Seb’s Summer by K.C. Wells

Chapter Twenty-Nine


August 29

When Marcus apologized for the tenth time, Seb had had enough. “Look, it wasn’t your fault that guy called you on the weekend.” The traffic on 95 had worn his patience pretty fucking thin as it was: he didn’t want to lose it with Marcus.

“Yes, but I could’ve said outright that it wasn’t convenient. I mean, who makes business calls late on a Saturday afternoon?”

Seb reached across and gave Marcus’s thigh a squeeze. “But it was a good call, wasn’t it? He sounds like he’s gonna send a lot of business your way.” Judging by Marcus’s smile when he’d disconnected, it had been a great call.

“That’s true. But we should’ve been at Aaron’s hours ago.”

It was almost nine o’clock, but Seb wasn’t overly concerned. “I guarantee, we’ll walk into that yard, and there will still be enough beer to sink a battleship.” His stomach grumbled, and he sighed. “Food, on the other hand, might be another matter.” He was pretty sure Aaron wouldn’t let them starve.

“Where are we?”

Seb pointed to the left. “That light out there? That’s the Egg Rock Lighthouse. And next vacation, we’ll go see it, I promise. This is just a short visit.” He headed down Main Street, hoping to find a place to park near Aaron’s. He’d called Aaron a few hours before to warn him they’d be late.

Well, that I’d be late. Seb hadn’t mentioned Marcus.

“Grab my phone, will you? And send a text to Aaron. He’s on the Contacts page. Just say, ‘ETA a couple of minutes.’” He fired off the code to unlock it, and Marcus’s thumbs slid over the screen.

“You like to make an entrance, don’t you?” Marcus said with a chuckle.

Seb knew his amusement was to hide his nerves. “It’ll be fine, I promise. They’re a good bunch. By the time we leave tomorrow afternoon, you’ll know that too. And depending on where we end up sleeping, you’ll also know who snores and who doesn’t.”

“What are the sleeping arrangements?”

Seb cackled. “If you see a space big enough to fit a camp bed, grab it.” Marcus grabbed his own phone and scrolled. “What are you looking for?” Seb demanded.

“A hotel. I had no idea.”

He laughed. “You never did sleepovers when you were a kid?”

“No, and I don’t intend starting now. Besides, does Aaron’s place have a hot tub? Heated outdoor pool? Because the Bar Harbor Grand Hotel does, and they’ve got a room. A deluxe King room. Think about it, Seb. A nice big bed.” Marcus’s voice became silky.

Seb groaned. “You had to mention the bed, didn’t you?”

“Hey, I only fight as dirty as you do. So? Do I go ahead and click Book this Room? We can always come back tomorrow morning for breakfast or brunch or whatever.” Marcus stroked Seb’s thigh. “And I get you all to myself for the night.”

“Book it,” Seb snapped. “Great. Now I get to walk into Aaron’s place with a hard-on.”

“I’d offer to help you take care of it first, but we’re late enough as it is. Plus there’s always the chance we’d be arrested.”

Seb turned left into Wayman Lane and searched for a space. There was one, a few houses down from Aaron’s, and he parked the car. As they got out, he heard laughter, and grinned. “What did I tell you? Party’s still going strong.”

Marcus drew in a deep breath. “Okay. Lead the way.”

They approached the house, but as they drew closer, Marcus came to a halt. “I left my jacket in the car. I’ll just go get it.” Seb tossed him the keys, and he turned back.

Seb went up to the side gate, which was ajar. He walked through it, to find the guys sitting around the fire pit.

And here we go.

He grinned. “Tell me you guys haven’t eaten all the food. I’m starving.” Then he caught sight of the beer bottles in their hands, and rolled his eyes. “Fuck.” He went back to the gate and called out, “Grab the beers, babe. They’re in the trunk. Which means they’ll probably go off like rockets when we open ’em.” Then he returned his attention to the group—and came to a dead stop.

Everyone was so still, their gazes locked on him.

