Echoes & Ink: Raven by Emily Rose

Chapter Twenty-Six


Iquietly shut Talon’s station door and tiptoe my way back towards my desk. You would think with me wearing heels it would be hard to do, but I am a master at the stealth game. So much so, Talon has no idea I made a key to the station door lock he installed a few months ago. Probably has something to do with the pranks I keep pulling on him.

I’m going to have to go after another target soon, but for now, Talon gets to suffer my crazy.

Reaching my desk, I grin to myself before getting back to work. The only ones in so far are Griffin and Wolf, and both are busy with clients. Talon is helping out at the shelter this morning so he isn’t in for another hour, giving me plenty of time to pull my prank.

Really, it’s too easy. The man really needs to be more aware of his surroundings. Especially for an ex-SEAL.

My phone buzzes and I see a text from Piper.

Piper: Did you do it yet?

Me: All set. Just waiting for the fireworks to fly when he gets here.

Piper’s been in on all my jokes so far. The woman is the best wing-woman out there for pranks. Though, I’m pretty sure Talon is going to want to murder us when he sees what I’ve done.

Piper: I want video and pictures! If you don’t, we’re no longer friends.

Me: Like you could ever give up seeing this awesomeness. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure to get it all.

“Shouldn’t you be working and not texting?” a deep voice above me asks. I smirk as I look up into King’s dark eyes. The guy is light on his feet, seeing as I didn’t hear him move from his spot by the window.

“Shouldn’t you be out scaring little children with that ugly mug of yours?” I retort, sneering at him as I put my phone aside.

Too bad my tastes run a little more to pretty boy assholes than just assholes, because I could definitely go for a guy like him.

“Don’t be jealous, babe,” he sneers back. “We can’t all look this pretty. Heard you got a rich man now, maybe he can spring for some work for you, huh?”

I flip him the bird. “You didn’t look so pretty when I pushed a needle through your dick.”

At that moment, Sloan walks into the shop, stops at my words, and looks at me with wide eyes. King smirks at me. “We both know you liked having ahold of my dick and weren’t paying attention to my face,” he says smugly.

“You mean the one I had to find with a magnifying glass so I didn’t accidentally puncture your balls?” I sneer.

King looks at Sloan and says, “You sure you know what you’re doing getting involved with her, man?” He jerks his thumb at me. “The guys at the site are less mouthy than this one.”

“You just have to know how to shut her up,” Sloan answers as he walks towards me.

Fury burns through me at his words. I jump to my feet, my heels clicking sharply on the floor. “Fuck you, asshole,” I snarl at him.

Sloan’s lips pull back in a smirk, but when he reaches the counter, he doesn’t look the least bit terrified. Nope, he reaches over, wraps one big hand around my neck, and hauls me forwards, sealing his lips to mine.

I try to squirm, but he tightens his grip and I feel myself melting. Within seconds, his tongue is spearing past my lips, tangling with my own, and sending fire through my body. Then, he suddenly rips his mouth away and steps back, dropping his hand from my neck.

I stand there, staring at him, shocked. Did he really just do that? Lust and anger war together, and I’m not sure which one is going to erupt first.

King snickers, drawing my attention, and I bare my teeth at him. “Well would you look at that,” he laughs, clapping Sloan on the shoulder. “Guess you know how to shut her up after all.”

I don’t know how I can be so angry and turned on all at once. I look at Sloan and narrow my eyes at him. He gives me a charming grin and says, “Should I schedule my appointment now or when you’re feeling less stabby?”

“What do you think?” I hiss, stalking around the desk until I’m in front of him. I look up at him and poke my finger in his hard chest. “I don’t give a shit if you’re my boyfriend or not,” I snarl, “I will drive your balls up into your throat and then take the biggest needle I have to your dick. Got me?”

Something in Sloan’s eyes flashes, but I don’t have time to make it out before he purrs, “You trying to warn me or seduce me, Wildcat? You know how much I like it when you get mean.”

Seriously, this man is looking to get kneed in the balls. Before I can move though, Wolf says behind us, “Kill him on your own time, Raven. I don’t have time to clean up his blood off the floors before the next client.”

