Seb’s Summer by K.C. Wells

Chapter Fourteen


July 5

Seb stirred, surfacing through several warm, cozy layers to emerge from a restful sleep. The room was still in semi-darkness. It took him a moment to realize something was different. Then he became aware of the arm laid across his waist, the hand pressed to his chest, and the warm breath that stirred his neck.

I could get to like this.

Marcus was curled around him, his breathing even and deep. Seb lay in his arms, enjoying that delicious, sated feeling he always got after really good sex. Not that he usually got to enjoy it for long. His hookups were brief, and if he stayed a night with a guy, he was out of there as fast as he could the next morning, because more often than not, that was how the other guy wanted it. But this was bliss. Nothing to get up for. No work. And the prospect of more to come.

That last thought prompted his hole to tighten, bringing back memories of Marcus taking him again and again, until they’d both declared themselves exhausted. Even the prospect of waking Marcus for a morning ride gave him a moment’s pause.

I might wait a bit. Say, an hour or so?

Marcus stirred, stroking Seb’s belly. “Morning,” he murmured. He trailed his fingers lower, until they reached Seb’s already stiff dick. “Christ, are you always hard?”

Seb gave a soft chuckle. “What can I say? I’m twenty-six. My powers of recovery are phenomenal.” There was something he’d been meaning to ask as soon as they’d gotten through the front door, but Marcus had derailed him with that kiss. “Can I ask you something?”

“I’m a captive audience. Ask away. Just don’t expect coherence. I haven’t had my coffee yet.”

“What changed your mind?”


“I thought I was a distraction.”

Marcus’s sigh stirred his hair. “Do you know how long my family will be staying in Cape Porpoise? Probably until the end of July. Not all of them, mind you, but enough that I can kiss goodbye to peace and quiet and writing time. With the best will in the world, it’s just not going to happen. Then I got to thinking. Here I was, pushing you away, and I really didn’t want to…”

Seb wriggled, snuggling against Marcus’s firm body. “I’m glad. My hole feels like it just went ten rounds with a baseball bat, but…”

“Are you sore?”

Seb couldn’t miss the note of concern in his voice. He covered Marcus’s hand with his own. “It’s my own fault. We kissed some more, you got hard again, I got ideas… I could have said no, but it felt so fucking good I didn’t want to.” A reminder of why he preferred older men—they knew how to use what God gave them to its fullest advantage. And Marcus certainly knew what he was doing. His appreciative noises, grunts and groans painted a picture of a man who enjoyed sex, and a lot of it.

Three months without… Jesus, I’d have been climbing the walls if it were me.

“You want me to make it feel better?” Marcus whispered, his breath tickling Seb’s ear.

Seb’s breathing caught. Fuck yeah. “As long as you’re not gonna use your dick to do it.”

“Lie face down.”

Seb did as he was told, and Marcus disappeared beneath the sheets. A moment later, Seb’s cheeks were pulled apart by gentle fingers, and a warm tongue lapped over his hole. “Oh fuck.” He shivered. “You can eat my ass all fucking day.”

Marcus paused. “Now you know what I majored in.”

“Feels like you did a masters in it too.” He grabbed a pillow and shoved it under his hips, elevating his ass. “Fuck, don’t stop.” Seb buried his face in his pillow, fisting the sheet beneath him as Marcus loosened him up, his tongue warm, wet and insistent.

Another pause. “I’ll stop when you come, how about that?”

Seb raised his head from the pillow long enough to reply. “Deal.” Then he had a thought. He turned his head to the side. “Marcus… seeing that your family is going to be around for a while… and I’m here…”

Marcus chuckled. “I think July might turn out to be my favorite month.” Then he went right back to blowing Seb’s mind again.



Seb woke to sunlight pouring through the window and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. A glance at Gary’s old alarm clock on the nightstand revealed it to be eight-thirty, and he smiled to himself. I must’ve fallen asleep minutes after I came. Then Marcus walked into the bedroom naked, carrying two cups. Seb sat up with a grin. “I could get used to this.” Then he became aware of the state of the sheet beneath him, and grimaced. “I need to change the bedding.” There was not one, but two wet spots, and that was down to both of them.

Marcus arched his eyebrows. “Do you feel the need to change them right now?” He placed the cups on the nightstand, then got into bed next to Seb, stuffing pillows behind him.

“No. They can wait till I’ve drunk my coffee.”

Marcus’s eyes gleamed. “Because I think we might get a little more use out of them.”

Warmth spread through him in a slow tide. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well, that depends. How does your hole feel?”

Seb flashed him his widest grin. “Empty.”

Marcus laughed. “A slow morning fuck it is then.”

“Sounds like my kind of morning.” Seb reached over Marcus for his cup, Marcus’s warm, musky scent permeating his senses. Waking up with the smell of Marcus enveloping him was all kinds of sexy. He gave Marcus a speculative glance. “Ready for me to get in that ass of yours?”

Marcus’s hesitation was telling. “Can we hold off on that for a day or two?”

Seb blinked. “Something you need to tell me?”

He sipped his coffee. “It’s been a while, okay? Most of the guys I hook up with prefer to bottom. I kind of got stuck in the role.”

“So when I said I wanted to fuck you…”

Marcus’s eyes twinkled. “Yeah, best Fourth of July ever. I’ve got a butt plug back at the house. I just need a bit of stretching, that’s all.” He slid his hand down Seb’s stomach and wrapped it around Seb’s hard shaft. “I can’t wait to feel this inside me.” Then he stiffened. “Oh God.” He released Seb’s cock and sagged against the pillows.

“What’s wrong?”

