Daddy’s Temptation by Kelly Myers




Waking up in Ryan’s bed, snuggled up in his arms, my head lays against his chest and I listen to his strong heartbeat. A heart that is also so kind and full of love. And, I’m so happy to know that this amazing man is finally all mine.

We didn’t get much sleep last night and I yawn, pull back and stretch. For the first time since I can remember, everything feels right in my world. I don’t feel scared or worried or hurt. The edginess that used to plague me is gone. I’m not afraid that I’m going to see my Uncle Wayne again, thanks to Ryan. In fact, after getting a taste of his own medicine, I am confident that he is out of my life for good.

“Morning,” Ryan says, his voice rough with sleep.

I reach over and lay my hand on his chest. “Morning.”

He instantly reaches up and covers my hand with his. “Sorry, I didn’t let you get much sleep last night,” he says with a smirk.

“I’m not.”

“Yeah, I’m actually not, either,” he says and gives a low, husky laugh.

“So, are you ready to meet Bella’s boyfriend today?”

He lets out a breath and squeezes my hand. “Is a Dad ever ready to meet his daughter’s boyfriend?”

I chuckle. “She’s got you between a rock and a hard place, you know.”

“I know, but hopefully he’s a good man. I think being with you has expanded my horizons a little, you know?”

“Oh, I’ll expand your horizons, alright,” I say and pinch his nipple.

“You’re something else, you know that?”

“And, you love it.”

“I do.” He slaps my ass and I give a little squeal and hop out of bed. After I use the bathroom and wash my face, Ryan comes in and hands me an extra toothbrush. He squeezes some toothpaste on it and then his. As we brush our teeth, side by side, I look at our reflection in the mirror and love this feeling. I bump his hip with mine.

“I could get used to this,” I say and spit into the sink. I rinse my mouth and watch him finish up.

“Get used to what?” he asks and reaches for a can of shaving cream.

“Sharing the bathroom with you every morning.”

He slathers the cream over his lower face and lifts a razor.

“Watching you shave.” I hop up on the counter, fascinated by the way he moves the blade over his face with practiced ease.

“Is it really that exciting?” he asks and raises a brow.

“I think so.”

He leans over the sink, splashes his face with water and I watch how his broad back ripples with each movement. Heat fills me. Then, he stands back upright, grabs a towel and wipes his face off.

Ryan glances over and I must be pretty easy to read because he moves over between my legs, grasps my hips and pulls me forward. “I didn’t know shaving turned you on this much,” he whispers.

“Everything about you turns me on, Foxy Flyboy.”

His lips twitch. “That’s such a ridiculous nickname.”

“You know you love it.”

He leans down and gives me a very long, very thorough pepperminty kiss.

“How about showers? Those turn you on, too?” He tugs me off the counter with a devilish smile. “Because we can share that every morning, too.”

I bite the inside of my cheek as he guides me over to the large, stand-up shower and turns the water on. Yes, I think, I could easily get used to a life with Ryan Fox.

Later that afternoon we sit on the couch and watch a movie. Ryan must be thinking he could get used to living with me, too, because he turns to me and I can feel his serious green gaze.

“What?” I ask.

“I was just thinking about what you said earlier,” he begins slowly. His fingers snake through mine. “I know it’s fast, but...what do you think about moving in with me?”

I crawl up into his lap and gaze into those beautiful minty-green eyes of his. “You sure you want me living here?”

“I want you as close to me as possible, all of the time, my little songbird.”

A huge smile lights my face up and I nod vehemently.

He laughs. “Is that a yes?”

“A million percent, it’s a yes!”

As we kiss, it amazes me how fast my life has changed. I left Indiana in the middle of the night, a scared, lonely, abused girl with no one to turn to and only with the slim hope that I could start a life in Los Angeles. And, of course, a dream in my heart.

And, now here I am, in the arms of the most extraordinary man I’ve ever met who loves me and will protect me. I’m so happy, so blessed and I’m practically bursting at the seams.

“You know, I just finished unpacking, too,” I lament.

He gives me a devastating smile. “Well, pack it all right back up, baby. Because I’m moving you in this week.”

The pool party and barbecue tonight is more fun than ever before. Everyone congratulates me on my performance at the Magnolia Club and wishes me luck with the meeting that I have tomorrow with the agent.

