Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 14

That evening…

Azure knockedon the door and waited. She practically held her breath. When there was no answer, she knocked again.

“Summer,” she called through the door. “I know you’re not working. Your boss told me that you worked the day shift,” she added. “Please, Summer. I need to see you…to explain a few things.”

Her friend had been decidedly cold to her since her heat. Answering her texts late and with one-word answers. Summer also kept insisting that she was too busy to see Azure.

Just as she was getting ready to walk away, she heard footfalls on the other side of the door. Summer answered. Instead of the wide smile that normally greeted her, she got a somber look.

“Hi, Azure.” Her friend stood there in the hallway, still clutching the door, which was only half-open.

‘What’s going on?” Azure asked, frowning. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’m sorry I’ve been a little…just not…” She shrugged, sighing. “I’m upset with you, Azure. I’m so upset. I can’t let it go. I think I might need some time to work through it.”

Some time.



“I needed to see you, Summer. There’s so much you don’t know.” Azure needed to talk to someone she trusted about what had happened. She needed her best friend. Once Summer had all the facts, she would understand.

“You were in heat.” Summer’s eyes filled with tears. “You were given a gift, and you wasted it. I would give anything…anything…all of the infertile females would. You had a chance at a family, and you squandered your opportunity. I know it might be hard for you to understand, but I’m angry with you. I can’t let go of it at the moment. I need some time.”

Summer started to close the door. Azure put her hand on the wood and pressed lightly. “Summer, please…don’t. Let me explain. Please, I…” She could’ve pressed harder, put her foot in the way, but Azure didn’t want to force her friend to let her in, to hear her out, so instead, she let the door close in her face.

Her eyes stung, and she had to sniff a few times. Azure sucked in a couple of deep breaths. She leaned her head against the door for a moment, letting the coolness from the wood seep into her. It was going to be okay. Azure wasn’t angry; she felt sad and very alone. She had never felt so alone in all of her life.

“Hey, Azure.” She heard a familiar, high-pitched voice.


Not now!

She forced a smile. “Hi, Melina…Freeze, good to see you both.” She tried to pretend all was well. Like she didn’t have a care in the world. Like she wasn’t about to bawl her eyes out in front of Summer’s door.

“Hi there,” Freeze said, looking uncomfortable. He had his arm slung over Melina’s shoulders.

“Babe, can you give us a few minutes? I’ll see you in a little while,” Melina told the male. “I’m going to have a chat with Azure. Maybe head to her place for a coffee or wine or something?”

“Um…you don’t have to change your plans or anything.” Azure found that the idea of spending some time with the human didn’t grate on her nerves like it normally would. Melina was genuinely a nice person.

“I want to. We missed our girl’s night on Saturday. You go, baby…I won’t be long,” she told Freeze. Baby? It was such a strange term of endearment. Azure didn’t understand humans much.

“Okay, but don’t take too long.” Freeze kissed Melina firmly on the mouth. His hand cupped her ass as he did.

Melina giggled, pushing him away. “Go already.”

“I’ll miss you,” Freeze said as he walked away. “See you around,” he told Azure, giving them a wave.

“You look like you had plans,” Azure told the other woman. “Don’t change them for me.”

“You sound like you could use a friend and that something is weighing heavily on your mind,” Melina said, her eyes filled with sincerity. “Let’s go and have something to drink. You don’t have to tell me what’s going on. We could just talk about this and that. If you feel like you want to tell me, know that you can trust me.” The other woman gave her a warm smile. “I’m really hoping you have some wine.”

Azure laughed. “I do, actually. I was given a bottle for my birthday. I haven’t had any occasion to drink it. Today is as good a day as any.” She found that she already felt a little better. It was all due to the little human. Someone she hadn’t given the time of day to. Someone she’d avoided. Azure felt guilty for being such a bitch. “Let’s go.”

“I’ve decided to open a salon here at the lair. I’m going to do hair, nails…I might even bring in a clothing range.”

“That sounds great. I think the humans living here would love that.” There were more and more every day.

“Humans…huh. It wouldn’t just be for the humans. I mean, look at you…you’re gorgeous. You have a body I would kill for, and yet—”

“You think I have a good body?” Azure wasn’t sure if the human was trying to blow smoke up her ass or if she really meant it.

