Echoes & Ink: Raven by Emily Rose

Chapter Four


Ilift my head when I hear my office door opening, annoyance flashing through me. I told Mabel I didn’t want to be disturbed. I’m behind, and I have too much to do to deal with idle chatter. I’m ready to blast whoever it is, but stop when I see my sister and nephew, my irritation fades. Work can wait if I get to cuddle Knox and see my sister.

“Hand him over,” I order as I stand, smiling and reaching out for the baby.

Ash rolls her eyes but hands him over without protest. “Hello to you too. I swear, no one’s ever excited to see me anymore,” she whines.

I look down at Knox’s perfect face and then smirk at her. “If you were as cute as this kid, maybe we would,” I tease her. “Surprised Dad isn’t right behind you.”

Ash chuckles. “He was in a meeting, but I’m betting he’ll be down here before long.” She moves to sit on the couch along the wall, letting out a contented sigh. “God, I’m tired,” she moans.

I frown at her, taking her in. She does look tired, I think worriedly. There are big, dark circles under her eyes and her skin is slightly pale. Ash and Nix have been insistent that they don’t need a nanny or someone to help them out, but I’m thinking I should put my foot down on this one. “Are you alright?” I ask her, concerned.

Ash looks at me and gives me a reassuring smile. “I’m fine,” she promises. “My son decided that he didn’t want to sleep last night. Nix and I spent most of the night walking the floors, trying to calm him down. He was just fussy. This is the longest he’s been asleep today and I’m just glad for the break.”

I nod, but still make a mental note to check into nannies that would be able to help out. I don’t even like the thought that Ash drove over here in this state, but I know better than to voice that. I might be holding her son, but she wouldn’t hesitate to take him and kick me in the balls for questioning her choices.

Instead, I look down at Knox and grin. I’ve never been one for babies, but I’m pretty sure Knox is the perfect kid. He’s the spitting image of Nix, but when he wants something, he’s pure Ash. The kid is damn stubborn, and I’m going to enjoy seeing him running circles around the lot of us.

“You know, if you need a break, I could watch him for a few hours tonight,” I offer, thinking that’s the safest way of suggesting help.

Ash gives a wry chuckle. “I might take you up on it if he doesn’t settle down tonight. But I actually came over to see if I could ask a favor.”

“Sure. Need some cash?” I tease.

Ash flips me off, but chuckles all the same. I move to sit against the desk, cradling Knox against my chest as he lets out a loud sigh and settles back into sleep. I smile down at him and press a gentle kiss to his hair.

“No,” Ash says, pulling my gaze back to her. “So, I don’t know if Raven wants this shared, so you can’t tell anyone. Not our family, not your friends, no one, unless I tell you differently, got it?” Her expression is firm and the glint in her eyes grim.

I think of the sassy piercer/receptionist from Fire & Ink. The woman is a pair of brass balls in a small package, and I enjoy her. She’s the kind of woman who tells it like it is, and too fucking bad if you don’t like it. Not to mention she’s got the hot bad girl vibe going for her with her ink and multiple piercings in her ears.

She, Ash, and Ember are all close friends so if something is up with her, then I’ll do whatever I can to help. “Secret is safe with me,” I promise.

Ash nods gratefully and then blows out a breath. “So, I went to the shop yesterday to see Nix, and while I was there, a man showed up with a thirteen year old kid. Turns out, it was Raven’s uncle and her younger brother. A younger brother she didn’t know about, and has never had any contact with.” I frown at that, but say nothing, figuring there’s more to the story. “Turns out, Raven’s parents are in jail, the kid has been living with their uncle for a couple of years, and the uncle doesn’t want him anymore. So he tracked down Raven, and told her it was her turn to take care of him.”

“Asshole,” I growl, pissed that someone could treat a child like that.

Ash nods in agreement. “Falcon, that’s the kid’s name, is deaf. The poor kid never learned ASL, just what he could pick up on his own and at school, so he’s already struggling. Anyway, apparently a social worker showed up at Raven’s place this morning and told her if she can’t find a new apartment in the next fifteen days, she’s taking Falcon and putting him in a group home.”

Anger burns in my belly. “They would do that instead of leaving him with his own flesh and blood?” I demand.

Ash nods, mouth pulled down into a scowl. “My guess is she doesn’t like something about Raven, so that’s why she’s pulling this on her. I told her I would help her find something, so here I am. You know of anything? Even in one of our buildings? I don’t know what budget she has—”

“Don’t worry about that,” I interrupt. “One of the units in my building just opened up. She can move in there,” I say.

Ash frowns at me. “Sloan,” she warns, “that place is probably too far out of her budget.”

I shake my head. “I’ll talk to her and we’ll work something out,” I assure her. “Write her number down for me and I’ll call her.”

Ash hesitates. “I don’t really want her to know I talked to you,” she admits. “This is supposed to be just between us girls, remember?”

I don’t see what the big deal about it is, but I shrug. “Whatever. Let her know you found a place and I’ll tell my doorman to let you guys in to look at it. I’ll arrange for movers to get her things packed up and moved in too,” I add.

Ash arches a brow at me. “Why are you being so nice about this?” she asks suspiciously.

I roll my eyes. “What? I can’t be nice?”