“Tomorrow at this time, you’re going to have representation!” Jasmine announces. “I’m so happy for you, Hailey.”

“You know what that means?” Taylor adds. “We need another girls’ night out to celebrate because our friend is on her way to becoming a mega-big superstar!”

“One step at a time,” I say and laugh. I love all of their support and I am so happy to have these girls in my life.

“I’m going to make everyone I know download your album,” Jasmine promises.

The funny thing is, I know she’s not kidding.

“We’ll make sure you go platinum,” Taylor says with a wink.

A moment later, I feel Ryan’s arms slide around my waist and I tilt my head back and give him a smile. “What’s going on, ladies?” he asks and presses a kiss to my temple.

Jasmine and Taylor collectively sigh. Then, Jasmine puts her hands on her hips. “I can’t believe you told him his nickname.”

“Sorry, Jazz. But, I thought he should know how the women of Sunset Terrace really feel.”

I think it’s adorable when a blush rises in his cheeks.

“Well, I’m glad you two are finally together,” Taylor says. “You’re a perfect match.”

“Thanks, Tay,” I say. “I think so, too.”

“Though, I have to say the pool fight was quite entertaining,” Jasmine comments with an innocent look.

I stifle a laugh and Ryan just shakes his head.

When a car pulls up at the curb, we all look over to see Bella and a tall man with sandy-colored hair get out. I notice the way he walks around the car and opens the door for her. And, I’m pretty sure Ryan does, too.

“Very polite,” I whisper and Ryan only grunts. “Remember, keep an open mind and be nice.”

“I’m always nice,” he says.

“C’mon,” I say and grab his hand.

Bella and her boyfriend head up the walkway and we meet them halfway up. For a nervous moment, we all look at each other. Then, Ryan extends his hand. “I’m Ryan, Isabella’s Dad.”

“Good to meet you, Ryan,” he says. “I’m Shawn Cullin.”

Shawn looks to be around Ryan’s age, early 40s, and I can tell that he’s nervous. He swipes a hand through his short, sandy hair and clears his throat.

“This is Hailey,” Ryan says, introducing me.

“Hello,” I say with a smile, reach over and shake his hand.

“Thanks for inviting us over, Dad,” Bella says and toys with the gold heart necklace around her neck. “It means a lot,” she adds under her breath.

Ryan gives Bella a hug. “You’re always welcome here, honey.” He turns his attention back to Shawn. “We have a barbecue by the pool every Sunday and you both have a standing invitation.”

Bella smiles and reaches for Shawn’s hand. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Why don’t we get you both a cold drink,” I suggest.

We all head for the cooler that sits near the grill. While Bella and Shawn choose a drink, Ryan lifts the lid on the grill and flips the burgers and hotdogs.

“So, how did you two meet?” I ask.

“Remember when I flew to New York a couple of months ago?” Bella asks Ryan.

“To visit your friend,” Ryan says.

“Yeah. Well, I met Shawn at the airport while I was waiting for my connecting flight,” Bella says. “Didn’t I tell you he’s a pilot?”

Ryan’s head snaps up and I feel a smile tug at the corner of my mouth.

“No, you didn’t mention that. You fly?” he asks, attention on Shawn.

“I do. I became a commercial airline pilot after I retired from the Air Force.”

Bull’s eye,I think. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

“No shit,” Ryan says. “I was 160th.”

“Really? That’s incredible. I actually thought about trying to do that, but that’s a tough job.”

“Brutal, but I loved it. I just took Hailey flying last week.”

“You went flying?” Bella asks.

I nod. “It was so much fun.”

“What did you pilot?” Shawn asks.

“My friend Jax owns a Robinson R44 that I use.”

“Oh, man, a Raven I? How does she handle?”

“Like a dream. Four-seater, 260 hp carbureted Lycoming 6-cylinder engine and hydraulically assisted flight controls.”

“The flight controls are directly linked by pulleys and push-pull rods?”

“That’s right.”

I turn to Bella and smile. “This could go on for a while,” I say.

She laughs.

“C’mon, let’s go sit in the sun with Jazz and Taylor while they talk shop.”

