Taken By The Hitman by Amber Adams

Chapter 7: Jason


I tap my fingers on the table as I watch the evening crowd start to filter into the bar. Alki’s is a bar that I frequent a good bit, both for business and for pleasure, mainly because they have good drinks here.

That, and I can see the entire length of the place by sitting in the back. Normally the wings are good and the band even better, which is why I chose this spot for my blind date.

A blind date. I still can’t believe I’m doing this when there are a hundred other things I could be doing, but when Bianca responded to my halfhearted attempt at an ice breaker, I couldn’t help but follow up.

Now I’m waiting to see if she arrives or someone else using her picture.

I’m betting on the someone else. After all, what is a girl like that doing on a dating app anyway?

I don’t have to wait long for the big reveal. Bianca walks through the door and I let out a low breath as she glances around the bar, giving me time to take her in.

Fuck she’s gorgeous, her long hair down around her shoulders like her picture, wearing a pair of black jeans and flowing green top that shows off one of her creamy shoulders. I raise my hand at her and, as she approaches the table, I can see she’s equally surprised that I didn’t lie about myself either.


I extend my hand. “Bianca.”

She slides her hand in mine, her grip firm.

“Well,” she says as I release her hand. “You weren’t lying about your eyes. The work is impeccable.”

A laugh escapes me, and I gesture toward the seat next to me.

“And yours are definitely green.”

I can’t help but wonder if she wore the color tonight to show them off, and the thought makes my cock throb.

“Have a seat. You want a drink?”

She nods and I wave the waitress over.

“I’ll have what he’s having,” Bianca replies, nodding to my beer bottle.

When the waitress leaves, I take a long draw from the bottle before speaking.

“So, nonprofit.”

Her eyes brighten considerably, and I realize I did right by picking something she clearly likes to discuss. I had thought about doing research on her but decided to keep it to what’s in her dating profile for now.

“Yes, that’s me,” she smiles, ducking her head as the waitress sits the beer before her.

“It’s not easy work, but I enjoy helping others.”

And I enjoy my job too but it’s probably not the thing to get into on a blind date. It’s not that I enjoy killing people really. It’s the thrill of executing the plan that draws me in the most, knowing that all my hard work is paying off. Knowing that I am among a small group of people who can do something with such high stakes and do it well. It’s hard to find something to compare that to.

The money isn’t fucking bad either.

“Sounds great.” I nod.

She takes a sip of her beer and I try not to groan aloud as I watch her lips wrap around the bottle. Fuck it’s been too long since I’ve been with anyone if I’m getting hard by watching her do that!

“I know it sounds boring, but I enjoy the deep satisfaction I get watching others succeed.” Bianca tucks her hair behind her ear.

“What about you Jason? Your profile, well, I thought it was fake, considering it said nothing.”

I arch a brow. “And you still came here tonight?”

Her cheeks color and it’s the sexiest thing I’ve seen in quite a while.

“I mean, your game could use some work, but I figured I could get out of it if it wasn’t what I was looking for.”

Grinning, I lift my beer in her direction.

“Well then, here’s to those who don’t lie on dating apps.”

She clinks her beer against mine and I’m momentarily mesmerized by her eyes. In her picture, they are what drew me in, but in real life, hell, I don’t stand a chance.

“So Jason,” Bianca says after a few moments.

“Tell me about yourself.”

“Not much to say,” I answer smoothly, the lies tumbling one right after the other.

“Make good money in stocks and investments. Have a small company that serves clients wanting to do the same thing.”

“Ooo,” Bianca replies, arching a brow. “You are just as exciting as I am then.”

I chuckle as the band starts up in the corner.

“Maybe we are a match meant to be.”

Downing the rest of my beer, I push off the chair and hold out my hand.

“Would you care to dance, Bianca?” I can see the way her eyes lit up at the first song, how her feet are tapping to the rhythm under the table.

Maybe I just want her in my arms.

“Sure,” she says, sliding her small hand in mine.

“Let’s hope your dancing is better than your opening lines.”

I hide my grin as I lead her to the other dancing couples. Already I’m having way more fun tonight than I have had in a long time.

We dance a few songs and I’m drawn into Bianca’s laughter, the way her body fits against mine and her smile—fuck, she could ask for the world with that smile.

Before I know it, the evening has grown late and we are stepping outside for some air, her hand in mine still.

“This has been a great night, hasn’t it?” she asks as we lean against the brick building.

“Yeah it has,” I admit, my thumb rubbing over hers.

“I’m not sure I’m ready for it to be over,” I add.

Bianca looks my way and I see the genuine excitement in her eyes.

“Me neither,” she breathes.

“Truth is, I didn’t expect to have this much fun with you.”

“Me neither,” I echo, stepping close to her.

She smells of lemons and I name it as my new fucking favorite scent right then and there.

“I…my place isn’t far from here.”

Her eyes widen and I rush to finish out the rest of my thoughts.

“I mean, I’m not asking you to come back for a quick hook up or anything.”

Aw, shit. I’ve already botched one of the best nights of my life.

Bianca swallows but doesn’t remove her hand from mine.

“What if that’s what I want?”

I arch a brow. “You’re looking for a hook up?”

This has got to be a fucking joke.

Her cheeks blush. “No, I mean, I don’t want this night to end. Crap, I’m just, I’m not good at this.”

My free hand reaches out and cups her cheek, causing her to meet my gaze.

I’m as hard as a fucking rock right now but there’s something else, something different that I’m craving with her.

“Why don’t I just see you home,” I force out as my body screams in protest.

I’m usually pretty fucking smooth but we both have made this awkward and while I would love for her to be in my bed, writhing in the sheets as I fuck the hell out of her, I’m willing to wait.

Bianca covers her hand with mine and her next words completely stop my heart.

“I don’t want to go home, Jason.”

Holy fuck.