Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 6

By all that had scales and claws.

Ice could hardly breathe. He certainly couldn’t take his eyes off Azure as she walked down the aisle of the great hall. His cock hardened, making him feel like a total asshole. The female was his subordinate; more than that, she was his friend. He shifted from one foot to the other, trying to get himself under control. His body would not listen. It didn’t matter that her scent was muted; it was still there. Fucking delicious!

A murmur went through the great hall. Some of the males even growled. Every unmated male stood taller. Every eye was on Azure. Every unmated cock was hard. He could scent the testosterone. The arousal. The excitement. It angered him. Infuriated him. Why exactly that was, he could not say.

Her eyes flashed about the hall. From one male to the next. Azure looked unsure; he would even go so far as to say that she looked afraid. He’d never seen fear in her eyes. Not in all the time he’d known her. Not when they’d come into contact with human hunters in helicopters. Not when they were shot at. Not when she’d taken down large prey. Never! Right then, she looked it. It didn’t detract from her sheer beauty, though. He was totally a prick for noticing.


Her hair was half up and half down. Delicate white flowers were threaded through the dark strands. Her white dress was long and flowing. It was cinched at the waist. It showcased her breasts and her long legs. He’d seen Azure naked countless times. Yet seeing her covered like this had his mouth going dry. Need surged. Logically, he knew it was the hormones and the pheromones talking. It wasn’t real. He wanted her all the same. They all did, only he had more respect. He did!

Ice looked away. Fuck, but he could scent her arousal. Ice could almost taste her pussy on his tongue. Just like every other unmated male in attendance, need coursed through him. The scent of testosterone was thick and cloying. It clouded his mind, making him want to fight or rut, or both.

Instead, he folded his arms. He willed his body to calm the fuck down. Willed his cock to stop its shit. Willed his dragon to shut the fuck up. He lifted his eyes towards her.

Azure hesitated on the stairs leading onto the stage.

“Do not be afraid,” the king said. He was smiling broadly. “Come on up,” Thunder encouraged her.

Azure walked up onto the dais, moving to stand next to the king. She clasped her hands in front of her, looking uncertain. He watched as the delicate column of her throat moved as she swallowed, clearly nervous. At the same time, she squared her shoulders, lifting her chin. All he wanted to do right then was to save her. To take her away from all this. Ask her what she wanted, because this clearly wasn’t it.

“Welcome,” Thunder said, and the males cheered.

Ice grit his teeth. Everything about this felt wrong. They were parading Azure like a piece of prized meat.

“It is a joyous day,” Thunder went on. “One of our dormant females is in heat.”

The males cheered again.

Thunder put his hand up to quiet the crowd. “In six months, a whelp will be born to our tribe.” Thunder smiled broadly. “Perhaps even a female of our species.”

“Sire…I’m not sure…” Azure began to speak. Her voice was soft and hesitant. Not like Azure at all. Ice felt something clench inside him.

“As one of our Air tribe females,” Thunder talked over her, “it is your duty to choose a male…any male you see before you, to spend your heat with. To breed. To bring life to our people. To continue our species,” Thunder was speaking to Azure, even though his eyes flicked to the crowd every so often. Although females dotted the periphery, there were mostly males in attendance. Then again, their tribe was comprised mainly of males, since females were in such short supply. Fertile females even more so. Still, what Thunder was demanding of Azure seemed wrong. It sat wrong with Ice. From the look on Azure’s face, it sat wrong with her, too.

Her jaw tensed as Thunder spoke. Her eyes went from unsure to blazing with anger. Much more like the female he knew and liked. The female he’d come to respect.

“I don’t want a mate,” Azure announced.

“I’m not asking you to take a mate. I am asking you to fulfill your duty as a fertile female of this tribe. You must choose a male and—”

“I’m not sure I’m ready to become a mother, Sire. It is a big responsibility.” Azure cleared her throat. “I wish to spend my heat alone,” she pushed out, projecting her voice.

“There are plenty of females who would give anything for an opportunity to become a mother. There are four mated couples who cannot conceive. You can give the whelp to any of these—”

“No!” Azure shouted. “That’s not what I would want, either.” There was a hint of panic in her voice. “It’s my body and my choice. I don’t want to—”

“We can’t always get what we want, Azure,” Thunder spoke softly and carefully. “I’m sorry.” His eyes held pity, but it would be a poor consolation to Azure. “My mind is made up. There is an ancient tradition among the dragons, particularly in difficult times, where every female who comes into heat is expected to conceive.”