“Are you freaking kidding me?” Melina stopped walking and gave her the once-over. “Long, toned legs…legs that go on for damned miles, and then you have a narrow waist. I know that somewhere underneath that sack of a dress is an ass that could crack nuts.”

“Nuts? Why would I want to crack nuts with my ass?”

They started walking again. Melina laughed. “Not literally…it’s a saying. You have a tight ass, that’s what it means. Then your boobs…they’re perfect. Like the perfect size. Your hair is great too. It’s thick and shiny, but…” Melina reached up and ran her fingers through Azure’s strands, “it could do with a cut. It’s too long. It’s pulling down…not doing you any favors. I’d put in some layers. Take at least five inches off the bottom. I’d put you in a dress…one that actually accentuates your assets, because trust me, girl, you’ve got it going on.”

They arrived at Azure’s chamber and went inside. She gestured for Melina to take a seat while she fished out the bottle of wine, holding it up. “I hope this is okay?”

“Ooh, a red…yum. That looks perfect.”

Azure found the opener and then went hunting for wine glasses, finding some at the back of one of the cupboards. They needed to be rinsed. By the time she made it back to Melina, the female had opened the bottle. The other woman poured, insisting that they touch glasses. It was a human thing. Azure wasn’t sure what it meant, but she did it anyway.

Melina took a sip, groaning. “That’s so good.”

Azure followed suit. It burned a little down her throat, tasting pungent. She must have grimaced or made a face because Melina laughed. “You don’t look like you agree.”

“I’ve heard that alcohol is an acquired taste.”

“Exactly, you need to drink more to develop a taste.” The human held her glass up for a second and then took another sip. “So, that guy you were with got abducted? You must have been so afraid?”

She knew that Melina was giving her an opening. She knew that the female wouldn’t push her to say anything she didn’t want to. More than anything, she felt she could trust Melina. That perhaps they could be friends. She’d been wrong to judge the female just because she was a human. She saw that now. Azure nodded. “I was terrified.” A tear tracked down her cheek. By scale, she hadn’t meant to cry. Azure rubbed her hand over her face.

“Oh, honey. You poor thing. I can’t imagine how awful it must have been.”

“Skarn’s abduction isn’t the half of it,” Azure said, starting from the beginning. “I didn’t want to choose any of our males.” She told Melina what happened. All of it.

“That pig! He deserved to be taken. Here I was, feeling so sorry for him. He tried to rape you.” She took a big gulp of her wine. “Oh my gosh, Azure.” She reached out and touched Azure’s wrist for a second. “It’s terrible. I’m so sorry that happened.”

Azure took a big sip of her wine. This time, the burn felt good. “Yep.” She pulled in a deep breath. “It didn’t end there.”

“There’s more?” Melina’s brows rose comically high.

Shit!Azure hadn’t meant to say anything about this part. She probably shouldn’t.

Instead of pushing her, Melina waited, and again she got the impression that she wouldn’t have to say anything if she didn’t feel like it. Azure pushed out a breath. She told the other woman about what happened with Ice. All of it.

“Thank god he pitched up to help you.” She giggled. “I’ve seen him; he’s really good-looking.” She added, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen eyes quite that blue.”

“That’s just it. I noticed him before. I mean, I’d have to be blind not to have, but,” Azure shrugged, “he’s essentially my boss. I can’t be attracted to my boss. Plus, we’ve become friends over the last few months. He invited me to join the guys on the stag run before all of this happened. He treats me like one of the guys, which I wanted. I worked so hard to be seen as one of the team. Now I’m regretting it. I don’t want to be one of the males anymore.”

“I assure you that he doesn’t see you as one of the guys. Maybe he was going to make his move on the stag run.” Melina took a sip of her wine. “Have you ever thought of it like that?”

“No!” Azure snorted.

“Don’t be so sure. He didn’t go on the stag run. He followed you, instead.”

“He was worried about me.”

“Because he cares.” She bobbed her brows. “A little too much, maybe?”

“No.” Azure shook her head. “It’s not like that…at least, not for him. He’s made it very clear about where we stand. Clear that there’s nothing there. That it didn’t mean anything. He was helping me out. It was a necessity, not something he wanted.”

Melina leveled her with a pointed stare. “He’s a man. I’m pretty sure he enjoyed himself a whole heck of a lot, too.”