It’s not long before the Dynamic Duo graces us with their presence by doing cannonballs into the pool. Mason and Cody manage to splash us, but it feels good and we all laugh. I look over and see that Ryan and Shawn are deep in conversation, most likely about helicopters or planes. It’s pretty cute.

I take a sip of my soda and look around at all of my new friends. Morgan is missing and I assume she’s working like usual. And, Jazz said Savannah and Nick decided to head out of town for one last trip alone before she’s too far along to fly. I know they’re excited to welcome their twin girls and I look forward to meeting them.

But, a little alone time is always a wonderful thing, I think, as I look over and study Ryan’s handsome face. He must feel my gaze because he glances up. The moment our eyes lock, an electrical current flashes between us and I cross my legs, feeling a wave of anticipation. I have a feeling that we’re going to be leaving the pool party early today.



“I asked if you and Ryan are official now?” Mason asks, sitting down next to Jasmine. She makes a face as he drips water all over her lounge chair.

I glance over at Bella. “Actually, I’m going to be moving in with him.”

To my relief and happiness, she gives me a small smile. “If you need any help moving, let me know.”

“Thank you,” I say. I have a feeling that Bella and I are going to become very close. Like sisters, and I couldn’t be more excited.

Cody whistles. “What is it with apartment 12?”

“What do you mean?” I ask and turn to look up at him, shading my eyes from the bright sun.

“Isn’t it obvious? Whoever moves into that place falls in love and moves out within a month.”

Jasmine raises a brow. “You know, I think you’re right. First Savvy, now Hailey. Who’s next?”

We all look at Taylor who shifts on her lounge chair. “Why is everyone looking at me?” she asks, blue eyes wide. She gives her red hair a shake and crosses her arms. “I have no time for a man in my life. I’m far too busy with ballet and working until 2am every night. Maybe you should move in there, Jazz.”

“Oh, hell, no,” she says. “I’m barely around as it is. I think it’s much better-suited for you, Tay.”

Taylor gives a huff. “I’m quite comfortable where I am, thank you very much.”

We all laugh and then Ryan calls us over because the food is ready. I fill my plate with chips, some macaroni salad and wait for a hotdog. Bella is second to last in line, just ahead of me, and she pauses.

“How’s it going between you and Shawn?” I hear her ask in a low voice.

“I like him,” Ryan says. “I think your Mom will, too.”

All of a sudden, Bella throws her arms around Ryan in a fierce hug. “Love you, Dad,” she whispers.

I see Ryan’s eyes slide shut and I can only imagine how long he’s been waiting to hear those words from her and how much they must mean to him. “Love you, too, Bella-Vanilla,” he says in a voice tight with emotion.

After Bella walks away to join Shawn by the pool, I move up beside Ryan and lay a hand along his dear face. “Are you okay?”

It takes him a moment to collect himself, but then he nods. “I’ve never been better.”

“I’m glad.”

He lets out a shaky breath and places a hotdog in the bun on my plate.

“Smells delicious,” I tell him. “And, it looks like you and Shawn have a few things in common.”

His mouth edges up. “Maybe a couple things,” he admits. “From what I can tell, he seems like a good guy. I’m sure Paige will like him just as much as I do.”

“Hopefully he doesn’t remind her too much of you,” I tease.

“Hey!” He nudges me with an elbow.

“I told everyone we were moving in together this week.”

“What did Bella say?” he asks.

“She offered to help me,” I announce.

I see the happiness in his eyes and he nods. “I think everything is going to work out just fine, Hailey Aurora Lane.” He takes my plate, sets it on the side of the grill and pulls me into his arms.

I let out a content sigh. “I think you’re right, Foxy Flyboy.”

“Oh, God,” he grumbles. “I’m never going to hear the end of that, am I?”

I chuckle. “Nope. Because that’s exactly what you are-- a dashing pilot who flew into my life like an absolute whirlwind and stole my heart.”

“And, your virginity,” he adds with a wicked smile and nips my bottom lip.

“No,” I say and wrap my arms around his neck. “That was my gift to you.”

I look deeply into his light green eyes and know that we have a beautiful future ahead of us and I am so excited to start it together.

“I love you, little songbird.”

“Love you, too.”

Then, his lips capture mine and my stomach drops. And, once again, it feels like I’m soaring through the skies again with my Foxy Flyboy.