“It’s called Kikalla,” Thunder went on. He pronounced the word from deep in his throat. “The breeding season,” he explained. “Any dragon female within any of the tribes who comes into heat will be expected to breed, even those who already have whelps. I am sorry this happened to you, Azure. I am sorry for you, but not for our tribe…or for our people. This is a joyous day for the Air Tribe. We need more such as you. Hopefully, the healers will be able to cure our kind. They can learn from you. From this blessing.” The thing about blessings and curses was that they often went hand in hand.

“Cure?” Azure shook her head. “There was nothing wrong with me before.”

“Of course not.” Thunder’s eyes softened with more pity. “You need to be strong, female. You need to do this for all of us. It is up to you who you choose to spend your heat with. Up to the two of you whether or not you mate each other afterwards. You do not have to keep the child, but you must breed. Kikalla is upon us.” Thunder held up a fist. “It is the breeding season for the dragons.”

All the males cheered.

“This is barbaric!” a female shouted from the side. It was the human healer. Her male pulled her in close, his arm circling her waist. He whispered in her ear, trying to explain. The female shook her head, looking pissed off.

“No, Druze,” she said. “I don’t agree. I didn’t sign up for this,” she added.

The male said something else, but Ice’s gaze was pulled back to Azure. Her purple irises were aflame. Her hands were tight fists at her sides. Her chest heaved. Her nipples pressed tightly against the thin, gauzy fabric of her dress.

He growled low. This was wrong!

“You must choose,” Thunder boomed.

“I can’t!” Azure’s eyes turned hazy. The fear was back. Both fear and anger. Was Azure afraid to breed because of what happened to her mother? Or was it the manner in which Thunder was tackling this? Azure was fiercely independent. She was a female who made her own decisions. Who stood on her own two feet. Here she was being dictated to and treated like a child. Forced into something that might scare her.

Ice wanted to rush forward. He wanted to…what? Help her. How? What could he do to help her?


Sweet fuck all.

Frustration welled. He hated this feeling of helplessness.

“If you cannot choose, then the males will fight for the chance—” Thunder started to say.

“No!” She shook her head. “No fighting.” Her eyes locked with his for a second. Just a second.

“Why not? The last male standing will spend your heat with you,” the king went on. “You would breed with the strongest dragon in our tribe.”

“No fighting!” Azure shook her head. “I’m not sure why you’re doing this. All of our males want human females. None of them is remotely interested in—”

“I’ll spend your heat with you!” a male from the front shouted.

“Pick me!” another male shouted.

Different voices rose throughout the hall. Males were trying to snag her attention. Ice wanted to do the same. He was tempted to step forward. To put his hand up. To make his interest known.


Fuck!Azure would look at him with horror if he put his hand up. Shit! If only they had time. He could approach her and offer to help her. They could talk about it. Perhaps then—

“Me, Azure!” a familiar voice cried out among the others. “You know me! Pick me!”

“We work together, Fog.” Azure shook her head, looking irritated. “It’s not going to happen,” she said.

“Why?” Fog shouted. “We would be good together.”

“Thank you for your offer.” Azure’s eyes were blazing. She pushed her lips together, folding her arms across her chest. “But I can’t possibly accept… We’re friends.” Ice had his answer. It would be no different if he offered.


Azure wasn’t going to pick someone she knew well. Someone she worked with. Her superior. Azure would never pick him. It was better that way. What was he even thinking? Ice wanted children. He wanted a big family…but a child with Azure?



He’d almost made a gigantic mistake. Yet the thought of someone else with her made his blood boil. Again, it was the hormones. They worked together for months. He’d never looked at her in that way. He wasn’t blind either. He knew that she was a beauty, but he’d never thought of her like that. Not until right then. It was the hormones. It was her scent. Her heat.

It would pass.

This would pass.

“I will give you until tomorrow afternoon,” Thunder announced. “I can’t give you any longer. Tomorrow midday, you must pick a male and leave immediately for the nearest cave. I will expect you to rut, to breed.” He looked down for a second before addressing the hall once more, “The stag run is hereby canceled.”

This elicited a commotion from males who were due to spend time on human territory. Particularly for males who were permitted to pick mates. Ice remained silent.

