Alien Warrior’s Promise by Sue Mercury

Chapter 16

Dakk couldn’t believehis enemy was Xaarrn. They’d fought years ago, long before the war against the Irrcons, and it stunned Dakk that Xaarrn still held a grudge. Nevertheless, Dakk was determined to win. He would not allow Xaarrn to hurt Macy, and he seethed knowing the dishonorable male had been inside his home alone with his mate for a short while.

Fortunately, Dakk’s wrist comm had beeped with an alert that his security system had been breached. He’d raced home from his shop as quickly as he could, darting through alleyways and backyards, his only concern keeping his mate safe.

Fueled by anger and bloodlust, Dakk wrestled Xaarrn to the floor and knocked the knife from his hand. As the weapon clattered onto the stone floor, Xaarrn attempted to retrieve another knife from his belt. Dakk pinned the male down and headbutted him, which left the male disoriented just long enough for Dakk to remove the remaining weapons from his belt and toss them out of reach.

Dakk wrapped his hands around Xaarrn’s throat and started squeezing. His opponent flailed beneath him, eyes bulging as his face grew bright red. A sense of wrongness pervaded Dakk and he almost loosened his grip.

He had killed hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of Irrcons in battle. But he had never taken the life of one of his own kind. Long ago, when he’d fought Xaarrn the first time, he might’ve killed the male if not for Rellac and other warriors pulling them apart when the fight went too far.

No warrior would fault him for killing Xaarrn now. But the young male’s comments about Dakk being cursed invaded his thoughts.

Fluxx. Dakk released Xaarrn with a jerk, slamming the male against the wall. His skull cracked on the stone, but the injury wouldn’t be lasting—Xaarrn’s nanobots would kick in and start healing him soon.

Dakk glanced around the entryway and the corridor, wanting to ensure Macy had obeyed his command to run to the library. He breathed a sigh of relief at not seeing her. Whether he killed Xaarrn or simply incapacitated him while waiting for the authorities to arrive, he did not want her to witness such violence.

The scars on Xaarrn’s face were deep, and Dakk could understand how the permanent marking upset the male. No doubt the scars served as a reminder of his foolishness. If Dakk had attacked the male in an unprovoked rage, or just because he’d insulted him, Dakk would feel guilt over the damage he’d caused to Xaarrn.

But he quickly reminded himself that not only had Xaarrn hurled insults at Dakk on the training field, in front of thousands of warriors, the male had also openly challenged Dakk to a fight. To walk away from a challenge would’ve marked him as a coward, leaving Dakk with no choice but to cross swords with Xaarrn.

The stunner rested near Dakk’s feet, and he picked it up, aiming it at Xaarrn. The male gasped and coughed, clutching his throat and occasionally rubbing the back of his head. Dakk used his wrist comm to contact Commander Moxx.

“Just kill me,” Xaarrn snarled. “Don’t be a coward.”

Dakk shook his head. “Killing you would be too easy. You will stand trial in front of your peers, and the leaders will decide your fate.” But even as he spoke, Dakk started second guessing his decision to show Xaarrn mercy. Chances were that Xaarrn would be banished from New Vaxx and all Vaxxlian occupied sectors, but what if the male persisted in seeking his revenge?

Fluxx. He swallowed hard and eyed the knives and the blaster on the ground, but before he could reach a decision, Commander Moxx and several investigators burst through the door, their blasters held at the ready.

Commander Moxx’s eyes widened and he growled. “Xaarrn,” he said in a voice filled with disgust. “I thought perhaps Dakk had your identity wrong when he contacted me. I did not believe you would be foolish enough to show yourself on New Vaxx ever again.” The commander looked at Dakk. “This male has already been banished once. When we first settled on this planet, he was caught stealing weapons from our storage facilities and selling them on the black market.”

This information stunned Dakk. “How did you get past the planetary shield and find your way back to New Vaxx?” he asked, glaring down at Xaarrn.

“I’m good at bypassing Vaxxlian technology,” the criminal replied in a smug tone. “That’s how I got past your security system. It’s not difficult to upload a glitch into a system. Are you forgetting who my father was? He was one of our most skilled engineers and he taught me all he knew. Pity that he died at an outpost before the war.” He shot a hate-filled look at Dakk. “He was murdered by a Vaxxlian just like you. A male with cursed black eyes, an abomination.”

Shock resounded within Dakk. He’d never heard of another Vaxxlian with black eyes, though several ancient religious texts mentioned them.

Commander Moxx grabbed Xaarrnn and placed heavy manacles on his wrists. “I’ve watched Warrior Dakk since he came of age and entered warrior training, and I can assure you, he is not cursed, nor is he an abomination. He has served our people admirably, both during the war and after as we settled on New Vaxx. You, on the other hand, betrayed us by selling our weapons. If anyone in this room is cursed, Xaarrn, it is you.”

Xaarrn growled and thrashed in the commander’s grip, but several investigators approached and hauled the criminal away.

“What will happen to him?” Dakk asked, still worried he’d made a mistake by showing the male mercy. Perhaps he ought to have killed Xaarrn when he’d had the chance, lest the male prove troublesome in the future. Rage simmered inside him at the thought of Xaarrn scaring or hurting Macy.

“He was banished once and found his way back. I have no doubt that the leaders will see him as a great threat to the safety of New Vaxx and they will sentence him to death.”

Relief coursed through Dakk. Xaarrn would be ended, but Dakk wouldn’t have to live with the knowledge that he’d taken another Vaxxlian’s life. He inhaled a deep breath, feeling absolved of all guilt.

“Thank you for your assistance today, Commander Moxx,” Dakk said. “If you need me to answer any further questions, I will be happy to speak with you or the leaders, however at this time I wish to go to my mate. Xaarrn gave her a scare and I wish to console her.” I promised to always keep her safe and I mean to keep that promise.

“I think we have all the evidence we need for a conviction,” the commander said. He collected Xaarrn’s weapons from the floor and Dakk passed him the stunner.

“I’m glad to hear it.” Dakk showed the commander out, then he bolted for the library, eager to console his mate.

But as he ran for the library, his steps faltered. Had he failed Macy? He’d promised she would be safe when the house was in lockdown mode. But he’d never imagined anyone would possess the skill to hack his systems, insert a glitch that would disrupt the force field and the locks, and enter his house.

Would she be understanding? Would she forgive him?

Would she still feel safe with him?

Before they’d mated, when he’d glimpsed her fear of him, he had worried Vaxxlian Matchmakers might have made a mistake. Those worries had faded quickly, but now all his insecurities came surging back.

The library was close enough to the entryway that she might’ve heard the entire exchange between him and Xaarrn, as well as all the criminal had told the commander. They’d been speaking in Galactic Common at the time. Would Xaarrn’s story about what had happened with his father frighten her?

After a deep breath, he knocked on the library door. While he could disable the lock himself, he wanted Macy to hear his voice first. He also wanted her to be the one to open the door—but only when she was ready.

“It’s me, yummiska. Everything is all right. Xaarrn is gone. Please, open the door.”