Hunted By Firelight by Krista Street

Chapter 25


Blood coated my naked chest. Bishop was in a similar state. The estate’s walls shook around us. Fine plumes of dust came from the walls with each vibration. The entire Titun wing had just fallen even though Squads Nineteen, Twenty-two, and the Fae Guard still fought.

The Fae Guard had managed to hack through the trees and join the fight, but it hadn’t come without a price. The trees had fought alongside the elf, the ancient elf lord bringing them to life to fight as living soldiers. The Shroud Forest had turned into a weapon of branches and massive weight impaling, knocking, and slinging fairies from the Fae Guard as if they were small children.

I’d thought for sure that once the Fae Guard arrived it would be an easy win for us.

But such hadn’t been the case. Not since the elf controlled the forest.

We were losing, the wards were long gone, and the castle was crumbling, which meant it was time to get Avery out.

“Hurry,” I called to Bishop as we flew down the hall. “We don’t have much time.”

Bishop, also nearly naked, hurried behind me.

Simple shorts covered our lower halves, courtesy of the SF witches who stored the modest material in our wristbands. But we were barefoot, our feet slapping against the stone floors.

As soon as my mate was safe, we would join the battle again. Fear still filled me. I had no idea what her return to earth would bring, but we were out of options.

“Time until the evacuation team arrives?” Bishop asked when we rounded the corner at the bottom of the spiraling staircase.

Cold stone walls greeted us, along with the scent of the failing safe room wards. The sharpness of it stung my nose as we blurred to the Whimsical Room.

“Five minutes. Maybe less. We grab them and go. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

We blurred to a stop at the door, my heart pounding with adrenaline. I activated the ancient ward that surrounded the Whimsical Room with the key Bavar had given me. The ward shuddered and then groaned as the door cracked open.

Anticipation built in my stomach.

“Avery, we need to—” My words caught in my throat at the sight that presented itself.

Nicholas shirtless.

On top of my mate.

Grinding against her.

He sucked from her neck, drinking from her as he undulated against her in sexual waves.

She moaned from beneath him, her legs wrapped around his waist even though she still wore pants.

“Don’t stop!” she cried, desire coating every word.

The vampire was trying to fuck my mate. He was trying to take what was mine.

“Oh shit,” someone muttered beside me.

Time stopped.

My heart exploded.

A ferocious growl ripped from my chest.

Then all I saw was red.