Seb’s Summer by K.C. Wells

Chapter Twenty-Eight


August 23

Marcus awoke to birdsong, the ticking of the clock in the hallway, and Seb’s measured breathing beside him. Light seeped through the pale curtains, bathing Seb in a warm glow. Marcus leaned over and kissed his chest, and Seb stirred, stretching.

“Is it coffee time?”

Marcus chuckled. “Was that a hint?”

Seb reached for him, enfolding Marcus in his arms. “Put it this way,” he murmured drowsily. “If you give me coffee, I’ll reward you.”

He smiled. “And what form would this reward take?”

Seb’s eyes held a soft gleam. “I ride you, you ride me… it’s all good.”

Marcus kissed his forehead. “Then I’ll be right back with coffee.”

“See? I knew there was a reason why I love you.” Seb’s eyes were suddenly alert and bright. “And I do, you know.”

“I know.” Marcus kissed him again.

“But I’ll love you even more if you bring me coffee,” Seb added. He let out a contented sigh. “This bed feels awesome. I slept great.” Then he peered at Marcus. “You’re still here.”

Marcus laughed. “That’s your fault for being so gorgeous when you wake up. I can’t tear myself away from you.” It wasn’t entirely a joke.

He got out of bed and walked naked into the kitchen where he’d left his phone on charge. He set up the coffee pot, then glanced at the screen.

Apparently, Nick had called three times.

Marcus clicked on Call, and Nick answered on the third ring. “Hey. I thought I’d see how you were doing. It’s been a while.”

“At the risk of repeating myself, I’ve been meaning to call you.”

“Where are you?”

“In Maine, where I’ve been since we last spoke, apart from one week in New York to wrap things up.”

“Wrap—Okay, fill me in.”

Marcus ambled over to the back door to stare out at the yard filled with sunshine. “Not much to tell. I quit my job and I’m working independently from home. I’m staying at my parents’ place in Cape Porpoise until I find something more permanent. And… I’ve met someone.”

Nick laughed. “And that counts as ‘not much to tell’ in your book? Christ, it all sounds life-changing. Who’s the guy?”

“He’s a teacher. He lives in Ogunquit, but he’s staying with me for his last week of freedom before school starts. He’s smart, beautiful, funny…”

“He’s obviously good for you. You sound so… happy.”

Seb was right there in his head, his hair in his eyes as usual, that cheeky smile… “I came back here for him.”

There was a pause. “We didn’t exactly finish on a good note, did we, the last time we spoke?”

Marcus sighed. “Not really. But you know what? It’s okay. Think whatever you want about my past. There’s a guy in my bed who heard the same things you did. He believes me, and that’s all that matters.”

“You told him?”


“And he’s okay with that?”

He let loose another sigh. “Nick, I said this to you back in June, and I’ll say it again. You’re talking about the past. What matters to me right now is the future.” He paused. “If we ever make it to New York, I’ll stop by and say hi, so you can meet him.”

Nick gave a wry chuckle. “Believe me, I want to meet the guy who claimed your heart. Take care, Marcus. Call me, sometime?”

He laughed. “Okay. Give my best to Juan.” They disconnected. It was then Marcus remembered Nick’s thoughtful gift, and he smiled.

Maybe it was time to use it.

Such thoughts would have to wait. Right then, there was a gorgeous man in his bed, lube on the nightstand, and the whole of Sunday stretched out before them.



August 24

Seb made notes, aware of Marcus humming in the kitchen as he made them lunch. He smiled.

Happy was a great look on Marcus.

“Hey, can you come in here a sec?”

Seb got up from his chair at the dining table, and entered the kitchen as Marcus put two plates into the fridge. “What’s up?”

Marcus crooked his finger. “Come here.”

Seb went over to him, smiling. “Bossy.” Marcus took him in his arms, and Seb sighed into his kiss.

“You’ve been at it all morning. Time for a break.” Marcus stroked his cheek. “What are you working on?”

Seb bit his lip. “Something I should’ve done when I first started teaching.” When Marcus arched his eyebrows, Seb sighed. “I’m designing a display for my classroom. It’s an LGBTQI+-friendly display, all about non-discrimination.” He raised his chin and looked Marcus in the eye. “I think it’s time I hoisted a virtual flag in there, and showed my true colors.”

Marcus’s face glowed. “I like that.”

Warmth trickled through him. “I’m glad.” Then he frowned. “Although I’m not sure I need a break. I can do another hour before lunch.”

