Seb’s Summer by K.C. Wells

Chapter Fifteen


Marcus stood by the window, watching Seb and his dad chatting animatedly while Dad flipped burgers on the grill. Judging by Seb’s hand gestures, the topic was lobster hauling, and Dad appeared engrossed by the conversation. The kids were chasing one another in and out of the trees, with Ashley yelling now and then for them not to go too far, and the others sat around on patio chairs or on the low stone walls that surrounded Mom’s raised flower beds. Music came from somewhere, and Marcus guessed that had something to do with either Mike or Jake. Mom and Lisa were in the kitchen, putting together the finishing touches to lunch.

It was a grab-what-you-want deal, and the patio table was covered with plates of lobster rolls, bowls of Mom’s potato salad and coleslaw, a deep bowl of potato chips, and buns for the burgers and hot dogs. Bottles and jars of ketchup, mustard, mayo, and pickles sat beside the buns, along with yet more bowls containing lettuce, sliced red onions and tomatoes. Marcus had pulled out the canopy to shade everything from the sun. Dad had put out buckets filled with ice and soda bottles, and Jake had observed with a smile, ‘What do we need ice for? This is Maine, not Florida.’

Then Dad had shot him down with a comment about last year, when Jake had gotten sunstroke, and the temperature had climbed into the high nineties. Jake had the grace to flush. Of course, it could also have been the start of this year’s sunburn.

It was a perfect summer’s day with plenty of sunshine and a warm breeze, and the idyllic scene only heightened Marcus’s ebullient mood.

What on earth was I panicking about?

The night—and subsequent morning—with Seb had surpassed his expectations. Marcus’s fears had proved groundless, but maybe that was due more to the absence of anxiety. He’d let himself go, carried along on a tide of sensual pleasure that caught both of them in its swell. Seb’s appetite mirrored his own, and maybe that too had played a part. Marcus knew what he’d feared most—that the sex would have left him unfulfilled—and when that fear wasn’t realized, he’d finally relaxed.

“So he’s just a friend, hmm?”

Marcus gave a start. Mom stood beside him, arms folded, peering through the window. “Mom, give a guy some warning, will you?” Then her words sank in. “And yes, he is.”

“I like him.” Mom stared at Dad and Seb.


She turned her head toward him, her eyebrows arched. “Don’t Mom me in that tone of voice. I’m just saying, I like him.”

Marcus didn’t respond. He had a feeling there was more to come.

“Of course,” she continued barely a moment later, “I don’t have anyone to compare him to, do I?”

That was a passive-aggressive poke if ever he’d heard one. “Excuse me?”

“I knew you were seeing someone in New York, ages ago.”

“How could you know that?” He hadn’t said a word.

“The lines of communication dried up for a while. Your brother was the same whenever he met a new girl. When you didn’t mention a name, or bring them to Boston, I figured it wasn’t serious.” She glanced at him. “It wasn’t, was it?”

Apparently there was no getting out of this conversation.

“No, it wasn’t. It was good while it lasted, but…” He shrugged. There was a reason Marcus never broached the topic of relationships with his mom—it felt awkward as hell.


He steeled himself.

“Are we going to be seeing more of Seb, less of you, or a mixture of both?”

“Is this a comment on me staying out last night? Because if it is? For God’s sake, Mom, I’m forty-four years old. So what if I stayed at Seb’s?” He pointed to the family members sitting out in the garden. “They’re not going to miss me. They didn’t come here to see me. They came to get away from their regular lives and enjoy the sun and the ocean.”

“Like you did,” she commented.

Damn. He’d led her right into that one.

“Can’t you tell me what happened?” she asked in her soft voice. “Because something drove you out of New York to this house. I thought at first you’d had a break-up, but now I’m not so certain.” She laid her hand on his shoulder. “Marcus, I may be seventy, but I’m not clueless. I don’t think there’s anything you could tell me that would shock me.”

Marcus wasn’t so sure of that.

“What about your job?”

“What about it?”

“Is the company okay with you taking all this time off?”

“I told them I needed to step away from the job for a while, take a few months out, and they were fine with that.” Except by now, his boss was probably beginning to wonder if he was coming back. ‘A few months’ had grown into four, and he knew he needed to think about what happened next.