I turn and see Wolf coming down the hall with Hammer, one of the older members of the Devil’s Soldiers. Hammer is what I call the typical biker. Stocky, stands barely six feet tall, with a ZZ-Top style beard, and a large beer gut that stretches the fabric of his t-shirt. He’s also one of my favorite clients, seeing as he doesn’t give me a hard time, and reminds me of an edgy Santa Claus.

I glare up at Sloan and hiss, “I’m not finished with you. Don’t fucking move.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it, Wildcat,” Sloan snickers back, and gives my ass a quick slap for good measure.

The sting only inflames me. Both in anger and desire.

“Damn, son,” Hammer rumbles as he leans against the counter, “I don’t know whether to tell you you’re nuts or applaud the balls of steel you’ve got.”

“I’ll tell you what he is,” Wolf grumbles, glaring at Sloan, “a pain in my ass.”

Sloan grins wickedly at him, alerting me to the fact he’s obviously done something to piss off Wolf. “What did you do?” I demand as I take Hammer’s payment and get him squared away.

“Who says I did anything?” Sloan asks innocently.

“He told Ember he thinks their bar needs more decoration because it looked too bland the other night when he was there,” Wolf snarls, crossing his arms over his chest. “Not only is Ember freaking out, I spent all of last night trying to talk her off the ledge and out of canceling the grand opening next week. Not to mention, she got Ash in on it and now I’m pretty sure they’re plotting your murder. I might just help them.”

I turn my head and glare at Sloan. “Seriously? You know how important this is to them. What the hell? Did you take asshole pills the last couple of days or something?”

Sloan gives me a sheepish grin. “Just having some fun. I’ll fix it,” he promises Wolf.

“You better,” Wolf warns.

“He’s just grumpy he didn’t get any last night,” King snickers. “You ask me, maybe you need to take some advice from asshole here on how to shut up your woman.”

I round on him. “Unless you’re here to get a piercing or a tat, get the hell out before I pull a gun and shoot you,” I hiss.

King laughs as he and Hammer head out the door. Hammer slaps him upside the head once they’re outside and even I can make out the word, “dumbass,” before they continue towards their bikes.

Wolf and I both look at Sloan, who is back to smiling innocently. “So, is that a no on booking an appointment?” he asks.

“You know, I always figured Asa was the jokester of the family, but I see I may have misjudged that,” Wolf sighs with a shake of his head. “Call Ember and your sister and I won’t have to hurt you.” Then he turns and stalks off, leaving Sloan and I alone in the waiting room.

Sloan moves to the counter and looks at me expectantly. “I don’t know whether to kick your ass or drag you into the back room,” I mutter irritably.

“I know I’d prefer. Though I think we need to talk before we get to that.”

“About what?” I ask warily.

He glances around to make sure we’re alone before turning back to me. His eyes are direct on mine and I have to force myself to pay attention and not get sucked into those icy blues. “We need to talk about us,” he says softly.

“About us,” I repeat, arching a brow.

“Yeah, I’m not happy with this whole fake relationship thing anymore,” he says. My heart and stomach both sink at his words, but before I can reply he continues, “I don’t want it to be fake anymore, Wildcat. You and me, we got something, and you know it. You called me your boyfriend a few minutes ago, so I think you’re of the same mindset, right?”

I stare at him, at a loss for words. Seriously, he wants to do this now? While I’m at work? “Are you serious right now?” I ask huskily, still trying to process what he’s suggesting.

“As a heart attack,” Sloan says, reaching out and brushing his fingers gently over my jaw before cupping my neck again. Why is that so hot? My panties are already damp, but whenever he does that dominant bullshit, it’s like instant soak. “You know you felt the shift too, Raven,” he murmurs. “You and me, we’re a good team, and I want to see where it goes.”

“Falcon,” I say weakly.

“Falcon is separate from our relationship,” he interrupts. “Doesn’t matter about you and me, I’m going to be there for him any way I can. Say yes, Wildcat. Give us a chance. Trust me.”

Trust me.Those two words are scarier than anything else. It’s like staring down the barrel of a gun during Russian Roulette. Can I trust him? Trust him not to run the other way and hurt me? Hurt Falcon? I’d be lying if I say I didn’t feel the shift between us. Instead of running screaming from me when I told him about my past, he’s been present. Maybe not with me every night, but that trip to the zoo was a turning point.

A turning point I’m not sure I can turn back from. Or want to.

Slowly, with my heart in my throat and my stomach in knots, I nod. “Okay,” I whisper.