“Why are y’all staring at me like that?” Then he realized what had slipped out.

Ben was the first to react with a smirk. “‘Babe’? And who is ‘babe’?”

It wasn’t exactly what he’d planned, but hey…

Seb feigned reluctance. “That… would be my boyfriend.” Then he awaited the explosion, inwardly buzzing.

He didn’t have to wait long.

For a moment there was silence, broken by a chorus of raised voices, as synchronized as if they’d rehearsed it.

“What the fuck?”

Seb gave a shrug. “Surprise?” He caught sight of the guy standing beside Ben, and for a moment his mind went blank. Because no way could that be Wade Pearson. Why the fuck did Ben invite his boss?

Then he realized there was a much more important issue to be addressed: Ben and Wade were holding hands.

“Holy fuck.”

Ben gave an identical shrug. “Surprise!” Beside him, Wade stared at Seb in obvious trepidation. It was that rabbit-in-headlights look that stopped Seb cold.

Okay, what’s going on?

Aaron strolled over. “I did warn you,” he murmured. “Which is more than you did, you asshole. Boyfriend?” At that moment, Marcus came through the gate, carrying the box in which bottles clinked. Aaron gave him a broad smile, his hand extended. “Hi. I’m Aaron. And you are?”

“Marcus Gilbert. I’d shake your hand, but mine are a little occupied right now.”

Before Seb could step in and help, Ben hurried over and took the box from him. “Hi there. I’m Ben. Let me set this down somewhere, then we can do all the introductions.” He glanced at Seb. “And explanations.” He took the box into the house, and Wade accompanied him.

Seb stared after them. “I’m not around for eleven weeks, and the world drops into the Twilight Zone?”

Beside him, Marcus smiled. “Have I missed something already?”

“It’s a long story,” Finn assured him, before walking over and squeezing Seb’s shoulder. “But what you need to know is… it’s all good.”

Seb blinked. “But… that was Wade, wasn’t it?”

Aaron nodded. “And for the record, I think you’re the one he’s been dreading meeting. So go easy on him.”

“Yeah.” Shaun took a bottle from Dylan’s hand, and thrust it at Seb. “I think you need this.” He smiled warmly at Marcus. “I’m Shaun. And you look like you could use a drink too.”

“Thank you.” Marcus gave him a grateful glance, then nudged Seb’s arm. “Baby? Close your mouth, you’re catching flies.” That had them all chuckling.

Dylan looked from Seb, to Marcus, and back to Seb again. “Okay, I’ll say it, even if none of you is going to. When did the last trumpet sound? I think I missed it. Because Seb getting a boyfriend has to be one of the signs of the coming Rapture, right?”

There were a few seconds of silence, and then the laughter erupted.

Seb turned to Marcus. “Welcome to my family.”

Which was getting bigger all the time.



Noah inclined his head toward the firepit where Marcus and Aaron were sitting, drinking beer, and talking about Acadia, from what Seb could make out. “I can’t really complain about you not keeping us informed, because Ben was just the same. Did anyone know? About Marcus, I mean.”

“Just Levi.” And speaking of Levi, Seb had a feeling they weren’t out of the woods yet. He’d given Marcus a cool reception. When Marcus gave Seb a glance that was obviously I-told-you-so, Seb couldn’t respond.

Levi’ll come around. He hoped.

“So, have you gotten over the shock yet?”

Seb frowned. “What shock?”

Noah grinned. “The other surprise of the evening.” He tilted his head to one side. “Have you spoken with Wade yet?”

Seb sighed. “Yeah. Hard to believe it’s the same guy. I mean, he is smitten.” Seb was happy for them. It was hard to be anything else when he saw how Ben just glowed every time he and Wade were together.

“He’s not the only one.” Noah bit his lip. “You’ve got a good case of ‘smitten’ going on too. Never seen you look so happy.”

Seb gazed at Marcus. “Can you blame me?” He still had to pinch himself sometimes.

“Guys?” Aaron stood up. “It’s getting late. The party isn’t over, but I’m going to move us indoors.” He grinned. “I have great neighbors, and I want them to stay that way.”

