Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 5

Poked, prodded and harassed. That’s how Azure felt. They had taken her temperature. The speed of her heartbeat. The pressure of her blood. She hadn’t even known that blood had a pressure. They’d finally taken her actual blood from her vein using a silver-infused needle. It had stung, and she’d felt slightly ill for a few minutes afterward. Thankfully, the effects hadn’t been lasting.

What she hadn’t known was that the seriously embarrassing tests were yet to come. They had taken body fluid samples from her. How disgusting. What could they possibly glean from her urine? It made no sense. Then the human healer had put her on a special bed. She’d strapped her legs open so that she could examine her…down there. It was the most uncomfortable moment of her life. Only it had lasted longer than a mere moment. Azure had gritted her teeth, her hands so tightly fisted that there were half-moon crescents on her palms from her nails, when it was over. Part of her discomfort was because she was in the middle of a raging heat. The other was that a female was touching her so intimately. A human, at that. Nudity had never worried her, but she’d never been happier than when the healer gave her permission to get dressed.

Then came the questions. From all three of them. Where had she been? What had she done? Who had she done it with? So many endless questions were fired at her, one after the other.

Finally, Cloud had knocked and entered, announcing that their time was up.

“Thank you for doing this, child,” the healer told her.

Azure inclined her head. She didn’t say anything.

“This is a rare occurrence. The older a female is when she comes into heat for the first time, the less likely she is to have a heat again. This more than likely will be the only heat you will ever have.” She smiled. “I want you to be aware of that before making any decisions regarding your future.”

“Thank you,” Azure muttered. She knew this. Of course she did. It didn’t make it any easier. This was probably her one and only chance at a baby. Why wasn’t she happy? Why wasn’t she jumping at the opportunity?

Azure pondered on all of this while Cloud and the Earth guard took her back to her chamber. It was eerie how quiet the hallways were. “Where is everyone?” Azure asked her guards.

“Everyone is assembled in the great hall,” Cloud answered. “I have been instructed to take you there once you are showered and dressed. You will need to wash with the soap again, please.”

Azure swallowed thickly. “The king is expecting me. He’s going to make an announcement. Do you know what this is all about?”

They both shook their heads. “No, I’m sorry, I have no idea.” They arrived at her chambers. “Please don’t waste any time, Azure. Everyone is waiting.”

“We will be here in case you need anything,” the Earth guard told her.

Her stomach churned. Her hands felt clammy. Azure nodded once. “What is your name?” she asked him. “I know you told me earlier, but I can’t remember.” It was weird. The male didn’t scent like he was mated, and yet he didn’t seem interested in her. He was nothing but polite.

“I am Skarn,” he replied deferentially.

“Thank you, Skarn. Thank you both.” Azure turned towards her door and gripped the handle. She could deal with whatever was about to come her way.

All she wanted was to hide out in her apartment. She was in heat. In a perpetual state of arousal. She felt wet. Her breasts felt tender. Her nipples pulled tight. The last thing she wanted was to have to go to the great hall. Her eyes widened when she saw what was waiting for her in her chamber.

What the heck?She groaned internally.

There were three females looking her way. All elders. That wasn’t all. Her mouth fell open when she saw what they had with them.

“Come inside,” one of the females said. “We have much to do to get you ready, and not much time.”

Azure shook her head. “Is this really necessary?”

“Come now, child,” the second elder insisted. “We must prepare you for the ceremony.”

“You must bathe and get dressed.” The second elder held up a dress. It was long and nothing like the dresses she normally wore. “Why am I needed in the hall?”

“There is no time to talk,” another elder said. “You will find out soon enough. You are very lucky, child.”

Lucky?She didn’t feel lucky. Did that make her a bad person? Then there was this business of a ceremony.

What ceremony?

This was worse than she had ever imagined. Way worse!