Seb’s Summer by K.C. Wells

Chapter Twenty-Five


Marcus got out of the car, aware of an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach. We need to talk hadn’t given much away, but Seb’s desire to apologize at least gave a hint at the way things might go. His pulse quickened as the door opened.

Seb stood there in his sweats and tee, his hair tousled and his feet bare. “Hey. Coffee’s on.”

“Music to my ears.” Marcus drew closer. He’d never wanted to hold Seb as badly as he did in that moment, but he tamped down hard on the impulse: Seb would have to make the first move.

Seb stood aside to let him enter, then closed the door and went over to the coffee pot. “By the way, you were wrong. I didn’t find any of it boring. In fact, I think I got quite an education.”

Marcus sat on the couch. Seb’s laptop was on the coffee table. “I know it got a bit technical. And I also know there will be people who read it who think it’s TMI. Fuck them. Too many people have strange and potentially dangerous ideas about drugs. I thought it important to put it all in the right context.”

Seb came over, carrying two cups, and handed one to Marcus before joining him. He propped his feet up on the table. “You left New York to break the cycle, didn’t you?”

Marcus nodded. “And to get away from my so-called friends.”

Seb frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Word got around. ‘Marcus is a meth addict.’”

“But you’re not. Anyone who talks to you for more than five minutes knows that.”

Marcus locked gazes with him. “You say that now, but did you think it yesterday?”

Seb had the good grace to flush. “Please, don’t remind me.”

“But what has really changed since yesterday? I’m the same man I was then. All that’s happened is you’ve had your preconceptions challenged, and you’ve been re-educated.”

“I’m guessing you weren’t so successful with your friends. Did you tell them you weren’t an addict?”

Marcus nodded. “It didn’t make any difference. I denied it, and got the reaction ‘Well, of course you deny it, because that’s what addicts do. So you must be an addict.’ I could tell them I didn’t have a problem till I was blue in the face. I was obviously lying because addicts lie about their habits, right?” He scowled. “What really got me was the hypocrisy of it all.”


“Sure. They’re happy to take E when they go clubbing. I bet you know lots of guys who take E, right?” Seb nodded. “Well, E is MDMA. What do they think that MA stands for? Methamphetamine. And I know one guy whose boyfriend is on Adderall. He doesn’t have ADHD, but that doesn’t stop him taking his boyfriend’s meds and popping it like candy before he goes out dancing, because it helps him stay awake. But it’s not meth, right?” He sagged against the cushions. “There is such a stigma attached to meth. It’s like I said to you yesterday. People hear ‘meth’ and…” He locked gazes with Seb. “You believed what people told you, didn’t you?”

Seb nodded. “Because I didn’t know any better.” He tilted his head. “Were you really scared you couldn’t have sex without it?”

“Yeah, I was. I have to say, that fear went out the window after one night with you.”

Seb grinned and preened. “Damn, I’m good.”

Marcus’s heart soared to see a glimmer of the Seb he’d known up till then. He leaned over and whacked him on the arm. “Your hole did not cure me, okay? It might feel amazing on my dick, but magic it is not.”

Seb arched his eyebrows. “Hey, it could be. Maybe we should try it again, just to make sure.”

Marcus narrowed his gaze. “Subtle, Seb. Very subtle.” He sighed. “I was in a different place. No work, no stress… Maybe that helped. Maybe these few months acted as a… reboot of sorts.” He smiled. “I’ve been set back to my factory settings. But while that fear proved groundless, there was another waiting to take its place.”

“And what was that?”

Marcus looked him in the eye. “That you’d turn out to be like everyone else.”

“And for a moment there, I was.” Seb swallowed. “I’m not proud of how I reacted.”

Marcus shifted closer. “You didn’t know. You’d been fed the same diet as most of the gay men out there.” He cupped Seb’s chin. “You know what’s listed as one of the most dangerous drugs out there? Alcohol. But saying you drink doesn’t get the same reaction as saying you take meth.” He stilled. “But you were different. You listened.”

“Because you asked me to.” Seb’s voice was so quiet, his breathing harsh.

Marcus seized his courage. “And if I asked you to kiss me?”

