Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 34

Six weeks later…

The male’seyes flared with shock before he schooled his features. “Fuck, you gave me a fright.” He glanced at Ice’s chest, frowning. “Are you lost? This is a private balcony. I think you might be in the wrong place. The main access balcony is a little further down the—”

“Nope, I’m at the right place,” Ice said, advancing on the male.

“What is your name, Air dragon? Why are you here?”

“It’s Ice, and you’re Skarn.” There was no reason to fuck around.

“Yes.” The male frowned. “How did you know?”

“You were abducted by those mysterious creatures, is that right? I mean, everyone knows that they took you.” The kings had downplayed the fact that there was potentially a fifth tribe in existence. They were keeping almost all the information surrounding what had happened a secret. They had let this prick get away with far too fucking much.

“Yes, that’s right.” Skarn’s expression darkened further. “I must warn you. I have been asked by numerous dragons about exactly what happened, and who took me, but I can’t tell you. I risk banishment or cage time. Probably both.” His eyes widened with…fear.

“There are stories of a fifth tribe who fled to the caves. It was most likely them.” Ice gave a one-shouldered shrug.

Skarn’s eyes flashed with shock for a moment, probably because Ice knew more than most. “I can’t tell you anything or discuss this further. I’m sorry…what did you say your name was?” The male narrowed his eyes.

Ice put his bag on the floor. “It’s Ice. So, the kings threatened you with banishment? Wow, whatever happened…whatever you told them must have been serious. I can’t imagine why all the secrets, though. Why not just be open and honest?”

“All I can tell you is that we are safe. There is nothing to fear from…the cave dwellers.” That line sounded rehearsed. “That’s all I have to say on the matter.” He folded his arms.

“Okay, fair enough. That is good to know. I heard you had it rough down there. That you were held captive for close on a week. That they cut off your wings…twice.”

Skarn flinched.

Good! Fucker!

“Yes, I had it bad.” Skarn’s eyes clouded. “It’s not something I want to talk about.”

“Those bastards pulled you away from a female in her heat. Let’s just start there.” Ice shook his head. “Fucking savage.”

“Yes, they did. It was a tragedy.” Skarn’s expression switched again, actually looking upset. Ice felt his blood start to boil. Just looking at this male pissed him the fuck off.

“Azure is hot. I’ve seen her,” Ice commented, forcing himself to sound bored.

“Sexy piece of ass if I ever saw one.” Skarn whistled.

“I’m sure you’re upset about not becoming a father.” Ice shook his head.

Skarn snorted and then smirked. “I wasn’t there to become a father. I was there to rut. I’ve never been with a female in her heat before. I hear that they are like insatiable wildcats.”

So, this prick was going to get Azure with child by raping her and then shirk fatherhood. Why was he even surprised?

Ice pretended that what Skarn had just said excited him. “It would’ve been some ride, especially with a female like Azure. She’s so indifferent. Acts like she’s better than us…gives all of us the cold shoulder. Must’ve been amazing having her beg for it.”

“There wasn’t much begging even though she was gagging for it. I could tell. Sometimes you’ve got to go for it, anyway. It’s funny how quickly a ‘no’ can turn into a ‘yes’. You know what I mean?”

“Absolutely. You’re persuasive like that?” Ice chuckled.

“I know how to win them over. I can be very charming.” He grinned. “Also, I know how to get the job done! It’s as simple as that. If a female makes too much noise, I shut her up.” He lifted a fist. The fucker lifted his fist.

Ice couldn’t hold back anymore. This prick had almost forced himself on Azure. He’d come to teach him a lesson, regardless of the words that came out of his mouth. It looked like he would need to do more than that, since the words infuriated him.


“Your eyes are glowing,” Skarn started to say. “Do you—”

Ice punched him hard on the jaw, and the male went down. He kicked him a couple of times, hearing ribs break. Possibly his jaw too. Good! Blood spattered. Skarn groaned. Too stunned and too hurt to do much of anything except roll himself up into a ball.

Ice pulled the male into the chamber, closing the door behind him. Then he pulled him deeper into the chamber. They needed privacy. The male groaned as Ice opened the bag.

“No…please,” Skarn choked out, grimacing.

Ice pulled a roll of duct tape out of the bag. “Is that what Azure said when you were trying to force yourself on her? ‘No…please.’ Did she beg you to stop?” He pulled out one of his hunting knives. “Even more importantly, did you listen?”

Skarn’s eyes went wild; he turned onto his belly and tried to crawl, groaning all the while.

Ice kicked him again, the blow turning the male onto his back. “I asked you a question,” Ice said, keeping his voice low. “Did you stop when Azure begged you to?”

“Yes,” Skarn choked out.

“That’s the wrong answer.”

“I didn’t…” He grimaced, clutching his side. Blood leaked from his mouth. “I didn’t do anything. I didn’t touch her.”

“You would have, though. If those creatures hadn’t taken you, you would have touched and taken.” Anger coursed through him. Making him want to beat this male to a bloody pulp. He wanted to kill him. “You feel no remorse. You’re scum.”

Skarn started to scream. Ice punched the male in the face a few times. Skarn lost consciousness. Using the duct tape, he taped his mouth shut. Ice considered taping the male’s arms, but it wouldn’t do any good since the tape wouldn’t be strong enough to hold him. If Skarn tried to pry the tape from his mouth, Ice would break a couple of bones.

It didn’t take long for Skarn to come to. He groaned, his eyes opening. They were fuzzy with confusion and then flared with the realization of his situation. He tried to scream, his hands clawing at the tape.

Ice broke a couple of fingers on one hand. “Enough,” he whispered. “Lie still. You need to listen to me very carefully. You can nod your head if you agree. I would strongly suggest that you do.”

Skarn nodded, his eyes wide. He was breathing hard through his nose. Clutching his hand to his chest. Ice could smell urine, and sure enough, the male’s pants were soaked with the stuff. Typical bully. This asshole peed himself when dealing with an opponent his own size. Cowardly fuck!

“Azure is my mate.”

Skarn’s eyes widened even further. He tried to say something; he sounded frantic.

Ice waited until he settled down. “I don’t want to hear whatever bullshit excuse you have. You and I both know it would be bullshit. I would kill you, but my female would not approve. You see, unlike you, you piece of shit…” He punched the male, unable to help himself. “Unlike you,” he continued when Skarn was listening again, “Azure is a wonderful, caring person. She always sees the best in people. If it were up to me, you’d be dead right now.”

Skarn shook his head. His eyes were filled with terror. Great! That was perfect.

“Now listen up, you raping sack of fucking shit. You are going to pay for what you tried to do. It’s that simple. But first, you need to know that if you so much as come near my female again, I will kill you. Do you understand?”

Skarn nodded.

“If you ever so much as breathe wrong on a female again, I will come back and finish the job. Are we clear?”

Skarn nodded frantically.

“My name is Ice. I am from the Air tribe. I am a hunter. If you speak of this. If you breathe a word, I will track you down and kill you. Your death will be slow. I’ll gut you and skin you alive.” He held up the knife. “I must warn you, I’m very good at my job.”

Skarn tried to get away, but Ice pinned him down with his foot. “I will let you live today, but you need to pay the price for what you did to Azure.”

Skarn shook his head, trying to talk.

“I’ll give you a choice, your cock or your wings.” He held up the knife. “Something is coming off today. You tried to force my female…one of our Air she-dragons. You must pay.”

Skarn tried harder to get away.

“Your cock or your wings? Decide, or I will decide for you. I might even take them all.” He growled low.

Skarn gave a muffled scream.