Swipe for a Cosmo by Megan Wade


Atumbler filled with red liquid hits the table in front of me, and I look up from my phone with a start, the tattooed knuckles telling me immediately who it is.

“Kellen,” I gasp, meeting his heavenly green eyes.

“I know it’s not the right glass, and since I’ve never made it before, it might taste like ass. But I tried.”

A grin pulls up the corner of my mouth as I truly absorb how huge this man is. He’s an easy six-three and so broad, most fully grown men could successfully hide behind him. He looks more like the leader of a motorcycle gang than the barman at a small-town bar and grill, but I certainly like that he’s the latter.

“I’ve never tried ass before,” I say with a smirk, lifting the glass to my lips and taking a sip before letting out a little moan as the familiar flavor notes of my favorite drink hits my tongue. “But if it tastes anything like that, I’m clearly missing out.”

Kellen releases a chuckle before he slides into the seat opposite me. “I’m guessing that means I got it right?”

“You did,” I say, setting the glass on the table. “And thank you. You definitely didn’t need to go to the trouble, but I’m grateful you did.”

He bounces a shoulder. “Figured you could do with a little cheering up.”

“He’s perceptive too.” I pick up my glass and take another sip to cover my discomfort. “Seems I’ve been stood up.”

“Wanna tell me who the asshole is? I know just about everyone who comes through here. I could give him a hard time on your behalf.”

I shrug as I slide my phone into my handbag, wanting to forget all about Tinder for the current moment. “Not sure he’s worth it. Although, I’m dreading telling my roommate she was right. That part’s not going to be fun.”

“Yeah? What’d she say about this date?”

“Well, for starters, it wasn’t a date as much as it was a hookup.”

He sits back and sucks the air in through his teeth. “You came to a place you’ve never been before to hookup with some stranger?”

“Not necessarily a stranger. We’ve been chatting for a while online. This was just our first real life meeting.”

“You tellin’ me you met this guy through one of those apps?”

I nod as I release a sigh. “I know. I know those things never workout. But sometimes, we just want to have a little fun, right?”

“I guess. Probably safer ways to have that fun, but hey, no shade here.”

“Thank you.” I take another sip of the Cosmo and lean back against my seat. “And what my roommate said was that if a guy isn’t willing to come to me, or at least meet me halfway, then he probably isn’t worth the effort.”

He runs a hand through his multi-colored beard as he nods thoughtfully. “I’m inclined to agree. And on top of that, a man who makes you come all this way then doesn’t show isn’t much of a man at all. You dodged a bullet if you ask me.”

“Hmm, I suppose you’re right,” I say, pulling my phone out again and unlocking it, before bringing up a photo of my would-be date, and showing him. “You know this guy?”

He leans in and squints at the image, recognition lighting up his eyes. “Yeah. I know him. And I like most people in this world, but he isn’t one of them. You definitely dodged a bullet.”

I let out a sigh. “That’s something, I suppose.”

“Always a silver lining, huh?”

Nodding, I lift my glass and drain the last of it with a satisfying gulp. “And I got to try the very first Cosmo served in this place. So that’s something too. How much do I owe you, by the way? I can’t accept a second freebie since you already comp’d me once.”

He grins and clasps his hands in front of him on the table. “How about you keep me company during my dinner break, and we’ll call it even?” he says, gesturing to the bar. Within moments, a couple of plates piled with delicious smelling burgers and fries are sat on the table in front of us.

“Now you’re just spoiling me,” I say, laughing at his boldness.

“But you can’t say no, or it’ll go to waste, right?”

I look from the burger to him and smile. “You’ve got me there, Kellen. And it does look yummy.”

He holds my eyes for what feels like an entire minute before he responds. “Yeah. Yummy is exactly the word I’d use too,” he says before he tears his eyes from mine and takes his burger in both hands, biting into it ravenously.

It takes a moment or two before I can process what just happened and before I can start eating. Because if I’m not mistaken, this ridiculously sexy man just called me yummy.

“Come on, sweetheart, eat up before it gets cold,” he urges. “Don’t want you wasting away to nothing. I happen to like my women the same way I like my burgers.”

I swallow hard as my eyes move from him to the burger on my plate. It has two patties, bacon, cheese, a little salad, and a nice fluffy bun. “Heart-attack inducing?” I ask as I pick it up and take a bite, causing the juices trapped in the patty to roll down my chin. Grabbing my napkin, I wipe up as much as I can, but Kellen just laughs, seeming thoroughly entertained.

“Meaty and juicy,” he rumbles out, and I suck in my breath. Never in all my years would I have considered a man like this would hit on me so blatantly. The idea is…preposterous. Surely he’s joking.

“How about soft?” I ask, going along with his joke by giving the bun a little squeeze.

“Fuck, yeah.” He tosses his head back and laughs for a moment before his mirth disappears and he looks at me with something much…hungrier in his eyes as he leans in a little closer. “And if you’ll stick around, sweetheart, I can show you that you don’t need apps on your phone to get what you want. All you need is a man who sees you and knows what he wants.”

“And is that man you?” I ask as I take a bite of the burger in my hands, chewing quickly to try to calm the nervous beating of my heart while I await his answer. Did he seriously just say that to me?

A devilish grin takes over most of his face. “If you want me to be,” he says, maintaining perfect eye contact while I do my best not to combust right in front of him. Um…clean up in booth number five. Seems the lady has just made a mess of her panties.