Echoes & Ink: Raven by Emily Rose

Chapter Seven


You would think Falcon would hate the idea of sitting in the tattoo shop after school, but he’s actually pretty excited. Apparently the kid loves art, and tattooing is another avenue he wants to explore. I can’t fault him for it, seeing as I have ink myself, but I drew the line at him actually getting one. He tried to argue, but gave up when he realized I wasn’t budging.

I doubt this is going to be the end of that discussion, but I’ll take the win for now.

The shop is quiet when we get there, seeing as it’s close to dinner time, but I’m not surprised to find all the guys waiting for us. Wolf and Talon are leaning against the front desk, Draco and Griffin are sprawled out in the waiting room chairs, and Nix is in my seat behind the desk.

I scowl at Nix. “If you fucked up my chair with your big ass I’m going to kick it so hard Ash will mistake you for a baboon,” I threaten. No one messes with my stuff.

Nix just smirks. “I’m all for getting my girl to play nursemaid to me for a few days,” he retorts.

“You really think she’s going to be able to play nursemaid to you with your son around?” I snort.

Nix pauses and sighs, obviously seeing the wisdom in my words. Standing, he says, “I didn’t mess with your chair. Now, are you going to introduce us to your brother or make the poor kid rubber neck?”

I look at Falcon and see him looking both uncertain and awestruck. I give him a reassuring smile and write down on the paper in my hand who everyone is. I really need to get him a cellphone.

Me: The guy behind the desk is Nix, he’s Ash’s man. The two big guys at the desk are Wolf and Talon. Talon is the grumpy looking one. The two in the chair are Draco and Griffin. Draco is the one with long hair and Griffin is the preppy boy.

Falcon lets out a soft snort at my description but nods and waves at them. Everyone waves back and smiles at him.

I look at Wolf. “He can hang out here with me in the waiting room.”

Wolf nods. “He’s free to use my office if he wants. I’m full with clients today so I won’t be in there much.”

I relay that to Falcon, who reads the words with a smile and nods at Wolf.

“Piper says he knows a bit of sign language,” Talon rumbles out. Talon might look like a scary ass dude, but he’s a softie for those he cares about. Even me, and that’s after I’ve fucked with his station so many times he’s resorted to trying to lock the door. Not that it keeps me out. You would think the man would learn, but I’ve got him lulled into a state of complacency right now. I haven’t messed with it for a while, but I’m just biding my time.

I nod at Talon. “She taught me a few things, and she found us an interpreter that can work with us. We’re meeting up with them tomorrow night after I’m done here and he’s done with school.”

Talon nods. “We’re coming too,” he says. “Figure that we should all learn.”

I blink at him in shock. “You don’t have to do that,” I protest.

Talon waves it away. “We want to. I think Wolf and Ember are coming too,” he says, looking at Wolf for confirmation.

Wolf nods. “You and Ash?” he asks Nix.

Nix nods. “Leonora and Simon are going to watch the kids.”

A heavy feeling settles in my chest and the bottom of my throat. The fact that these guys and my friends all want to go with us to learn how to better communicate with Falcon is way too much to process. “Why would you do that?” I ask, voice a little stiffer than I want it to be, but it’s that or I start to cry, and I’m not about to let that happen.

“We’re family,” Wolf says simply, staring at me with his dark eyes. “Seems kind of silly for all of us to expect you to interpret when we’re all talking.”

“We have to man the fort, but you can teach us what you need us to know,” Draco comments, making me turn to look at him. Draco and Griffin are the manwhores of this group. The two of them are great tattoo artists, but they’re young and enjoying life. They drive me crazy most days, especially when it comes to the amount of women that come in here for them, but they’re decent guys.

I nod at them, and look back at Falcon, who’s waiting patiently for me to convey what’s being said. When I write it down for him, I see the shock in his eyes. He looks at everyone and then back at me. He starts writing.

Falcon: You have good friends. Can I go sit and work on my art now?

I chuckle and nod at him. I write down the directions to Wolf’s office and he heads there with a nod at the guys.

When he’s out of view, all eyes turn back to me expectantly. “What?”

“Spill it, woman,” Talon orders, there's steel in his words that tells me he means it too.

I glare at him, putting my hands on my hips. “You really want to sit here and order me around, Big Dick?” I ask him mildly.

Talon rolls his eyes at the nickname I gave him. I mean, the name definitely fits. I saw that thing once and I’m pretty sure that if porn websites knew about it, he would be rolling in offers. “You can tell us or I’ll find out another way,” he replies, his tone equally mild.

