Daddy’s Temptation by Kelly Myers



After a shower, I curl up in my bed, pull the covers up around me and cry. I’m so confused and fed up with the push and pull between Ryan and I. It’s exhausting and I decide that I’m done playing games with him. If he wants to date someone he met online then fine. If he thinks I’m too young, inexperienced and not good enough for him then I guess I’ll just have to accept it.

All I know is I can’t keep going back to him and pretend that I’m not falling for him. Maybe if I stay away, things will get easier. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

The problem is I can’t stop thinking about him or the hot encounters we’ve had. I want to be with him, but it’s clear that he’d rather be with anyone but me. Like Daphne.

I need to stop obsessing over him and just let it go. That’s the healthiest thing to do so that’s what I vow to do from this moment forward. I am officially done with Ryan Fox, I think, and ignore the pain that constricts my heart.

When my phone beeps, I grab it and see a text from Jasmine: Are you okay?

No. Not even close. I think half the complex heard us yelling at each other and I’m so embarrassed. I type a reply and hit send: I feel like an idiot.

A moment later, she responds: If it makes you feel any better, he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. I think you pushed Foxy Flyboy over the edge lol...I’ve never seen him lose his cool or jump into the pool fully clothed.

A half-laugh erupts from my throat. It was kind of crazy that he jumped in after me so I must’ve gotten under his skin.

Don’t forget,she texts, girls’ night out tomorrow. I’m buying you a shot.

A night out with my new friends is just what I need. I plan to dance the night away and drink myself silly. Or, at least until Ryan is a faded memory. Can’t wait, I tell her and add a little smile emoji. I text Isa and invite her, too. I’m sure no one will mind.

The next morning, I wake up sweating and check the weather on my phone. Ugh. It’s going to hit 100 today. I drag myself out of bed and figure I should start the air conditioner early so my place stays cool.

The window unit in the living room is small, but I’m hoping it will be powerful enough to keep the whole apartment cool. I haven’t used it yet so I guess we shall see. I turn it on and frown when it makes a weird, grumbling noise. Uh-oh. That can’t be good. But, then, it kicks on and cool air begins to pour out of the vent. Thank God.

I don’t want to go out today, at least not until I meet the girls tonight, because it’s too damn hot and I’m still humiliated that people saw Ryan and I fighting last night. Hopefully some other scandal at Sunset Terrace will surface soon and they can focus on that instead.

Wishful thinking, I know.

I spend the day choosing the set that I’m going to sing at the Magnolia Club and then practice each song over and over. I like to lay down with my headphones on sometimes and just hang off the side of my bed and sing upside down like a damn bat. It’s probably silly, but it’s tradition, and I just shut my eyes and feel the music. After I listen to just the music a few times through then I sing the lyrics along with it.

When I’m singing, I can normally block everything else out. But, Ryan hovers at the edge of my mind, distracting me. I try to push thoughts of him away, but it’s hard. That man is such a pain in my ass. And, my heart.

Knowing what I do now, I wonder if I still would’ve propositioned him. Yes, I realize, no doubt about it. I don’t regret it at all. Despite his tantrum last night, Ryan was patient, slow and gentle and, damn him, that’s why I want more. Maybe if he would’ve been a little more selfish and rougher, I’d be all set.

But, no. That’s not him. He took my feelings and innocence into consideration, putting my wants and needs above his own. I let out a soft sigh, pull my headphones off, and realize it’s getting late. I need to eat a little something and start getting ready.

I wander out of my room and, as I head down to the kitchen, I wipe a hand across my brow. It’s so stuffy here. A dip in the pool would feel great, but I can hear people out there splashing and frolicking so I’m staying in here. I can’t face anyone yet.

I pull a frozen macaroni and cheese out and heat it up in the microwave. I plan to get stumbling drunk tonight so I need to make sure I have some food in my stomach to soak up all the mind-numbing alcohol I’m going to consume.

A few minutes later, I sit down with my sad little dinner and pour ketchup all over it. I love dousing my mac and cheese in ketchup and I don’t care what anyone says. It’s delish. While eating, I text Jasmine and ask who all is going tonight and what time I should come over. She tells me to swing by at 9pm for a pre-drink and then we will head over with Savannah and Morgan. Isa is coming straight from work and will meet us there.