I see the tension in Sloan’s shoulders ease, and he smiles at me. A smile so full of warmth, happiness, and need that my stomach settles and my heart crawls back down out of my throat to pound hard in my chest. “Thanks, Wildcat,” he whispers, pulling me forward—again by the back of the neck—and kissing me so gently I’m helpless to keep my hands from gripping the lapels of his jacket and holding him in place.

“I’d suggest you getting a room, but I’m afraid of what might happen if I do,” a deep voice rumbles, making us pull apart.

I look over at Talon and give him the finger. “We can get pretty loud,” I agree with a smug smile.

Talon rolls his eyes at me. “TMI, woman,” he groans. He looks at Sloan and says, “I heard you were being an asshole. Piper’s fielding calls from Ember and Ash left, right, and center.”

Sloan snickers. “Yeah, yeah, Wolf already told me. I’m going to fix it as soon as I leave here.”

Talon nods, but his dark eyes are full of amusement. Apparently he’s not as pissed as Wolf about the whole thing. Probably because his girlfriend isn’t yammering his ear off about it. He looks back at me and says, “I’m going to get set up. When’s my client supposed to be here?”

“In about ten minutes,” I answer, careful to keep my face neutral, while inside I’m already laughing.

“See you later, man,” he says to Sloan with a quick salute.

As soon as he’s heading down the hall, I grab my phone, put my finger to my lips as I look at Sloan with mirth in my eyes, and then follow Talon silently down the hall.

Sloan is right behind me, obviously knowing I’m up to something and not wanting to miss out on the fun.

Talon doesn’t even notice us as he takes his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door. He walks in and turns on the lights. I have my camera up and running as I make my way to the doorway and try to bite back my laughter when he yells, “What the fuck?” The utter horror, disgust, and maybe just a small hint of fear on his face is priceless.

See, remember how I mentioned Talon’s aversion to dick piercings? Well, I got a bunch of pictures printed and blown up of all the dick and ball piercings I’ve done, along with some interesting ones I found on the internet, and decorated his station with them. Every surface is covered.

“Raven!” Talon roars, turning on his heel, and stopping when he sees me standing there, now laughing openly, with Sloan behind me. “How the fuck did you get in here?” he demands.

I’m laughing too hard to answer. I keep the phone up as high as I can, but bend over, gripping my stomach, tears pouring down my face. “Oh God,” I gasp out. “Your face.”

Sloan is laughing behind me. “Wow, man,” he gasps out, “I had no idea you were into this shit so much. This might be a bit extreme though.”

Wolf and Griffin come hurrying to the door, and burst out laughing when they see what I’ve done. Talon is still standing there, glaring at me. “Damn, that is a lot of cock and balls man,” Griffin snickers. “I had no idea you swung that way. Does Piper know?”

Wolf snorts out another laugh and says to Sloan, “Might not want to piss her off too badly or this could be your office.” Sloan laughs again, not the least bit worried.

“What’s going on? No one was at the front desk to check me in,” a voice asks behind us. We all turn, and I start laughing again when I see it’s Talon’s client, Lars, who just so happens to be very gay and proud of it. And who also has made no secret about the crush he has on Talon. When he moves to the doorway, his eyes widen, and then his lips pull back into a wicked grin. “Why, Talon, baby,” he purrs, making his way into the room, “you didn’t have to go to all this trouble to get my attention. I haven’t been with anyone pierced before, but for you, big guy, I definitely could give it a try.”

Talon stares at Lars for a moment, while the rest of us are cracking up. He finally turns his eyes back to me. “I know you did this, and I want the key, Raven. I don’t know how you got it, but I want it back. Payback is a bitch, woman, and it’s coming. Did Piper have anything to do with this?”

I’m laughing too hard to answer. Lars turns and looks at me, mirth in his eyes. He sees my phone and blows it a kiss. “Thanks, Piper, baby,” he purrs, “I’ll treat him real good before I send him back to you.”

The cursing coming from Talon is enough to have me sagging against Sloan. “You’re devious, Wildcat,” Sloan whispers in my ear. “I don’t know if I should be afraid or thrilled.”

Oh he has no idea how bad I can be, because I’m sure his turn will be coming. Boyfriend or not, Sloan won’t be immune to my pranks if he pisses me off. I just have to come up with more inventive ones for him.