Alien Warrior’s Promise by Sue Mercury


Five years later…

Dakk lookedup as his sons rushed into the back workroom of his shop, the two young males running toward him with boundless energy. He moved away from the desk he was building, crouched down, and opened his arms in invitation. The boys crashed into him and laughed when he picked them up by their ankles, holding one in each hand.

“Father!” Tronn cried. “Put me down!”

“Me too!” Savvis called out, wiggling as he continued laughing.

Light footsteps sounded in the corridor and Macy soon appeared in the doorway, looking fatigued but happy. His heart quickened at the sight of her. She waved and smiled, then rested her hand on her swollen stomach. Any day now, she was due to give birth to their third child—a daughter this time.

He lifted the boys higher and gave them a slight shake.

“I don’t wish to alarm you, yummiska, but I think we have a rodent problem in my shop.”

“Father!” Tronn laughed. “We aren’t rodents! We’re big strong Vaxxlian warriors.”

Both boys gave their best imitation of a warrior’s battle cry. When they started wiggling harder, Dakk gently placed them on the floor, and they rushed out of the workroom, no doubt eager to bother Horron, who was busy putting the finishing touches on a bookshelf that had already been moved to the showroom.

Dakk approached Macy and guided her to sit in a nearby chair. She moved slowly and gave him a weary smile.

“Thank you, Dakk.”

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“I’m okay. I’m just thankful both of the boys are in school during the mornings now. If I had to watch them all day,” she said as she covered a wide yawn, “I’m pretty sure I’d collapse from exhaustion.”

He knelt before her and took her hands. “I’m almost finished with my last custom order,” he said with a nod at the desk. “Once I finish it, I’ll begin my leave of absence from work, and I’ll be home with you until the baby is at least a full moon cycle old.” Horron and a new assistant by the name of Jovaxx would take care of everything while Dakk stayed home with Macy, and he was thankful the shop would be left in such capable hands. He’d taken a leave of absence after each of his sons were born too, and it was becoming more and more popular for the warriors in Starzzia to take paternity leave.

“I can’t believe it’s almost time,” Macy said, peering at her stomach. “I can’t wait to meet her, and I’ve been thinking more about her name.”

“Have you decided then?”

“I’d like to name her Penny, after my grandmother.”

“Penny,” Dakk said, repeating the human name. He liked knowing the name held meaning for Macy. Their sons had been named after his father, Tronn, and his grandfather, Savvis. Macy had insisted he name the boys after they were born, but when they discovered she was pregnant a third time, he had insisted she name this child.

Penny. Their daughter. He couldn’t wait to meet her.

“It is a fine name,” he finally said, emotion expanding in his chest. He reached for Macy and stroked her hair, ignoring the sounds of mischief coming from the showroom. “Star God, you are so beautiful, yummiska. You take my breath away.”

She chuckled. “I feel like a ripe tomato, and I can’t even see my toes anymore, but thank you, Dakk.” She sighed, closed her eyes, and leaned into his touch. “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you—Skylar is bringing over dinner tonight and she’s going to take the boys home for a sleepover with their cousins.”

“That’s very kind of your sister,” Dakk replied, then he rose to his feet, remembering the gift he’d gotten for Macy, which he’d stashed in one of the desk drawers. He’d known she was taking the boys for a walk in Starzzia today and would likely stop by in the late afternoon, and when he’d passed a flower stand earlier in the day, he hadn’t been able to resist.

“What are you doing?” she asked, sitting taller in the chair as she watched him dash behind the desk and open a drawer.

He withdrew the single red rose and placed it behind his back so quickly she couldn’t see what it was.

“Stop teasing me, Dakk! What do you have?”

He crouched down and handed her the red rose. “A gift for my sweet bride and the mother of my children. Whenever I see red roses on display at a flower stand, I always think of you.”

“Oh Dakk, you’re going to make me cry.” She accepted the flower, blinking rapidly, and took a deep inhale. “Thank you. I think you keep the flower stands in business, with all the roses you are constantly buying me.”

He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Come, yummiska, and I will escort you and our sons home.”

“Sounds good.”

He grasped her hand, pulling her to her feet, and they ventured to the showroom to find the boys, who were being unusually quiet. But to Dakk’s surprise, they found Tronn and Savvis helping Horron paint the bookshelf.

The sight of his sons working diligently in his shop warmed his heart, reminding him of all the times he’d helped in his father’s shop as a young child, even before he’d been old enough to begin a formal apprenticeship and learn the skill of woodworking.

“You’re doing a fine job, sons,” Dakk said. “You will have to start helping out in the shop more often.”

Both boys beamed with pride, and Dakk and Macy waited patiently while they finished painting the bookshelf. Once it was completed, they exited the shop and walked into the hot afternoon sun. It was a beautiful day, with a blue sky and white billowing clouds, and a light breeze.

Dakk guided his family down the street, feeling more content than he could recall in ages. He had a loving wife, two healthy sons, and a daughter on the way.

A family. I have the family I always wanted.

As they headed for home, he noticed Macy growing more fatigued, so he gently scooped her up in his arms and held her close to his chest. She opened her mouth to protest, but he gave her a playful yet stern look.

“No arguments. Allow me to carry you, yummiska.” He pressed another kiss to her forehead and breathed in deeply, savoring her floral scent.

He watched his sons run up the walkway of their house and grinned when they fought over who got to hold the door open as he carried Macy inside.

The familiar sounds of running footsteps and children’s laughter and Macy’s voice as she reminded them to behave filled him with joy.

At one point in his life, he had thought he would never take a mate or have children. But all that had changed when he met Macy, his yummiska, the sweet golden-haired human female who would always hold his heart.

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Thank you for reading Alien Warrior’s Promise! I hope you enjoyed Macy and Dakk’s story.

Next up in the Vaxxlian Matchmakers series is Alien Warrior’s Devotion (Skylar’s story).

Grab it here

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Want to read Myadd + Sienna’s story?

Grab Myadd (Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #6)

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