Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 17

The next day…

The air was crisp.The day was young and full of possibilities. It was normally Ice’s favorite time of day. He loved his job. Enjoyed heading out with his team for an adventure. Not today. He felt apprehensive and tense. Ice couldn’t seem to shake it. What had happened yesterday…and a few days ago…was over, behind him. It was done with. It should be done with, and yet here he was, still stressing about it. About her. Azure. He pulled a hand through his hair, trying to calm the fuck down.

“Why are you pacing like that?” Fog asked. “Is there something I should know about?”

Crap!Ice hadn’t even realized he was walking up and down the balcony.

“What’s going on?” Fog frowned when he turned to face the male.

“I’m eager to get going. That’s all. I’m away this weekend. We need to get our quota of game in before then.” It sounded plausible.

“About that.” Fog looked serious…too serious. “We’ll be two people short on Saturday, since I’m going on the stag run with you. I only found out this morning.”

Ice frowned hard. “You? Why? You went last weekend.”

Fog rubbed his hands together. “I just made the list. I made the list, bro,” he repeated, a grin splitting his face. “I can take a mate. I’m so excited. There are so many amazing females to choose from. I can only hope that I find the right one. Someone who blows my mind. Although,” Fog rubbed his chin, “I’m thinking of staying.”

Ice frowned. “Why would you stay?”

“There is someone here who I feel I might be developing feelings for.”

“Oh?” Ice didn’t like this one bit. “Who?”

“I’d rather not say, at this stage. I’m greatly attracted to this female. I…want to explore it. If we are compatible, then—” He shrugged, looking excited.

“Not Azure!” Ice practically growled, managing to somehow keep his voice lowered. What the fuck? He was going to give himself away. “She’s on our team. Don’t get any ideas. You would need to find another position if you were—”

“What?” Fog folded his arms. “Why not Azure?” he whispered back, looking up and down the balcony, checking to see if they were still alone.

He knew it. Ice fucking knew it. The way he had looked at her yesterday. The way all of them had looked at her yesterday. Fuck! This was a disaster. “The female works with you. We have to work together.” He wasn’t making a good argument. “It’s against the rules. You can’t go after her.”

Fog narrowed his eyes. Ice could see him thinking it through. “I think it’s against the rules for you to fuck around with one of your subordinates. Me, on the other hand…” He shook his head. “I think I’m okay.”

“It’s against the rules, Fog. I’m telling you.”

“I’ve flirted and propositioned her on numerous occasions since she joined our team. You never crapped on me before. You never warned me about this rule. Why is it a big deal all of a sudden?”

“Because you never actually meant it before.”

“Who says I didn’t mean it? I meant it.” Fog’s eyes blazed. “I meant it one hundred percent.”

“You did not!” Ice shot back. “You were fucking around.”

“Of course, I meant it.” Fog was animated. The male must have seen the look Ice gave him, because he went on. “I really did. I swear. I always thought Azure was sexy as fuck.” He stepped closer to Ice, whispering softly. “I might not have gone after her with mating her in mind, but I seriously wanted to rut her. I still do. That part has never changed.”

This was a fucking shit show! “Okay, let’s say it wasn’t against all the rules and you were permitted to test compatibility with Azure…”

The male’s eyes lit right up.

“I’m not for one minute saying that it’s okay. Don’t misunderstand me.” He shook his head.

Fog nodded.

“Let’s just say for argument’s sake that the rules are out the window. Azure has never been interested in you before. Why would she be interested now?”

“There’s a very good reason. A great reason,” Fog said. Not actually saying why. Fucker!

“Yes, asshole, and the reason is…?” Ice prompted.

“I’m interested in mating her. This isn’t just about rutting. Azure is one hell of a female. She’s sweet and kickass, all in one.”

“Yeah, she is.” Ice realized that he was nodding and agreeing with the male. Fog would take that as an affirmation that he could proceed.

“Exactly. I can see myself with her. I could see us raising a family together.”

Fuck that!“She would more than likely never come into heat again. You know that, right?”

“Of course I know that.”

“You would be okay with that?”

“Absolutely!” Fog was quick to say.

“You wouldn’t pursue this and then drop her if and when it doesn’t happen?” Ice was feeling protective, which was okay since she was in his team and therefore under his care.

“No way! I would never do that to her.” Fog was adamant.

“I’m glad you feel that way, but it’s still against the rules. You need to leave our team if you want to progress with that particular person. That’s final.”

“Don’t be a dick,” Fog said. “Let me test compatibility. Give me that.”

“No, and if you call me a dick again, I’ll have yours,” Ice snapped.

“What’s going on?” Azure asked as she walked up to them. “Is everything okay?”

“Great.” Ice smiled, sounding far too happy to mean it. It would be clear to anyone with half a brain that something was up.

“All good,” Fog muttered. “You look great, by the way. There’s something different about you.” He looked Azure up and down. Ice was grateful that she still wore a dress. It was stupid, since they’d seen each other naked countless times. It shouldn’t matter.

“Nothing,” Azure said, sounding very much like there was something.

Ice pretended not to be interested. He looked out at the view instead of at Azure, who looked fucking amazing even in the plain, shapeless garments that she-dragons favored. She always looked incredible.

“Out with it. Tell us already.” Fog smiled at her, keeping his eyes on hers. Fog leaned forward just a little, and unwittingly Ice did too. Something had changed. Ice wanted to know what it was.

“Um…I’m not sure. Um…my friend cut my hair a couple of days ago.” She touched the ends. “Do you like it?” She glanced at Ice as she said it, her gaze moving back to Fog. Azure ran her hand through her hair. “It’s layered to give it more body.” She giggled softly; even that was sexy as fuck, since her voice had a smoky edge.

“Your friend was right. It looks great. Really fantastic.” Fog was laying it on thick.

“Also, she put some makeup on me last night.” Azure shook her head like it was the craziest thing, which it was.

“That human face paint?” Ice blurted before he could stop himself. “I didn’t think you’d be into that kind of thing.”

“I’m not. Not really.” She shook her head. “Melina is so sweet. I didn’t want to upset her. She’d gone to so much trouble by bringing the stuff over to my place. Anyway, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. She’s actually really good at it.”

Ice narrowed his eyes, his gaze moving to her shiny lips. “I see she convinced you to try something new.”

Azure rubbed her lips together. She had an amazing mouth. Full and lush. Holy shit, he was staring at it.

“Yep. I liked the gloss. It feels nice.” She rubbed her lips together again, drawing his eye.

Fuuuuck.He could picture those lips wrapped around his—


“Looks good,” Fog said, grinning. “Smells great, too. What is that flavor?” Fog openly smelled the air. “It’s so good.”

Ice wanted to pop him one in the snout. The prick was flirting with Azure. He’d need to have another talk with him. None of them were dating Azure.

“It does, doesn’t it?” Azure’s eyes were bright.

“Something fruity,” Fog said, still sniffing. The male needed to stop already. It was fucking annoying.

“Strawberry,” Ice blurted. “It’s strawberry.” His voice had an edge.

“You’re right.” Azure smiled at him.

“Smells so good,” Fog repeated himself for the third or fourth time.

“Tastes good too.” He watched her lick her lips. Ice fixed on the slow glide of her tongue. “Mmmmmm,” she said.

Ice turned. Sun and Avalanche were there. “We’re going!” he snapped, turning back to Azure and Fog. “Now! You and I are having a meeting after shift,” he told Fog.

If that male thought he could test compatibility with a member of his team, he could think again. Fuck that! Not on his watch.