Marcus’s only response was to kiss him, only now his hands were on Seb’s ass, sliding into his shorts and spreading his cheeks.

Seb shivered, his cock filling. “You are a distraction, Mr. Gilbert.”

Marcus had to laugh. “Oh, the irony.” He moved his hands higher, stroking Seb’s back, his touch light. Then he propelled Seb backward, until his butt smacked into the kitchen table. “I’m reminded of a conversation we once had in this very room.” Marcus’s voice grew a little husky.

“Which conversation would that be?” Seb’s dick tented his shorts, straining against the soft fabric.

Marcus leaned in to kiss Seb’s neck, and his shivers multiplied. Marcus brushed his lips against Seb’s ear. “I said if we’d met a year or two ago, I wouldn’t have been able to keep my hands off you.”

Heat raced through him as he recalled the rest of Marcus’s words, and the solid wood of the kitchen table at his back suddenly took on a whole new meaning. Before he could tell Marcus he really, really liked that idea, Marcus removed Seb’s tee, unbuttoned his shorts, and shoved them to the ground, leaving him naked. He lifted Seb onto the smooth wooden surface, then squirmed out of his own shorts. Marcus yanked open a drawer in the table to take from it a bottle of lube.

Seb gave a mock gasp of surprise. “You planned this.”

Marcus’s eyes gleamed. “And your point is?”

Seb raised his legs to rest them on Marcus’s broad shoulders. “Fuck me.” He sighed as Marcus slowly inched his slick cock into him, stretching him, Marcus leaning over to grab the edge of the table behind him as an anchor.

School work would have to wait.



August 26

Marcus smiled when he saw Jess’s name. “Hey, sis.” Beside him on the couch, Seb glanced up, then went back to watching the movie, his head resting on Marcus’s shoulder.

“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” Her voice held amusement.

“We’re watching TV. What can I do for you?”

“Actually, I want to pick your brains. It’s about the end of September. You know what happens then, right?”

He snorted. “No, I’d completely forgotten it’s their Golden Wedding anniversary.”

She laughed. “Well, I had an idea, but seeing as you’re living at the summer house, I need to run it by you first.”

“Go for it.” Marcus was in a blissed-out state. He’d agree to anything—within reason.

“I wanted to plan a surprise party for them. I’ll arrange everything,” she added quickly. “The caterers, the decorations… All you have to do is get them there. Invite them to stay for a weekend with you and Seb. Mom would love that. Then when they arrive, the house will be full.”

Marcus could do that. “Sure. I think it’s a great idea.”

“Excellent. I’ll get right on it.” There was a pause. “Hey, Marcus? In case I forgot to mention it last time we spoke? I’m really stoked you and Seb are together.”

“Thanks. We’re pretty ‘stoked’ about it too.”

A pause. “You’re laughing at my vocabulary again, aren’t you? Jesus, you did that when I was a kid. Well, laugh it up. We both know you and Seb getting together is all because of me.”

He blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Well, I was the one who invited him to have dinner with us, wasn’t I? Would you have done that?”

He sighed. “Probably not.” Then he glanced at Seb’s tousled head. “Although… he might have worn me down eventually.” Seb’s eyes met his, and Marcus bent to kiss him on the lips, a lingering, sweet kiss that made him warm inside.

Jess coughed. “Hey, still here, you know. And before I forget… Jake got the job. He heard this morning. He’ll be working with a company in Boston. We’re looking for a place for him right now.”

“That’s great. Tell him congratulations. Will we be seeing him Labor Day?”

“He says yes.” She coughed again. “And now I’ll let you go back to whatever you’re watching. Say hi to Seb for me.”

“I will. See you on Labor Day.” He disconnected, then stretched to place the phone on the side table. “Jess says hi.”

“Hi, Jess.” Seb reached up and popped the first button on Marcus’s shirt.

“Can I help you with something?” Marcus asked with a chuckle.

Seb ignored him and popped another free. “Seems the Gilbert Curse missed Sandra and James.” Another. “What do you think our chances are of escaping it?” Another.

Marcus cupped his chin and lifted it, looking Seb in the eye. “I don’t believe in curses,” he said in a quiet voice.

Seb slid his hand under the cotton, his fingertips sending shivers through Marcus as they brushed over his nipple. “Neither do I.” He stilled. “What do you believe in?”

Marcus pushed him onto his back, then covered Seb with his body, cradling Seb’s head and neck in his hands. “You, baby. I believe in you.”

Then Seb wrapped his arms and legs around him, and the TV was forgotten.



