Highlander’s Broken Love by Fiona Faris

Chapter Sixteen

Ian’s mind was whirling as his body took control of his good sense. With Elisabeth pressed against him, heat and excitement had completely taken over his body. All he could think of was continuing this kiss and feeling more of her body.

She moaned against his mouth, reminding him just how delicate she was. He loved it and lifted a hand from her waist to take the side of her face, tilting her head to the side, opening her more to him. With each brush of their tongues against each other, the heat grew stronger.

He could feel his body rising already for her. With her body pressed against his, her breasts tantalizing through the thin silk of her dress and against his chest, it would be difficult to hold out. When one of her knees slid down beside his hip, their bodies practically locked together in the exact position he wanted to be in without any clothing in between them, and his excitement heightened.

There was a sound outside the tent. The sudden noise brought Ian’s sense back to him. What was he doing? He was kissing the sithiche when beyond the tent walls, his clan was in danger. Her father could come for them any minute and attack in revenge.

He broke off the kiss, tearing his lips from hers. She looked startled by the sudden end to something so pleasurable. He didn’t release her, he couldn’t yet, but he stared at her, their eyes locked as their breath returned to normal.

“Why did you stop?” she whispered.

“Because I should nae have done that,” he said honestly. “Ye were just here as a prisoner. Ye deserve respect.”

“Nothing about that felt disrespectful,” she said, raising her eyebrows. In spite of himself, he felt a small chuckle escape.

“It was enthrallin’, Elisabeth,” he said honestly, “but this isnae right. I crossed a line.”

She began to retreat from him. Quickly, she stumbled off his lap and turned away, her face red with obvious embarrassment.

“Oh, nay,” he reached for her and stood up. “There isnae need to be embarrassed.”

“Isn’t there?” she asked as she reached for her chair again, hurrying to sit and return her attention to her plate.

“Elisabeth, listen to me,” he said, stretching out a hand toward her. He went straight for her cheek, marveling as she leaned into it, her eyes fluttering closed for just a second before they opened again. “There is nothin’ more I’d like to do than continue what we were just doin’. But ye ken as well as I we shouldnae be doin’ it. Ye were brought here as a prisoner, and I have to return ye to yer faither. I willnae tarnish yer honor while ye are here.”

Even with the sadness in her eyes, the corners of her lips flickered into a small smile.

“You are a good man,” she said softly.

“I’m glad ye think so,” he said, releasing her and standing straight.

His mind was battling against his decision all the same. He was currently consumed of thoughts of what it would have been like to continue that kiss. Perhaps he would have pushed the plates of food off the table and lain her down on the surface before bunching her dress around her hips and showing her true pleasure. He would have loved to hear the sounds she would make, and maybe she would have even moaned his name.

The fairy is forbidden.

“I must go,” he said, knowing he needed to put distance between them. He couldn’t let his urges win.

“Why?” she asked.

“I need to talk to the others about keepin’ the clan safe. Yer faither may come to take revenge yet,” he said softly, to which she nodded.

“Of course,” she said quietly. “Where should I go this evening?”

“Ye’re nae goin’ back into that cage if that is what ye are thinkin’,” he said with emotion as he reached for the tent exit. “Ye can sleep here tonight.”

With these last words and a last glance back at her, he left her. He had to move away from the ruffled sight of her, with her fair hair all curled and tossed from where he had run his hands through it when they kissed. It was too tempting a sight to see.

Outside the tent, he had to breathe deeply for a minute or two and think of dull, boring things, urging his body to lower and calm itself, before he strode out in search of Alex.

He found Alex in the tent next door, sitting by a fire since the sun was slowly going down. Nearby, Alex’s guards were with Bhaltair and Kenny, all practicing some maneuvers. Beyond the group of guards, looking around the camp, he was pleased to see an air of celebration. Whereas before families had been early to retire, this evening they were all celebrating around their own fires, drinking, eating and talking to friends. It was a pleasant sight to see.

“What are they doin’?” Ian asked as he sat down at Alex’s side on a fallen log.

“Trainin’ Kenny,” Alex explained. “Bhaltair said if he wished to save yer life one day, he had to get better first.” Ian laughed at the idea as he turned to look at the guards. Kenny was being worked so hard that he was sweating, and the blade he was carrying kept slipping out of his hand. Regardless, Ian admired him for it. He had known few men in his life that would go to such lengths to protect someone else. “Ye made a good friend in Kenny.”

“I ken,” Ian said with a nod, “I wasnae even tryin’.”

“Ha!” Alex laughed heartily. “Must be yer natural charisma,” he teased, earning a shove to his shoulder from Ian. “Speakin’ of charisma, why are ye out here?”