I’m not ready to go back there.

“And what about your apartment?”

“I sublet it, initially for two months, and now we’re playing it month by month.” The guys renting it were there until the end of August, but soon it would be crunch time.

“But where’s all your stuff?”

“In storage.” The important stuff was in boxes in the summerhouse. He’d brought as much as he could squeeze into the car.

“You… you’re not in any trouble, are you?”

Marcus couldn’t bear to hear the worry in her voice. He enfolded her in a hug. “No, I’m not, I swear,” he assured her in a whisper. “I’m just… taking a break, working stuff out, re-evaluating my life…” He released her. “Now, if we don’t get out there soon, my nephews, niece, and little monsters will eat all the burgers and hot dogs.” It was a lame-ass move, but if it got her away from the subject…

She hit his arm. “They are not little monsters. They’re sweet little children.”

He bit his lip. “That’s not what you said a few days ago when they put a frog in your shoe.”

Her eyes twinkled. “Which is no worse than what you got up to when you were their age.”

“Me?” Marcus gave her his most innocent stare.

Mom burst out laughing. “Don’t give me that look. It was you who taped a plastic cockroach inside my lamp? And it was you who snuck your dad’s favorite cookies out of the cabinet, opened them, and replaced the creamy middle part with toothpaste?”

He grinned. “Wow. I was good.”

She laughed. “You were incorrigible. I thought the worst was over when you hit your late teens, but then you pranked your dad with that fake audit letter. Sent his blood pressure through the roof.” Mom leaned over and kissed his cheek. “But you’re right. We should go outside.” Her eyes twinkled. “Do I set a place for you at the dinner table this evening?”

He returned the kiss. “We’ll play that by ear.” Then he opened the French doors and they stepped out into the sunshine. Seb gave him a look that said Help me, and Marcus took pity on him.

“Hey, I’ve got something that might interest you in the summerhouse,” he called out.

Ashley coughed violently, and Jake snickered. Chris blinked. “That’s an improvement on ‘Come up and look at my etchings’, I suppose.”

Seb smothered his mouth with his hand, and Marcus rolled his eyes. Seb followed him toward the summer house.

“If you pull down the blinds, we’ll know what you’re up to,” Jess said in a stage whisper as they passed her.

“Playing hide and seek?” Sophia’s clear voice was loud.

There was a moment of silence before the yard was filled with laughter.

“Out of the mouths of babes,” Jess muttered. “Because I’ll bet you’re just dying to play Hide the—”

“Mom!” Jake gaped at her.

Seb erupted into a peal of laughter, and it wasn’t long before everyone had joined in, with Sophia gazing at her older relatives in utter confusion.

Marcus opened the door to the compact building with its gable roof and cedar shakes, and windows on all four sides. “My granddad built this in the forties, when my Aunt Carol was a little girl, and Dad wasn’t even born.” It contained a bed, a table, and a recliner.

“It’s cute.” Seb glanced at the single bed and smiled. “That’s tiny compared to the one in the master bedroom.”

“And there’s no shower either.”

Seb’s eyes twinkled. “Have to say, that shower gave me ideas.” He took a step toward Marcus. “That bench was just crying out to be—”

“Down boy.” Marcus gestured to the windows. “We have an audience, remember?”

“Well, if we’re not here so you can—” Seb lowered his voice to a whisper. “Suck me off, what did you bring me in here for?”

Marcus pointed to a box at the foot of the bed. “Can you take that back to your place?”

Seb walked over to it, lifting one corner of the cardboard flaps. “Can I peek?”

“No. Save that for later.”

He straightened. “Then there’s going to be a ‘later’?”

Marcus grinned. “Oh Lord, I hope so. I won’t stay, though. That’s not fair on you. I know you have to get up awful early in the morning.”

Seb’s eyes shone. “That’s sweet.” He reached into the back pocket of his jeans. “This is for you, before I forget.” He placed a key in Marcus’s palm.

“Thank you.” Marcus added it to his key ring. “I promise I won’t overstay my welcome.”