August 28

Seb was singing in the shower, and Marcus had to laugh. Despite Seb’s earlier claims not to be able to carry a tune, he was doing a passable rendition of ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go,” and Marcus imagined the lyrics were accompanied by bumps of the hips and using the nozzle shower head as a mic.

Marcus hadn’t bought it for that express purpose, but hey…

He’d told Seb to take his time, and paying no attention to Seb’s puppy dog eyes had been tough, but Marcus had a job to do. He was just about finished when his phone rang. Marcus was going to ignore it, until he saw it was Jake.

“Hey. I’ll be seeing you next weekend.”

“I know, but I probably won’t get the chance to talk with you. You’re living at the house, aren’t you?”

“For the moment, yes.”

“Well… would it be okay if I came up for a visit sometime? I’d call first.”

There was something in Jake’s voice that tugged at Marcus’s heart. “You can come over whenever you like,” he replied at once. “Has something happened? Apart from getting the job, I mean.”

There was silence for a moment. “I’ve decided you were right. I’m going to tell him how I feel.”

Marcus took a deep breath. “If you need me, you know where I am. This is a safe space, okay? No one’s going to judge you here—whatever you tell us.”

“Thanks, Marcus. You’ve no idea how much that means. I only hope you feel the same way when you know the truth.”

Shit. Is it that bad?

“Anyway, I’ll let you get back to whatever you’re doing. Say hi to Seb for me. I’m really happy for you guys.” And before Marcus could respond, he disconnected.

Damn. Marcus was about to hit Redial when he heard the water shut off in the bathroom. He hit it anyway.

Seb wasn’t going anywhere, and this was important.

“Did I forget something?” Jake asked as the call connected.

“You’re going to be all right, aren’t you?” Marcus blurted out.

Jake sighed. “I’ll be fine. And if I’m not, I’ll come find you, and we’ll talk. Okay?” He paused. “I know I made it sound pretty bad, but that’s just me. Glass-half-empty guy, right? I’m not gonna do anything… stupid, I promise.”

Marcus breathed a little easier. “Okay. Love you, kiddo.”

“Love you too—Guncle Marcus.” Jake was laughing as he hung up.

Marcus placed the phone on the nightstand, then removed his jeans and tee. He walked into the bathroom, just as Seb was toweling himself dry. His eyes lit up when he saw Marcus’s naked state, then he narrowed his gaze. “Not sure I’m talking to you.”

“What have I done?” As if he didn’t know.

“Here I was, in this big, beautiful shower, with its own bench, and you were MIA.”

“How was the new nozzle?”

Seb grinned. “Perfect. Now I want one for my place.” He cocked his head to one side. “Were you on the phone just now?”

He nodded. “Jake called.”

“Is he okay?”

Marcus wasn’t sure how to answer that.

Seb sniffed. “What can I smell?”

“Do you like it? I’ve got my oil burner set up in the bedroom. There’s chamomile and jasmine in it at the moment.”

Seb smiled. “Smells heavenly.” He lowered the towel, hanging it on his erect cock.

Marcus burst into laughter. “Now you’re just showing off.” He grabbed the towel and hung it on the warming rail. “Come with me.” His heartbeat sped up.

This was virgin territory.



Seb caught his breath as they walked into the bedroom. “Oh wow.”

Alongside the glorious scents that filled the air, there were flickering tea lights on every flat surface, their light dancing on the walls and ceiling.

He turned to Marcus, aware of a lightness in his chest. “This is beautiful.”

Marcus took him by the hand and led him to the bed. “I wanted it to be perfect.” He pulled the sheets back and got in, taking Seb with him.

“Oh, it is, but perfect for what?” He lay down beside Marcus, breathing in the relaxing scent.

Marcus leaned over him, his hand gentle on Seb’s face. “Making love.” Then their lips met, and Seb moaned into the kiss, exulting in the feel of Marcus’s body against his. He shivered with each trace of Marcus’s tongue over his skin, every brush of his fingers over his nipples, his belly, his cock…

His heart hammering, Seb cupped Marcus’s face. “Love you.”

Marcus didn’t blink. “Love you too.” He sighed. “I’m glad you like the candles. I’ve never done this before.”

Seb gestured to the tea lights around them. “No one has ever done this for me.”

“You know why that is?”

He stilled. “No.”

Marcus’s smile was enough to make Seb thankful he was lying down—it was the kind of smile that would make any man weak at the knees. “Because no one has ever loved you the way I love you.”

The only adequate response to that was to claim Marcus’s mouth in a kiss.