Daddy’s Temptation by Kelly Myers



I feel like such a complete idiot,I think as I hurry away from Ryan’s apartment and back to my place. I can feel tears burning the back of my eyes and I just want to throw myself into bed and cry.


My head snaps up and I notice Taylor on the sidewalk. Oh, no. I wonder if she saw me leave Ryan’s? She’s dressed up in her club gear and must’ve just finished dancing at Club Noir. “Hey,” I say in a shaky voice and swipe at my nose.

“Were you just at Ryan’s?”

“Um…” Shit. I don’t know what to say. So, I don’t say anything and instead burst into tears.

“Oh, Hailey, what’s wrong?” She walks over and concern laces her voice. “Do you wanna talk about it?

I nod and push my door open. I never thought Ryan would hurt me like this. I thought he was one of the good guys and would protect me. I sit on the couch and wipe the tears away. Taylor lets me finish crying and then reaches out and touches my arm.

“What’s going on?”

I sniffle, not sure how to begin, but I think she already has a good idea of what’s going on.

“You and Ryan?” she asks. I bite my lip and nod. “I kind of had a feeling.”


“I saw the way you two kept looking at each other that day at the pool.”

“I thought he cared,” I say.

Taylor lets out a long sigh. “They all make you think that they care. Even nice guys like Ryan.”

I hear bitterness in her voice and wonder who burned her? “Nobody else knows about us-- except Jasmine-- so I’d appreciate it if you would keep it quiet.”

“Of course.”

“This is all my fault. I practically begged him to sleep with me. And, I just found out he’s talking to other women online.”

“Really? Ryan doesn’t seem like the type to do online dating.”

“I saw the messages. I know we agreed to only one time, but he was my first, Taylor. I didn’t expect to keep thinking about him. To want more.”

“How did this even happen?”

“All I know is there’s a spark between us. From the moment we met. And, all I wanted was for him to be my first. To take care of me. I convinced him, but then started to fall for him. Hard.”

“Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry.”

“When I went over there tonight, everything began happening again. And we almost-” my voice trails off and Taylor just nods. “But, then I heard his email keep dinging and some chick named Daphne was sending him all these messages.”

“What do you even know about her? Have they even met in person?”

I shrug. “I don’t know.”

“I’m going to be honest. I have never seen Ryan with a woman. He’s extremely discreet, but at the same time, I think he’s just a really lonely man. I get the feeling he hasn’t dated anyone seriously since his divorce. He’s also a really stand-up guy. So, if he slept with you, I think that means something on his end.”

“You do?”

“If he didn’t feel anything, I think he’d stay away. Especially since, well, you’re so much younger. Knowing Ryan, I wouldn’t be surprised if he feels guilty about being with someone his daughter’s age.”

I want you to show me, Daddy.

I start to second-guess that Daddy comment. But, then I remember his response and I don’t think he minded. At all.

“I don’t know what to do,” I say and run a hand through my hair.

“Do you really care about him?”

I nod. “So much.”

“Then, I think you should give him the benefit of the doubt. The man is hardly a serial dater and is always by himself. If he’s talking to someone online, it’s probably new.”


“I say if you want him then go get him. Foxy Flyboy could use a little happiness in his quiet life.”

I give Taylor a small smile. Maybe she’s right.

After Taylor leaves, I curl up in my chair by the window and sing. It’s the one thing that lets me go inside of myself and find peace. It allows me to shut everything else out and just be in the moment without any fear or uncertainty or unhappiness. It’s a respite from my problems and daily life. Above all, it allows me to block out the pain and transport myself to another place.

Music is my savior.

The next morning, I think about everything that happened with Ryan and then I remember Taylor’s advice. I don’t know if she's right or if he actually cares, but I’m going to set everything aside for now and focus on the reason I’m here. To be a singer.

I’m excited that I booked a gig at the Magnolia Club, but there are a thousand more places in this city that I should go visit, introduce myself and drop off a demo CD. The more exposure I can get and the more people I meet, the better.

With those thoughts in my head, I set out and pound the pavement. I probably visit 20 places and make a few potential connections. Some booking agents are really friendly and take my demo and others act like they don’t have time and direct me to their website with instructions on how to book a gig properly.

As daunting as it is and despite the overwhelming competition, I am not going to give up. Singing is the one thing that I am good at doing. It’s the talent I was blessed with and now I need to figure out a way to let people hear me.