Azure felt her cheeks heat when she recalled Ice easing himself. The sounds he made. The little jerks of his hips as he was coming.

Melina made this little noise, which turned into a laugh. “Oh, yes…I can tell. Ice enjoyed himself plenty.”

“I was in heat. A female’s heat tends to make a male a little crazy. I can’t trust anything that happened while he was seduced by my scent.”

“Fair enough.” She could see that Melina wasn’t buying it.

“I don’t think he feels the same way. Ice told me that the reason he came after me was that he had a gut feeling something was wrong. That he would have done it for any of the guys on the team. Ice has said similar things since it happened. I think you’re wrong. I think I might have feelings for a male who doesn’t feel the same about me. A male who is eligible to mate a human female. He’ll be expected to attend a stag run soon since he missed the last one.” She chewed on her lower lip. “This is such a mess. I need to get Ice out of my head and—"

“You might be surprised,” Melina pressed. “If he keeps pointing out that it didn’t mean anything, it probably meant more than he’s willing to admit.”

Azure shrugged. “Maybe.” She wasn’t convinced. “I have so many confusing feelings right now. I’m disappointed I didn’t spend my heat with someone. I’m relieved I didn’t spend my heat with someone. I’m not sure I want to be a mother, and…I want to be with someone who loves me. Someone I love back. I want a family. I don’t want to raise a child between two homes. After all that, I’m sad I will probably never have a heat again and yet very relieved. I’m a mess!”

“My parents divorced when I was still a baby,” Melina told her. “It’s not fun being carted between two homes. I was with my dad on weekends and every other holiday. I spent the rest of the time with my mom. They both remarried. My dad and stepmom had kids of their own. It wasn’t that she was ever nasty to me or anything, but I always felt like I was second best to my half-brother and sister. Divorce isn’t easy on the kids. Sure, it’s better than being in an unhappy household…blah…blah but if it can be avoided, it should be.” Melina looked downtrodden for a moment. She stared at the table before leveling her gaze with Azure’s. “You made the right decision. It wasn’t just a decision for yourself, but for the child you would have brought into this world.”

“Exactly!” Azure sucked in a breath. “You hit the nail on the head. It’s not that I don’t want a baby.” She hesitated for a few moments. “I just didn’t want one on those terms. It’s all been so confusing to me. All these warring emotions. Even when it comes to the Earth dragon. I feel bad that Skarn was taken by those creatures, and yet I want the male to pay for what he did to me. After all that happened, I shouldn’t have feelings for anyone, and yet…here I am. My feelings for Ice have grown. I went from finding him attractive and liking him as a person to…something that could be real. It’s confusing, that’s all.” She sighed.

“That’s the way life works, I’m afraid. You can’t switch your feelings on and off. You can want something and be terrified of it all at once. Life is complex and beautiful. It’s also quite simple. If you want Ice, you should go after him.”

“No way!” Azure shook her head. “He’ll turn me down. I know he will, and rightly so. He’s my superior. Besides, I wouldn’t know the first thing about seducing a male.”

“What do you normally do? Surely, you’ve…” she widened her eyes, “you know…you’ve...?”

Azure laughed. “Rutted?” Humans could be so strange. They were talking frankly about relationships and sex, and yet the female couldn’t bring herself to say the word.

“Yes, surely you’ve been with a guy?”

Azure nodded. “Of course. Mostly males will approach me, and I will decide if I am interested in having sex with them. On occasion, I will approach a male. I just ask straight out if he wants to rut.” She shrugged. “I can’t do that with Ice.” It felt all wrong going about it that way.

Melina frowned. “Are you telling me that you haven’t been on a date before?”

Azure gave the human a look that hopefully conveyed her feelings. Namely, that she thought she was crazy. “Dragon males don’t want to date me. They want to rut me and that’s all. I am not relationship material. I have sex from time to time… Come to think of it, it’s been a while since I had any interest in a male. I digress, no…no dating. Not ever.”

“What? Why not?” the human spluttered.

“Up until recently, I was infertile. I more than likely won’t have another heat. I’m useless to our males.”

“Do not say that!” Melina practically yelled at her. “I don’t ever want to hear you put yourself down like that again. You are not useless. You are more than just a womb and freaking ovaries, do you hear me?”