Amid laughter, everyone filed into the house, while Aaron doused the fire.

The living room was full of chairs of all shapes and sizes: two couches, dining chairs, and a rocking chair. There were also large floor cushions lying about the place. Seb pointed to the rocking chair and nudged Marcus. “You can have that one.”

Marcus’s lips twitched. “Just so you know? I’m taking notes. And when we get home, there will be retribution.” Then he kissed Seb on the lips, and that made it perfect.

“Hey, Seb, you got a minute?” Levi called out from the other end of the living room.

Marcus gave Seb’s hand a squeeze. “Go talk to him,” he said in a low voice. “You’ve got some bridges to build.” He smiled. “I’ll be right here.”

Seb drew in a deep breath and went to talk to Levi.

As if he didn’t know what the topic of conversation would be.



Marcus sat in the rocking chair, trying not to watch Seb in conversation with Levi.

They need to talk.

The couch beside his chair was fully occupied. Joel sat at the end nearest Marcus, Finn on a cushion at Joel’s feet, talking with Dylan. Next to Joel was a quiet guy—Shaun? Is that his name?—who’d said a couple of words since Marcus’s arrival.

He looks like his mind is someplace else. Like, on whoever was texting him.

“It’s confusing at first, isn’t it?”

Marcus blinked and refocused. “Excuse me?”

Joel regarded him with a warm smile, then gestured to the group. “Remembering all their names. It does get easier. This is my second such meet-up.” His eyes twinkled. “I was the surprise last time. And now with Ben pulling the same stunt, and then Seb, I’m starting to think this is what they do—it’s a competition to see who can create the biggest stir.”

Marcus laughed. “You may be closer than you know. I asked if I was to be the entertainment. I think I nailed it.”

“Your existence might have come as a shock to us all, but not your age.”

He grinned. “Seb likes older guys. Yeah, I might have picked up on that.”

“I think it’s great. It’ll be good to have another guy at these shindigs who doesn’t laugh when I suggest watching a DVD, or listening to a CD.”

Finn craned his neck to gaze at Joel. “CDs? Aren’t they those silvery coaster thingies? I found a bunch of them when I unpacked your stuff. They’re great for putting cups on.” Joel gaped at him, aghast, and Finn’s eyes gleamed. “Gotcha.”

Marcus burst out laughing. Seb was right about his friends—they were a great bunch. Well, most of them. He’d exchanged less than ten words with Levi all evening. For Seb’s sake, Marcus hoped the situation would improve.

“So, Joel, Finn said you’re writing a book?”

Joel flushed. “I’m trying to write. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of time for that, what with my business taking off.” He shrugged. “It can wait. Right now there are other more important things to occupy my mind.” He stroked Finn’s head. “Such as the possibility of this guy here building a home for us.” His eyes shone.

Finn nodded. “We can talk about this tomorrow.”

Ben came over, dragging a floor cushion, and flopped down onto it next to Finn and Dylan.

Joel chuckled. “Wow. We’re honored.”

“What does that mean?” Ben’s brow furrowed.

“You managed to tear yourself away from Wade. I was beginning to think you two were surgically attached.” Ben gave him the finger, and he laughed. Then Joel leaned forward and kissed the top of Finn’s head. “And I totally understand why you wouldn’t want to be apart,” he said as he straightened.

Ben flushed. He addressed Marcus. “Did Seb warn you about all of us?”

“I’m not sure ‘warn’ is the word I’d use. He’s talked about you, and I knew me meeting you was important to him.”

“If it feels as if they’re all watching you and weighing you up?” Joel grinned. “Don’t worry. That’s because they are. At least you weren’t the only surprise of the night.”

Ben gazed across the room at the other couch where Wade, Aaron, and Noah were talking. “Hey, most of you knew about Wade, right?”

“Knowing is one thing,” Dylan observed. “Hearing the guy who made your life hell announce to everyone that he loves you? That was the shocker.” He smirked. “At least, it was—until Seb strode in with a boyfriend.”