Seb rolled his eyes. “Thought you’d never get there.” Then his arms were around Marcus’s neck, their lips met, and Marcus sighed into a kiss he’d believed he’d never experience again. Seb pushed him onto his back, then lay on him, his body warm and firm in Marcus’s arms.

He rested his head on Marcus’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

Marcus tilted Seb’s head, his fingers under Seb’s chin. “You’ve already apologized.”

“Yeah, well, I’m doing it again. I should have trusted you.”

Marcus traced the line of Seb’s jaw with his fingertips. “In the grand scheme of things, you’ve known me for what, five minutes? Guys who’ve known me for more than a decade leaped onto the bandwagon in a heartbeat. And not one of those guys has come to me and said, ‘Hey, Marcus… I was wrong.’” He tightened his arm around Seb, holding him so close, he could feel Seb’s heart beating.

Then Seb moved, shifting higher, and kissed him, a slow, tender kiss that was balm to Marcus’s bruised soul.

“You feel good,” Seb murmured against his lips.

“You feel better,” Marcus countered. He ran his fingers through Seb’s unruly hair, pushing it back from his face so he could see those blue eyes he lov—

But it’s not just his eyes, is it?

He lay still beneath Seb, his heart pounding. “Know what else makes you different?”

Seb raised his chin. “What?”

“All those friends? I could never see them again, and I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it. Well, most of them.” Maybe not Nick. He stroked Seb’s cheek. “But I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. And leaving you is going to be a wrench, but I have to.”

Seb was off him in a heartbeat. “You’re leaving?”

“Not right this second, but yes. You’ll be leaving too. And I have no clue where we go from there.” He sat upright.

“But you’re not going back to New York, are you?” Seb’s eyes widened and his face paled. “You can’t. You said it yourself. You can’t go back into that environment.”

“But I have to,” Marcus said in a gentle voice. “I need to see my boss, and work out what happens next.” He squeezed Seb’s thigh. “When does Gary get back?”

“He says a couple of weeks.”

Marcus nodded. “And I’ve got another week, two at the most, before I need to go. I’ve kept him hanging long enough.”

Seb’s face tightened. “Then we’ll make the most of what time we have left.”

It didn’t take a genius to work out what was going through Seb’s mind.

“You think I’ll leave, and that will be it. Back to our own lives.”

Seb gave a shrug. “You have your career, I have mine.”

His forced nonchalance didn’t fool Marcus for a second. “There are weekends. Ever heard of those? Vacations? Holidays?” He grinned. “You think you’re getting rid of me that easily?”

“You say that now,” Seb remonstrated, “but you don’t know for certain.” His chest heaved. “You know, whoever said it’s better to have loved and lost was full of shit.”

Marcus’s heartbeat stuttered at his words. Then he told himself it was just a saying. It doesn’t mean anything.

But dear Lord, he wanted Seb to mean it.

Seb stroked Marcus’s cheek. “You look as tired as I feel.”

“Not surprising, really. I doubt either of us slept much last night.”

Seb got up off the couch. “Come on. A nap will do us both good.”

He arched his eyebrows. “A nap? Really?”

“Well, we could take a nap…” Seb’s eyes sparkled. “After.”

Marcus didn’t need to ask after what. “How about we get as far as the bed, and take it from there?”

After all the anxiety and turmoil of the past day or so, Seb’s smile was beautiful to behold. He took Marcus by the hand and led him to the bedroom. When they reached the bed, Seb locked his arms around Marcus’s neck. “I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you either,” he murmured. He stroked Marcus’s nape with gentle fingers. “You and me? We fit. And I’m not just talking about the sex, although that’s a huge part, for both of us, I think.”

Marcus kissed him softly on the lips. “And that’s changed too, for me at least.”

Seb’s eyes gleamed. “So I’m not just a way to relieve tension?”

His stomach clenched. “I’ll be honest. Remember when we went for a walk, and we ended up talking about your students? We got onto the topic of drugs, and…”

“And you got panicky.” Seb’s eyes widened. “That was also the day we came back here and you fucked my brains out.”

Marcus nodded. “It was an escape. If we were fucking, we weren’t having conversations that turned me inside-out. But that was the only time.”