“No, you’re kind of an asshole most of the time,” she quips back.

I move my free hand and flip her off, but she just chuckles at me. “Be that as it may,” I reply dryly, “this is a bit of a time crunch, and it will speed up the process. And I am not always an asshole.”

Ash snorts. “I’ve never seen it,” she retorts. “But thank you,” she adds, standing and coming to kiss my cheek. “Now give me back my son.”

“Maybe he prefers his uncle,” I tease. Before Ash can reply, Knox lets out a loud fart and starts to stir. Gagging, I immediately hold him away from me and hand him over to a laughing Ash. “Dear God,” I groan, trying not to breathe in the noxious gas—pun intended. “I’m going to have to have this place fumigated to get rid of that smell, kid.” Ash is still laughing, even as she moves over to the couch and starts working at getting him changed. “Do you have to do that here?” I gripe.

“Yep, I do,” Ash says even as she coos at Knox for doing such a good job with that bodily function.

“Holy hell, what is that smell?” Maverick cries, choosing that moment to step into the room before quickly coming to a stop. Asa and Dad are right behind him, and their noses scrunch too.

“That would be your nephew/grandson,” I gag.

Dad’s face transforms from disgust to joy, and he pushes past my brothers to move towards Ash and Knox. “That’s just a manly smell, isn’t it?” he coos at the baby.

I roll my eyes, moving with Asa and Maverick to the opposite corner of my office, trying to escape, but it does little good. “Damn, what is she feeding that kid?” Asa groans.

By the time Ash gets Knox changed, and the place clears out of people and smells, I’m so far behind I’m going to have to work well into the evening tonight to get caught up. Not that I have plans.

I buzz Mabel and tell her, “No more visitors today for me, Mabel. Just take a message.”

“Yes, sir,” she answers primly. The woman is in her sixties and is a big stickler for titles and respect. She’s also the best assistant this place has ever seen. She worked for my grandfather before coming to work with me, and I know I would be lost without her. I dread the day she’s going to come and tell me she’s retiring, but I won’t borrow trouble yet.

“And if you’re all caught up for today, feel free to go home,” I add, glancing at the clock and seeing that it’s closing in on four o’clock already. Shit, where has the day gone?

“I think I’ll do that,” Mabel answers. “Have a good evening, Mr. Lincoln.”

“You too.” Turning back to the stack of papers on my desk, I get to work.

Lincoln Technologies is the business my grandfather built from the ground up. It started as a small shop here in the city, and my grandparents built it up with hard work and determination, ten years later, it was a nationally known company. By the time my grandfather retired, he and my father transformed the little family-run tech shop into a global enterprise with interests in tech development, real estate, and even a hotel chain

My parents made it clear that none of us were expected to take over the reins if we didn’t want to, but this place is in my blood. I knew I wanted to be here when I was a kid. I came into the office with my father often during my childhood, and I spent a lot of it watching and observing, seeing how my father and grandfather ran this place with a firm but fair hand.

Dad always told me that it is important that people knew they could come to me with a problem, but also knew that I couldn’t be taken for a ride either. I have to walk the line carefully. I like to think I’ve done a pretty good job of that so far. Which is why I’m going to work tonight until I’m done.

By the time I finish, it’s close to nine o’clock. My eyes are tired and gritty from staring at the computer, but I feel a sense of satisfaction. Grabbing my phone and my jacket, I shut everything down and head for the door, more than ready to call it a night.

My phone chimes and I glance at it quickly, stopping when I see it’s a text from Ash.

Ash: Raven wants to know if we can look at the place first thing in the morning?

Me: Sure. I’ll give the key to Leonard.

Ash: Thanks! I didn’t tell her you own the building or about the rent situation, so I might be calling you to back me up. Fair warning.

I blow out a breath. I briefly think of everything I have going on tomorrow, but I can make it work.

Me: How about I just meet you at the apartment tomorrow morning? Easier to get it all out at once.

Ash: You sure? I know I said for you not to be there, but I started thinking about it, and the two of us could sway her that this is a great place.

Me: I’m good. No meetings tomorrow morning and got all caught up tonight. Heading home now.

I walk to the elevator, the doors closing behind me just as Ash messages me back.

Ash: Alright, if you’re sure. Thanks Sloan, owe you one.

Me: You owe me twice, sis. The first one is for letting you change that diaper in my office. Pretty sure if we lit a match in there today the whole building would have blown up.

Ash: (Laughing Emoji) Alright fine, but you’re a wuss. Like your shit don’t stink.

Me: My shit might stink, but not so bad that I need a hazmat team.

Ash: (Laughing Emoji X 3) Still a wuss. Anyway, I’ll text you the time we’ll be over tomorrow.

Me: Night.

The doors open to the underground garage level and I walk to my car, anxious to be home. Knowing Ash, she and Raven will want to meet at the crack of dawn so I need to get to bed.

My phone rings as I fire up my Jag, making me curse. Then curse again when I see who is calling me. Joanna is definitely not the type to give up when she sets her eyes on something. It’s been six, maybe seven, months since I broke up with her and she’s yet to figure out that I was serious that we are over.

Blocking her number, I head for home. God, I really need to start picking better women and stop sticking my dick in crazy.