“What do ye mean?” Ian asked, sitting back on the log and turning his gaze to watch the sun slip down past the trees.

“I mean a lass ye have been unable to keep yer eyes off for the last couple of days is in yer tent right now. Ye even compared her to Delilah,” Alex pointed out. Ian looked at his friend.

“I did?” Ian had forgotten that.

“Aye,” Alex said strongly with a firm nod. “Ye asked me what I would do if Delilah were in that young lass’ position. Now, I’ve nae heard ye speak of a lass in such a way before. So, I ask ye again, why are ye out here with me when ye could be with her?”

“She was Grier’s prisoner, Alex,” Ian said with feeling. “Ye ken I cannae do anythin’ about it.”

“For now, maybe,” Alex smiled, clearly not put off by the idea. “In me experience, in the end, the heart rules the head.”

“In a way, I hope ye are wrong,” Ian had to admit it. Pursuing what he felt for Elisabeth could only cause war with her father. He would not put his clan in that danger. “I want to talk about the plans for the clan,” he said, determined to speak of other things. He’d come to distract himself from Elisabeth, not to be reminded of her. “Her faither will come for her soon.”

“The message Grier sent to her faither will probably arrive this evenin’ or tonight,” Alex surmised. “That means he could attack from midday tomorrow onwards. We have a little time, but nae very much.”

“Then first thing in the mornin’, we need to move the people,” Ian said and gestured to the campsite around them with all the celebrations going on. He could see his words surprised more than just Alex. Bhaltair overheard them and turned to look at them, nearly getting caught in a sword swipe from Kenny in the process.

“We’re movin’?” Bhaltair asked.

“Temporarily,” Ian said, his voice clear as a few other men around them stopped to listen in. “If Elisabeth’s faither comes to attack, we cannae risk the lives of the clan. We need to move everyone somewhere safe, then a few of us continue on to return her to her faither.” He pictured what it would be like to hand the beautiful Elisabeth over to her family. The mere idea of not seeing her again, not experiencing another one of those kisses they had just shared was gut-wrenching, but he had no choice. For the safety of his people, she had to go back.

As Laird, they were his responsibility now, and he was going to make sure he did a damn good job, better than Grier ever did.

“It sounds a good plan,” Alex agreed with a nod.

“First thing in the mornin’?” Bhaltair asked. “I can send word around now so everyone will be ready to go.”

“Aye, I think it’s best,” Ian said, looking around the faces. “Once Elisabeth is returned, we can bring the people back here, and we’ll start rebuilding. The town first and then the castle.” At once, the men around looked excited. They broke out into groups to talk, speaking of building homes from scratch and what they looked forward to having again.

Ian felt a strong clap on his shoulder and turned to look at Alex at his side.

“Ye’re learnin’ already.”

“What do ye mean?” Ian said.

“Ye’re balancin’ what’s best for the clan with what makes them happy,” Alex explained. “Nae always an easy decision to make. Ye’re startin’ well.”

“Let’s hope it continues,” Ian said, looking around the faces. Beside another fire nearby, he could see Ualan and Torquil celebrating and drinking quite heavily. Their families were with them, each one bearing wide smiles. That’s what he wanted to see forever more: his father’s people smiling. “The question is now where to take everyone tomorrow to keep them safe.”

“Near the border to me clan,” Alex offered. “The abandoned town of Abbey St. Bathans still has some buildin’s there. Ye can hide yer clan there for a few days. We can even bring in some of me men to increase the number of guards.”

“That’s a good plan,” Ian said, sitting back and agreeing with his friend. The place was a trek from their current position, and it would take a while to get there, but it was necessary.

Once the people were safe, far away from where the English could hurt them, he would return Elisabeth to her home. No matter how painful a decision that was to make.

* * *

Hours later, Ian finally returned to his tent. He’d been up for some time talking with Bhaltair and Gilroy as they made plans for the formation that the train of people was to take the next morning in order to guarantee everyone’s safety. Kenny had been by his side all evening, his gaze on the tent where Grier was hiding, just in case he emerged, but he never did.

When Ian returned to his tent, desperate for some sleep, he was startled to find Elisabeth fast asleep already. Lit by just two candles on the table, she was curled up in the chair by the table, her head lolled on the back rest and her legs bundled underneath her. It appeared to his mind a particularly uncomfortable position, but she clearly didn’t care. Her face was the perfect picture of peace.

With just one bed in the room, Ian had a choice to make, and he didn’t hesitate. He was accustomed to sleeping on the floor, and another night there was hardly going to bother him. Elisabeth deserved a proper bed.