His brow furrowed. “I hope the kids don’t venture into the summerhouse and start going through my stuff. I have visions of them running into the house, waving my shiny black double dildo and yelling, ‘Uncle Marcus has a snake!’”

Seb became very still. “Double dildo?”

Marcus tilted his head to one side. “Have you ever played with one?”

“No, but now that you mention it…” He put on the most serious expression he could muster. “I think you need to bring your toys here, for safekeeping.”

Marcus’s lips twitched. “Oh you do?” He glanced around the bedroom. “I don’t think you’ve got room here for all my toys.”

Seb gaped. “Just how many do you have?” Then he caught the glint in Marcus’s eyes. “You’re yanking my chain, aren’t you?”

Marcus’s smile was positively gleeful. “Yup. I brought three butt plugs of varying sizes, a prostate massager, the double dildo, and a more normal-sized one.” He gave Seb’s cock a gentle squeeze. “Except maybe I need to rethink that. Because I think it’s small compared to you.”

“Is that why you need a butt plug?”

Marcus nodded. “One glimpse of that… anaconda of yours, and I knew some preparation was in order.” He drank his coffee. “What would you like to do with the rest of your Sunday? That’s assuming you want to spend some time with me.”

The thought of having Marcus around for the rest of the day sent heat radiating through Seb’s chest. “That depends on how we will be spending it.”

Marcus’s phone buzzed on the nightstand. “We’ll come back to that thought.” He put down his cup, reached for it and peered at the screen. When he sighed heavily, Seb had a feeling whatever plans he’d been making had just gone out of the window.

“Something wrong?”

Marcus tossed the phone onto the bed between them. “Apparently, you are invited to Sunday lunch.”

“I am?”

“Mom says I’m not to take no for an answer, and she expects us at twelve. Lunch will be at one.” He paused, glancing at Seb. “What do I tell her?”

Seb would have preferred some more alone time with Marcus, but he wasn’t greedy. “Look, it’s a special weekend. All your family is there, and they want to see you. So it’s only right that you spend as much time as you can with them. As for me joining you…” He hesitated.

Marcus stroked his sheet-covered thigh. “What is it you’re not saying?”

“It… it feels a little weird, that’s all.”

“In what way?”

Seb put down his cup and turned toward Marcus, propping his head in his hand. “Okay, for one thing, everyone will know what you and I were doing last night.”

“And that bothers you, them knowing we fucked?” Marcus let out a wry chuckle. “You don’t strike me as the shy type.”

“You’re right, I’m not, but I didn’t expect to be seeing them again.” Seb cocked his head. “Are your parents used to you bringing guys over for Sunday lunch? Or even bringing guys home, period?”

Marcus bit his lip. “You would be the first.”

Seb nodded. “And Ashley seems to think we’re already an item…”

He widened his eyes. “Ah. You don’t want them to get the wrong idea.”

Seb decided to go for broke. “I do a lot of hookups. I’m assuming you do too.” Marcus nodded, and Seb breathed easier. “Okay. It’s just sex, right? But parents don’t understand the concept of hookups. Parents have this weird idea sex equates to something more.”

“And you think they’re going to assume there’s more to us than meets the eye.”

Seb nodded. “I like your family. I don’t want to… mislead them.”

“So if I promise to say ‘He’s just a friend’ every time someone makes a comment like Ashley did?”

He gazed into Marcus’s cool blue eyes. “You want me to do this, don’t you?”

Marcus swallowed, and he ducked his chin. “I love my family too. But for reasons I don’t want to go into, I was dreading this weekend. They’re good people, but they’re also the most inquisitive, persistent bunch. They know I’ve been at the house for a while, and I’ve lost count of how many times in the last couple of days they’ve asked why I’m not in New York.”

“And you don’t want to tell them,” Seb surmised.

“No, I don’t.”

“And you think my being there will act as some kind of… buffer.”

Marcus raised his chin. “It’s a selfish reason, I know, but—”

The look on Marcus’s face brought a lump to Seb’s throat. “Hey, it’s okay,” he said softly. “I’ll come to lunch. And about what you said earlier… If they’re going to be around for most of July, then I’ve got a proposal.”

“What kind of proposal?”

Seb smiled. “Remember the last time we met at the store? I told you to think of me as an escape route. So let’s work on that. If there’s a day when you want to write, or just get away from the family…” He pointed to the living room. “I’ll give you the spare key. You’ll have power, coffee, snacks, a comfy couch… I’ll be gone every day from dawn till noon, so you’ll have the place to yourself. If it gets too quiet, there’s an ancient stereo system that plays CDs.” He grinned. “You might wanna bring those from the house. I have no idea what kinda music Gary listens to, and frankly, I don’t wanna know.”

Marcus’s face lit up. “I love this idea. If you’re sure I won’t be in your way…”

Seb laughed. “Are you kidding? I come home and dive in the shower, and there you are, waiting for me.”

Marcus’s sexy smile sent a trickle of arousal through him. “When you put it like that… And then of course there’s your other wonderful idea.”

“Which one?”

“Bringing my toys here.”

That trickle swelled into a flood of pleasurable tingles and aches. “I’m obviously on a roll. But can we get back to your idea?”

Marcus frowned. “Which was what?”

Seb grabbed Marcus’s hand and guided it to his dick that tented the sheet. “Getting the sheets real dirty before I wash ’em. I think you said something about a slow morning fuck? We’ve got a few hours to play with, right?” He shivered as Marcus molded his hand around it and squeezed it.

Marcus slowly pulled the sheet down and Seb’s cock sprang up. He curled his hand around the base, his eyes glittering. “So how long do you think you can hold out before I make you come with just my mouth?”

Seb spread his legs wide. “How about we find out?”