I’ve posted videos online and decide that I should probably do a new one. I haven’t put one up in a few weeks and followers are fickle and lose interest fast if you don’t keep things new and fresh. I want to do something cool so I head over to Lake Hollywood Park. I follow my GPS, drive around the mountain bend and follow the residential road that climbs above the Hollywood Reservoir.

I did some research online when I was in Indiana and seeing the Hollywood sign is something that I wanted to do. It would be the perfect place to record myself for a new video. When I reach the park, I pull up and park at the curb. It’s not overly crowded which is nice and I hop out of my old truck.

There it is, I think, and look up at the iconic sign that has welcomed and spurned so many dreamers. The famous letters sit high up on the hillside and I walk a little closer, searching for the perfect spot.

Off to the side, beneath a tree, I pull up the video on my phone and hit record. I already know I’m going to sing two songs. One for fun and one that I’m actually feeling to the depths of my soul.

The first is a popular Miley Cyrus song about moving to L.A. I sing the fluffy words about hopping off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan. After I finish “Party in the USA,” I take a deep breath and launch into “Darn That Dream,” another Billie Holiday favorite of mine.

“Darn that dream, I dream each night. You say you love me and hold me tight. But when I awake, you’re out of sight. Oh, darn that dream.” My voice sounds haunted, almost eerie to my own ears, but I keep singing.

“Darn your lips and darn your eyes. They lift me high above moonlit skies…”

The words pour forth, directly from my heart, out of my mouth and to the world. I lose myself in the melody and vocals. The song requires a fair amount of study and preparation before you can start improvising. But, I’ve been singing it for years and it flows easily and sounds pure.

“Darn that one track mind of mine. It can’t understand that you don’t care...Darn that dream and bless it, too. Without that dream I never would have you. But it haunts me and it won’t come true. Oh, darn that dream.”

When I hear a smattering of applause, I open my eyes and realize a few people have stopped to listen. I feel a blush warm my cheeks and I smile. “Thanks,” I say and give a little courtesy.

“You should be on The Voice,” someone says.

I chuckle and hit stop on the camera. Singing always lifts me up and makes me feel better. Some people meditate or do yoga to find balance and that zen place within, but I just need a song. Feeling renewed, I head back to my truck.

By the time I get back to Sunset Terrace, the sun is getting low and the day is winding down. I notice some people sitting in chairs by the pool and, as I get closer, I see it’s Ryan and a couple of friends. Hot friends. When I pass by, Ryan and I make eye contact, but neither of us says a word.

Yet, something passes between us.

Hmm. This may be an opportunity to get him riled up and as I debate what to do, I see Jasmine and another girl peering out her window at the trio of male deliciousness. I walk over and wave. Jazz throws the door open and motions for me to come inside.

“Hurry up,” she whispers.

“What’s going on?” I ask as she pulls me through the door and shuts it fast.

“We’re ogling Ryan’s friends. C’mon.” Jasmine motions to a dark-haired girl with stunning blue eyes. “Morgan, Hailey. Hailey, Morgan.”

“Nice to meet you,” I say.

“You, too,” she says. “I live over in #2.”

I move up beside them, look out the kitchen window above the sink and shake my head. “You know they can see you, right?” I ask.

“Shut. Up.” Jazz is horrified.

I chuckle. “Yep.” Then, I turn and move away to sit down at the kitchen table.

“Are you sure?” Morgan asks and moves back a bit.

“If I saw you then they did, too.”

“Damn it,” Jasmine turns and hops up on the counter. “Oh, well. They have to know what a commotion they’re causing among the single Sunset Terrace ladies.”

“Except for Ryan, though, I don’t think they’re single,” Morgan says. “Look. They’re both wearing wedding bands.”

Jazz and I exchange a look, but she doesn’t say anything.

“Who are they?” I ask.

“The big, muscular dream is Ryker, a friend from the military. And, I have no idea who the Hemsworth/Pine hybrid is, but, daaaamn, he’s yummy.”

I laugh at Jasmine’s description and settle back in the chair. As good-looking as Ryan’s buddies are, I only have eyes for him. Suddenly, I stand up, determined to make some waves. “Ladies, I’m feeling a little warm.” They exchange looks as I head toward the door to leave. “I think it’s time for a dip in the pool.”

“Oh, shit,” I hear Jasmine say behind me.