“Um…I guess.”

“I guess?” Melina was animated. Her eyes blazed. “What is this ‘I guess’ bullshit? The answer should be a resounding ‘yes’ because it’s true. You’re a beautiful, intelligent woman. You’re a sweet person. You’re kickass at your job…I’ve heard the guys talking. Don’t put yourself down. Don’t settle for less.” She smiled suddenly. “You ultimately know that. It’s the reason why you chose Skarn and then promptly changed your mind about spending your heat with him. It’s the reason you stuck to your guns when Thunder tried to bully you into choosing again. You know it deep down inside. You need to believe it up there.” Melina glanced at Azure’s forehead before taking a sip of her wine. “As to your earlier comment about Ice not wanting to settle down, a man will settle down with the right woman.” She chuckled. “You need to learn how to seduce him.”

“I don’t want to seduce Ice.” She shook her head. “I’d make a fool of myself.”

“You won’t! What you need to know is that we’re women, Azure. We can be subtle if need be.” Melina winked at her. “I’m not saying you should blurt it out to him or wait in his bed for him.”

Azure choked out a laugh. It surprised her how much better she felt now that her feelings were out in the open. “No, I won’t do that.” It was because this was about more than just sex to her.

“Let’s start with a haircut.” She took a few strands of Azure’s hair between her fingers.

Azure frowned. “Shorter hair isn’t going to get Ice to notice me.”

“It won’t be just your hair.”

“I can’t suddenly start wearing makeup either. It’s not me.”

“It could be you, but that’s not what I’m suggesting. You’re pretty enough without makeup…I’d kill for your eyelashes. You need to get him to notice you, if he hasn’t already. If you ask me, he’s noticed you plenty. More than you think.”

“How do I get him to notice me?” Azure asked.

“I’m going to give you a few tips. Little things you can try. The most important thing of all is that you pay attention to his reactions. And that you do so with an open mind.”

“What do you mean by pay attention?”

“Watch for subtle hints that he might feel the same as you do. How does he look at you when he thinks you’re not watching? Perhaps he makes a point of not looking at all.”

Azure shook her head. “That makes no sense.”

“Guys who are into girls more than they want to let on, tend to ignore them…they intentionally don’t look, because if they did, they would give themselves away. Does that make sense?”

Azure nodded, even though it didn’t. Not completely.

Melina laughed. “I can tell that you’re not convinced. That’s okay. Try to follow my tips and then pay attention to his reaction. I’ll come by tomorrow evening, and you can tell me all about it. I’m sure you’ll have him eating out of your hand in no time.”

“You think so?” Azure heard hope in her voice. This was crazy, but she had to at least give it a shot. If she was subtle enough, maybe Ice would never know she was trying to seduce him. If she found him to be totally closed to her advances, she’d have to move on.

Melina nodded, her blonde curls bouncing. “I absolutely think this will work. Now, tell me, when do you see Ice, aside from work?”

“That’s just it. I mainly see him at work. We sometimes get together afterward, but then mostly it’s the whole team…not just him and me.”

“Okay, so, it needs to be seriously subtle since you’ll more than likely be at work. You’re not going to suddenly be overtly sexual or flirt.”

Azure felt her cheeks heat. “No way. That wouldn’t work at all.”

“Firstly, you’re going to be yourself, but with a difference.”

“What difference?”

“I’ll tell you in a minute. Secondly, you’re going to think laterally…use your environment or the situation to your advantage.”

“Think laterally,” Azure whispered. This was making no sense. Hopefully, once Melina finished, she’d have a better idea. She took a big swig of her wine, putting the glass down with a clink.

“Yes. Come by my place about an hour before your shift tomorrow. I’m going to cut your hair. Now, onto the tips. Listen carefully.”

Azure was all ears. Human females were incredibly sensual. They exuded sex appeal. Melina was no different. It was one of the reasons she had been so jealous of them…of her. One of the main reasons she hadn’t wanted to befriend this female. Her thinking had been all wrong. She felt ashamed for how she had treated Melina and other human females as well. Not that she’d been a bitch, she just hadn’t been welcoming…or very nice, for that matter. Things were going to change. Azure made a decision to help Melina, just as the human was helping her. She knew exactly how she could do it.