He crossed to the chair she was in and slowly reached for her. It was a difficult task without waking her, especially when he slid a hand around the back of her waist, and she seemed to stir, moaning something inaudible in her sleep. He paused, waiting to see if she would wake completely. The whole time, he thought of her small waist beneath his grasp and how delicate she was.

It made two emotions bloom inside him: desire and the need to protect her. It wasn’t hard for him to see that this wasn’t just lust. It never had been, but now the strength of his love was even more noticeable.

I’ll keep the sithiche safe. Come what may.

He moved again and slid her completely into his arm, turning her head to rest against his chest and slipping his other hand under the crook of her knees. Then he lifted her up. With her in his arms and pressed against his chest, she was light and easy to carry. He smiled as he crossed the room to place her on the bed.

Disappointment at having to release her began to swell inside him as he placed her down on the bed. As he reached for the blanket, trying to pull it up over her, he accidentally tugged the blanket against her foot.

A startled gasp came from her mouth, and he looked at her face to see that her eyes were wide open.

“Ah, I was tryin’ nae to wake ye,” he explained as he pulled the blanket up over her. She sat up regardless, holding the blanket to her waist as she blinked, bleary-eyed.

“Why am I in your bed?” she asked with a smile.

“Have nay fear,” he chuckled, sitting on the edge beside her. “I am goin’ to take the floor. I wanted ye to have the bed. After sleepin’ in that cage, ye need a proper night’s sleep on a bed.”

“I think you deserve it more after being in a prison for so long,” she pointed out, making a move to get out of the bed. He reached for her hand, stilling her as she pulled at the blanket.

“If ye climb out, I’ll just put ye back in,” he said, his voice deep and husky. He watched as that same blush came across her cheeks. “I just meant…” he paused, realizing how it had sounded. “Ye deserve the bed, Elisabeth. For me sake, stay there.” She nodded after a moment.

“You were gone a long time,” she said quietly. “Were you avoiding me?”

“Somethin’ like that, sadly,” he confessed, hanging his head and looking away from her.

“I wish you wouldn’t,” she said, reaching for his hand. The moment he touched her, he pulled up her hand. He held it to his lips and kissed the back, closing his eyes to indulge in the moment. “Why would you avoid this?” she asked.

“Because it is impossible to stop touchin’ ye I fear,” he said and lowered her hand again, though he kept it within his. “I have vowed to keep ye safe, and I will uphold that vow. Even if that means keepin’ ye safe from me.”

“Why would I need to be kept safe from you?” she frowned, her eyebrows knitting together.

“I could damage yer honor, Elisabeth,” he explained, playing with her fingers in his hand.

“If I’m being honest, I don’t really know what that entails.” Her words stunned him, and he looked away from their joined hands back up at her.

“What do ye mean?”

“I…” she paused, shifting in her seat, clearly uncomfortable at the question. “I don’t know exactly what happens between men and women,” she whispered the words so quietly he had to strain to hear her.

“Ye daenae?” he said in amazement. His desire for her was so strong he had never even considered that she might not know. “Ye were never told?”

“No,” she shook her head. “All I do know is that when I am around you, everything feels…” she gestured to her own body, as though struggling for the right word.

“Heated?” he offered.

“Just so,” she said, her lips stretching into a perfect smile.

The idea that she was as attracted to him as he was to her, even without knowing what could truly happen between them, thrilled him. He lifted her hand again and turned it over. This time, he kissed along her wrist, starting with one little kiss, then two. Then three. Followed by a small nip to her skin that made her gasp in surprise. He lowered her hand again.

“I wish I could be the one to introduce ye to what could happen,” he said and stood from the bed, putting distance between them. “But I have vowed to keep ye safe, and I will.”

She smiled sadly at him, in clear disappointment.

“I’m beginning to think the world is a cruel place,” she said quietly.

“How do ye mean?” he asked as he pulled out another blanket and sat on the floor near to the bed.

“Not only because of what has happened to the two of us, but that we’d meet like this. As you say, anything between us would be forbidden, wouldn’t it?”

“Just so,” he acknowledged, resting his head back on his interlocked hands that served as his pillow.

“I still can’t help wanting it.”

“Ah, ye cannae say such things, or I’ll join ye in that bed.”

“I am not sure that would be so bad.”

“Stop tempting me,” he chuckled. “Get some sleep, Elisabeth. Tomorrow there is much to be done. We’re goin’ to move somewhere safer.”

“Goodnight, Ian,” she said as she laid down again on the bed and pulled the blanket over her shoulder.

“Goodnight, sithiche.”