Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 35

The next day…

“Come on, Peanut.”The little dog ran after her. “In here.” Azure tugged on his leash when he tried to keep running down the hallway.

She opened the door to the salon, watching as little Peanut ran in ahead of her.

“Hi.” Melina waved. “Who’s my favorite doggie?” Her friend picked the fluffball up and gave him a cuddle. Peanut’s tail wagged like mad.

“I was going to ask if it was okay that I brought him, but I guess I have my answer.” Azure laughed.

Peanut barked. It came out sounding like a cute yip.

“You sure do,” Melina gushed, still cuddling the adorable puppy. Azure and Ice had adopted him about a week ago. Ice had gone into human territory. He had surprised her. Many of the humans at the lair had pets. It was becoming a regular thing to do. It was crazy how they had evolved as a species over the last few years, since the males started taking human mates. Azure was completely in love with their little puppy.

“I think I might have a talk with Freeze about getting a little fluffball of our own. I finally picked out a wedding gown.” She made a face at Azure. “I still can’t believe you decided on a quiet ceremony. You would’ve rocked a wedding dress.”

Azure beamed. “I just wanted to be mated to Ice. I don’t care about all that other stuff. I’m a dragon, after all.”

“You’re telling me. You didn’t even want a ring.” Melina shook her head.

“I shift daily. I would lose a ring.” Azure laughed. “We may have become quite humanized since mixing with you guys, but we’re still half-dragon at the end of the day.”

Melina looked at her pointedly. “Well, if you think you’re getting out of wearing a bridesmaid’s dress, you would be mistaken.”

“I would never dream of it.” Melina had asked Azure to be her maid of honor.

“I went with that gorgeous green dress, the one with the silver trimming.”

“It’s beautiful. I’m honored you picked me.” Azure felt warm inside.

“Look at my new inventory.” Melina gestured to racks of beautiful clothing. “This dress has your name all over it.” She pointed at a deep blue sundress with thin straps.

“It’s lovely. I’ll try it on after you do my nails. Peanut can play with his toy or sit on my lap.”

“Sit…sit! Peanut will be just fine. Summer will be here soon. She’s having her hair cut.”

Azure grinned. “I’m so glad. I’ve been on her case for weeks.”

“Oh!” Melina’s eyes widened up a whole lot. “I have some interesting news.” She flapped her hands.

“I’m intrigued. What is it?”

“Freeze heard this from one of his work buddies…” Melina paused, probably for dramatic effect.

Azure nodded, encouraging her to continue.

“There are rumors flying around that Skarn…you remember Skarn?”

Azure rolled her eyes. “Unfortunately, yes, I remember him.”

Melina laughed. Just as quickly, she was frowning, hard. “Of course, you’d remember that sleazebag. Anyway, Freeze told me his wings were cut off again yesterday.”

“What?” By all that was scaled. She knew something was up when Ice arrived home yesterday with blood spatters on his chest. He had blood under his nails as well. It wouldn’t have been a big deal if he’d come from work, but it was his day off.

When she’d asked him about it, he’d muttered something about lending a helping hand. Azure had assumed he was helping one of the other hunting teams. Then Ice had gone and showered, and that was the end of it. “What happened to the male?” Her heart raced. The last thing she wanted was for Ice to get into trouble over this. Skarn wasn’t worth it.

“This is where it gets really strange.” Melina pulled in a breath. “Skarn wouldn’t say what happened to him. He refused. Apparently, he was petrified they would come back and kill him if he whispered so much as a word. Everyone in the Earth tribe is convinced that the cave dwellers went after him again. That the creatures came back to hurt him.”

Not hardly.

Azure bit back a smile. It was Ice. She knew it.

“I think it’s great.” Melina grinned. “The bastard got what he deserved.” She winked at Azure. “He’s lucky he didn’t have his head cut off.”