I scowl at him. I have a feeling he’ll do it, but I don’t like that he’s backing me into a corner on this either. I figure that the best way to have them off my back is to tell them the short version. “I left home when I was barely sixteen. Never saw my parents again. I guess my mother was pregnant with Falcon when I left, but it would have been early on so I never knew about him. Our parents are in jail, and he was sent to live with our uncle. Our uncle is just as bad as our parents, and he didn’t want the responsibility of a kid anymore, so here he is.”

None of them speak, just watch me. I hold their stares, waiting.

“What’s the deal with you needing a new apartment?” Wolf asks. “If you needed a place, all you had to do was mention it.”

I roll my eyes. “My uncle told CPS that Falcon is living with me now, so they sent over some stuck up bitch to check me out. She doesn’t like me and doesn’t like my apartment. So we have to find a new place. Ash apparently talked to Sloan, and he found us a place in one of his buildings. We’re moving in in a couple days.”

Wolf nods. “Alright. Talon and I can be over tonight to help you get started packing. The girls are all working late.”

I look at him in surprise. Ash & Embers, the bar that Ash and Ember co-own,burned to the ground about six months ago, and they’ve been rebuilding it. Piper has been picking up shifts at the Devil’s Soldiers bar, but she’s also been spending a lot of time helping Ash and Ember get ready for their re-opening. “They're working at the bar tonight?”

Wolf shakes his head. “Ember is working at Bullet’s bar with Piper tonight. Filling in for one of their managers who’s out sick.”

I snicker, thinking about those two working in the biker bar on the outskirts of the city. It can get rowdy, but I have no doubt that they can handle it. I’m just surprised these two he-men are letting them go alone. “You sure that’s wise?” I tease. “Those boys can get noisy and handsy. What are you going to do if one of them hits on them?”

Talon and Wolf both give me cool smiles and I have to fight back a shiver. Yeesh, those are dangerous. If I was anyone else, I might have even pissed myself a little. “Bullet and Rose will make sure they’re fine,” Talon rumbles. “They’re perfectly safe with that woman around.” The affection in his eyes is clear.

Rose is my idol. Crazy and mean as a snake if you mess with the people she cares about, but also one of the most loyal and best women I know. She’s also taken the lot of us under her wing. Which means if anyone dares to mess with Ember or Piper while they’re working, not only will they have Rose to deal with, but the entire MC too.

“You’re right,” I agree, smirking at him. “Lord help you though if Rose starts asking about your big dick again. Piper will sing like a canary with you not around.”

“You sure are obsessed with my dick, woman,” Talon growls at me. “Are you jealous that you didn’t get a chance at it?”

I stare at him for a moment and then let out a booming laugh. “You made a joke,” I say with a proud smile. “Who knew you had it in you, BD?”

Talon rolls his eyes, but I can see the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. Yeah, the man is proud of himself. “Shut up,” he grunts at me. “Now get to work before I have to fire your ass.”

I snort out another laugh, because we all know that will never happen.

Everyone disperses, but Talon hangs back. I sit in my seat and boot up my computer. I look at Talon expectantly and his eyes are serious now; as though they can see right through me and to the secrets I keep tightly inside.

“When you’re ready to tell the whole story, I’m here,” he murmurs softly, so that no one else can overhear. “Whatever else is eating at you, don’t let it fester. Did that and it’s not pretty.”

I don’t say anything and Talon just walks away, leaving me staring after him.

My past is just that, the past. I don’t bother dwelling on the things that happened because I can’t fix them. As much as I would love to, I can’t travel back in time and stop the night that fucked it all up. The night that sent me running and still haunts my dreams. Facing it would mean reliving it, and I might be strong, but I’m not that strong.

I can feel the anger and grief welling up in me so I firmly push it away. I have shit that needs done, and with me being out a lot over the past couple days, I don’t trust any of these idiots to have done a single thing correctly.

I blow out a breath and get to work.

I’m only halfway through fixing all the mistakes when I hear the shop door open. I look over and pause when I see Sloan standing there. I frown and look at the schedule quickly. He’s not down for a tat, so that means he’s here for something else. Probably to see Nix or Wolf.

I take in his casual appearance and bite back a smile. Instead, I smirk at him and quip, “Slumming it today are we, Your Highness?”

Sloan doesn’t bat an eye and moves to lean on the counter, looking down at me with those arctic eyes. “Didn’t realize that you were sitting here waiting for me, sweetheart, or I would have been here sooner,” he drawls.

“Not your sweetheart,” I remind him, not that it ever makes him stop. “I have more important things to worry about than what you’re doing with your day, Lincoln.”

“If you say so,” he says with another shrug of his broad shoulders. Damn, that t-shirt and leather jacket are doing nothing to hide that the man is obviously a beast under his clothes. He’s not quite as beast-like as Wolf or Talon, but he’s no slacker either. “I just came over to give you the keys to the apartment and let you know that you can move in whenever you like.”

