Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 18

Later that day…

Wasshe in the right place? This didn’t look like anything. She’d never been to this part of the lair before.

Azure frowned. “Hello?” Azure raised her voice. She could hear breathing and a heartbeat coming from inside the room. This had to be it.

“Helloooooo!” Melina called from inside.

“So this is your salon?” Azure smiled, standing at the entrance to the open space. Her voice echoed a little.

“That’s the face I was hoping to see yesterday.” Melina smiled back.

Azure grinned broadly.

“Come in, come in,” the human said. “What do you think?” She walked a full circle, looking around the large room. “I know it doesn’t look like much, but it will be transformed in a couple of weeks, you’ll see.” Her voice was animated. “This is where I’ll do nails. This section is where hair will be washed. I’ll cut and style over there.” She pointed at a corner section. “That’s the bathroom.” She gestured to a closed door. “It’ll double as the changing rooms. I’ll put up racks of clothing along this whole wall. It’ll be a one-stop-shop. Who knows, perhaps I’ll be able to employ others in the future.”

“I’m sure you’ll need help soon enough. Our males are mating more and more humans who love this kind of thing.”

“I see you’re wearing the lip gloss I gave you.”

“I am.” Azure rubbed her lips together. “I think I like it.”

“See, I’m already converting you. This is just as much for you she-dragons as it is for us humans. I want a mix of customers.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll be your first dragon customer and advocate.”

“Thanks so much.” Melina giggled. She looked excited. “I can’t wait.” She looked around the room, clearly already seeing everything in place.

Azure looked around the empty space, too, not really sure what to envision herself. It was not like she had ever been to a salon. “Let me know what I can do to help.” She owed the female. Even if things didn’t work out with Ice, she felt better in her own skin. She felt better in general. More confident. More open to the possibilities of what the future might hold.

“Do you mean that?” Melina raised her brows.

“Of course. I would be happy to help you in any way you need me to. I can fetch, carry…anything. You name it.”

“You are so sweet,” Melina gushed.

“No, you’re sweet, Mel. Thank you for helping me. For being kind when I was…offish to you.”

“You were offish?” Melina put her hands on her hips, giving her a look.

Azure laughed. “Yes, I was. I shouldn’t have been. It was wrong of me. Thank you for not giving up. I consider you to be a good friend. You’re here for me and so I’m definitely here for you.”

“I’m glad we’re friends.” Melina reached out and gave her hand a squeeze. “I want to repaint the space.” She looked around them again, her eyes glinting. “White is boring. Maybe you can help me pick something out. A warm tone with an accent wall… We’ll figure something out that will be perfect for this space and then you could help me paint?”

“Sure. Although I have no idea what an accent wall is.”

They both laughed. Then Melina clapped her hands. “I’m so excited. Freeze will put up shelves. I’ve ordered stock. Thunder has been amazing. He gave me capital to start up the business. Can you believe it?”

“That’s great, and yes, I can believe it. The more humans who join our tribe, the more changes will be required. Human doctors have been hired. They hired a human chef for the kitchens, since many of our dishes need to accommodate humans now. There will be more of such changes.” She shrugged. “Change is good.” Azure had come to realize that.

“Now, Miss Glossy Lips, I’m sure you thought you could get away with not telling me what happened today. If that’s the case, you thought wrong. I want to hear what put that smile on your face. You’re looking radiant. Did Ice kiss you?”

Azure snort-laughed. “No, not even close. In fact, I’m not sure why I’m so happy. He was like a bear with a sore head the entire day. He snapped at all of us and more than once. When he wasn’t being grumpy as hell, he was sullen and quiet.”


“And what?”

“I know there’s more, even though all of what you have just told me is great, and you know it.” Melina smiled broadly.

“There is more. This lip gloss worked. I know it did. Fog was hitting on me. Ice couldn’t take his eyes off my lips.”

“Did you lick them like I told you to?”


Melina shrieked. “Did you do it while he was looking at them?”

Azure nodded. “He definitely liked what he saw.” There was no hiding the fire in his eyes. The hunger in that stare. His Adam’s apple had worked. “He knew it was strawberry scented. Fog’s flirtatious comments pissed him off.”

“Then he was grumpy and sullen the whole day.”

“Exactly.” Azure chewed on her lower lip.

“You’re my best student ever. You get an A-plus.”

Azure laughed. “I’m your only student,” she pushed out between chuckles. “I’m still not sure about all of this. I’m not into playing games.”

“You told me you can’t straight-out tell him.”

Azure sighed and shook her head. “That wouldn’t work.”

“Then you have to make it impossible for him to ignore you. You need to make him come to you.”

“Still.” She licked her lips. “I wish I could just…” Azure shook her head. “You’re right. If I’m serious, I have to keep trying. I can keep my efforts really subtle. I’m not in any rush. Even if it takes weeks or months. I’ll wear him down until he won’t be able to say no. In fact, he’ll come to me.”

“That’s my girl.” Melina shoulder-bumped her.

“Enough about me,” Azure said. “Tell me more about what your plans are for this place. Do you have any idea on a color?” She frowned. “Oh, and you have to tell me what an accent wall is.”

“Do you want to come to my place for a coffee? I can show you some ideas I have on my laptop.”

“That sounds amazing.”

“Let’s go, then.” They started walking back to the other side of the lair, where all the single people lived. The chambers only had one bedroom. “Freeze is getting sick of me talking about the salon,” Melina said. “He pretends he’s not, but I can tell that he is. In his defense, I do talk about it a lot. It’ll be nice to chat with someone who’s actually interested. Poor guy.” She got this starry look in her eyes when she talked about her male.

“I’m surprised you guys aren’t mated yet. Normally, shifters act quickly when they are in love. Sorry, if I’ve overstepped you must tell me.”

“Not at all.” Melina laughed. “He’s asked me three times already, but I keep telling him I’m not ready yet.”

“Why? I thought you loved him. It must be driving him insane.”

“I do love him, but I want to wait a little. Humans don’t rush into things like marriage. Besides, it’s good for a guy to wait sometimes. Men love the chase. They like to feel like they’ve achieved something. If they work for it, they appreciate it more.” She sniggered. “Between you and me, I am going to cave soon…he’s just so adorable.” The stars in her eyes were back. “If he thinks we’re going to rush down the aisle, he’s mistaken. Once I have a ring on my finger, I want to take time to plan an amazing wedding. I don’t want to rush that either.”

“Sounds like you have everything figured out.”

“That’s normally when things fall apart.” Melina’s eyes widened, and she pursed her lips together.

“Nonsense. Freeze is nuts about you. This is all so exciting.”

“You never know.” Melina got this sly look. “Maybe we can plan a double wedding.”

“Please!” Azure laughed. She lowered her voice. “Just because Ice is attracted to me, doesn’t mean he’s interested in anything other than a good time. Dragon males mostly aren’t.”

“Excuse me, young lady.” Melina wagged a finger at her. “Do I need to lecture you again?”

“No,” Azure said. “I am worth it. I am intelligent. I have a lot to offer.”

“You keep telling yourself that.” Melina nodded once.

That was just it. Azure wasn’t convinced. She’d seen too many dragon females sidelined. Too many beautiful, intelligent females just like her. Lust and love were two very different things.