I’m glad Morgan is coming. She seems cool and I hope to get to know her better. Actually, Isa, too. I know Taylor will be working, but hopefully she’ll get to come over and hang with us for a bit. This will be my first experience going out since I moved to Los Angeles, so it’ll be interesting. It should be fun and I’m really looking forward to it. God knows, rural Indiana didn't have any kind of nightlife.

I don’t have much to wear when it comes to club clothes so I decide to wear a short, little black dress and some strappy heels. I straighten my brown hair which makes the caramel highlights pop and take my time applying my makeup. I wear it darker than usual and add some fine glitter to my eyelids to make them sparkle. Then, I slide a red-tinted gloss over my lips and spritz myself all over with my vanilla perfume. I step back and take a look at myself in the mirror. I haven’t gotten this dolled up in a long time and I deserve this night out.

I grab my wristlet and head next door. When I knock, my gaze flicks over to Ryan’s where a light glows in his window. He’s probably chatting online with Daphne, I think with a prick of annoyance. Whatever. That is the last thought I plan to waste on Ryan Fox tonight, I think, as Jasmine throws the door open and pulls me inside.

“Indiana!” she cries and gives me a hug. I think she’s already been drinking and I can’t help but laugh.

“Are you drunk?” I ask.

“On my way,” she announces and motions for me to follow her into the kitchen. “Just finished blending a pitcher of strawberry daiquiris and Morgan is on her way over now. Poor thing worked a double today and tried to bail, but I wouldn’t let her.”

“Sounds like we could all use a night out,” I say as Jasmine pours me a glass of the frozen drink.

“Hell, yeah,” she agrees. “You look gorgeous, by the way. Love the straight hair.”

“Thanks,” I say and check out her tiny silver skirt and beaded top. I’m sure whatever she’s wearing is by a top designer and must cost a small fortune. “You look like you just stepped off the runway.”

“I did!” she says and we both laugh.

As we take a sip, the door swings open and Morgan steps inside. “Hi, girls,” she says and walks into the kitchen. “Ooh, yum,” she says as she accepts a strawberry daiquiri from Jasmine. “This is much-needed after the day I’ve had.”

“You work way too much, M,” Jasmine says.

“I know.” Her face darkens. “But, I have to.” She glances at me. “My Mom is sick and her care is expensive. But, I don’t want to talk about that tonight.”

“No, tonight we are having fun,” Jasmine announces.

“Where’s Savannah?” Morgan asks.

“Home feeling like shit. She said she’s sorry she can’t make it, but the twins are keeping her nauseous and she’s not up for dancing.”

“I certainly don’t blame her,” Morgan says. “I can’t believe she’s going to have twins.”

“I know, it’s crazy!”

“Don’t forget Isa is meeting us there,” I say.

“The more, the merrier,” Jazz says.

After we finish the pitcher, the girls and I take an Uber over to Club Noir. The place is packed and there’s a line snaking down the sidewalk and around the corner. Jasmine glides to the front door and Morgan and I follow. She motions to the bouncer and tells him we’re on the VIP list. He looks for our names and then smiles.

“Oh, you’re friends with Taylor,” he says and pulls out a few wristbands. He secures them around our wrists and then lifts the velvet rope. “She’ll be looking for you. Have a good night, ladies.” When we walk into the dark club, I have to say I feel pretty special. I’ve never gotten any kind of VIP treatment before.

Hip-hop music pounds and a smoke machine kicks on giving the place a misty, otherworldly quality. We head over to the bar and flash our special wristbands. “Drinks on Taylor,” Jasmine says and we all laugh. The bartender whips our drinks up fast and I take a sip of my vodka sour. Mmm. It tastes like spiked lemonade.

“Anyone see Taylor?” Morgan asks. Her dark hair hangs down her back in waves and, in combination with her bright blue eyes, she’s really striking. She wears black, faux leather leggings and a metallic shirt that slips off a shoulder. There’s something very alluring, yet extremely mysterious about her.

“Over there!” Jazz points to a cage on the side of the stage where Taylor dances.

Wow, I wouldn’t have recognized her. I’m used to seeing her after ballet with her hair pulled back in a tight bun and wearing a leotard. But, this Taylor is completely different. And, she has the moves.

Taylor’s long red hair seems to shimmer in the flashing lights and she tosses it around as she moves to the hip-hop music thumping through the speaker. She wears a pair of fishnet stockings with tiny, torn-up denim shorts, a half shirt and military-looking black boots.