He pulls a keyring with two keys from his pocket and holds them out to me. I take them, but I still feel uneasy about this whole setup. A place like that, it’s too good to be true.

“Thanks,” I say cautiously. “Your building manager ream you a new asshole for renting me the place?”

Sloan chuckles. “He’s fine,” he assures me. “You have some paperwork to fill out before you’re officially moved in. I’ll have it on Monday if you want to swing by the office.”

The last place I want to go is that giant monstrosity in the heart of downtown. “I can just meet your manager and sign them at the apartment,” I say. “Won’t take time out of your day for something like this.”

Sloan doesn’t answer for a moment. “Afraid to be alone with me again,” he muses thoughtfully, making me scowl at his words. “It’s alright, darlin’. I know how much effort it’s taking you right now to not jump across the counter and have your wicked way with me.”

“You’re right,” I purr at him, slowly standing, watching as his eyes widen slightly. He apparently isn’t expecting me to go along with his little joke. “I really do want to jump across this desk, and take you right to the floor. But instead of my hands around your dick, it’ll be around your big neck, choking you for calling me those stupid pet names you know I despise.”

“Normally I would frown on you threatening the customers, Raven, but in this case, I’d just take video for later,” Wolf laughs as he comes down the hall towards us.

“We both know that she’s just trying to save face,” Sloan sneers, but winks at me. “She’d love to have any part of her touching my body.”

“How did you fit through the door with that ego?” I demand, rolling my eyes.

“It’s a tight fit, but I always manage to get it in there,” he rumbles, flashing me a wicked smile.

I huff out a breath, trying not to be amused. I set myself up for that one. Though, now I’m starting to wonder if there really is a monster hiding behind the metallic zipper of his dark wash-jeans. Something tells me that Sloan Lincoln’s ego isn’t the only thing that’s big.

“Are you trying to get her to her cut your dick off?” Wolf chuckles.

“What can I say? The chicks love me,” Sloan snickers. “And she won’t hurt her new landlord now that she’s got the keys to her new place.”

“That’s what you think,” I mutter quietly, but from the amused look in Sloan’s eyes, he heard me.

“Good, I’m closing down the shop on Monday so we can help her move in,” Wolf announces, making me look over at him sharply. This is all news to me. Before I can open my mouth to blast him, he continues, “I already blocked out the day in the system. We’ll be over tonight to start packing. Bullet and a few of his guys are going to come help us get the rest done and move you guys into the new place on Monday.”

I burst out laughing at the thought of all those big, leather-clad bikers walking around in Sloan’s building. Maybe it’s a good thing Sloan is going to have us use the service elevator. We’d probably give some rich old bitch a heart attack if she sees them.

Sloan nods and says, “Yeah, Ash mentioned something about that. I’ll let Bob know to expect you guys.”

Wolf nods. “Thanks, man.” Sloan just grins. Wolf looks at me. “Falcon’s in my office and that kid’s got a great eye for color and art. You good if I spend some time working with him? Kid could make a killer tattoo artist one day if he wants.”

I don’t know why it makes my heart trip to hear the offer coming from Wolf. Maybe it’s because I knew they would accept Falcon, just like they did me, but it’s different to see and hear it. “Sure,” I say easily, though I feel anything but. “Now both of you get the hell out of my hair so I can get to work on cancelling the appointments for Monday.” I give Wolf a narrowed-eyed glare, but he just smiles at me, not the least bit fazed.

“I’ll see you Monday, Raven,” Sloan says. Then with a grin and a wink, he adds, “Don’t miss me too much, babe. And I won’t blame you for searching for my number in your system so you can call me to get your fix.”

Wolf barks out a laugh before walking off, shaking his head. Probably because he knows that if he doesn’t see the bloodshed, he can claim his innocence.

I look back at Sloan, who is still grinning at me. “Don’t think you’re funny, asshole,” I growl at him. “Now, unless you’re here to get a tat or a piercing, get the hell out so I can get back to work. But if you’re up for a piercing, I’m sure I can find just the right one. Might leave you out of commission for a while though.”

Sloan’s grin widens, if that’s even possible. “Your obsession with my dick is touching, babe, but I wouldn’t want to disappoint all the women clamoring for my attention. Including you, it seems. Anytime you want to touch my dick, just let me know. I won’t even make you take me on a date first,” he adds with a wink. “See you on Monday, sugarplum. I’ll drop those papers for you to sign at the apartment so you don’t have to restrain yourself.”

I don’t know what I want to do more. Strangle him for calling me those ridiculously stupid pet names, or laugh at his obvious comeback. Either way, I know I’m going to have to be on my toes with a man like Sloan.

He might be an asshole, but he intrigues me, and that’s more dangerous than anything else.