“Wanna know why we’re such a good fit in bed?” Seb’s breathing hitched. “Because our appetites match. It could be an hour after we’ve both come, and I want you all over again. And then I realize you want me too.”

Marcus slid his hands down the back of Seb’s sweats, grabbing both bare ass cheeks and squeezing. “How could anyone not want this ass?” He insinuated a finger in Seb’s crack and brushed it over the tight pucker. “This hole?” Then he eased Seb’s sweats over his hips. Seb moved as if to help him, but Marcus stopped him. He lowered Seb onto his back on the bed, then lifted his legs into the air and shoved them toward Seb’s chest, rolling his bare ass up off the mattress.

“Okay, this is kinda kinky. You’re not letting me take them off?”

“Not yet.” Marcus leaned over, Seb’s calves coming to rest on his shoulders as they kissed, while he rocked his now hard cock against Seb’s ass. Then he grabbed the lube from the nightstand, slicked up a couple of fingers, and slid them into Seb’s hole, seeking his prostate while he reached under the soft fabric of Seb’s sweats to work his erect dick.

“Oh, that feels good,” Seb said with a sigh, wrapping his arms around his knees and hugging them to his chest. Marcus stroked in and out of him, Seb’s body tight around his fingers. “One more,” he begged.

Marcus dribbled more lube over his fingers, then added a third, loving the low moan that fell from Seb’s lips as his hole stretched to accommodate them, clinging to them as he gently fucked Seb with them. When he paused in his task to free his own cock, Seb rolled his eyes. “Finally.”

Marcus stripped off his tee, and shoved his jeans past his hips. Then he lubed up, and smacked the head of his dick against Seb’s hole. “Ready for me?”

Seb gave him a mock glare. “If you don’t get that cock in my ass real soon, I may have to kill you.” He expelled a drawn-out “Oh” of pleasure as Marcus guided his dick into position and slid into him. He grabbed Seb’s feet, high in the air, and held onto them as he rocked in and out, keeping a leisurely pace.

“Your ass feels great,” he said with a moan. Marcus pulled free of him and shoved his jeans roughly to the floor before kicking them off impatiently. “Flip over.” When Seb complied, Marcus was confronted with the sight of Seb’s back, his tee clinging to it, his sweats around his thighs, and Seb’s bare ass, tilted up.

Lord, he wanted in there.

Marcus got onto the bed and straddled Seb, aiming his dick between Seb’s cheeks. He sank into Seb’s warmth with a sigh.

“Fuck, yeah.” Seb rocked up to meet his thrusts, and the bed shook as their bodies slammed together, the pace quickening in a heartbeat.

Somewhere along the way, Seb rid himself of his clothing, and Marcus let go, plunging his cock into Seb’s body, Seb’s groans punctuating his thrusts. Then he tugged at Seb’s hips, forcing him onto his hands and knees, before yanking him back onto Marcus’s shaft again and again.

“Fuck, right there,” Seb moaned, and Marcus made sure to aim for that spot. “Marcus… not gonna last long…”

Marcus was out of him in a heartbeat. He flipped Seb onto his back, and with Seb’s ankles on his shoulders, he sank once more into Seb’s heat. He cradled Seb’s shoulders and head in his arms, holding Seb to him as they kissed, his dick sawing in and out, driving both of them closer to their goal.

“Let me know when you’re close,” Marcus ground out, hips bucking.

Seb panted as they rocked together, his hands tight around his knees. “Babe… I’m there.” He shuddered, and Marcus’s cock was sheathed in tightness.

“Oh God,” he gasped as he shot deep in Seb’s ass, warmth on his belly as Seb came, his dick untouched. Marcus let loose a single cry, their bodies locked together as Seb threw his arms around Marcus’s neck and held onto him. Marcus claimed Seb’s mouth in a heated kiss, his cock wedged in Seb’s ass.

“Holy f-fuck.” Seb shivered in his arms, jolted now and then, their kisses becoming the soft brushing of lips as they held each other.

Marcus pushed Seb’s hair back from his damp forehead. “I guess we crossed the finish line together that time.”

Seb expelled a breath. “Tell me that wasn’t a one-off. Tell me you can repeat that. Because you just rocked my world.”

Marcus kissed his forehead. “That’s good. Because you rocked mine.”