Taken By The Hitman by Amber Adams

Chapter 9: Jason


I come awake to the sun filtering through the half-closed blinds of my bedroom, but that’s not what I notice first.

It’s the smell of lemons that has me grinning and I know why I feel like a fucking million bucks this morning.


Turning, I see her sleeping beside me, her hand tucked against my chest as her head lays on my shoulder. Fuck, she’s just as gorgeous like this, and my cock swells under the covers, already wanting her again.

We spent most of the night and some of the morning buried in each other. There’s not an inch of my bed that I haven’t fucked her on, including the chair in the corner and against the wall of the bathroom when we couldn’t make it in the shower.

I should be well sated but, hell, I want more.

Never have I acted like this before. It’s more common for me to be slightly annoyed that a woman is still in my bed the next morning than for me to be delighted. Maybe it’s the drought I’ve been in or maybe it’s something else, I don’t know, but what I do know is that this isn’t going to be the last time I have her.

It’s not just the sex. I’ve enjoyed her company. Murdock is right. I am missing something in my life, and maybe I’m finally getting old enough to realize it.

When Bianca opens her eyes a moment later, there’s the initial shock that I’m lying next to her before her lips curl in a smile.

“Good morning.”

I brush my lips over her temple.

“Good morning yourself. Can I interest you in some breakfast, perhaps some morning playtime?” I wink playfully.

She sits up abruptly, nearly taking me out with her forehead.

“Oh God! I have meetings with potential donors this morning,” she says hurriedly, throwing the covers aside.

“Big ones, too. Shit, I have to go. What time is it?”

I sit back and watch her naked form as she scrambles gathering all her clothing.

“Are you sure you can’t cancel?” A day in bed with her sounds like something I would be highly interested in.

She pulls on her jeans, locating her bra that we brought in from the living room.

“No I can’t. When you are nonprofit, these meetings are important. I’m the one who needs them, not the other way around.”

After she’s fully dressed, Bianca walks over to the bed and I tangle my hand in her hair as she brushes her lips over mine.

“But I might be free this evening,” she says huskily.

“If you are up for it.”

I drag her hand to my aching cock and her eyes flare.

“I will be struggling to forget you until then,” I say.

“But yeah, I’m free.” I reply with fake casualness. I can put my work off another night if it means she’s naked in my bed.

Bianca smiles as she straightens. “See you tonight, then.”

I wait until I know she’s left, mainly because I would have a hell of a time attempting to let her go before I get up and throw on a pair of joggers.

Fuck, I feel good.

Now I can’t wait until tonight. Maybe I can take her out to dinner, get her dressed up so I can peel it off her luscious body later.

A grin splits my face and I locate my cell phone, firing off a chat message to Bianca, including the name of the restaurant I have in mind. She doesn’t answer, but I know she will see it later.

After a quick breakfast consisting of a protein shake and a coffee, I press the latch on the wall opposite the TV and watch as the hidden door slides open.

It’s my private office, one that has the best computer system money can buy. In my line of work, it’s important to have all the firewalls and safeguards in place to hide my IP address from the website I get my jobs from, as well as the need to hack into a shitload of databases that no normal person can access.

Part of my training with Murdock was just that, and now I’m a pretty good hacker when I need to be.

Seating myself at my computer, I bring up the website and type in my credentials, even scanning my retina so that I can access it. Since the website holds the key to many hitmen around the world, security is of the utmost importance.

Luckily my baby blues aren’t transplants, which makes me think of Bianca again. I can’t fucking wait to see her tonight.

There are notifications in my inbox when I get in, various jobs that are for a pittance compared to what I am used to.

How it works is much like any other job website. People can approach me and offer me a particular job, or I can seek out and bid on jobs that are posted. When one is just getting into the business, you pretty much have to bid on everything you see, especially the low-paying ones. But once you’ve paid your dues, you can be more selective.

Most of the time, my experience and reputation precede me, so I have the range of jobs to pick and choose from. Some I take because they are easy, quick, and don’t require a lot of work.

Others I take for the challenge, or the money, or both. Hell, I’m not about to turn down a good job just because I think it’s going to be difficult to achieve. The hard ones are often the most satisfying, and the most fun, if I don’t think it’s going to be impossible to pull off.

I scroll through them, landing on one that has an impressive amount of money tied to it. Five hundred thousand isn’t something you see often, and it probably means that it’s either going to be nearly impossible to pull off, or the target is someone who’s well-guarded and difficult to get to or hard to find.

“What the hell,” I mutter to myself as I click on the link that will show me an image of the target.

After last night with Bianca, I feel inspired and extra invincible. I’m up for a challenge.

My damn good morning dies an immediate death when the picture comes up. I just sit there, stunned as the same gorgeous green eyes that I have a date with tonight stare back at me.

It’s Bianca.

Bianca is the target.

The five-hundred-thousand-dollar fucking target.

What. The. Fuck.


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