Ben laughed. “Totally stole my thunder, dude.” He leaned in conspiratorially. “I think you were such a shock because Seb hasn’t been in touch all summer.”

Marcus sighed. “I take it he doesn’t usually keep things to himself?”

Ben snorted. “Seb? Hell no. But we knew he was finding it tough being stuck out there, with no one around to talk to.” He bit back a smile. “Except he wasn’t alone, was he? No wonder he didn’t call. He was obviously busy,” he air-quoted, and Dylan coughed. Ben continued. “But that’s what’s so awesome about this lot. There’s always someone to turn to if you need a helping hand, or just someone to listen.” He gazed warmly at Finn and Dylan. “I don’t know what I’d have done if these guys hadn’t had my back. They visited me, they took my calls, even when it was the early hours of the morning.” His eyes twinkled. “Of course, Dylan said he was working the night shift at reception at the hotel at the time, but we know what he was really doing.”

Finn blinked. “Speak for yourself. I don’t know what he was doing.”

“Watching porn on his phone,” Ben said in a stage whisper.

Dylan’s jaw dropped. “I never said that.”

Ben guffawed. “You didn’t have to. But what I want to know is… was it het porn or gay porn?”

“Ben can want all he likes,” Finn said to Dylan in a firm voice. “You don’t have to tell him anything. Because it’s none of his business what you watch—isn’t that right, Ben?” He gave Ben a hard stare.

Ben flushed. “You’re right. Sorry, dude.” He got up and went over to the other couch where Wade, Aaron, and Noah were still talking. Dylan’s cheeks were red.

Marcus had the impression Ben had hit a nerve.

“Did you say we get a room to ourselves?” Joel asked Finn. When Finn nodded, Joel’s eyes sparkled. “Want to show me where it is?”

Finn was on his feet in a heartbeat. He grabbed Joel’s hand and tugged him up off the couch, then led him toward the door.

Dylan coughed again. “Well, that was subtle.” He got up and took Joel’s place on the couch. “Listen, about what Ben said—”

Marcus held up his hand. “Before you say another word, can I point something out? Finn was right. What you watch is no one’s business but yours.”

“Yeah, but he makes it sound like I was watching porn when I should’ve been working. I’d get fired for that.”

Marcus arched his eyebrows. “The night shift at a hotel reception desk? That has to be one of the deadest shifts going, right?”

Dylan nodded. “It’s not what I usually do, but a couple of times recently I’ve ended up working it as a favor. And it was just me manning the desk. A guy could get bored to death just sitting there.” He nibbled on his lower lip. “And about that other thing he said…”

Marcus had a feeling he knew what was bothering Dylan. “Doesn’t matter if you watch guys with girls, girls with girls, guys with guys… whatever helps.” He leaned in. “I may be gay, but I’ve watched straight porn.”

Dylan blinked. “Really?”

Marcus nodded. “Of course, I was pretty much focused on the guys’ asses and dicks.”

“Some of their cocks are huge,” he whispered. “Sometimes I take one look and I swear, it hurts just thinking about taking it.” His eyes widened. “Not that I have. Taken one, I mean. I’m not gay.”

Marcus had been around long enough to spot a bi-curious guy with relative ease. And judging by Dylan’s rapid blinking, the way he tugged on his lip, his knee that bounced as he sat beside Marcus, this was one very nervous, curious man.

“It’s okay, you know,” he said in a low voice. When Dylan froze, Marcus nodded. “It’s okay to be curious. And if the opportunity should arise to be more than curious? Don’t panic about it. I have a nephew, in his early twenties, and recently I gave him this advice. I told him he needed to decide which was better to live with—the regret of doing something, or not doing something.”

Dylan’s breathing quickened. “It’s like that FOMO they all talk about. You know, fear of missing out? Well, sometimes I wonder if I’m not missing out on… something.”