Azure rolled her eyes. There was the female he knew and liked. His lip twitched, and again he felt the need to offer himself as her heat partner. Not a fuck! Not like this. He gritted his teeth against the urge. Going against his every instinct. They were wired to breed. Then again, he thought that they had moved on from being such base creatures. Right then, it didn’t feel that way. His cock throbbed. His balls pulled tight.

Azure stepped forward and cleared her throat. “I don’t need until tomorrow.”

“You are ready to pick a male now? Is that what you are saying?” Thunder lifted his brows. He smiled.

She nodded once. “For the record, I think this is bullshit!” Azure announced. “Up until five minutes ago, no one in this tribe was remotely interested in me. I was invisible.”

“That’s not true, Azure!” A male put his hand up. A male Ice knew well.

“Get lost, Sun!” Azure shot at him. She almost smiled…almost. “I think this is wrong on all levels.” Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. She blinked them away.

“I agree!” the human healer interjected.

“Britt, my love…we need to stay out of this,” her male murmured. “This directive was given by the Fire king,” Ice heard him say.

“I wish I had this opportunity,” a dragon female shouted. He noted that it was Summer, Azure’s best friend.

“I wish I could give it to you,” Azure whispered, wiping a tear from her cheek.

Fuck!He hated that she was crying. This female was tough as nails. Just as quickly, a look of determination appeared in her gaze.

“I’ll take the child,” another female shouted. “Please!” There was desperation in her voice.

“You said that I can pick any male in this room.” Azure ignored them.

“Any unmated male,” Thunder corrected.

“Of course,” Azure stated. “I pick Skarn.” She pointed at a male at the base of the stairs.

“Skarn is an Earth dragon,” Thunder said, a look of irritation on his face.

“So what of it?” Azure put her hands on her hips.

“You can’t pick an Earth male.” The king shook his head.

“You said any unmated male. Are you mated, Skarn?”

“No, I’m not. I am honored you would pick me.” He inclined his head.

What the fuck?

Everyone started talking at once. There were growls and grunts and general displeasure at Azure’s choice of male.

“No!” Thunder boomed. “You will need to pick again.”

“With all due respect, Your Highness, I have already picked. You said any unmated male in the hall. I pick Skarn.”

“What?” Thunder’s voice boomed. “You can’t be serious.”

“I’m very serious. I pick Skarn.” Azure narrowed her eyes.

If Ice wasn’t so wound up, he would’ve laughed. Go, Azure! This female was something. Forced to take a male to her bed during her heat, she was doing it on her terms. Giving the king what he wanted while giving him the middle finger at the same time. He admired her tenacity. Her grit. Her courage. At the same time, something dark churned and wound around inside him. Something with barbed hooks.

“Why would you pick an Earth dragon over one of our own?” Thunder spat. It was a damned good question. One he would have asked himself. One he knew the answer to.

“He’s the only unmated male in this whole lair who’s treated me with any kind of respect. I would like the night to prepare. We can leave tomorrow,” she said to Skarn.

The male nodded in assent.

“You will leave tomorrow at dawn.” Thunder’s jaw was set. The king was clearly trying to take back control. His eyes were stormy.

Ice’s chest heaved. He couldn’t seem to catch his breath. His whole body bristled. He needed to get out of there. His mind was foggy. Her words angered him. Skarn was not the only male who had treated Azure with respect. Fuck that! Why would Azure say such a thing?

Ice pushed his way out of the hall. Thunder was speaking, but Ice wasn’t listening. He needed air. He pulled in lungfuls of the stuff as soon as he was on the sprawling balcony.

“Hey, boss!” Fog said as he joined Ice outside, jogging over to him. He was grinning. Ice wasn’t sure what there was to grin about. “Good news, right?” He raised his brows.

Ice frowned. “What?” he asked, his voice a rough rasp.

“Thunder said that we can go on our stag run after all. Good thing Azure picked a male right away, don’t you think? I wish it could have been me, but a soft human will take the sting away.” The male shoulder-bumped him. “You have to agree?”

Ice grunted. He tried to force a smile.

“I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.” Fog chuckled.

Ice tried to muster excitement for the stag run. “Um…yeah,” he told Fog, watching as the male strode away.

All he could think about was Azure. That she was leaving with that male come morning. Ice gave his head a quick shake. He needed to get over it. The best way to do that was to get a female under him. A soft human female. Fog was right. All would be well. Once Azure’s heat was over, things would go back to normal.