“No, you come whenever you want.” Seb gave a wistful glance toward the house.

“What’s the matter?”

Seb bit his lip. “There aren’t any blinds. Well shit.”

Marcus laughed. “Are you perpetually horny? Wait—don’t bother answering. I know, you’re twenty-six. Stupid question.” He inclined his head toward the patio. “How about we go have lunch, we stay a while, then we go back to your place.”

“I can feed you tonight.”

Marcus laughed. “Trust me, there’ll be leftovers from lunch that we can take with us.”

And we’re back to feeding the five thousand again.” Seb’s face glowed. “I really like your family.”

“That’s because so far, you’ve only had small doses.”

Marcus had a feeling he was going to be using Seb’s place as sanctuary sooner than he might think.



Seb dug his fingers into the edge of the mattress, his eyes locked on the mirror. Marcus covered Seb’s back, powering into him, his gaze focused on Seb’s reflection.

“You like my dick in your ass?”

“God, yes.” Seb couldn’t thrust up with his hips: Marcus had him pinned face down, his knees spreading Seb’s thighs, his arm around Seb’s chest as he fucked him.

“Jesus, I’m all the way inside you, and it feels amazing.”

Seb stared at him. “Feels so fucking good.” Then Marcus covered Seb’s mouth with his hand, and just like that, they slipped into a higher gear. Fuck, look at us… Seb’s eyes were huge and dark, his pupils blown.

Marcus drove his shaft into Seb with long strokes, sawing in and out, the bed rocking with each impact. Seb moaned into Marcus’s palm as Marcus propelled him relentlessly toward orgasm. Then Marcus bared his teeth, driving into him with powerful thrusts, and Seb exulted to feel the throb inside him. He cried out, Marcus’s hand muffling the sound, and Marcus bowed his head to kiss Seb’s shoulder as he shuddered.

Then Marcus pulled out, and flipped Seb onto his back. “Your turn. Knees to your shoulders, baby.”

Seb drew his knees up, and Marcus hooked his arms under them. He slid his shaft back inside Seb and moved slowly in and out of him. Seb grabbed his cock and tugged on it, his climax within reach. “Kiss me?”

Marcus’s lips fused with his, and Seb tugged harder, faster, Marcus’s thrusts quickening, his dick connecting with Seb’s prostate again and again. And when he came, Seb let go of his cock and locked his arms around Marcus, clinging to him, shaking with each new jolt of electricity until at last Seb lay still beneath him.

He stroked Marcus’s cheek. “All I said was, ‘Come inside.’ I didn’t think you’d take it so literally.” Not that he was complaining. Lightning fucks that took him by surprise were never a bad thing.

Marcus chuckled. “I thought it was an invitation. It’s your own fault. You’re impossible to resist.”

“I know.” Seb preened. “It’s my superpower.” He kissed Marcus’s damp forehead. “And I think we both know what yours is.”

Marcus eased out of him and rolled onto his back, his half-hard dick lying against his thigh. “Fuck, I needed that.”

Seb stroked his sweat-slick chest. “Oh, I see. I’m your stress relief toy.”

Marcus raised his head from the bed. “Do you mind?”

He smiled and leaned in to kiss Marcus on the lips. “Not for one second. How do you think I relax after a week of teaching?” Sunday lunch had been fun, but he’d been glad when Marcus had offered to take him home, seeing as he had a box to carry.

Yeah, no one in Marcus’s family was fooled by that for a second.

Marcus tugged Seb onto him, parting his legs to give Seb room. “Maybe this is why we get along so well.”

“Because we’re alike?” Seb had had the same thought.

“Mm-hmm.” Marcus pushed Seb’s hair back from his eyes. “Although I have to say, when I’m around you, the rest of the world tends to disappear.”

“Is that a good thing?”

Marcus’s smile was answer enough.

“You know what else I’m good at?” Seb grinned. “Washing backs.”

“Is that an invitation to take a shower with you? I accept.”

Seb clambered off him and held out his hand. “Wait till you see what I use to clean your cock.”

He led Marcus into Gary’s small bathroom and even tinier tub, feeling more energized than ever.

July was shaping up to be an awesome month.