Marcus smiled. “Mark Twain once wrote some very wise words. Let me see if I can remember them correctly.” He paused, then recited, “Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile. Everyone always quotes that bit, but he goes on to say Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.” Marcus paused. “He ended with three words. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Dylan swallowed. “Sounds like he was a very wise man.”

Marcus realized he’d have to cut the conversation short. “Where’s the bathroom?”

“Through that door,” Dylan said, pointing, “and to the left.”

Marcus thanked him and got up to go take a leak. When he walked out of the bathroom, someone called his name from the kitchen. Marcus went to investigate, and found Levi pouring himself a glass of water.

“I thought we should talk.” Levi spoke quietly. He gestured to the door. “You might want to close that.”

Marcus’s heart raced, but he did as instructed. “Knowing a little of your history, I figured we’d be having a conversation at some point.”

Levi leaned against the countertop. “I guess we both know things about each other.” He inclined his head toward the door. “But I didn’t think this was something you’d want to be common knowledge.” He took a drink from his glass.

“Could I have one of those too?” Marcus’s mouth had dried up.

Levi put down his glass and filled another. He handed it to Marcus. “You must be a pretty amazing guy. I’ve never seen Seb so happy.”

“And yet we’re in here, talking.”

Levi swallowed. “I’ve known Seb most of my life. He’s the closest thing I have to a brother, so… I look out for him.”

“Of course you do. Which is why you told him to walk away from me.” When Levi arched his eyebrows, Marcus nodded. “He told me. I don’t blame you for that. And yet we’re in here, talking,” he repeated. “So you must have something on your mind.”

“I read your article.”

“I see.” Fuck, his heart was hammering.

“I also went to a link Seb sent me.”

“And now you don’t know what to believe. I get that.”

Levi nodded. “Seb is no fool. He clearly trusts you. Hell, he loves you.”

“Which is good, seeing as I love him.” Marcus was not going to hide a damn thing. “So where does that leave us?” Levi took a deep breath, but Marcus got in first. “I’ve just walked away from my life in New York to make a new one here in Maine—with Seb. I am not going to hurt him. Now, I fully understand why you don’t trust me, but I’m asking you to put aside that distrust, for Seb’s sake. You can watch me like a hawk if you want, but personally, I think there are better ways to spend your time. If you’re waiting for me to slip up, to slide into my old ways, then you will have a long, long wait, my friend.”

“I’m not your friend.”

“No, you’re not—but I’d like you to be. I want a friend who’s not afraid to speak their mind. I want a friend who will be honest with me. If there’s one thing Seb has that I envy, it’s all of you.”

Levi’s breathing hitched, but he remained silent.

“I want you to trust me, and I know that’ll take time. Well, I’m not going anywhere.”

The door opened, and Seb came into the kitchen. He stilled when he saw them. “They say the best parties always end up in the kitchen. What have I missed?” His tone was light, but his face was taut, his back stiff.

Before Marcus could respond, Levi smiled. “Marcus and I were just getting to know one another, that’s all.”

Marcus got the message: a truce had been declared.

Seb’s shoulders slumped with obvious relief. “I came to find you because I’m ready to leave.”

“You’re not staying?” Levi asked.

Seb put his arm around Marcus. “There’s a King bed with our name on it at the Bar Harbor Grand Hotel. We’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Good, because Aaron has bought some great-looking steaks for lunch, and I know he’s hoping you’ll do the honors.” Levi met Marcus’s gaze. “I’m glad we finally got to meet.”

“Me too.” Then Seb took his hand and led him from the kitchen. After a chorus of goodbyes, they left the house and went to the car to collect their overnight bags from the trunk. According to his phone, the hotel was a short walk from Aaron’s place.

Seb laced their fingers as they strolled through the quiet streets. “So… wanna tell me what that was all about?”

Marcus sighed. “Levi was looking out for you, that’s all.”

“The jury’s still out, I guess.”

Marcus squeezed Seb’s hand. “You didn’t expect him to capitulate that easily, did you?”

“I suppose not.”

