Swipe for a Cosmo by Megan Wade


The moment I make my intentions clear, Jade’s eyes go wide and she sucks in a breath. Then chokes. Hindsight tells me I should have waited a moment longer to drop that one on her, but I guess I was thinking with the wrong head there. Shit.

“Lean forward,” I instruct, quick to jump out of my seat and slide in next to her. The moment she does as instructed, I plant the heel of my hand in the center of her back and force her to cough up the offending piece of burger patty. It shoots out of her mouth and lands in the center of her plate with a little bounce.

“Thanks,” she gasps.

“Aw, honey. If you wanted to choke on some meat, I could have provided something more hearty for you,” I tease while I rub her back and signal for some water. She looks up at me with tired but amused eyes, and I decide in that moment that she’s the one for me. Not only is she beautiful, but she seems to get my humor without being shocked or blushing. In fact, after her comment about the taste of ass when I first came over here, I have a strong feeling that she and I could share a lot of laughs along with our chemistry. There’s no way I’m letting this one go, so I’ll have to be careful not to make her choke again.

“Nice moves, bro,” Vaughn says, smirking as he arrives with a glass of water. “Tryin’ to kill the poor girl?”

“I think you’ll find I saved her,” I say, taking the water before shooing him away then handing it to Jade. He leaves with a chuckle, and I know he’s gonna tease me mercilessly over this later.

“Sure you trust me to drink this?” Jade asks as she lifts the glass to her lips. “I’m likely to shoot water all over you at the rate I’m going tonight.”

“Oh, I don’t mind a squirter,” I say, grinning from ear to ear as she swivels her wide eyes my way and almost chokes again, a cough sending a stream of water past her lips and onto my shirt.

“My god, I told you! You have to stop with that,” she wheezes, laughing as she grabs a napkin and tries to clean me up.

I place my hand over hers and hold it against my chest. Suddenly, she’s not laughing anymore.

“Why would I stop telling you how much I want you?” I say, trying to keep our eyes connected but failing when she drags hers away with a frown.

“Because I highly doubt you really mean it, and since I’ve almost died twice now, I’d rather we quit the farce and get on with our lives.”

“You think this is a farce?” My brow shoots up as I release her hand from my grip, wondering how she could have a single doubt in her mind when I’m sitting here practically salivating over her.

“At the very least, I think this you feel sorry for me over getting stood up. And while I appreciate how kind you’re being, offering your time to cheer me up like this, I also don’t want to sit here getting my hopes up. Especially since that’s kind of already happening, and I’m starting to feel foolish. So, before I catch myself honestly thinking this is a possibility, I really just want to stop. Because we all know that girls like this”—she gestures to herself—“Don’t get guys like that.” She finishes by gesturing at me.

“And who on God’s green earth made that a thing?” I ask, my eyes drinking in all of her—her perfect pink lips, shining brown eyes, silky hair and curves upon curves upon curves. She’s the picture of beauty, and I want all of her.

“Well,” she starts, and before she can formulate her answer, I lean in and kiss her.