.

I bite back a grin, even as a frisson of apprehension shoots through me. “Got it,” I assure her. “Now, how about it? Are you going to spend the day with us?”

“Is this you playing the part of perfect boyfriend?” she asks me, though her lips are quirked up in a teasing smile.

I snort. “As if I need to be any more perfect than I already am,” I reply smugly, ignoring her snort of derision. “Now, is that a yes or a no?”

“Guess that’s a yes. Just don’t piss me off, or you might accidentally fall in the lion pit.”

I grin. “Perfect boyfriend, remember? I would never piss you off. Now finish your breakfast, get a shower, and let's go.”

Setting the empty plate aside once she’s finished, she drops the sheet and my eyes immediately zero in on her perky breasts. My cock twitches in my pants at the sight, and my mouth waters. “Are you joining me in the shower?” she asks coyly.

“Try and stop me,” I growl, standing and reaching for her.

Good thing I don’t have to worry about Falcon coming in to rescue me, because by the time we’re done, I’m pretty sure I was calling for God. Good Lord, the things the woman can do with her mouth.

I’m sated and happy as the three of us make our way around the zoo. I’m also happy to see the color coming back into Raven’s cheeks. Falcon is entranced by all the animals and signs furiously. When we can’t make it out, he texts it to us instead, something we’ve come to realize is a lot faster and more efficient than paper and pen.

Raven takes my hand, leading me towards the snake exhibit, and I fight back a shudder. I can handle a lot, but snakes are not my thing. Falcon keeps pace, excitement in his eyes. Damn it, guess I’m going to have to stare at a bunch of snakes.

Raven doesn’t let go of my hand as we make our way inside, and I won’t lie, I like it. Her hand fits perfectly in mine, like they are matching puzzle pieces.

“Oooh, he’s cute,” she suddenly coos. I look at the large boa constrictor in its enclosure. The last thing I think of when I look at it is cute. More like deadly and ready for lunch. “I kind of always wanted one,” she says, grinning at me.

I blanch at the thought. “And when it gets out of it’s tank and slithers in bed with you?” I ask sarcastically.

“Better than having a rat in my bed,” she retorts, but her eyes are bright with mirth at my discomfort.

“There isn’t going to be enough room in that bed for me and a snake, Wildcat,” I growl at her.

She smirks at me. “Pretty sure that would mean two big snakes in my bed,” she teases wickedly.

“Do not compare my dick to a snake, Wildcat,” I warn her, narrowing my eyes. “I’ll spank your ass when we get home.”

“Promises, promises,” she teases, before turning her attention back to Falcon.

Falcon rolls his eyes at us and takes out his phone.

Falcon: You know I can still read lips right? I really don’t need to know what you’re going to do to my sister or what she’s nicknaming your dick.

I choke out a laugh and Raven’s face flushes scarlet. She glares at Falcon. He just arches a brow at her and I have to cover my mouth with my hand to hide my grin. Damn, the kid is going to give his sister hell as he gets farther into his teenage years.

Raven goes to pull her hand from mine, but I just tighten my grip and type out a message back with one hand.

Me: Stop embarrassing your sister or I’ll be putting you into that tank for the snake’s lunch.

Falcon snorts and rolls his eyes at my weak threat. Instead, he grins at me and points behind me.

Oh fuck me, a guy with a huge ass snake over his shoulders and wrapped around his arm is making his way towards us. My phone buzzes and I have to shake my head at the message.

Falcon: Looks like I won’t be the only one offered up as lunch. Which part are they going to feed to him first?


Raven giggles as she reads the message.

“Don’t worry, Lincoln,” she purrs up at me as she tugs me forward. “I’ll be the perfect fake girlfriend and hold your hand. Well, as long as they don’t feed that to him first.”

I’m surrounded by smartasses.