He raised Seb’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “Give him time. Let him see us together. Stay in touch with him. Make him a part of our lives. Share our successes.”

“Give him a copy of your book when it comes out,” Seb added.

“Maybe.” He glanced at Seb. “Want to tell me about your conversation with him? Because from where I was sitting, it seemed pretty intense.”

Seb heaved a sigh. “He asked me what I would do if you ever…”

“If I ever used again?” Marcus suggested. Seb nodded. “And what did you tell him?”

“I said you’d started because of a very specific set of circumstances, that you are fully aware of those circumstances, and that they won’t be repeated, because you’ve removed what caused them in the first place.” They came to a halt in front of the impressive-looking hotel, and Seb turned to face him. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

Marcus nodded. “Yes, you are.” He drew Seb to him. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Defending me. Believing in me.” He gestured to the hotel door. “No more talk of Levi tonight, okay? I want to enjoy our first night in a hotel bed, and although it’s a King, there’s only room in it for the two of us.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“And tomorrow we’ll go back to Cape Porpoise, pick up the rest of your things, and then we’ll drive to Ogunquit.”


Marcus smiled. “You bet. I’ll be giving Teacher a ride to school on Tuesday. That’s if he likes the idea of showing up with his boyfriend.”

Seb caught his breath. “Yes, he does.”

“And when school is over, I’ll be waiting for you, with a foot rub, a head massage, a cuddle, whatever you need. And then you can bend my ear about the little brats.” Seb’s eyes glistened, and Marcus’ heartbeat sped up. “Did I say something wrong?”

Seb wiped his eyes. “No, quite the opposite.” He leaned in and kissed Marcus on the cheek, then brought his lips to Marcus’s ear. “Now take me up to our room and make love to me.”

Marcus kissed his forehead. “All night long.”


The End



Thank you for taking a chance on this book. I loved writing Seb’s story, and I hope you enjoyed reading it. And if you have time, please consider leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads or BookBub. Your reviews are so important.

Before you ask, yes, you will get to read Jake’s story. So far there are two bonus stories planned – Jake’s, and Nate’s (from Finn’s Fantasy).


Did you miss Book One, Finn’s Fantasy? Grab it here!

It’s out in audio too, and it’s Whispersync-ready.


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Have you discovered KC’s books in audio format?


Now you want to know what the next book will be, right?

Dylan’s Dilemma will be out October 16, and if you keep scrolling, you’ll find the first chapter. But here is the blurb:


Dylan’s Dilemma

Dylan has been curious for a long time, but is he ready to confront his desires?


A difficult decision

Dylan Martin has worked in the same Ogunquit hotel since he was eighteen, and he knows the drill: anything that might damage the hotel’s reputation has to be reported. So telling the uptight manager there’s a gay porn shoot about to take place should be a no-brainer.

Except Dylan recognizes one of the performers. He’s been watching Mark Roman’s scenes for so long, he could describe every inch of Mark’s ripped body, from the silver at his temples and in his beard, right down to the tattoo on his ass. Not to mention Mark’s sexy smile that sends heat hurtling through Dylan every time he sees it.

But if Dylan says nothing, it’s his job on the line. And then his hand is forced…


An eager student

Mark’s shoot is a bust but there’s a silver lining, in the shape of a cute, sexy guy in the local bar. Except the guy seems familiar—and nervous—and suddenly it’s clear who let the cat out of the bag. When Mark jokes that Dylan owes him a scene to make up for it, Dylan refuses point blank, but the longing in his eyes is hard to ignore: Dylan obviously wants him, even if he can’t bring himself to say it.

Mark wants to be the one to undress him, to show him how sensual a man’s kiss can be. He wants to set Dylan on fire, to make him shudder with pleasure. Most of all, he longs to hear his name on Dylan’s lips when Mark brings him to the edge.

It won’t be any more than that. Mark’s ‘career’ has proved a stumbling block in the past, and he doesn’t expect Dylan to be any different.


Mark may know a lot about desire, but Dylan’s about to give him a lesson in love.