We make our way up to the cage and jump up and down, motioning to her and calling her name like fans at a rock concert. When she sees us, she drops down and a huge grin lights up her face. “You’re here!” she yells above the music. “Hang on, I’m coming down.”

Taylor motions for another dancer to take her place in the cage and then she hurries down the stage stairs. “Yay!” she yells and launches into us. “I’m so happy you guys are here!”

We all squeal and she guides us over to a roped-off table with a placard that reads VIP. “This is your table,” she tells us and then drags a chair out and plops down. Her face glistens with sweat and she’s probably been dancing for hours.

“This is great!” Jasmine says and we all sit down. It’s a little quieter away from the pounding speakers and we can hear each other over the music which is nice.

“I’ve never been here,” Morgan says.

“I know!” Taylor says. “I’ve been trying to get you to come down forever. Where’s Savvy?”

“She called and said her morning sickness lasted til 8pm tonight. Poor thing sounded terrible.”

“Aww, that’s too bad,” Taylor says and twists the cap off a water bottle. She gulps it down.

“Your makeup looks so cool,” I say, eyeing the smoky look, and Taylor smiles.

“Thanks. I don’t wear any when you usually see me after ballet.”

“I know! I almost didn’t recognize you up there.”

Taylor looks down at her rockstar outfit and shrugs. “Not quite the same as my tutu,” she says with a chuckle. She glances around the table then looks at me. “So, did I miss the conversation about you and Foxy Flyboy having it out at the pool last night?”

“Oh, God,” I say and cover my face with a hand.

“Yeah, what happened?” Morgan asks. “Cody told me Ryan was yelling at you and jumped into the pool with his clothes on.”

“And, that’s not typical Ryan,” Taylor adds. “He’s always so relaxed and easygoing.”

I look from Taylor to Jasmine who already knows that I slept with Ryan. Morgan doesn’t know yet, but she’s not stupid. “We slept together,” I tell Morgan and her blue eyes widen. “It was just the one time, but…”

“But, they both want more,” Jasmine says. “And, neither can fully admit it.”

“Oh, geez,” Morgan says.

“It’s a mess,” I admit.

“Do you like him?” Morgan asks.

“So much,” I say and swirl the straw around the cherry in my drink. “But, now he’s talking to some chippy online-”

“Daphne,” Jasmine supplies.

“Daphne,” I confirm, “and, I don’t know what to do. This afternoon, I told myself it was over and that I was going to forget all about him. But, easier said than done.”

“Men suck,” Morgan says and we all laugh.

“It’s much easier being single,” Taylor adds.

“But, not half as fun,” Jasmine says.

I let out a long sigh. “I need advice, girls.”

“My advice is to forget about him and just have fun tonight,” Taylor says. “Drink, dance and be merry!”

I know she’s right and I nod my head. A server walks over and we all order round two. I don’t want to think too hard about Ryan for the rest of the night. In fact, I’m going to banish him from my thoughts completely.

I look up and see Isa making her way over to our table. “Isa!” I jump up and wave. She looks gorgeous with her platinum blonde hair in a slick ponytail and a cute little club dress. When she gets to the table, I introduce her to Jasmine, Morgan and Taylor.

After our drinks come, Taylor tells us she has to get back to work. To help me start forgetting Foxy Flyboy, I down my drink. Jasmine and Taylor burst out laughing at how fast I suck it down and I order another one.

“Rough day?” Isa asks.

“Rough year,” I say and roll my eyes.

A minute later, we decide to go down on the crowded dance floor.

The club is hot and dancers are shoulder-to-shoulder. We push past people until we get close to the center and then start dancing. I throw my head back and let my body move to the music. I haven’t felt this free in a long time. All of my inhibitions melt away and I dance with my friends, letting the music take over.

I don’t want to think about my uncle or Indiana or Ryan.

A few times, guys move up behind us and try to dance with us, but we ignore them. This is a girls’ night and they aren’t allowed to intrude into our little bubble. After dancing for almost an hour, we make our way back to the VIP table and drop down, exhausted. The server brings us another round and I blink as the room tilts.

I am drunk, I realize, and I don’t even care.

I think we all are, actually. I burst out laughing, feeling really good for the first time in a long time. Jasmine, Morgan and Isa start laughing, too.

“Why are we laughing?” Morgan asks, trying to catch her breath. “Did I miss something?”

That makes me laugh even harder and suddenly we double over in a fit of giggles and no one even knows why.

Sometimes, that kind of laughter is the best of all.