“Very lucky.” Azure smiled. It was clear that Melina had a very good idea of what had happened to the Earth male. She couldn’t wait to see Ice. Azure was almost tempted to cancel her nail appointment and head straight home. It might make her a little sick in the head, but the thought of Ice standing up for her and going after that bastard like that turned her on in a big way. She loved that male so much. Azure didn’t think it was possible to love someone so much or to be loved back in the way Ice loved her. It was in the little things, like adopting Peanut for her or cutting the Earth male’s wings off for what he had done to her.

“Your eyes are glowing,” Melina said. “They’re beautiful. I take it you’re proud of your—”

The door opened, and Summer walked in. “Hello! Am I in the right place?”

“Come on in,” Melina said. “Oh, the things I can do with this hair.” The human said, letting her fingers run through Summer’s blond strands.

Summer looked a little shell-shocked. It looked like she wanted to turn and run.

“Trust me,” Melina said. “I know exactly what you need. Let’s sit you down over here while I do Azure’s nails. We can chat about different styles that I think would suit you.”

Summer’s eyes were wide. She shook her head. “I’m not sure—”

“I’m sure enough for the both of us, hon’.” Melina smiled. “We won’t do anything too drastic. I promise you’ll love it. You are going to look even more beautiful than you do already.”

“You think I’m beautiful?” Summer narrowed her eyes.

“Are you kidding me? With big blue eyes like those. The guys must chase you day and night.”

Summer giggled. She sat down next to Azure. “Hey, Azure. Hi…what’s his name again?”


“Such a cute name,” Summer gushed, her eyes still on the puppy.

“The staff at the pound called him that. It stuck.”

Summer reached over to stroke his soft fur. Her nostrils flared and she sniffed. The other female sat upright abruptly, shoulders square, eyes forward, like she’d just had a big shock.

“What is it?” Azure asked.

“Um…” Summer locked eyes with her. “Don’t freak out, but I think you might be going into heat.”

“Nah.” Azure shook her head. “So soon? I doubt it very much.” It was arousal the other female was scenting…since she had been aroused just before Summer entered the salon. Who wouldn’t be? After hearing about what Ice had done for her.

Summer sniffed at her again. “I’m pretty sure I can scent the start of your heat. I was with you before, remember? I know what it smells like. It’s a different scent.”


Could it be?

“Oh…um…oh.” Melina licked her lips. “Wow, that is interesting. Maybe you are, and maybe you’re not.”

“She is,” Summer insisted, smiling. “The more I smell you, the more convinced I am.” Her eyes were bright.

“Either way,” Melina said, her voice steady. “You don’t have to do anything or rush into anything. You can hide out like you did last time. Only this time, you won’t be alone. You don’t have to—”

“I think I might want to try for a whelp,” Azure blurted, her words shocking her for a moment. The thought terrified her, but Melina was right; things had changed since the last time. They had done a full one-eighty. Azure wasn’t alone. She had Ice. A male she loved with everything inside her. “Do you think you could watch Peanut for a few days?” She nuzzled his fur.

Melina gaped at her. Then she blinked a few times. “Of course,” she quickly said.

Azure’s skin was feeling tight. Her nipples were hard. “I have to…um…get home. I need Ice.”

“Go already,” Melina urged her. “I’ll take good care of this guy.” She picked Peanut up. “Might as well start practicing my baby-sitting—”

“Don’t say it,” Summer growled. “You’ll jinx Azure and Ice.”

“Yes, it’s bad luck to say anything until a female is with whelp,” Azure warned. “Keep quiet about it.”

“Even once a female is with child,” Summer shook her head, “one must be careful of what one says.”

“Noted! I’m still learning.” Melina cuddled the puppy. “I have Peanut. You run along. When you see Summer again, you won’t recognize her.”

Summer went pale. She looked so worried that Azure had to laugh. “I’ll see you guys.” She ran from the salon and didn’t stop until she was in her mate’s arms…where she belonged.